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/lit/ - Literature

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18760949 No.18760949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yeah I know blah blah “how is this related to literature” but seriously you guys must have this issue to. What the fuck do you talk to girls about?

I literally only have one irl friend that I get super drunk with and talk to while we watch movies on weekends, I barely even speak to my family anymore, when I’m with my friend all we talk about is about how this is the end of faustian civilization, hockey, 80s action movies, various things about history lately we’ve focused on the Bronze Age collapse, our favorite gore videos, me telling him about books he should read but he won’t, random philosophical and metaphysical topics, and politics (he’s a Zionist I’m a national socialist).

I can’t imagine any of these topics would interest a female, but I don’t know or have any interest in anything they have interest in. What do?

>> No.18760952

jannies save us

>> No.18760957

Talk about books that you read and enjoyed. It worked for me, will work for you. And also, not /lit/ get out of here.

>> No.18760959

idk but will reading get me a gf like that

>> No.18760963

Maybe. Women are fucking retards and when they are young they will settle with any shit, so it is not like an anon doesn't have any chance.

>> No.18760971

Garden Sonnets

"The Flower and the Fly"

Her fleshy petals blooming soft and pink
Compel my million-windowed eyes to gape
As hummingbirds enjoy their morning drink
And bumblebees buzz up against her nape.

How open and inviting she appears!
How wantonly she welcomes every tryst!
So long as they approach her free of fears,
Her many suitors know, she won't resist.

If only I were coloured like a bee,
Or charming as the lovely birds that float,
She'd open up her petals, just for me,
And I could gulp her nectar down my throat!

But I'm a fly, on nature's lowest rung,
Condemned to curse her while I feed on dung.


"The Hummingbird's Idea"

I hardly understand the fly's complaint.
A hummingbird gets thirsty, so he drinks.
He doesn't need the nectar of a saint,
Nor does he care what any flower thinks.

The point is to float up and wet your beak,
Not drown yourself in fantasies of flings
Until your throat becomes too dry to speak.
A flower wants a bird who boasts, who sings!

Perhaps I'll have a taste of every kind
And make the green-eyed fly observe my course
To show him that the problem's in his mind
And not in some deterministic force.

He claims he's fated to eat horrid food.
If only he would change his attitude!

"How Wonderful it Is to Be a Flower"

How wonderful it is to be a flower
Admired by the warm and watchful sun
While taking twenty lovers every hour!
It isn't shameful if you're having fun.

I'm worshipped by the hummingbirds at dawn.
I've kissed a hundred bumblebees by noon.
It used to sting, to see them moving on,
But I got over that by middle June.

The ancient maple likes to groan and sigh.
He envies me and all my pretty friends
And so, at night, he chants a wicked lie:
"How soon the season of your beauty ends!"

He's far too old for any girl's desire.
I hope they chop him up for a campfire.

>> No.18760989

>(he's a Zionist I'm a national socialist)

>> No.18760995

KEK I didn't got to that part.

>> No.18761000

Depends if you are not an autist. You don't even have to read normie shit, just don't be an edgy sperglord retard. If you want to please them, considering that you don't care, you are on the right path.

>> No.18761002


I see myself two years ago on you, anon.

Best thing to do would be to watch Joe Rogan episodes with Jordan Peterson.


(Episode #877 is also great).

Since you like books, Peterson's "12 Rules for Life" is a good sugestion too.

>> No.18761004

You have to be a little more retarded in your dealings with women. You will never be able to have a serious conversation on a topic you care about with a woman so don't even try, focus on more important things like her being hot and her not being a bitch

>> No.18761006

Jesus, I unironically have to clean my room.

>> No.18761016

Basically we were pretty close friends before I got redpilled, and he doesn’t really give a shit even when I told him I don’t believe in the Holocaust when he supposedly had family that died there, and I’m more anti international Jewry and not super autistic about killing every random innocent Jew, and we’re both edgelord autists, so it’s an interesting dynamic but it works.

>> No.18761059

What if I already read 12 rules for life and watched basically all of Jordan Peterson interviews and lectures by 2018-19?

>> No.18761072

Maybe you could reread and rewatch everything focusing in the part where you have to be useful for others.

>> No.18761080

Retard bait, two people can't possibly be that fucking stupid. Make a better one next time.

>> No.18761096

>two people can't possibly be that fucking stupid
You'd be surprised, there's a whole website full of them

>> No.18761097
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I think I'm in love, OP.

>> No.18761100

Most of them are LARPing. No one can be that much of a fucking retard and self-aware. That is how you know that OP is bullshiting.

>> No.18761107

Talk to them about your car, what you've been doing, places you plan to visit. Be dynamic

Ask them about their art, creativity, how they express themselves, how they relate to the rest of their family. Get to know what motivates them in life.

>> No.18761114

The majority of humanity has no self-awareness, no visual imagination and no internal monologue.

>> No.18761125

how is this related to literature?

>> No.18761126

That flower sounds li,e a it of a ho bag

>> No.18761128

It seems a large portion of the population (especially on 4chan) also lacks the ability to empathize with others, which in my opinion makes them less human than a dog (as dogs have empathy).
It also probably explains why so many of you are willing to believe that people dont have an internal monologue based on screencaps of twitter shit posts.

>> No.18761129

Internal monologue is overrated as fuck. I don't have one and I'm doing just fine. Sometimes I get fucked by poetry, but that is basically it. And thinking in terms of language, why would I do that? When I can just create my own meanings and translate them to words when I feel like it (almost never).

>> No.18761134

empathy is gay

>> No.18761135

I don't think things in terms of sounds or language, anon. What are you implying? And I do have a lot of trouble talking with other people about my ideas because of it, but it is not like I'm not doing just fine.

>> No.18761138

What is the most kino way you have self-expressed?

>> No.18761141

Wow, there were some crazy thing that I thought. I can't really explain but it was so beautiful that I fucking cried so much, and it also started to rain at the same time. One of the most beautiful things that I ever thought.

>> No.18761143

>dogs have more empathy than humans
Lmao. You aren't wrong about humans struggling with empathy - that's part of the reason storytelling is so important - but dogs aren't any better. The good thing about being human is we can overcome these natural flaws we're born with.

>> No.18761144
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It’s unironically true

>> No.18761146

That's it?
Are you an AI?

>> No.18761151
File: 773 KB, 1242x1434, F0825B47-78B3-4C3F-BC9F-AF2342BCA6D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re retarded

>> No.18761152

I have a hard time explaining things, I even gave up on being a teacher because of it. Because I usually use a lot of expressions such as (English is not my native language, but you will probably get it) thing, 'to thing', that into the thing, this, this thinging that, and so on. I was studying Physics and I had good grades and everything, but I'm not cut for communicating with a lot of people, plus that struggle with expressing thoughts. I ended up giving up on it.

>> No.18761154

If he lives with a woman, he cucks to her rule

>> No.18761160

No, I remember being really depressed at the time, then I thought some weird shit, now that you mentioned I think I remembered. I was thinking about some song, but not the song per se, the actual song happening. So there was no melody, nor words, or anyone singing. Just my thought of being in the world with that happening at the time. I feel somewhat of a fucking brainlet for saying this, but it was that Imagine song.

>> No.18761167

yea nigga that doesnt translate to english well at all
t. fellow esl

>> No.18761173

Kill yourself that song is disgusting and you are a retard

>> No.18761175

I didnt say everyone was less empathetic than a dog.

>posts a twitter screencap from bap claiming morality is subjective
Top kek.

>> No.18761179

And that is where it comes in why I usually think in written format. This is something that definitely stepped up my thinking, because I wasn't really able to think anything that took a long time because I had some weird fucking trauma and I couldn't write whatever was on my mind, think of it as some kind of stuttering. As in my brain would be thinking things, and I would be somewhat ok talking about them (in my own weird way), but whenever I had to write I would stutter like crazy. I ended up dealing with it using some psychology techniques and improved my writing using a creative writing texttbook. Now, I'm somewhat ok with it, but it is not like I think words when I'm thinking, I'm just thinking, then whenever I have to write them down, I stop and think about how those things are in language.

>> No.18761185

in high school i grew out my hair and had very little semblance to lennon and for four years a nigga always sang me that song desu he truly was the based retard

>> No.18761186

KEK I was fucking depressed at the time. Fuck you. And the feeling was great. Give me a break.

>> No.18761187

>he's a zionist; I'm a national socialist