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18760832 No.18760832 [Reply] [Original]

>The illiad and the Odyssey - these are classics of literature and I enjoy them. It is quite quaint how the Greek people envisioned their world as governed by multiple divine beings sitting upon the skies of Olympus.
The Bible, however, is not mere literature but the word of God. This Jew came down to Earth to teach us the one absolute unalterable truth. There is indeed a bearded man in the skies. This is reality.
Do christcucks really?

>> No.18760875

Religious belief, in the absence of some kind of direct mystical experience, baffles me. I have no idea why someone would accept the authoritativeness of Scripture or the Papacy otherwise. I say that as someone who was formerly a convert to Catholicism. Hare’s ‘blik’ idea doesn’t seem helpful, because religion makes empirical claims about historical (and sometimes contemporary) events, like the Resurrection.

>> No.18760884

I misspoke: Hare’s blik (ie axiomatic) account of religion is helpful, but it doesn’t satisfy as a complete account. It doesn’t describe the full phenomena.

>> No.18760896

direct mystical experience fag here

try Orthodoxy

Now for OP
>bearded man in the sky
lol absolutely not, even the person of the Father is only described this way in the Book of Daniel with the phrase "the Ancient of Days", and anthropomorphizing God is considered an error by most Christians, especially since three distinct persons participate in the one nature. Mormons unironically believe that God was once a man and retained a man's body, but they are not Christians in the strict sense

>> No.18760900

Christianity literally makes so much sense. I understand why people who were raised Christian would question it---as they're usually just told that it's true, and not how or why---but it explains our existence perfectly

>> No.18760906

>anthropomorphizing God is considered an error by most Christians
Art during the middle ages implies otherwise.

>> No.18760911

Most systematising religions and philosophies explain existence “perfectly”.
Not that guy but art in the Middle Ages was highly symbolic. Medieval theology and poetry makes it clear that God was not considered literally anthropomorphic.

>> No.18760914

Because it's art. Do you think most Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is literally a dove?

>> No.18760915
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>jew on a stick says a lot about our existence

>> No.18760917

>Most systematising religions and philosophies explain existence “perfectly”.
Christianity actually has sufficient evidence to back up its claims

>> No.18760920
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Unironically yes. After all, medieval christians believed that the earth is flat, and that the moon was a weaker sun.

>> No.18760923

I think it's very difficult to empahise as a modern human with the premodern mindset. To what degree does the average person really understand the scientific grounds for the theories we take as rote? If you asked someone to describe why they believe the earth is round, or why plumbing works, or why salt dissolves in water, they would likely give a very ruidementary explanation. Present them with the mathematics behind such phenomena and it would be indecernable from the outside to the opaque writing of great religious thinkers.

In both the case of religiousness and scientific worldviews, they are largely taken on faith, not measured in their factiousness. That's not to say that religious thought is as reasonable as scientific thinking, but without a solid grounding in both, how would anyone be able to tell?

I also think there is a biological aspect in the way people take peer and elder beliefs for granted. https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/06/04/book-review-the-secret-of-our-success/

So again, I think it's difficult to empathise because in both cases the belief is irrational and largely running off momentum in most of the population.

>> No.18760924

No, I mean believing that He is actually anthropomorphic. Depicting Him (and I presume you mean God the Father rather than the entire Trinity) in that way is a good symbol, but it is only a symbol. There are multiple occasions in the Bible, especially in the New Testament, where God the Father having a body is explicitly denied.

Now, God the Son, does have a human body, indeed an entire human nature and will, united to His own divine nature and will, but thats not what you mean.

>> No.18760927

Every medieval Christian that read Aristotle, so all the educated ones, believed the earth was round lol

>> No.18760933
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The church actively persecuted those who proposed a heliocentric model of the world, much less a round earth.

>> No.18760938

>19 year old larplord didn't stick to Catholicism because he didn't automatically get a tradwife gf like the memes promised

>> No.18760944

ok, why did god see fit to endow man with a pleasure nerve in the anus, only to later forbid homosexuality?

>> No.18760946

As far back as the 4th century Augustine was saying the earth was round you uneducated mong

>> No.18760950

St Bede also taught that the Earth was round, and so did Hildegard von Bingen, who is a Catholic saint. You literally do not know what you are talking about


>> No.18760953

And he also infamously said 'god forgive me, but not yet' before going down on some prostitute - I would not take his word so easily.

>> No.18760954

>current year
>still believing Enlightenment philosophers propaganda

>> No.18760958

The claim that homosexuality is unnatural is literally a delusion. They can't prove anything. Even the Holy See has to cede ground occasionally, once the evidence is so convincing they actually start hemorrhaging believers.

>> No.18760961

and then repented completely. why cant moderns forgive anyone?

>> No.18760967

>For this cause God delivered them up to shameful affections. For their women have changed the natural use into that use which is against nature. And, in like manner, the men also, leaving the natural use of the women, have burned in their lusts one towards another, men with men working that which is filthy, and receiving in themselves the recompense which was due to their error.

>> No.18760979

>he believes the 'enlightenment propaganda' church propaganda

>> No.18760988

>Christianity actually has sufficient evidence to back up its claims

>> No.18760996

This post was either made by a Christian false flagged trying to discredit arguments against his religion by poisoning the well with fallacious and incorrect arguments or by a legit retard

>> No.18761021

christianism = jewish plot to (finally) put the leash on the goyim, to make them stupid, ignorant, docile and weak; it was that or risk an holocaust by the romans and the pagan world.

once you realize the truth, it comes down to that basically.

>> No.18761071

t. sabbatean

>> No.18761085

In the tale of Christ, i find comfort, i want to be a good person, and sacrifice for others, and like everyone, i struggle with that, Christ's example is beautiful to me because he died horrifically, experienced the pits of humanity, and still forgave us all, i have no proof of god, or of christ's ressurection, and in some ways, that's the point.

>> No.18761120
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>i want to be a good person, and sacrifice for others

>> No.18761147

Future generations will view Christianity the same way the current generation views ancient mythology.

>> No.18761174
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>tfw atheists actually believe this

>> No.18761177
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>Future generations will view Christianity the same way the current generation views ancient mythology.
except Jesus was an actual historical figure, and described an experience and method of metanoia that many millions of his followers have replicated over the millenia.

>> No.18761189

Doubt it. Ancient mythology is interesting and it tells us a lot about the civilisations it came from. The gods in these mythologies are very human and flawed, sometimes animals etc. It still influences works of fiction to this day. Christianity will probably be viewed in the same way as string theory or something. The old testament will always be far more interesting to future generations.

>> No.18761190
File: 33 KB, 882x253, Screenshot 2021-08-01 at 00-06-21 origin of consciousness julian james at DuckDuckGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is quite quaint how the Greek people envisioned their world as governed by multiple divine beings sitting upon the skies of Olympus.
Bicameral Mind - they had a different mode of consciousness, something like schizophrenia

>> No.18761193

Future generations will be Theologians, martyrs, confessors, prophets, servants of God of unimpeachable zeal and righteousness, just like the men of old. It is only this generation that is weak and pitiful. May God save us, even us, the dregs of humanity. Amen.

>> No.18761231

Isn't that theory totally crackpot? I mean there are tribes in the Amazon and shit who don't seem to have bicameral minds. Not buying it, a lot of people back then were probably just using psychedelic mushrooms.

>> No.18761246

>There is indeed a bearded man in the skies
name any scripture in human history or any member of the priest class in human history that said this but you can't

>> No.18761257
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>he thinks this guy overcame the world

>> No.18761262

and He is God.

>> No.18761273

Some god he is - impotently stuck on the cross

>> No.18761283

are you upset, mammon-spawn?

>> No.18761293

stop. either you are false flagging or you should immediately repent of this attitude, for Christ's sake
Yep. He made himself of no reputation and suffered both human form and human death, all to conquer sin and death. Because separation can only be cured by suffering love.

>> No.18761298

>You must worship my jew or you are a jew
stay classy, christcuckold

>> No.18761314

>He made himself of no reputation and suffered both human form and human death, all to conquer sin and death. Because separation can only be cured by suffering love
Do you have a peer reviewed source for that statement?

>> No.18761367


>> No.18761386

>I can't think of anything to put in my ass but another man's erect penis

>> No.18761389

brainlet take because
>pagan gods were always local entities whereas Christianity is universal monotheism
>myths of pagan gods never happened in specific times and places whereas there is an exact origin claim of Christianity with historical evidence and scholarly consensus being that at the very least something was up
>the trinity is literally the perfect theological framework for an omnibenevolent God (this one might be too abstract for normies though)

>> No.18761392

If you deny flat earth you aren't christian


>> No.18761514
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>>>the trinity is literally the perfect theological framework for an omnibenevolent God (this one might be too abstract for normies though)

>> No.18761540

God is a man and he is very bearded and white. Cope and dilate trannies.

>> No.18761767

Back to /his/ you go, philistine.

>> No.18761772

Because Jesus wants you to be vaccinated

>> No.18761793

This was the end game for Christianity. Dissolve all other temples as itself is the temple of temple dissolution. When Christianity is in ashes, then you have my permission to die and not play fairy tale games.

>> No.18761895
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>> No.18761921

No, it doesn't. Aristotle's and Spinoza's explanations of God made more sense than that Jewish heresy.

>> No.18762009

It’s actually worse, Christians not only believe god was a in a bearded man in the sky, they believe that he was also, simultaneously, a bearded man on the ground, in galilee

>> No.18762135

Except science doesn't say anything about god because it's impossible to observe something that doesn't exist, retarded christkike

>> No.18762143

OP didn't even make any sort of atheistic remark. Rent-free.

>> No.18762272

Both true

Corinthians says
But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.

>> No.18762705

>No, it doesn't. Aristotle's and Spinoza's explanations of God made more sense than that Jewish heresy.
>Spinoza's explanations of God
>that Jewish heresy.

>> No.18762869
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>It's a Jewish demoralization thread

>> No.18762873

He's doing the "Judaism was invented in 652AD when the Talmud was written therefore it's a heresy of Christianity" bit. Under that framework, Spinoza isn't really a Jew at all.

>> No.18762883

>God didn't immedieatly give me a mystical vision wtf I quit
You sound like an undisciplined faggot.

>> No.18763011

Not just the resurrection, loads and loads of naive historical claims, like the sun standing still for 24 hours and a worldwide census that required everyone to return to their place of birth, or to a place an ancestor lived 1000 years ago in the case of Jesus' dad.

>> No.18763064

athiests will be overrun by low IQ religious people who breed unlike the athiests who rationalize themselves out of the genepool. a higher iq class of highly adaptive religious people may also develop but thats just my personal hope and dream

>> No.18763280

>sun standing still
That's been known about since the 70's
>a worldwide census that required everyone to return to their place of birth
That was fairly routine in the Empire. Augustus had one commissioned in the time frame of Christ's birth.
Religious people are smarter than atheists. Atheists can never be anything more than midwits, while believers occupy the high IQ positions.

>> No.18763525

No, the point is what is the justification for religious belief? A Muslim or Hindu could make the same charge of a lack of ‘discipline’ for not having unjustified faith in the authority of their scriptures and traditions.
>That was fairly routine in the Empire. Augustus had one commissioned in the time frame of Christ's birth.
No census matching the description of the one described in the Gospels exists in other sources. Even if there was a real census (and there were several around the time), details have been changed in the Gospels for purposes of plot contrivance, in order to give its cast reasons for moving around from one place to another (mainly so that multiple prophecies can be fulfilled and different titles ascribed to Jesus). The idea that people had to register at their birth towns is certainly not characteristic of a real (and apparently universal) Roman census.
>Religious people are smarter than atheists.
There are plenty of intelligent religious people, however on average religious are less intelligent than non-religious, even accounting for other factors. This is a finding that has been replicated many times. And even among equally intelligent people, analytical thought is negatively associated with religiosity.

>> No.18763626

>details have been changed in the Gospels for purposes of plot contrivance, in order to give its cast reasons for moving around from one place to another
Just stop, nigger. The story takes place over several months and possibly two years. Of course people are going to move in that time.
>however on average religious are less intelligent than non-religious
Nigger, just stop.

>> No.18763662

biblical christianity is dogshit retarded
post-jesus christianity is plato for goys

>> No.18763688

Biblical Christianity is the only religion that isn't retarded.

>> No.18763692

>Just stop, nigger. The story takes place over several months and possibly two years. Of course people are going to move in that time.
What exactly does that have to do with what I said? The point isn't whether or not it is possible to make the travels that are ascribed to the holy family. It's just that the preponderance of evidence suggests that 1) the census, if it occurred, certainly did not require people to travel to their hometown to register 2) the census was invented in order to give the holy family a reason for being at Bethlehem when Christ was born so that Jesus could be described as having fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. Note that Mark, the earliest Gospel, makes no reference to Jesus' being from Bethlehem. He is just considered a Nazarene.
>Nigger, just stop.
Sorry anon but posting random blogs doesn't constitute some kind of timeless, once and for all debunking. The link you posted only addresses like, what, one or two studies?
The meta-analysis described here finds the relationship confirmed in 63 separate studies:
Association between analytical thinking and religious disbelief:
Association between reflective thinking and religious disbelief:

>> No.18763721

its not only retarded but psychotic as well. the biblical end of times basically consists in god torturing humanity until he finally decides to judge us all (the already dead get a second trial?) so he can send us all to either a place of eternal suffering or to a place (desertic shithole village) where we will spend the rest of the eternity whorshipping him because ???

>> No.18765501
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>You must worship my jew or you are a jew!

>> No.18765513

> future generations
There will be none. The signs are clear. The end days are upon us.

>> No.18765517

>plato for goys
Anon, Plato's already for goyim

>> No.18765519

>anthropomorphizing God
>an error
Imagine getting filtered so hard you don't even.reach genesis 18.