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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 333x499, Bloomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18767126 No.18767126 [Reply] [Original]

>do hard cardio in the morning
>have a cold shower
>sit down with a book and your favourite type of coffee

There's no better feeling in this world.

>> No.18767131

working out really helps in learning

>> No.18767166

>work out
>fell good
>upper back starts hurting
>life is now less enjoyable than before working out
Don't fall for the meme. Esp if you are jewish like me and don't wanna spend the extra $$ on a PT that will show you the correct form.

>> No.18767172

>enjoy a breakfast grazed from the garden while listening to the birds
>set the french press in motion
>go for a swim
>enjoy coffee while listening to the birds and watching the bumble bees pollinate the tomatoes.
>do some gardening
>chop some firewood
>bike into town for sundry items
>have lunch and a beer while shooting the shit with retired old farmers
>bike home
>take up plane, saw and chisel to do some woodwork (need a new desk)
>go for a swim to wash off the saw dust and sweat
>make supper
>sit down on the porch and read until the light fails
>watch the fireflies and listen to the crickets
>go to bed

No better feeling in the world

If you life does not bring you all the physical activity you need and you need to dedicate time to exercise, you are doing it wrong.

>> No.18767175

>correct form
>upper back starts hurting
You got jewed

>> No.18767176

The pain is a good thing anon. Really gets you in the mood for some /lit/ suffering.

>> No.18767181

uhmm what is hard cardio sweaty?

>> No.18767201
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bros....I just wanted this....

>> No.18767235

I live in the middle of a city but I'm hoping to achieve that idyllic situation you've laid out one day.

>> No.18767267

Then go on and do it.
Not as idyllic as people think it to be, it is just that bit of summer where everything is growing and there is not much to do other than pick up the odd bit of work on the nearby farms or in town to keep the bank account alive. I will pretty much be working sun up to sun down every single day for a good month straight in a few weeks followed by another month of 12 hour days. Then a short break until the ground freezes and I can start taking down trees for next years firewood for myself and my neighbor in the vein attempt at getting that done before it gets really cold. I get four or five months a year where life is pretty easy but overall it is far more work than one would do in the city with most any job.

>> No.18767272

Have you always done this or was it a deliberate life choice to get out into the rural environment and work there?

>> No.18767281

What will you be doing on all those sun up to sun down days

>> No.18767289

>smoke 2 cigarettes and drink 2 cups of coffee
>don't shower at all unless it gets itchy
>watch 6 youtube videos
>no need to work out, cause wageslaving is hard enough
>read 3 pages on the train, while dozing off ecery 2 sentences
>sleep immediatly after work hoping to not wake up again

Fuck you

>> No.18767292

Wew lad, NGMI.

>> No.18767299

Sorry, I don't do drugs.

>> No.18767379

Just sort of happened, was working in a processing plant (sugar beets), saving up money for some unknown future, there was a long strike and I realized I could manage without steady work.
Harvesting and doing what needs to be done to feed me for the 6 months to come. So start with the short shelf life plants which need to be harvested when they decide it is time to harvest, endless picking cleaning, chopping, peeling, pickling, preserving, drying, curing and so on. Hopefully that will be done before I have to cut and thresh the rye and wheat or I will be working in the kitchen after sunset. If everything goes well and the season is long I can slow down for bringing in the apples/root veggies/squash. And all the while the weekly bike ride into town to deliver the crop shares I do for the bank account. As time allows I head out to forage for mushrooms (and anything else tasty I may find) and preserve those for winter and do the odd bit of fishing. Once that is all done I can start getting everything ready for winter. It is a great deal of work to harvest and put up 6 months worth of food.

>> No.18767391

These posts
are a LARP.
Even if these people do have their totally heckin' wholesome bloomerino lifestyle in practice (oh my GOD A HEALTHY BREAKFAST!!!), why the fuck would you need to brag about it on this sad piece of shit of a board for autistic recluses? Why not brag about it on Facebook since it's literally made for this kind of shit? You know why? Because it's bullshit, people would call it out. They know OP is a fat pasty retard who's stuck in front of a computer all day jerking off to Japanese cartoons so this wouldn't fly.
>inb4 post body, cope, etc.
Seethe. I fucking hate people that 4chan has become nothing but social media for people who are too fucking wimpy to lie convincingly on Facebook.

>> No.18767404

Never seen someone so willing to out themselves an an obese seethster before. Good show.

>> No.18767412

I am sorry for the state of your life.

>> No.18767418

you're either fat or old, it's normal that it hurts when you're new in working out, more even if you're fat or old. You have to rest for a week and retake the working out or go to the medic if it doesn't stop hurting

>> No.18767422

as expected the asshurt LARPers are lashing out

>> No.18767432

>has become

>> No.18767439

Stop spreading that sort of negativity. There is a difference between a toxic obsession with health and showing off on Instagram for likes versus anonymously sharing what a good day might look like to your fellow literature friends . I agree with the others posters in this thread, on the days that I work out in the morning, take a cold shower and then enjoy an espresso in front of a good book I feel great.

>> No.18767441

Fuck off it wasn't like this before. More than half the people on this fucking site are LARPers, some LARP as women, some LARP as Christians, some LARP as happy fit people, some LARP as advice-givers while they're suicidal NEETs, some LARP as experts on this or that and backseat politicians. This used to be a site about having fun but now it's literally low effort social media, at least Faceshit needs some kind of groundwork to enable a plausible LARP, on this site you can just pull everything out of your ass and if someone tells you to fuck off you just ad hominem or ask for a self doxx. It's so fucking aggravating.

>> No.18767442


>> No.18767451

Stop LARP as a retard please

>> No.18767461

I think you may need more in your life than caring about the intricacies and social trends of /lit/ of all places. You're the kind of spastic who dives into threads only to chide people for being off-topic, aren't you? You're a step below a janny.

>> No.18767466


>> No.18767529

Teach me anon-kun

>> No.18767666

post body

>> No.18767676

>>set the french press in motion
what motion would that be?

>> No.18767693

yes, you do. your brain's full of them right now. you're just an addict in denial

>> No.18767700

> wake up every morning feeling like I haven’t slept at all
> every morning
> every damn morning

>> No.18768638

Hello brother

>> No.18768669
File: 10 KB, 882x758, DED9424D-F0A6-4906-9642-194319436B35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read a bunch of literature in preparation for this lifestyle
>watch YouTube videos on milking goats, pasteurizing milk, making cheese, plucking chickens, making mayonnaise, etc…
>live in state where real estate is hopeless because everyone moved here in 2020
>suddenly see a rural $215K house on the market
>I can actually afford the mortgage
>has 10 acres of farming/pasture land
>house needs a bit of work but is structurally sound
>sign a contract for the house
>now trying to get financing
>the Jews will not give me a home mortgage because they think I’m buying it for the land, even though I can afford to put down a good deposit
>overheard the inspector that I hired whispering to the realtor that he will put in a cash offer if I fail to get a loan
I’m seriously going to kill myself if this doesn’t go through.

>> No.18769228

do you guys ever work?

>> No.18769238


>> No.18769308

You're addicted to the dopamine fix this dumb site gives you, you fackin' junkie

>> No.18769344

>>upper back starts hurting
In the manner of just being sore or very painful?
Former's normal. It'll start changing to become comfortable with workouts.
If the later you may want to be watching your posture during work out.

>> No.18769362

I work as a freelance copywriter so I choose my own hours. I'm not bragging though, I just under the national average salary which is pretty shit.

>> No.18769366


Get over your house-oneitis and look for something else if it doesn't go through.

>> No.18769373

All that buttblast further proves your point
Good post anon.

>> No.18769382

Go back to tiktok.

>> No.18769658

I like dedicating time to it at the gym, it's fun. Plus it's really not fair to say we're doing it wrong given the times we live in. Many jobs require little to no activity at all.

>> No.18769676

>If you life does not bring you all the physical activity you need and you need to dedicate time to exercise, you are doing it wrong.
Midwit take. Physical progression can bring similar joys to what you've laid out here.

>> No.18769693

hit the gym bud

>> No.18769719

touch grass

>> No.18769725

not OP or any of those guys but i jerk off to japanese cartoons and i have somewhat of a bloomerino lifestyle. well, one i'm happy with at least. dont care if its "bloomerino" or whatever the fuck. the point is that i have conventionally good habits and i value jerking off to japanese cartoons just as much because it is one of the highest forms of art in my humble opinione

>> No.18769754

What country?

>> No.18769756

so you live off your parents or government benefits?

>> No.18769792

ive put a bid on 4 different houses before i got mine. you'll most likely visit many more houses and lose bids. that's how it is

>> No.18769822

Go back to /fit/ you gym rat

>> No.18769869

The motion of making coffee
It is perfectly fair, and people can change their profession.
Neither, I explained it in the following posts.

>> No.18769913

I can highly recommend skateboarding to you all. It has virtually no skill ceiling and there are tons of ways you can ride it; street, park, vert, bowl or just flat ground. You can combine styles as you please. The social milieu of skaters is very open and an easy way to talk to people. You move your body, constantly try to progress into new tricks and its a lot of fun. You can then relax and read a book while taking a break before resuming to skate. Also, most pro skaters are very high IQ because they understand that its all about spatial awareness and micro-mechanics. Listen to an audiobook while cruising around? Perfect! I can easily spend 12 hours at the skatepark with a book, some food and my board. Running is such a drench compared to this.

Why havent you taken the skateboard pill yet, /litters/?

>> No.18769928
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 0A9JD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doing cardio

>> No.18769932

Not to mention; my resting pulse has plunged to a staggering 46 after taking up skating. I was very active as a kid, but went alcoholic in my twenties before taking it up again. Its very healthy and you burn lots of calories and get into shape while having fun. Then you can try to go for a run and feel surprised how seemingly easy it is

Mind and body anons. I can also recommend mountainbiking :)

>> No.18770077

Skateboarding is fun but rough on the knees, long board ain't bad but still takes it's toll. Kind of miss it but my knees can not take that vibration any longer I can only ride on very smooth surfaces for any amount of time. Try fixed gear if you want a work out, puts the mountain bike to shame.

>> No.18770817

I have never skated, I'm somewhat fat (but working on it hard) and am 28 years old. That sounds based, but I'd be hesitant to start out.

>> No.18770831

this but unironically

>> No.18770845

Poor guy. Lift more.

>> No.18771075

Call it what you will. It's fun being any amount of healthy. Just exercising is great

>> No.18771511

this has inspired me ill remember you bro

>> No.18771538

I always wonder this when I read about various daily routines

>> No.18771879

Only honest post on this site

>> No.18772064

>everyone moved here in 2020

>> No.18772702

Built a board last year and have been having a lot of fun with it just cruising. Still haven't gotten ollies down which is kind of discouraging but it's still great. Sadly no parks in my area, middle of nowhere Japan. Hoping that the olympics might motivate them to build more parks here.

>> No.18772724

Just find a nice grassy place to practice, not having the wheels work against you makes it easy to get down. Any trick which does not explicitly require forward momentum is much easier to learn just by removing that movement. Nice thick grass is best, sure sign the ground is soft enough to hold the wheels.

>> No.18772767

I'll try that. I feel like I've got the motion down but doing it while rolling is challenging.
Once that's down, what kind of progression should I follow?

>> No.18772799

The missing yet implied item of this otherwise immaculate itinerary is
>4chan posting
Be more realistic when you LARP, it's actually more fun that way.

>> No.18772830

>one hour trek down the mountain to the creek to refill pail of water
>one hour trek up the mountain back to my cave with a pail of water
>sit down on the jutting rocks and contemplate the Trinity
get on my level OP

>> No.18772944


>> No.18772949

Once you have it in the grass you should be able to pretty much do it, just move onto the side walk and do some stationary ollies, get that down and you are likely good to go.

>> No.18772963
File: 528 KB, 500x382, 2989b2c3381723c568c0201e32c8c030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just need a job bros. I need to move forward in life. I need to get out of my parent's house. Please God give me the job I interview with tomorrow.

>> No.18773465

If not a larp you should make a youtube channel or blog or some shit about this lifestyle, what it's really like and how to get into it and do it live it. You should do this not to be a narcissistic female whore monger but because there is a DESPERATE unknown and untapped desire to escape Clown World. Lots of confused people in the big city that want off this ride but can't even imagine how.

>> No.18773474

This is how the shitty modern world works. Stop crying like a little bitch. Find another property or fix your financial shit so they can't jew you again.

>> No.18773476

When I was a wagie this is pretty much it. Boy, I can't wait to go back to wageslaving in a month in a half.

>> No.18773526
File: 134 KB, 1024x1024, B9843361-2FFC-46DA-9943-C5093621F4F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m over here LIVING

>> No.18773530

>be me
>20 year old blonde with blue eyes
>6'5,square jaw ,iq of 159
>almost look jacked but i've still got a lot of room for improvement.
>get constant signals of invitation from women wherever i go be it the supermarket ,the gym or even on the sidewalk
>have over 280 numbers of women
> intern at a top quant firm in nyc
>had sex atleast 35 times(i've basically lost count ) with qt 9/10 college girls and twice with a female employer in that firm
>didn't read a single shit what u incels had recommended but i do think i should be well read
life is so good to be born with good genes bros.

>> No.18773535

>takes cold showers because they feel good, not just torturing himself to achieve an abstract goal
what the fuck

>> No.18773554

Do it for 21 days, I bet you’ll actually enjoy it at the end. Like how you feel after a run

>> No.18773559

cold shower takers are psychos

>> No.18773564

No, the way it is written is just weird

>> No.18773586

no, some of us are just more advanced hedonists. they make you feel better, and if you take a hot shower afterwards, that feels so much better too than just a hot shower on its own

>> No.18773715

Blogging/Youtube really are not my thing and I have no desire for attention. Also, if the threads on the subject here, /diy/ and /out/ are representative of the sort my potential audience would be, they do not want to hear what I have to say, they just want to jerk off over survival guides and believe that the magic of permaculture will provide them with endless food without the work.

>> No.18773728

>they think I’m buying it for the land
What does this even mean?

>> No.18773735

They think he just wants to develop the land and not live/farm on it.

>> No.18773740

Then the bank should be happier to give money because a faster return is guaranteed? Everything seems so strange in America.

>> No.18773746

If you don't have an actual workout regime you will never attain the perfection of the body in its full potentiality of athleticism. Biking, walking, swimming, etc... will never allow you to unlock all of the secret motions that are inherent in the flesh. Physical exercise as only an after-thought to labor is a product of the system of objects, pure consumption of the body towards the end of rabid excess. Play a sport or something and you will understand how underdeveloped day to day life (even a hard one) will make you.

>> No.18773765

The key is home mortgage, they think he is trying to cheat them and take advantage of home mortgage rates and benefits when he should be getting a business loan

>> No.18773786

Oh, makes sense.

>> No.18773821

tf are u wating for? kill this asshole

>> No.18773916

I would rather have a body suited to my tasks than a body which meets some arbitrary idea of perfection.

>> No.18773953

>upper back starts hurting
That's the achievement. Stop looking at those fucking meme and start working out. No pain no gains no pussies no fun

>> No.18773956

Anon having good time of life. Based

>> No.18773965

Probably edgy /r9k/ or wannabe /pol/tards. Nigger hatred adds spice to life

>> No.18773975

what kind of pain is it. muscles getting stronger aches or i'm fucking up my body kind of pain? take it slow. if it's legitimately painful then you're doing it wrong and harming your body.

>> No.18773989
File: 35 KB, 600x800, ec0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably got hypno by kikes. Less men, more pussies for us.

>> No.18774020

I wonder if I can't swim well because I'm skinny. I think it is due to bad cardio too so I would need to work on that.

>> No.18774048

Work on your coordination, cardio and posterior chain. Doing a sport that integrates all three as a preliminary to swimming could be helpful, alternately just go straight into a full swimming regimen and train for a club or something.

>> No.18775219

This, i'm also living this life. the seethe that this post generated proves what i've always though of gymrats. Pure vanity, pride, jealousy and hatred for people that refuse to buy into their modernist meme.

>> No.18775227

You live on a farm?

>> No.18775245

yeah i inherited a large plot of land from my uncle a couple years back

>> No.18775427

Yo, guy, how are Japanese women? How come your country has a plunging population count with all those QT 3.14s out there.

>> No.18775459

Nice larp faggot.

>> No.18777166

>wake at 11 am
>fall back asleep to properly lucid dream till 1pm
>slowly wake up and read in bed till 4pm
>eat an apple and throw it out the window at a car passing by
>lie in bed again and play some music on the amp next to my bed
>prepare and eat food
>in bed again by 6pm and read or just lie and think till usually 11pm when I fall asleep
i love my bed.

>> No.18777186

Percent pure either skinny as fuck or fat as fuck. Either way just laying in bed isn’t good for your head.

>> No.18777213

What's your cardio workout anon

>> No.18777386

people are awake and do everything just so they can sleep again.
i have minimized the waking part and am in the healthiest human state by sleeping and resting continuously.

>> No.18777403

actual narcissist no one cares

>> No.18777514

Based lucid dreamer

>> No.18777953

an actual person, anons

>> No.18777962

faggot lol

>> No.18777992

One could always just
>use correct form
>things you like -> onions face
>things I like -> chad face
Everyone thinks they're the exception.

>> No.18778511

I cant focus for more than a few lines

>> No.18778537

Yikes honey

>> No.18778562


>> No.18778606

tip: write down your dreams
tip: hold your nose and breathe throughout the day to veryify you are awake. if you can breathe through your hands you are sleeping
tip: force yourself to wake up and go back to sleep multiple times, everytime you wake up think about the fact you will be in a dream soon.

>> No.18778615

damn I never thought I would miss wageslaving

>> No.18779118

I enjoy tea myself after weight lifting. Sometimes cold or hot, depending on the mood. Chamomile makes me feel very nice. Don't usually work out and read on the same day, as I get way too sleepy.

>> No.18779630


>> No.18779679
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>> No.18779791

is this a mid40´s single mom post in facebook?.

>> No.18779797

yup, same. it's not every day but on the days it is, it's one of my best days

>> No.18780279

Yet you're alone and for a few minutes before dozing off you wonder who will take care of you when you're older

>> No.18780313
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>emotionally available

>> No.18780331

Remote working revealed that I can readily do my senior white collar job in three hours a day. Negotiated having 4 days a week remote permanently in my contract. Covid madness did have huge advantages. Still unvaxmaxxing too.

>> No.18780601

I have a gf and am part of a community that absolutely takes care of those in the community who can not care for themselves.

>> No.18780635

Can the jannies please ban these /fit/ LARPfags who can't help but spam their fucking protein sermons on a /lit/ board instead of putting on their little dainty jumpsuit and having a nice run to Faggot town?
I don't give a FUCK about how good you feel after you work out, I'm not going to /k/ to spam vegan recipes, why don't the tranny loving janny cocksuckers ban this fucking shit? I report off topic threads all the time yet all this shit stays up.
Yes working out is good but this is a /lit/ board, fuck off to /r9k/ if you want to stroke you little cock you fucking mongrels.
If you really argue like this IRL I hope someone fucking disembowels you.

>> No.18780652

>t. could really use some hard cardio and a cold shower

>> No.18780660

I could really use biting your nose off you fucking rat

>> No.18780664

No they only ban literature threads. /fitlit/ destroys the board so they allow it

>> No.18780702
File: 96 KB, 1300x953, aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In what will survive me
>I am in harmony
>with my annihilation.

>> No.18780745

Deal with your gay anger and realize as someone who reports posts you are one step below an unpaid janny

>> No.18780761

why the fuck do you have to spam a board with off topic shit you fucking cock sucker? you fucking tranny nigger, I know you're just here to be annoying and ruin the last place that isn't pozzed on the internet. You and the fucking faggot jannies openly want to destroy what's left of this fucking place. Fucking hell I fucking hate discord trannies so much

>> No.18780768

Reminder that butterfly is one of the fitlit spammers

>> No.18780773

this man is living the dream

>> No.18780779

It's one thread out of dozens and ironically enough you're spending the most time here

>> No.18780798
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Poast Fizeek Naow

Reading won't get you laid

>> No.18780800

Gotta admit that tummy is hnng-tier, but why is this bitch such a whore?

>> No.18780811

They deleted and banned the ted thread that was about literature and ever since theyve spammed ff topic fitlit threads. coincidence?

>> No.18781362

and yet you still feel crippling emptiness inside

>> No.18781571

>tfw no gf

>> No.18781766

Same anon. You're not alone.

>> No.18781837


>> No.18782006
File: 363 KB, 960x480, nietzsche1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading in the morning

>> No.18782017

>Sleep like shit every day
>Cat starts getting fat, have to control his portion sizes
>He starts waking me up around 5 for his breakfast
>Inexplicably feel better rested
I think maybe it's a sleep cycle thing?

>> No.18782246

stfu autismo, mild non-pol off topic threads have never been the problem, they aren't the threads that kill board culture and bring down discourse. kys you mouthbreathing buttblasted wannabe tranny janny and stop coming into threads you don't like just to incessantly whine about them. or do, whatever floats your butthurt little boat. I'd beat you up IRL btw

>> No.18782305

>t. tranny janny