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18770679 No.18770679 [Reply] [Original]

Dyslexia sucks all the fun out of reading. Every book I pick up just frustrates me because of how slowly I read. How do other dyslexiabros deal with this? I don't want to be someone who doesn't read :(

>> No.18770716

didn't you get treatment for this when you were a child

>> No.18770723

seems like a fake problem

>> No.18770731

realise that reading quickly is simply another facet of unfettered capitalist ideology influencing and rotting your mind by inculcating in you a belief that faster = more = better in every facet of life
who gives a shit if you read slowly? you're never going to read the most because some people can sit down and digest an entire book in 6 hours
this farcical competition is doomed from the start so do not participate
if you genuinely enjoy reading, then read
stop measuring every aspect of your life simply because it is so ingrained in modernity
be better than the system, anonymous internet poster!

>> No.18770736
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Keep at it. Listen to music. Allow yourself to stop and think about what you’ve read, but get back to it. Do try to leave 4chan if you can. All the internet is so distracting.

>> No.18770840

Nope. I'm good at the analysis side of things, in fact English was my best subject at school, because we only studied like one book a year so I had time to read it and beyond that the analysis was a breeze, so my parents assumed I was fine. So did I to be fair. It's just when I started college that I realised it was really hard for me to keep on top of the reading because I simply couldn't process it fast enough.

>> No.18770868

Good advice, I definitely struggle with being patient with myself

>> No.18770889

also have you tried dyslexia reading glasses? if you get the right colour they apparently can work wonders, at least so i've heard

>> No.18770913

I had no idea these existed! Thanks :))

>> No.18770921
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i promise you i read slower than you do and i don't have dyslexia. i'm 25% thru Dawn to Decadence (900 page cultural history), 250 pages in, and i have FOURTY (40!) hours logged on this book, that's 6 pages an hour. it took me about 100 hours to read infinite jest (takes the average person about 18 hours). and this is FAST for me, i used to read much slower. you get better as you read more.

speedreading is retarded. if you're trying to read fast then you're probably reading for the wrong reasons. just enjoy the ride

>> No.18770940

>I'm dyslexic
>But I didn't realize it until college
If you're gonna LARP, do it in a way that it makes sense.

>> No.18771092

In high school I read 1 book per year and we read most of it in the classroom. In college my workload is ~3 books/papers a week. I physically cannot process the words in time. It's not an attention thing, nor a comprehension issue. Once I've parsed the text I can write essays in my sleep, but I literally have to read each line about 4 times before I can get there.

>> No.18771100

Dyslexia is made up by the pharmaceutical corporation to bend man into a material mode of existence. You do not have dyslexia.

>> No.18771112


>> No.18771142

How could I provide information on this co-optation of man when all channels of information and indeed, all sources of academia, specifically that of science, are controlled by this corporation. When I say corporation, I do not just refer to the Pharmaceutical field; I refer to the machine. So, just like ADHD is fake, so too are your misdiagnoses on what should have been dispelled by common logic.

>> No.18771173

surely you procured this information from some source originally? or have you just discerned this through extreme cogitation in isolation?

>> No.18771221
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Nonsense. It’s just that some minds don’t form these abstract symbols in our heads as sharply as others.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.18771270

I'm a dyslexic who is reading the complete works of shakespeare. When I watch the play's it's like there's entire scenes that I missed or didn't read even though I did read them. I still love reading though. I aim for understanding not speed.

>> No.18771291
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It's not hard to determine that financial domination correlates to total domination; be it in the form of propaganda to assimilate a mass to form a certain makeup: look at consumerism and the dependency of material goods for instance that increases the field for this scheme of total domination.
What OP needs is to go outside and distance himself from society to expunge what society has forced upon him. Not encouragement to continue with what society has forced upon him.

>> No.18771306 [DELETED] 

it is fake. it absolutely is fake just like most of these causes. Does that make the experience of the effects any less real? No. But by understanding where the cause comes from we can better understand ourselves to then overcome the effects.

>> No.18771319
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it is fake. it absolutely is fake just like most of these effects. Does that make the experience of the effects any less real? No. But by understanding where the cause comes from we can better understand ourselves to then overcome the effects.

>> No.18771344
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If he likes books, he can continue to enjoy the. My recommendation was to not let social expectations ruin that enjoyment. Its a minor handicap we share.

>> No.18771349

My gf is dyslexic. Hates reading as a result but managed to do a masters recently.

Her reading sucks but the tradeoff is that she's extremely perceptive with people, her interpersonal intelligence (or whatever it's called) is off the charts, she reckons it's due to the way dylexics put connections together

>> No.18771355
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>> No.18771363


>> No.18771383
File: 238 KB, 500x332, laughing-cruise-laughing-tom-cruise-know-your-meme-52604649~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>join Scientology
>Be blessed by David miscavige
>Work for years to resolve your thetan levels
>Attain higher consciousness
>Your Tom Cruise.

>> No.18771388
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I suppose you’re one of those armchair pharmacists who claim tinnitus isn’t real either. Fuck off.

>> No.18771410

Audiobooks my disabled friend

>> No.18771426

Vaccines cause autism and you have it. Go Drink some covid bitch

>> No.18771432
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Eat shit and die butters. Dyslexia is a result of the formation of the behavior of man. It is the creation by an external modifier, it is not an internal modifier insofar that it is not inherent. These unintended consequences can be expunged by an internal investigation as long as it follows that his external environment is changed.

>> No.18771435

> dahhh, me no can read gud but all the time me spend not reading, me spend on gossiping and shit

>> No.18771449

Getting letters backwards all the time when you’re first learning to spell hasn’t anything to do with any of that shit. Suck it Penny poster.

>> No.18771474

I had a classmate with dyslexia in high school, she loved reading.

>> No.18771535

butterboy why are you so based lately? you have been eternally cringe but these past few days you've been btfoing nerds left and right

>> No.18771773

She literally deepthroating my cock right now :3

It helps her channel negative energy

>> No.18771814
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Must be the caffeine

>> No.18771817

It's my cock :3

>> No.18771842

Die in a fire

>> No.18771848

Do you read in slo-mo or just repeat every sentence multiple times?

>> No.18771867


Hey how about this: did you or did you not wear a collar with my name on it today.

>> No.18771868
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>> No.18771883


>> No.18772809
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Something I've noticed when reading medieval and classic texts is that their paced for leisure. Every word should be savored -- they wrote for connoisseurs.

There's a contemporary essayist named George Scialabba and I reached out to him last summer. He writes that writers nowadays have to write for people who don't have the attention span for TV. But fuck that. Reading and thinking should be for the pleasure of understanding, so I recommend choosing really old books -- one of my favorites is Al Razi's "Spiritual Physick" which was written as a short treatise one ethics for some prince.

>> No.18773197

go at own pace OP. any book worth reading is worth savouring but for a big novel it can help to quickly read shit.
keep reading desu <3

>> No.18773291

you claim you have problems reading but you yet here you are on 4chan which is 90% reading probably for hours at a time without problem

>> No.18773292

if we count internet shit as reading then i'm reading like half of war and peace every day in shitposts alone kek

>> No.18773575

She can perceive my balls in her mouth

>> No.18773595

Unfortunately if you're badly Dyslexia the only proper teacher is necessity.

You've got to watch films with subtitles on, play video games, really, anything that requires you having to get it right. That's how I learned to overcome my own Dyslexia.

You could also bypass the problem of having to "read" altogether by listening to audiobooks -- like I do.

>> No.18773687

dyslexic fag here
I'm one of those that can't tell left from right types. Imagine how embarrassing it is for a man to mix up left with right, especially behind a wheel.
Also, I'm struggling with verbal instructions. It needs to be explained to me almost word by word, even the basic shit. I just don't "catch" it like most people. I hear things differently from how they're supposed to sound as well. Even in my mother tongue. Always watched films with subs due to this or with headphones. It started in elementary school, I kept making mistakes while writing, mixing up letters and I thought nothing of it, thought maybe I was just rushing things.
Funny thing though, I read what I want to read without any issues. Anything else that bothers me or I simply don't want to read? No chance. I'll put it off until last minute and it'll take me ages to read any of that shit.
Is this all made up? Fuck knows, maybe. My mother has it, mixes up left and right all the time but she's got no issues with catching the meaning of a conversation or "getting it" from verbal instructions. My father seems to have issues with instructions nut no problem with left/right discrimination.

>> No.18773690

publishers should print books in the same format as 4chan posts and using yotsuba theme
would be much easier to read books

>> No.18774235

Fuck, the vaccines fucked you up pretty bad. Your parents are idiots for sucking up to the medical cartel and letting them poison you.
>I'm one of those that can't tell left from right types.
Isn't that the easiest? Just imagine which hand you would give to someone in front of you to shake his hand, that's right. The other is left.

>> No.18774476

Listen to the audiobook while reading, that way you get help with the words you are stuck on.
There are many audiobooks on youtube, and there you can even choose the pace. Maybe you can start at 0,75x speed and see if you can keep up. Then turn up the speed as you get more comfortable. I do this to get through tricky texts at 2x speed.