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18763678 No.18763678 [Reply] [Original]

I heard that the protagonist of these books is an insufferable, loathsome little cunt. Is this true?

>> No.18763691

you actually are not thinking about reading a book with the tagline "revenge is a dish best served cold"

>> No.18763712

I hate when series do this, with the first book's cover having a different aesthetic from the rest of the series.

>> No.18763717

top kek

>> No.18763742
File: 387 KB, 1284x673, 29EC1BCC-CD79-46D8-894D-4523B4B9CE1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is fantasy so unimaginative

>> No.18763769

I'm not. Just wondering if what I heard is true.

>> No.18763806

On Goodreads all of the 1 star reviews for the first of these books are roasties seething about the edgelord protag.

>> No.18763821

Fantasy has fallen on sad times. GURM ruined it with his unfinished rubbish and the HBO shitshow.

>> No.18763835
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Unless a character in a medieval setting is a raping racist, he’s practically a gentleman

>> No.18763843
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>> No.18763859
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>> No.18763907

Why are women like this?

>> No.18763918

Coldsteel: The Protagonist

>> No.18763932 [DELETED] 

>[”Brother Rike does enjoy his simple pleasures,” Makin said.
He did. Rike had a hunger for it. Hungry like the fire.
>The flames fair ate up Mabberton. I put the torch to the thatched inn, and the fire chased us out, Just one more bloody sday in the years’ long death throes of our broken empire.
>Makin wiped at his sweat, smearing himself all over with sootstripes. He had a talent for getting dirty, did Makin. “You weren’t above those simple pleasures yourself, Brother Jorg.”
>I couldn’t argue there. “how old are you?” that fat farmer had wanted to know. Old enough to pay a call on his daughters. The fat girl had a lot to say, just like her father. Screeched like a barn owl: hurt my ears with it. I liked the older one better. She was quiet enough. So quiet you’d give a twist here or a there just to check she hadn’t died of fright. Though I don’t suppose either of them was quiet when the fire reached them…

People have paid money from their own pockets to read this.

>> No.18763938

>[”Brother Rike does enjoy his simple pleasures,” Makin said.
>He did. Rike had a hunger for it. Hungry like the fire.
>The flames fair ate up Mabberton. I put the torch to the thatched inn, and the fire chased us out, Just one more bloody sday in the years’ long death throes of our broken empire.
>Makin wiped at his sweat, smearing himself all over with sootstripes. He had a talent for getting dirty, did Makin. “You weren’t above those simple pleasures yourself, Brother Jorg.”
>I couldn’t argue there. “how old are you?” that fat farmer had wanted to know. Old enough to pay a call on his daughters. The fat girl had a lot to say, just like her father. Screeched like a barn owl: hurt my ears with it. I liked the older one better. She was quiet enough. So quiet you’d give a twist here or a there just to check she hadn’t died of fright. Though I don’t suppose either of them was quiet when the fire reached them…

People have paid money from their own pockets to read this.

>> No.18763951

>Why is fantasy so unimaginative
Why is *dark/low fantasy so unimaginative?

>> No.18763974

Women hate this because he rapes in the first 10 pages. But yeah, he's a cunt and an annoying one at that. Imagine Lelouch had a baby with Sasuke and then made it fuck Kirito. The edgy, self-satisfied abomination resulting from that copulation is the protag.

>> No.18764058

>Imagine Lelouch had a baby with Sasuke and then made it fuck Kirito.
Sounds like an excellent concept for a doujin.

>> No.18764074

>GURM ruined it with his unfinished rubbish and the HBO shitshow.
How? Everyone wants to copy him now?

>> No.18764106
File: 54 KB, 500x500, Prince of Fools - Mark Lawrence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually like the other series Red Queens war better. Takes place in the same world alongside this series.

It is basically the Flashman in medieval fantasy. Though Flashman is more likeable.

>> No.18764121

Yes. The LoTR Amazon show is going to be a disaster because it will copy GoT. Things such as nudity and sex scenes are going to be present.

>> No.18764161

>The LoTR Amazon show is going to be a disaster because it will copy GoT
Oh I hope not
>Things such as nudity and sex scenes are going to be present.
Sex and nudity are what they are, but the bigger problem would be if they tried to let GRRM's nihilistic (I don't care if he disagrees, it's nihilistic to me) worldview seep into a LOTR work. It won't work in LOTR's setting.

>> No.18764169
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If you want to read a modern fantasy series then read pic related. It's actually good.

>> No.18764224

As you have said it's not just going to be sex and nudity. Pretty much anything that pops into a person's mind when they think of ASoIaF/GoT is on the table.

I'm elated that GURM's inability to finish the books and the show's horrendous ending ruined the public's interest in his work. We can rest assured that copying him will be a short-lived fad due to that.

>> No.18764237

yeah Bakker is even edgier and his prose is terrible, but compared to prince of thorns its high fucking literature

>> No.18764247

>his prose is terrible

>> No.18764260

well yeah compared to actual literary fiction it objectively is although it is some of the best in the world of fantasy bar proper authors like Tolkien

>> No.18764267

>watching evil corporate parasitism
I've stopped at the first 3 movies. They were acceptable. I think the direction was cheap and a few things soured it for me, but considering big budget entertainment cinema it was probably the best it could happen.
Then I watched the first Hobbit and I was so incredibly disgusted I swore I'd never touch this - forgive me for using this word, J. R. R. Tolkien - franchise ever again. The poor man must be spinning in his grave.

>> No.18764305 [DELETED] 

I won't be watching the Amazon show if that's what you're thinking, for it's not even worthy of pirating. Instead. I went out of my way to tell everyone I know not to watch it when it airs because I know it will shame Tolkien.

>> No.18764307

I won't be watching the Amazon show if that's what you're thinking, for it's not even worthy of pirating. Instead, I went out of my way to tell everyone I know not to watch it when it airs because I know it will shame Tolkien.

>> No.18764319

>Instead, I went out of my way to tell everyone I know not to watch it when it airs because I know it will shame Tolkien.
When I hate something I do not speak of it at all. There is no bad publicity sadly, even mentioning something is giving it exposure.
IMO you should try to get people to read the original work instead, even though even that is a lost cause, since it's far too slow to be enjoyable for the majority of readers. Sadly Tolkien's prose isn't the most fluent and that doesn't help.

>> No.18764374

Tolkien's prose is more than fine for those who are familiar with literature, especially the classics. It's just that the average reader of today is filtered by the poetic writing and vocabulary of an Oxford professor of English who edited the Oxford English dictionary is all.

>> No.18764819

Read the trilogy. To sum it up, it is true - Jorg is a loathsome little cunt; though to be honest he's a stupid kid that's been through a lot and thinks himself to be way smarter than he really is.
Valid criticism aside, the character does develop a lot through the three books, and there are lots of flashbacks that explain why he is the loathsome little cunt he is.

I do not regret reading this series. There are a lot of good ideas and moments.

>> No.18765954
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>> No.18766469


She's right. Joe Abercrombie is much better.