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18753170 No.18753170 [Reply] [Original]

got the ending of anna karenina spoiled for me. should I still read it? was it bad anyway?

>> No.18753195

>still read it?
sure, the ending doesn't come as a surprise

>> No.18753314

Uncultered pleb.

>> No.18753318

Soap opera tier.

>> No.18753321

The best part is Levin who cares about the train schedule

>> No.18753374

It's an example of the worst style of books in existence, whose stole purpose is to occupy time in the reader's life through sheer empty length. People only think it's good because it's foreign, old, and well-known. I tried to read this once and it was like trying to eat the contents of a dumpster using a teaspoon. I would genuinely rather stare at the wall and occupy myself with my own thoughts for the 15 hours it would otherwise take to finish the rest.

>> No.18753386

damn, thought I got filtered

>> No.18753396

Holy filtered kek

>> No.18753478

that’s anna karenina, not bros karamazov

>> No.18753549

that same fucking book in your image spoils it in the introduction. it was when i was a gullible young naive boy who read intros.
also, no it didnt ruin it but i hated having the thought in my head

>> No.18753694

This. Dostofags call tolstoys work "Soap Opera' because they are mad that outside this board, tolstoy is considered the superior writer.

>> No.18754510

Whats your favorite part in AK, littybros?
For me its the scene where one of Levins brothers die. Very sad.

>> No.18754956

it's a great book
>good insights on how people's minds work
>comfy chapters in between dramatic ones
>long but it's a pleasure to read
classics are classics for a reason

>> No.18754974

The final part after the "ending" is what makes the book worth reading

>> No.18754990

There are too many great ones, most of then would spoil the story so I'm just going to say the part where Levin and Stiva go hunting

>> No.18755043

they both are

>> No.18755066
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Yeah, I enjoy reading both, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky. How did you know?