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18765122 No.18765122 [Reply] [Original]

what books are you guys reading at the moment

>> No.18765128


>> No.18765132

math book

>> No.18765163

I'm about to start The Glass Bead Game. Thus far I've read Steppenwolf, Narcissus and Goldmund, Gertrud, and Siddharta by Hesse and I loved every one of them.

Let's see how this one turns out.

>> No.18765170

Lolita. I had high expectations and it doesn't meet them yet.

>> No.18765176


>> No.18765181

the boatman's daughter

>> No.18765225
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Still early in
Japs are getting uppity but haven’t invaded yet

>> No.18765235

Way of Kings

>> No.18765247

Augustine's City of God
Guenon's Intro to the Study of the Hindu Doctrines
Richard Sennett's Families against the City

>> No.18765357
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I'm about halfway through やたらと察しのいい俺は、毒舌クーデレ美少女の小さなデレも見逃さずにぐいぐいいく.
The basic plot is that the protagonist has Sherlock Holmes's detective abilities, but instead of using them to solve crimes he uses them to understand what his girlfriend is thinking.
The gimmick is pretty fun. Apart from that it's a fairly standard light novel romance comedy, but well written with likable characters and some solid comedy. Koyuki, the main heroine, might be my favorite LN heroine ever. She's adorable and lovable but also a quite interesting character with a good amount of depth.
The book as a whole kind of feels like reading one of those VNs where you can hear what all of the heroines are thinking all the time, but the story actually acknowledges that you can do that and uses it in interesting ways. Great art too. I'm going to grab the rest of the series as soon as I can find it at a halfway decent price.

IMO the best part of Lolita is the opening. It's not like the rest of the book is bad or anything, I think its a solid read the whole way through, but if you aren't enjoying the first part you might want to consider dropping it.

>> No.18765368


>> No.18765397

None but the Kyballion soon

>> No.18765578

Finishing up The Red Book. I feel like his revelations are mostly common sense or tailored to himself and what works for him. The dialogues get slightly repetitive, with Jung taking exception to a statement and calling names. He was quite the name caller. I don’t find the writing exceptional, like the introduction claimed, however it is intelligent. The best thing I got from was the techniques themselves. Jung was an intuitive genius on how to interact with the subconscious mind.

>> No.18765598

I hate not finishinf books so I'll just grind through it. It's not like it's a particularly long read anyways. I preferred Nabakov's other works by far.

>> No.18765637

Tacitus' Histories.

>> No.18765640

I just read 4chan

>> No.18765649

Hunger by Knut Hamsun.

>> No.18765732

Molloy by becket, thoroughly enjoying it so far

>> No.18765824

may i ask why you started this book?

>> No.18765836

A biography of Caesar Augustus. Pretty cool

>> No.18765843

Recently bought a bunch of Beckett from a second hand store. Finished Murphy and it captivated me, Molloy is even better

>> No.18765846

sorry, is that available in english

>> No.18765857

Notes of a dirty old man by Bukowski

>> No.18765871

Fiction: The Book of Dave. I am finding it truly absurdly hilarious. It reads as if something like The Possibility of an Island was infused with the English sense of comedy.
Non-Fiction: Erving Goffman by Tom Burns. I've been reading a few of Goffman's books and this seems a good summarisation text to keep me on the right track before I read any more of his works. I have been wanting to get back into sociology and social philosophy on the side.

>> No.18765889

don't ask me but same 4 books I was when I first answered a thread almost like this one

>> No.18765933

this is an image board. if the other thread is dead you answer again, we have the same conversations again and again and again

>> No.18765940

i just finished Narziss and Goldmund, so I just started String Theory by DFW. never read him before. so far, it's pretty fun.

>> No.18765958

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
A Confederacy of Dunces
Bradley's Shakespearean Tragedy
Occasionally reading a Canto or two in the Divine Comedy

>> No.18766141

The Rape of Nanking by Iris Chang

>> No.18766158

Sun and Steel

>> No.18766173

Read The Iliad for the first time a couple weeks ago. I had planned to go right in to The Odyssey then The Aeneid but I ended up wanting a break.
Read A Personal Matter by Kenzaburo Oe and Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa.

>> No.18766187

Im reading Monkey. I love the Biblical-style prose and its pretty funny sometimes

>> No.18766210

Valis by Philip K Dick
The Gnostics by Jacques Lacarrière
Life and Energy by Isaac Asimov
To Live and Think Like Pigs by Gilles Châtelet
The Fractal Geometry of Nature by Benoit Mandelbrot
The Deep Hot Biosphere by Thomas Gold
Alchemical Active Imagination by Marie-Louise von Franz
The Sources of Social Power, Volume 1: A History of Power from the Beginning to AD 1760 by Michael Mann
How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature and Informatics by N. Katherine Hayles
Mirror Matter: Pioneering Antimatter Physics by Robert L. Forward
Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life by Nick Lane
The Cold Six Thousand by Jame Ellroy
The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life by Robert O. Becker
Alamut by Vladimir Bartol
The Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels
Cannibals and Kings: Origins of Cultures by Marvin Harris
Pathways to Bliss: Mythology and Personal Transformation by Joseph Campbell
The Spaces Between Us: A Story of Neuroscience, Evolution and Human Nature by Michael S.A. Graziano
TechGnosis: Myth, Magic and Mysticism in the Age of Information by Erik Davis
Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Pretzold
Simulacra and Simulation by Jean Baudrillard
The Mathematical Theory of Communication by Claude Shannon
The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Karl Marx
Underland by Robert Macfarlane
Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley
The Red Goddess by Peter Grey
Synaptic Self: How Our Brains Become Who We Are by Joseph LeDoux
Kelly: More Than My Share of It All by Clarence L. Johnson
Blessed is the Flame: An Introduction to Concentration Camp Resistance and Anarcho-Nihilism by Serafinski
Duty Free Art: Art in the Age of Planetary Civil War by Hito Steyerl
Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism by Lani Rinpoche
The Psychology of the Transference by C.G. Jung
Set Theory and the Continuum Hypothesis by Paul Cohen
Debt: The First 5,000 Years by David Graeber

and many fucking more on my list

>> No.18766253

The Great Fiction, by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

>> No.18766284
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Bhagavad Gita
Hume's Treatise of Human Nature
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Those are my moods and books that reflect so.

>> No.18766297

Dont let anyone poop on your parade the Kybalion is a fun book to deprogram yourself from millenia of ye old (((normie))) cancer. Its gripping. It is hard to put that book down. It just feels refreshing. Try the Gita or Upanishads after which have really short chapters. I always read faster when I have another book I want to read because my will follows through.

>> No.18766303

Less is more

>> No.18766331

Just finished East of Eden and loved it. Just began Sprinting Through No-Man's Land and I don't know what to say about it yet.

>> No.18766342

Just started reading Light in August by Faulkner. Previously, I have read As I Lay Dying, If I forget thee Jerusalem and he Sound And The Fury, and liked them all, so I have high hopes for Light in August.
Took me a long time to get into Faulkner, I had read all the classic works of Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky, Joyce, Proust, Mann, Musil etc. before I started on him. I adored the early works of Mario Vargas Llosa, and read that they are very similar in style to Faulkner, so decided to give him a shot.

>> No.18766462

Uhhh no. That’s an absute meme for brainlets.

>> No.18766498

just alternating between wodehouse and chesterton

>> No.18766529
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"Aunt Agatha could be here" he thought, "I've never been to this Manor before. There could be Aunts anywhere" The cool wind felt good against his well-dressed chest. "I hate the old war axe" he thought to himself. Sonny Boy reverberated from the neighbouring bandstand,making his car pulsate as Jeeves Special circulated through his fineley-tuned veins and washed away his(merited) fear of marriage. "With a two-seater, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself outloud, to Jeeves in particular

>> No.18766847

Dead Souls

>> No.18766850


>> No.18766862

Based Woosterposting

>> No.18766893

German for Reading, and Sun and Saddle Leather by Badger Clark. I'm sort of reading the Faerie Queene and The Secret of the Hittites by CW Ceram, both very good as far as I got. But I'm easily distracted, haven't gotten back to those in a couple weeks.

Badger Clark is wonderful by the way, more people should read him. Cowboy poet, probably the most American writer I've ever read. Very charming.

>> No.18767975
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this just came in. gonna savor it when i get to it

got a pile of campy 40s - 70s sci-fi i wanna do first though, admittedly.

>> No.18768033
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A History of the Christian Chruch - Williston Walker et al

>> No.18768053

Evening in the Palace of Reason - Frederick the Great meets Bach.

James Watson - The Double Helix

>> No.18768056
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The Man in White by Johnny Cash.

>> No.18768072
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I read some of Augustine's commentary on the Psalms last year.
It is interesting to see how someone who had personal knowledge of persecution view the scriptures.
Did you know that when 'testimony' is mentioned, it is a reference not merely to what one says, but actually to the testimony of the martyrs' deaths.

>> No.18768087
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>A History of the Christian Chruch - Williston Walker
I'll take a look.

>> No.18768251

I dont get it

>> No.18768252


>> No.18768326

Read Wodehouse

>> No.18768336

1599: A Year in the Life of Shakespeare

>> No.18768354
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sir.... we read books here

>> No.18768700
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Early Irish Myths and Sagas: I'm reading on the train and in the "office".
La Pasión Turca: Reading at home, I started a few minutes ago while I was stretching out my legs.
Wuthering Heights: I finished it right before midnight.

>> No.18768890

I don't read. It made my head feel tingly in a bad way.

>> No.18769840

Wuthering Heights is really boring

>> No.18769867
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Just started.

>> No.18769918

>dude weed lmao

>> No.18769964

>>dude weed lmao
finished and stoner was amazing.
This guy was smoking weed before it was cool and smoking out his dorm on the daily with the blazy

>> No.18770046

I like a lot of books. I like reading books. I don’t have the time to read very much now in terms of the books, but I like reading them

>> No.18770085
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>I don’t have the time to read very much now in terms of the books
meanwhile I am a NEET that does nothing but lay in bed reading and I am hating! truly hating that after having read a book I am tired and need to nap so I can wake up and read another.

Why don't you just quit your job and quit talking to everyone you know online and offline to read?

>> No.18770106

i loved stoner. the ending made me tear up

>> No.18770161

Phenomenology of spirit. I probably should've read Kant's critique of reason first.


It's mostly praised for the prose, which is just purple wank really

An honest man

It's ok, I think spergs here overdo it.

'The man who was Thursday' is an overlooked masterpiece. Also laughing at 'my man jeeves' got me my first gf


>> No.18771220

someone help me find this book

>> No.18771234
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>> No.18771328

everyone should read this or suggest it to others.
Keep in mind the target audience and it does a very good job.

>> No.18771338

"Dead Souls" by Nikolai Gogol

>> No.18771567

Dude! What a coincidence! I read the Palace of Reason a year ago and was surprised at how good it was (bought it in Germany because of the title). I kept putting it off because I thought it'd be about some random encounter and that's it. But it proved to be an excellent read.

I will, however, point out that the vocabulary is a bit hard if you are not a native English speaker (my case)

>> No.18771594

Or you could just watch a few episodes of Wooster and Jeeves on YouTube
It’s whatshisface and whatshisface
House and Oscar Wilde

>> No.18771863


>> No.18771873


>> No.18771889

Piranesi and The Years of Rice & Salt. Fuck these "avoid fiction" faggots.

>> No.18771893

Once upon a time in Hollywood by Quentin Tarantino and coincidance by Robert Anton Wilson

>> No.18771903

Honestly? Finished Call of the Kappa last night for a video I'm working on and then I'm waiting for my copy of Rise of the Rams to get here because it looks like a trashy zombie novel lol.

I'm seriously craving good horror atm.

>> No.18772540

speaks the nightbird

>> No.18772548

Gods emperor dune

>> No.18772558
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>> No.18773301

The Assassination of Julies Caesar: A Peoples History of Ancient Rome
Fall (a recent book on Robert Maxwell)
The Hollow Men

>> No.18774207

The first couple of chapters are a bit boring, but things got interesting when Heathcliff returned seeking revenge.

>> No.18774347

Five weeks in a Balloon, Jules Verne

>> No.18774353

Glass Bead Game

>> No.18774528

Descartes' Discourse on Method
Joyce's Dubliners
Sophocles' Antigone

>> No.18775157
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all of these
it's kinda comfy to have a bunch on the go to dip into depending what I'm in the mood for

>> No.18775182

A Philosophy of Software Design
The Sun also Rises (but my dick won't)

>> No.18775247

Calculating God. Alien show up in Toronto and ask to see the fossil record of earth and realize all mass extinctions happened on all planets at the same time, starting a quest from 3 sentient species including humans to find God.

>> No.18775268

Pan - Hamsun and The Outsider after that by King.

>> No.18775783

>The Outsider

Lower your expectations for the ending.

>> No.18777378

brock biology of microorganisms
I got exams

>> No.18777404
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I am reading german graded text form an underrated youtube channel...


>> No.18777414

Mysteries - Hamsun

>> No.18777441
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Trying to read The Republic, but I can't get past the intro, I'm such a spastic lads, my attention span has totally gone to shit

>> No.18777450


>> No.18777459
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>> No.18777475

The Foundation Pit by Platonov
The Master and his Emissary by McGilchrist
very good stuff so far

>> No.18778527

Progress and Poverty

>> No.18778571

1984. Never had the chance and it’s an easy read so far. Next is Brave New World, then Das Kapital, and maybe Mein Kampf. I don’t know, what’s quintessential fascist literature?

>> No.18779348

The Great Chain of Being by Arthur Lovejoy
Ethics by Spinoza

>> No.18779474

Saga of Tanya the Evil, in between volumes, currently at volume 8
So I'm a spider so what? In between volumes, currently at volume 11
Konosuba, in the middle of volume 12
Ascendance of a bookworm, just started volume 1

Yes I like my Jap light novels I know.

>> No.18779534

lol no dude it's a hard thing to keep your attention on. I have a philosophy degree and I still struggle to stay on track. But the Republic has a lot of fun moments to keep you going, and book VI is such hype for anyone who likes philosophy. Forgive yourself for taking it slow, and keep in mind how happy you'll be to have read whatever you will have read

>> No.18779661


>> No.18779674

The Book of Ebenzer le Page, disappointing desu
how do you like it so far?

>> No.18779705
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Just finished A Scanner Darkly by PKD. Currently reading Walden by Thoreau and The Technological Society by Jacques Ellul. So far, the former is very enjoyable to read, and the latter is quite challenging to read.

>Valis by Philip K Dick
How are you liking it? I stopped halfway through because it kinda felt like it had no direction. It's a pretty strange book; a lot more disorganized than other PKD novels I've read. Will probably pick it back up tonight before bed now that you've reminded me that I stopped reading it. Thanks.

I've been wanting to get a copy but can't seem to find one in print... are you reading a physical or a digital copy? Worth reading?

You didn't read 1984 in high school? Anyway, classics are classics for a reason. Same goes for BNW.

>> No.18780450
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firestarter by sk
some resident evil book
gonna start shogun probably tomorrow

>> No.18780477

I just finished rereading Paradise Lost, I will probably continue on by rereading Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes again, and I may after that reread a couple of books from City of God. As far as new content I've had the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville in my stack for a couple of months, but I've also debated just taking it easier for a couple of weeks and reading a nice story, I'm just not sure what. I was thinking of reading Huck Finn, Three Musketeers, or even rereading Don Quixote. Hard to decide.

>> No.18780739

I watched a presentation the author did at that conservative hoover college thing and she came off like she had an agenda. At first I thought all those trannies were shooting abunch a smoke up everyone asses when they instantly labeled this as trans phobic, but maybe they were onto something.

>> No.18780834
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The Old Testament
You Shall Be As Gods
Twelve Against the Gods
Atomic Habits

And pic related.

>> No.18781836
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>> No.18782124

Same I just read esoteric shit and ancient philosophers and maybe rarely someone modern like Nietzche but only if they’re shitting on modern society

>> No.18782195

>not reading business secrets of the pharohs instead

>> No.18782210
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>> No.18782225

hey I'm reading that right now too. what do you think of it? I'm enjoying the characters and pace and how many different things he can say and do with the cancer/tumor/radiation idea.

>> No.18782508

>How to Live a Good Life: A Guide to Choosing Your Personal Philosophy by Massimo Pigliucci,
> 12 More Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
>Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
> Man and His symbols by Jung

I am juggling alot of books rn

>> No.18782520

Read a real book

>> No.18782545
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Science, politics and gnosticism by Eric Voegelin

great stuff, it baffled me how deep and entertaining his writing was. his constant rip-offs on confucians and alchemists are kino

It will be interesting to find out your view. I found the book nothing like the others; quite a piece actually. Fringe schizo

good list except marx but I really hope that is a backlog/recent reads, not a concurrency list

>> No.18782723

I'm only 100 pages in so I don't think I can accurately judge most parts of the book at this point, but I am really enjoying it. I will admit I'm struggling a bit with the Russian names as this is my first Russian to English translated book.

>> No.18783153
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What am I in for guys

>> No.18783166

Foucault - The Order of Things
Magee - Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition
Ungaretti - Collected Poetry

>> No.18783169

It's very repetitive and takes a lot of pages to explain shit that could be explained in 1-2 pages. didn't really like the books.

>> No.18783735

Moretti - Modern Epic
Pound - The Cantos
Laughlin - Pound as Wuz

>> No.18785005

not a book