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/lit/ - Literature

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18753532 No.18753532 [Reply] [Original]

>he actually reads fiction
Reading fiction is nothing more than escapism. Fiction readers are no better than animefags. Actually I would say they are worse given their pretentiousness. Animefags are at least honest with themselves.
If you are not primarily reading non-fiction I cannot see you as an adult.

>> No.18753535

>posts frog
not very subtle OP
try harder next time

>> No.18753538

>Animefags are at least honest with themselves.
proving yourself to be a complete fucking retard in one sentence. good job. ignored

>> No.18753542

midwit last man

>> No.18753550

>escapism BAD b-because eh... because it just is OK?
Evangelionfags should be all raped to death.

>> No.18753560

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
OP btfo

>> No.18753572

there's nothing necessarily wrong with escapism.

>> No.18753580

Reading non fiction is a way to escape the fact that your own life isn't worth recording

>> No.18753583
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Nonfiction is for buffoons, and worst of all they think they're acquiring unbiased explorations of fact rather than some fartsmelling greybeard professor with a girl's name like Carol, professor emeritus from Podunk U, contorting his selective acquisition of facts into a narrative (unwittingly modelled on literary traditions which derive from fiction) that is merely a map of his own bias both conscious and unconscious, most pathetic of all is the pussyfooting by these clowns trying to avoid losing their tenure by saying something that could in anyway be misconstrued by Lizzo-looking spandex short, sagging belly popping out, cheap braids 'campus activist'---excuse me, most pathetic of all are the fanboys for this sheeeit.

>> No.18753589

>Animefags are at least honest with themselves.
how many levels of delusion does it require to make this statement unironically?

>> No.18753700
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All writing is fiction, anon. Sometimes the purpose of that fiction is education or instruction, but in other cases it is entertainment. I generally find that those who screech the hardest against literature as entertainment are the worst sorts of ideologues who want everything in culture to bang the drum of some sort of political, religious, or social agenda. For example, seems like you want everyone to read "non-fiction" in order to qualify as "an adult". In general, escapism is probably the least bad negative coping mechanism, because the worst impact it has is opportunity cost. You can argue that reading books for entertainment is a form of leisure, so it has a restorative effect on an individual... which I think is the rub for people like yourself.
>how dare you enjoy reading, i need you to be unhappy so you'll join the revolution
>how dare you enjoy reading something other than the HOLY TEXT, i need you to be stuck in a small cultish bubble so you have no other point of reference and you'll do as you're told

>> No.18753752


>don't play games
>don't watch movies
>don't drink alcohol
>don't read fiction
>don't watch anime
>don't watch porn
>don't believe in god

I hate everyone who does any of the above too. These are the copes of life. If you indulge in passive entertainment or copes, you are weak and dependent upon something.

>> No.18753762

Since you post here, I know you don't work. So what fills the day for you?

>> No.18753771
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>tfw I used to be this much of faggot

>> No.18753774


>> No.18753782

I read non fiction, take out grad plus loans accumulate degrees and money and smoke cigars all day.

>> No.18753793

I wonder: would you be opposed to having the parts of your brain which register pleasure surgically removed if such an operation was possible? If your answer is no, then what is the point of removing as much pleasure as possible from your life? I am not saying to be a hedonist, but what's the point of your mindset?

>> No.18753800

So you don't watch fictional movies? TV shows?

>> No.18753801

Atheism is a cope, anon

>> No.18753809


>> No.18753820

>>don't play games
>>don't watch movies
>>don't drink alcohol
>>don't read fiction
>>don't watch anime
>>don't watch porn
>>don't believe in god
and thus have nothing to do but shitpost. congrats! you're the finest person in your head

>> No.18753831


>> No.18753838

God is self-evident

>> No.18753843

Don't be a hateful person anon. Reading fiction does not make you weak and dependent. There are intelligent people who exclusively read non-fiction, and they have nothing important to say, no real thoughts they can express. There are people who indulge in all of the above that are probably far more interesting and intelligent than you. You are coping with the fact that you are not an interesting person. I don't hate you, but I think you should attempt to improve yourself. I love fiction, poetry, music, art. Its sad to see that people can't enjoy these things anymore.

>> No.18753845

This is a pasta older than your moms you newfags.

>> No.18753923

>tfw you read real & complex analysis to escape the discrete, irreducible, impenetrable hell that is reality in favor of the artificial simplicity of the continuum

>> No.18753947

Life is cope

>> No.18753960

If you cannot attune yourself to the highest emotional experiences of the human condition, you cannot be a human yourself.

>> No.18753983

In this day and age? One can hardly tell between fiction and non-fiction.

>> No.18754017

None of those things improve my life or make it better. On the contrary, they are pitfalls at worst and time sinks at best

>> No.18754159

>reading shakespear is escapism
I wish

>> No.18754210

You're a horrible writer

>> No.18754246

Not him but atheism is as much of a cope as theism. You have convinced yourself you know how the universe works based on what science currently knows. The ultimate redpill is admitting we don't know, and that's what scares so many people. Being atheist is a safety net too, which is why people who leave a religion tend to go there first.

>> No.18754253
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>don't believe in god
cringe and midwit tier

>> No.18754294

If you see literary fiction as just useless entertainment then you're actually a fucking retard. That or, my guess is these types are pure logic eggsheads who are incapable of navigating social situations or nuance at all.