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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 418 KB, 1567x2048, Weininger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18753597 No.18753597 [Reply] [Original]

>But it is very hard for woman to reach such a goal by her own strength. The spark in her is so flickering that it always needs the fire of man to relight it; she must have an example to go by. Christ is an example; He freed the fallen Magdalen, He swept away her past and expiated it for her. Wagner, the greatest man since Christ's time, understood to the full the real significance of that act: until woman ceases to exist as woman for man she cannot cease being woman. Kundry could only be released from Klingsor's curse by the help of a sinless, immaculate man—Parsifal. This shows the complete harmony between the psychological and philosophical deduction which is dealt with in Wagner's "Parsifal," the greatest work in the world's literature.

>> No.18753604

Thank god OP, this is the one post that doesn't mention fucking Plato.

>> No.18753620

yooooooo this mf needed some pussy fr ahahahahah

>> No.18753634

>Wagner, the greatest man since Christ's time
peak germanoid cringe

>> No.18753825


>> No.18754039

in a strange way sex & character reads like a satire of tradcels

>> No.18754150

What is with these idiots? This is why i hate idealists. Wtf.

>> No.18754527

>Wagner, the greatest man since Christ's times
Holy fuck, to think I was actually going to read this book after being conned into it by you fucking retards.

Is this the power of self-loathing Jews? To fall in love with the members of their 'native population' that hate them?

>> No.18755087

Truly a genius

>> No.18755103

great, another fucking weinigger thread

>> No.18755112

Wagner was a Jew as well.

>> No.18755495

No one reads Weininger to agree with everything he says, people read him because he's a worthwhile thinker despite what he says.

>> No.18755779
File: 122 KB, 651x633, 1613637191285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think there is a certain subjectivity and objectivity to life in that I have my observations that pertain to certain cultural and biological archetypes that transcend generations and even technology as some people might think Weininger's ideas are out of date due to the era he lived which I would largely disagree with but I digress that I might have perceptions that are entirely unique to me or a group of people that share my psychological framework ie INTP and then INFJs might have a different interpretation. Neither is wrong and neither is right but they are just differing perspectives on a similar theme. Like I could have my own reasons why I think women are worthless idiots meant only for breeding and homosexuality is based while some mid iq farmer might have a different predisposition or assumption because he prefers low iq women. My thoughts on having a life partner is I want them to provide me pleasure and I want them to be my equal like a partner. Women and men are not equals and if you ever try to live equally with a woman she will always dominate you. My desired relationship is not one based on domination but thats really all male-female relationships can equate to which really sickens me. My perception considering im a well eduated and extremely good looking athletic man is that women are for breeding/producing heirs and men are for romance.
Very few people of either gender are worth my notice regardless.

I think the reason why homosexuality is so despised across the world is because you have idiot consumer leftists who practice
it and then you have a satanic elite who want men miserable and enslaved to a materialist woman who can divorce them and steal half their stuff.

Its a very complex situation but to suffice our civilization is based off a lot of false assumptions and brainwashing. I dont like women but id like to have children and I think if we are to have a proper civilization women need to evolve or be treated like property again. There are very few exceptions.

>> No.18755813

Jews unironically love Wagner.

>> No.18756148

This, lil niggers ITT don't remember that Wittgenstein recommended it to a lot of people for that reason.

>> No.18756313

Have sex.