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/lit/ - Literature

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18771050 No.18771050 [Reply] [Original]

This board is wack, writing books is gay. I'm going to re-learn mathematics from scratch and go full /sci/ and /g/ autism.

>> No.18771055

Smart move anon.
And you'll proceed to do what with your newly acquired knowledge?

>> No.18771058

kill myself

>> No.18771154

SICP is literature and sometimes discussed here. There's a lso some good mathematics books charts and roadmaps sometimes posted.

>> No.18771177

You'll be overqualified for /g/ after reading 10 pages of any math book. This include preface to the anniversary edition, preface from the editor, a couple of author's favorite poems, etc.

>> No.18771353
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Them some digits

>> No.18772993
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I'm with you OP.I have already started my journey.Now what I need is to cure my addiction of jewtube and 4channel.

>> No.18774471


>> No.18775009

>I'm going to re-learn mathematics from scratch
You should go through the Art of Problem Solving series. Can find most of their books by looking up Richard Rusczyk on libgen. They're what I'll use to educate my future son.

>> No.18776718

>re-learn mathematics from scratch
I’ve been looking into this, where are you gonna start?

>> No.18777552

I’m on the opposite end. I’m going to drop mathematics and physics, and dive into philosophy, languages and history. Idgaf anymore

>> No.18778015

You start with propositional calculus.

>> No.18778126

Damn, a lot of us are thinking in this way it seems.

PreCalculus, probably

>> No.18778151

Mathchads please enlighten me, I want to learn math up to calculus and the easier postcalculus subjects, but I have no motivation to finish my precalc preliminaries because I feel like a retard who simply doesn't enjoy the basics of math

Can I just do my best with the basics and not care too much if I miss a few things, then memorize trig and practice it for a while, and then just dive into calculus?

How do i get over the initial hump and get to the fun stuff

>> No.18778234

It should all be fun even the basic stuff like "pre-calculus." You should consider the Gelfand series (Algebra, Trigonometry, Graphs and Functions and Methods of Coordinates). Pinter's Abstract Algebra is also great to read alongside of a precalc text where you autistically grind problem sets. My own view is that you need to build up a lot of mathematical intuition by doing a lot of problems before going into proofs and advanced material. Advanced mathematics is generalizing/abstracting a lot of the the stuff you learn in introductory courses.

>> No.18778293

I honestly think it's a three folded back and forth in most cases but can of course be fewer or more. What I mean is a person may start out with an interest in science and math, realize how much of a midwit they are and focus on the humanities for some years before going back, or vice versa. Just remember to always keep a 90-10 balance at minimum imo.

>> No.18778328
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I’ve always been a humanities kid. I disingenuously attempt to do math/science out of hubris. I do this because I think of eternity if you know what I mean. I don’t enjoy it, even though I’m in love with it and can’t leave it behind like she is a toxic lover. I honestly don’t know what to do.

>> No.18778351
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I'm /lit/, /his/, /x/ (sometimes cause /x/ is the worst den of incels)