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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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18759671 No.18759671 [Reply] [Original]

boston /lit/ meetup 2019

>> No.18759678

Is that butterfly on the bed? Did they all get to take turns with her?

>> No.18759963

which one is the "start with the greeks" spammer?

>> No.18759971

I live in Boulder

>> No.18759982


>> No.18759999

butterfly is a bunch of separate shitposters

she died in a car accident in new hampshire in 2015

lit is so cringe use warosu you morons

>> No.18760028

Two foids and a dog with a bunch of incels. Why am I not in the least bit surprised?

>> No.18760035

t. shut-in

>> No.18760043

Hm.... no? :3

I mean she was just on here earlier today, I was chasing her around like she wants.

A trip code can only be used by one person typically anyway, and her personality is consistent across posts :3

>> No.18760072

Use warosu. Look at the trips =)

>> No.18760085

I would ask you to link me to a specific thread which PROVES this is not the original Butterfly, otherwise fuck off :3

>> No.18760088

Nice try quad poster but we all know trip codes are perfectly secure and that Butters remains the same wholesome sapphist as ever.

>> No.18760094

If it didn't devolve into a hardcore creampie gangbang on the bed then why even bother?

>> No.18760116
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>> No.18760117
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So what even is this place, it looks like a church, but there's bookshelves and a bed and weird cleaning supplies and the floor is void of pews or benches. Did one of these fuckers buy a church just to host a /lit/ meeting or something? What's the story?

>> No.18760165
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There's no way those are 4channers. They look too normal

>> No.18760174

haha wasn't this an /fa/ meetup or is that just a myth

>> No.18760176

From where do you think Christian larpers on duty post? From that very “Church”.

>> No.18760191
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It's real

>> No.18760195

haha welcome to 4chan haha put pepe on your facebook avatar

>> No.18760199

Jesus... Those neck lengths man.. wtf?

>> No.18760200

yakub showed up and sissified them

>> No.18760205

Yeah, I'll have a Double Bacon Chinburger with a side of Cries and some root beer from the tap, please. Oh, and hold the onions

>> No.18760214

He chose the wrong neckline that does not hide it.

>> No.18760223
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Some are obviously photoshopped (at the very least the guy with the hat).

>> No.18760259

oh no you've realised that im a new fag so i might as well take advantage of the opportunity by asking a few questions

whats a moot
who is bump
and how do I give myself one of those cool names when I post?

>> No.18760266

looks comfy af

>> No.18760269

something about editing these photos makes me crack up. Similar to the classroom images of freaks where anons have added the names to the bottom.

>> No.18760652

These are literally just dorky teenagers. Holy crap it's true 4chan is mostly teens.

>> No.18760842

looks like webdevmason's church in fremont, california iirc

>> No.18761272

Mirin far right

>> No.18761285
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>posting the edit

>> No.18761289

I'm Bitterfly :3