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18753975 No.18753975 [Reply] [Original]

This book unironically made me less racist

>> No.18753979 [DELETED] 


>> No.18753985

Go back to r*ddit then

>> No.18753993

It's a great book. One of my favorite nonfiction books of all time, truly cathartic to read.

>> No.18753995

what if..... since poor people are worse than rich people..... that means that race doesn't exist...... whoah

>> No.18754228

Trash bait. You should be ashamed

>> No.18754254

Great book, glad to see it being mentioned here, based OP.

>> No.18754265

It is an argument used.
Is it not used in this book? Which argument is used in this book?

>> No.18754270 [DELETED] 

I used to think I hated whites, but then I realized I only hate English people (ethnically Anglo-Saxon people from Southern England in particular).

>> No.18754457

Butters, it's obvi you haven't read the book but want to hate on it nonetheless. Just sit this one out okay? :^)

>> No.18754519

Keep obsessing about race while ignoring blatant material reality. You will keep doing the same thing purely on inertia of propaganda once the establishment has completed its PoC and/or woman rebranding.

>> No.18754534

>it's obvi you haven't read the book
Ah, my clever ruse to ask about the book’s content has backfired and now I are’d find outted.

>> No.18754720

I like this book. I will buy this book. :based:

>> No.18754992

Poor white people are nigger trash. And no, your comfy middle class household that is "struggling" is not being poor.

>> No.18755216
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This book unironically made me less racist

Back to your containment board please

>> No.18755382

What is it about?

>> No.18755440

Better luck next time butters <3

>> No.18755610


>> No.18756239

Looks like a forgettable book of essays on various race ideas from 2005

>> No.18756411


>> No.18756446

So you all haven’t read it either
I see. How embarrassing for you.

>> No.18756467
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Ok schitzo.

>> No.18756528

that's a retarded interpretation of the book, and contradicts all of sowell's work. What he was saying was:
>Hey, scotts and irish and northeastern brits, were all niggers back in the day, spoke like nigs, fought like nigs, ate like nigs, and now they're considered privileged, why can't nigs get over their bullshit? Oh, that's right, black illegitimacy has grown to 70% even though right after the civil war, it was only slightly higher than irish-americans

>> No.18756556

>why can't nigs get over their bullshit?
Socioeconomic hardships that continue
>goes on to name some hardships

>> No.18756565
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Smart boy. Being a racist is exactly what the filthy jews and niggers want you to be, so they have a reason to hate you. They can't stand tolerance and friendship.

>> No.18756745
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>butterfly thinks blacks cheating on every woman they meet is a socioeconomic hardship

The beauty of Sowell is he (or his interns) will do extensive research to find endless examples of how "racism" isn't causing black's plight:
Like he said in one of his books, there has been a huge disproportionate amount of literature dedicated to american slavery, when it was just a small percentage of slavery in the world. Everyone practiced slavery. The Gauls (white people, germans) were enslaved by the Romans. Russians ("Salv"es) were enslaved by muslims. The mexicans (aztecs) enslaved their mesoamerican neighbors, peruvians enslaved chinese. the creek, and ceminole indians had slaves (in fact the indians walked their slaves in the trail of tears). The jews were enslaved by the egyptians, the africans (mansa musa) enslaved each other before the white man even got to africa. philipinos had slaves, portugese (brazil was the biggest importer of slaves), the turks, (ottoman empire) had a shit-ton of slaves (muhamad owned slaves).

As Sowell explains:
there are endless examples of ethnic minorities that encountered racism and still thrived economically, having a better standard of living from the local population: italians in argentina, armenians in africa, the japanese (who were put in internment camps) in the US, chinese in southeast asia and Vietnam (where anti-chinese racism was written in their constitution), and jews pretty much everywhere. Italian immigrants, ostracized, pooled their savings and created something called "The Bank of Italy" which was so successful they changed it to "The Bank of America." In fact the history of banking is minorities pooling their money together. more applicable to the modern day, why is it that people of indian, iranian, japanese, philipino, and Israeli descent have similar or greater median household income than white people in the US? Why is it that “Asian privilege” outperforms “white privilege” in every metric? Asians live longer, attend college more, get better grades, have better salaries, are seen as less threatening, etc.

read pic related, or re-read black rednecks

>> No.18756757

>telling butterfly to read

Good luck.

>> No.18756772

Sowell is quintessential anti-reddit

>> No.18756951
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Discrimination and Disparities, Ethnic America and Race and Culture by Sowell pairs well with Black Rednecks and White Liberals IMO.

>> No.18756954
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The problem with this line of logic is it completely divorces you from the context of Black relations in America.
Maybe the Blacks in America would have been in a better position if the FBI and other law enforcement agencies didn't assassinate their community leaders.

>> No.18756982

>Maybe Americans would have been in a better position if the FBI and other law enforcement agencies weren't complete POS
I agree.

>> No.18757015

>Doesn’t know what socioeconomics entails

>… examples of how "racism" isn't causing black's plight:
It’s undeniably part of it, but I’m pointing out socioeconomic plight. How’d the “nig” Irish get acceptable? Socioeconomic plight was lifted. Ah, but racist/nationalist prejudices continue

I’m out of time. Sowell goes to great lengths to defend the ravages of capitalism, and fails. It indefensible.

>> No.18757114

Do you EVER contribute to these discussions? You always just dismiss evidence that contradicts your ideological beliefs with gotcha statements and snarky asides. Nothing that you wrote has anything to do with what he said. The socioeconomic plights that have affected blacks in the last 50 years are the same as other poor people in the past - the irish, the slavs, etc - living among their own race. This has nothing to do with racism. Blacks are economically worse off today than in the 1940s (relative to the standards of the time) despite it being significantly more racist back then.