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18760416 No.18760416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being this pretentious

>> No.18760423

fuck that, this is based as hell

>> No.18760426

Imagine not being this pretentious.

>> No.18760427

What is that supposed to be? His obituary?

>> No.18760432

his Highschool yearbook quote lmao

>> No.18760436

Senior quote in a yearbook I think, but Im not OP

>> No.18760442

KEK I'm thinking based.

>> No.18760470

What a chad

>> No.18760484

Hi costin

>> No.18760499

I'm not the quoted anon, but definitely better than some bland shit that doesn't really tell anything about him.

>> No.18760504

wait how old is this guy

I thought he was in his like late 20s

>> No.18760507
File: 637 KB, 1783x2048, E903D5B7-0252-42ED-A91A-452AFCA364AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. He’s in his 60s?
Imagine being 60 years old and still posting on animu image boards for the XYZ generations

>> No.18760508

>Imagine being this pretentious
Only faggots, and reddit like to use that word

>> No.18760526

he's 41

>> No.18760551

So the OP is his birthdate and not a picture of him in 1980?

>> No.18760556

Aren't you American?

>> No.18760575

why the fuck would the date be alongside a picture of him? for what relevance would the day be that the picture was taken? can you use your fucking brain

>> No.18760593

Leave her alone :3

Butterfly, do not respond to these posts. I'll lead you in the righteous direction

>> No.18760610

Why would a birthdate be beside a fully grown man? Why not a baby picture?

>> No.18760620

Butterfly see

I told you not to respond :3 please understand

>> No.18760622

KEK stfu, Bitterfly.

>> No.18760624

Flush yourself

>> No.18760626

No, she shouldn't respond because you're an asshole not worth her time :3

Its It's right call for her

>> No.18760629


>> No.18760632


Please refrain from derogatory remarks. For someone who is so interested in me, you can be very judgmental at times

>> No.18760646
File: 2.02 MB, 500x438, Meteor_Swarm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread says new posts
>dont see any new posts
>see people replying to something
>remember you have every namefag from /lit/ filtered
Feels good. Kys cunt tripfag.

>> No.18760655

Please refrain from insulting Butterfly :3

>> No.18760663

KEK triggered by the fly couple.

>> No.18760691

My masculine clit is always available for butters :3

>> No.18760965

my p-region is going to passivate your a-region

>> No.18760969

Not me :3

But it is

>> No.18762029


>> No.18762108

nice tie costin

>> No.18762130

I'm getting top surgery to claim Butters as her husband :3

>> No.18762144

I did not have a senior year quote because I had nothing to say.

>> No.18762261

>le wacky randumb reddit humor
Just another notch on his faggot belt.

>> No.18762808

i don't get it, what does the text say some shit about some shit i get that but what shit

>> No.18762817

>Imagine being 60 years old
Tu quoque, fili mi? Aren't you literally turning 40 this year?

>> No.18762868
File: 173 KB, 285x316, 843153A3-852D-4579-9915-E149A0F1ABAC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18762910

Im retarded what did he mean by this?

>> No.18762917 [DELETED] 

Enkidu had sex with a prostitute, and then became fully man to the point where his former animal bros all rejected him.

>> No.18762918

She's a good few years past 40

>> No.18762927

Kek fucking retard

>> No.18762964

Rather than an inspiring or amusing quote for his yearbook he just copied a random paragraph from a technology textbook presumably in defiance of the whole process.

>> No.18763048

>Costin V. Alamariu
I thought this was a court case and was very confused for a bit.