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18753347 No.18753347 [Reply] [Original]

“Later on, towards the middle of my life, I grew more and more opposed to alcoholic drinks: I, an opponent of vegetarianism, who have experienced what vegetarianism is, — just as Wagner, who converted me back to meat, experienced it, — cannot with sufficient earnestness advise all more spiritual natures to abstain absolutely from alcohol. Water answers the purpose. . . . I have a predilection in favour of those places where in all directions one has opportunities of drinking from running brooks. In vino Veritas: it seems that here once more I am at variance with the rest of the world about the concept 'Truth' — with me spirit moves on the face of the waters. . . . Here are a few more indications as to my morality. A heavy meal is digested more easily than an inadequate one. The first principle of a good digestion is that the stomach should become active as a whole. A man ought, therefore, to know the size of his stomach. For the same reasons all those interminable meals, which I call interrupted sacrificial feasts, and which are to be had at any table d'hôte, are strongly to be deprecated. Nothing should be eaten between meals, coffee should be given up — coffee makes one gloomy. Tea is beneficial only in the morning. It should be taken in small quantities, but very strong. It may be very harmful, and indispose you for the whole day, if it be taken the least bit too weak. Everybody has his own standard in this matter, often between the narrowest and most delicate limits. In an enervating climate tea is not a good beverage with which to start the day: an hour before taking it an excellent thing is to drink a cup of thick cocoa, feed from oil. Remain seated as little as possible, put no trust in any thought that is not born in the open, to the accompaniment of free bodily motion — nor in one in which even the muscles do not celebrate a feast. All prejudices take their origin in the intestines. A sedentary life, as I have already said elsewhere, is the real sin against the Holy Spirit.”

>> No.18753415

Nietzsche.. easy on the cocoa.

>> No.18753460

This is unironically some form of OCD or bipolar disorder

>> No.18753472

Spot the gloomy coffee fan

>> No.18753496

ahh sweet a Nietzsche thread

>> No.18753525

I just recognize what he's doing because my own mind constantly produces spurious little formulas like this as well, i guarantee you he changed his mind about these things all the time because none of them were actually the cause of the feelings he had, he's just haphazardly assigning to random things the origin of his internal turmoil and attempting to fine tune them all. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy of course and then he really does get gloomy with his coffee and only likes the thoughts he has while walking, ends up creating a sort of semi-functional architecture of compulsions that allows him to navigate his own psychic fluctuations.

I mean seriously 'drink only a bit of tea but very strong and in the morning and not in hot places'

>> No.18753541

I dunno man maybe he's kind of right at least about the sedentary life part I'm happier on days when I walk a lot it's true.

>> No.18753552

I'd agree with you about that though very mentally stable people dont care all that much if they're sedentary sometimes, you have to be delicate to really be affected by such a thing

>> No.18753623

This is a really good explanation and nicely expressed, anon, thank you for posting. I feel it’s a somewhat universal problem that is probably far worsened in OCD but still prevalent in introverted or sensitive natures, who are guilty of too obsessively attempting to rationalise or explain the unpredictable fluctuations of the psyche.

>> No.18753829

That makes sense, seems many of these things are a spectrum

>> No.18753866

but wheres the error?

>> No.18753893

Correct on every single point.

>> No.18754783

This is just carnivore intermittent fasting which has been popular in the recent times.
>put no trust in any thought that is not born in the open, to the accompaniment of free bodily motion — nor in one in which even the muscles do not celebrate a feast
and this is so profound and straightforward it does not even need to be commented on

>> No.18755178

>All prejudices take their origin in the intestines.
This is remarkably prescient considering that a major new field of biology/nutrition deals with the connection of the gut and the brain, and how gut bacteria influence your mood and could even cause depression if the flora is out of balance

>> No.18755188

>“All disease begins in the gut” – It's a quote attributed to the Ancient Greek physician Hippocrates nearly 2500 years ago.

>> No.18755195

What were Nietzsche's arguments against vegetarianism? Did he ever write about it

>> No.18755197

Yes, the Ancient Greeks were smarter than us moderns are.

>> No.18755200

camel vs. lion

>> No.18755207

Not as far as I know. Wagner was a vegetarian (at least he told people he was -- likely he was a hypocrite who ate meat anyway) and Schopenhauer is of course the philosopher against animal cruelty. Him eating meat again is simply another means by which he sought to distance himself from these former idols of his

>> No.18755209

The Chinese knew about it too. As someone who has been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome I can confirm that it had contributed negatively to my mental well-being until I changed my diet and eschewed all products which are hard to digest like dairy, corn, beans etc.

>> No.18755214

Try tianeptine for IBS, it's a godsend. I can eat literally anything now and don't have to do none of that sv3rige autism anymore.

>> No.18755220

>sv3rige autism
I prepared steak yesterday and it got me thinking how everyone freaks over by eating raw meat. Then it hit me: all I am really doing with this steak, is frying the exterior. The interior is functionally raw. It's not that different.

>> No.18755546

This is very well put. Not sure if it's OCD, I think if you feel enough anguish about your predicament, you'll be quick to attribute causes based on weak correlation (or one-off concurrence).

I would do this too, but I don't have OCD. I think this reasoning is behind made up dietary problems (gluten 'intolerance' and whatnot).

>> No.18755607

It's not remarkable when you consider the bastardized character of modern science.

>> No.18755744

you fucking retards want to tell me that i am at the very least mildy autistic?

>> No.18755761

Nietzsche was incapable of drinking because of his weak incel body. He suffered from various diseases for all his life. That's why all his work is a wet power fantasy.

>> No.18756242

Everyone not retarded has always known that there is a physiological basis for emotional states. What's unique today is just how many retards there are who don't know this.