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/lit/ - Literature

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18752965 No.18752965 [Reply] [Original]

PS FUCK the new captcha

>> No.18752966

What a fucking useless thread. It's only used is for faggots seeking vanity.

>> No.18752972

It's a bit of fun anon. Contrary to popular belief, most of us stackthreadfags DO read quite voraciously. You're letting the piss be taken out of you

>> No.18752984
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>> No.18752988

The worst part is that how pristine the books are. Like they never been read before. It’s as if anons here just buy them for the sole purpose of taking pictures just to post here. A few of them have gotten smart and started buying books from second-hand stores with worn out spines to give the illusion that they’ve been read. Fucking disgrace, if you ask me

>> No.18752993

if you read a book and afterward it "looks read" you are literally a fat fucking american braindead neanderthal

>> No.18753051
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>> No.18753074

nice and simple, I like it

>> No.18753078

Which editions are those Iliad and Odyssey on the left of the standard Fagles ones? It's pretty hard to find a nice collection of similar editions for them + Aeneid

>> No.18753085
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some bought, some borrowed

>any recommendations?

>> No.18753090
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Everymans. They use the fitzgerald transl. pretty mint

>> No.18753097

ah thanks, appreciate it! very nice. do you have a preferred translation?

>> No.18753108

i have a bias towards fitzgerald probably cus i read him first. Generally i think fagles is a bit watered down compared to fitz but i havent gotten around to reading any beyond these two

>> No.18753147
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Almost all of those are worth reading immediately. I'll wing a rec: read Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four first, then the HST and PKD, then read Storm of Steel. Enjoy anon.

>> No.18753175

I've already read all those listed in a very similar order (except Storm) I guess that's up next ty fren!

>> No.18753355
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I would appreciate any rates/suggestions. Also have a 1st 1st printing edition the life and works of flavors Josephus by William Whiston (dust cover too)

>> No.18753497
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went on a 2 week road trip through the midwest to yellostone just to camp and read and hit up all these independent book and record stores. Saved up a whole year just to buy all these damn books. Pretty happy though most were on my backlog. Digging through books is always fun.
also hate that Genesis P orridge's book is called non binary

>> No.18753601
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>> No.18753630

Excellent. That was my first Greeks read and I'm now genuinely enjoying reading the rest

>> No.18753639

>PS FUCK the new captcha
It's not so bad. Way faster than the images.

>> No.18753692

Mirin your atlas of the body. Also the hot zone is a great book I’ve read it in High schoolhwvx0

>> No.18753698

Based Josephus and Spinoza

>> No.18753717

thanks, got it for 12 bucks at a half price books. I love taschen books

>> No.18753768
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>> No.18753852
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>> No.18753862
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Go balls deep, you're not going to regret it.

>> No.18753966

nice. i've enjoyed it too, just phaedo left to read :) where did you go after finishing it? i think i'm either going to go back to that oxford edition about the presocratics or perhaps get started on the iliad and odyssey. maybe i'll just go on to the symposium or phaedrus though. so much to read!

>> No.18754484


>> No.18754530

The fuck's that creepy tooth thing anon?

>> No.18754540

You know, I don't think I've ever seen anyone post a stack with Kipling in it.

Nice gun; get better books though faggot.

>> No.18754544
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>> No.18754548
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>> No.18754569

I mostly use stack threads to find interesting books that look like they're worth reading

>> No.18754576
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are you a redditor or still in high school?

>> No.18754748
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my cock choker guy-brator teeth edition

>> No.18755130

I have no fucking clue what that means anon.

They look hideous however.

>> No.18756370


>> No.18756382

You couldn't let this shit thread just die?

>> No.18756385

hes a dentist, or studying to be one

>> No.18756386

gypsy fag

>> No.18756493

Depending on how fucked your view on humanity is, Man's Search for Meaning.

If really fucked, save it. If your in the middle, read it first. If not fucked, now but if not soon.

Re-reading Meditations again after 8 years right now. Got a "modern" translation, and I'm reading and comparing with my more dated translation. Meditations is one you could read at any point really, if you want to get some different insights at the moment that might be a nice call.

>> No.18757717

Pagels is shite for Biblical analysis.

>> No.18758104
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>> No.18758320

Studying to become a dentist? There's a list of viruses in the background.

>> No.18758414


>> No.18758498
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>> No.18758522

Nice b8 m8

>> No.18758644


>> No.18758746

Nice covers

>> No.18759203

wow you’re cool.

>> No.18759208

Bruh this is babby shit, jeez

>> No.18759221

That book is probably new age liberal version. There are 4 dialogues not 5. Read the trial and death of Socrates

>> No.18759236
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This even collecting and showing of vidya stacks is more honest than the insecurities and prideful ness shown in these threads. If you are a millennial or zoomer and haven’t switched to digital, you are a lost cause.

>> No.18759241

Calm down there /pol/ack

>> No.18759265
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I read most of my books digitally but the ones I read over and over I like to buy physical copies of
Pic rel

>> No.18759282

My point here >>18759236
exactly, this faggot doesn’t even read. He just wants to look big and bad with his gun. Why are 4channers and 4chan in general so insecure. I guaranteed if you try to have any intellectual discussions with these cretins you’ll find their logic has holes and they severely lack knowledge in most topics. Yet they must show someone they’re still fighting the good fight against “Cultural Marxism” aka improvements to society(which they failed to fit into, hence their actions). Not even butterfly posts in these threads and yet she gets massive negativity while the wannabe hacks in this thread get praised. Yet I know she’s far more intelligent and knows that intelligence is shown by one’s prose and wit, not their android camera. But, I digress.

>> No.18759288

You can read through a physical book without wearing anything out.

>> No.18759299
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Finish Lolita and The Idiot. Stoner should arrive tomorrow and i'll start reading it.

>> No.18759300

My bad dude I’ll try to keep my /pol/fever in my pants. I want to know more books to read but I don’t really have the mind for it. I find concentration to be difficult and I’d rather just watch tv and shitpost. Still, I got a gun though but to be honest with you I’m probably gonna shoot myself with before I shoot someone. I’m that pathetic lol.

>> No.18759303

You know you can Download it on b-ok instead right.....?

>> No.18759311

what? I don't use an ebook or whatever they are called, I'd rather have the physical copy of a book.

>> No.18759316

It’s called a smart phone and it’s also called humility.

>> No.18759324

what the fuck are you rambling on about you fat fucking retard

>> No.18759331

I'd rather not spend time on a phone. Also, phones are small so it would be hard to read. And again I'd rather have a physical copy.

>> No.18759337
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>> No.18759344

it's the same shit just with Meno added, who cares.
>muh liberals
shut the fuck up mutt

>> No.18759459

based industrial fan

>> No.18760083


>> No.18760398
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>> No.18760413
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>> No.18760757

how is gold in the furnace?

>> No.18760761

Theodore Dalrymple is so laborious to read

>> No.18760876

Almost done with “On the Holy Spirit” and “Considerations on France”

>> No.18760882
File: 1.41 MB, 2694x2085, 7E7A3D69-106C-42CC-87AD-C3C8B5464F5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the stack

>> No.18760942


>> No.18761598

Fucking reds. Get a job.

>> No.18762010
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>> No.18762230

Test successful, comrade.

>> No.18762407

Jung is based, whats the blue thing ontop of Plato's Republic?

>> No.18762423

Nice samefags you fucking retard

>> No.18763236

>they added meno it must be the fucking libs
kys american - literally the same translations and introductions.

>> No.18763293

tales from covid?

>> No.18763836
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>you WILL buy an ereader
>you WILL use proprietary software and hardware
>you WILL put up with shitty epub formatting
>you WILL NOT leave your pod to visit a library or a small bookstore
>you WILL own nothing
>and you WILL be happy

>> No.18763900

the problem is that the distribution of literature has shrunk in a few hands. The same hands that vill see to ze fourth industrial revolution. Where do we buy literature if not from that which is fueling the drive towards this be happy own nothing agenda?

>> No.18763972

I buy used primarily. Those hands that sell you fresh books also sell you the ereader and the storage and other hardware necessary to make and keep backups, all of which are guaranteed to fail eventually. The own nothzing people are going to get their way no matter what you or I or a relative handful of other autists do.

>> No.18764910
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someone help me decide what to read next, Journey to the End of the Night or Latro in the Mist?

>> No.18765123


>> No.18765136


>> No.18765874
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Get on my level

>> No.18766281

journey is so good. the second half is definitely slower pace, but it kinda makes sense that it is the way it is. anyways, you should read it

>> No.18766283

Read Journey, embrace antisemeticism.

>> No.18766315

physical books are better for retention

>> No.18766425

yeah better for semen retention because physicalfags are never getting laid LMAOOA

>> No.18766438
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Fresh as can be

>> No.18766441

This is the worst image I have ever seen in a stack thread

>> No.18766574
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Can we all agree that books 7 and 8 contain the best features of Paradise Lost? The formation of Eden after the great war and the first day/recollections of Adam are sublime, and Milton so much treats better the subtler or tranquil elements than the dramatic confrontations, which is quite contrary to most other epics.

>> No.18766627
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>> No.18766680
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This is out of hand. I pick up a book like one of these while I'm reading something else, add it to the stack, finish my current book and decide I want something lighter and the stack sits ignored.

>> No.18766756

I don't mean to diminish the merits of anything else in the stack, especially the ones I've read but will choose not to mention, but: I would suggest applying yourself to the completion of Grapes of Wrath and the Aeneid particularly. Virgil perfected the Homeric epic and Grapes is still so painfully relevant that, in spite of having read EoE first and not thinking it could be topped by any other of Steinbeck's work, it summarily turned out that its precursor was the actual masterwork.

I'm not sure how far you've read into The Aeneid, but if you at least have read book 2 and 3 and aren't captivated by it, then I give you leave. But it really is worth the time.

>> No.18766791

I finished the Iliad recently and was planning to go right in to the Odyssey then Aeneid. I read two short books last week as a little break from Homer so I think I'll do the Odyssey then Grapes then Aeneid. Thanks for the thoughts.

>> No.18766822

You can put either one first, I understand why everyone would choose the Odyssey, at least as being congruent with the timeline and politic of the Greeks, but I actually found the Aeneid by far and away more captivating, in many ways but for one especially reason: the Iliad, at least as far as the story of the Trojan army has been relayed to us in our time, seems dramatically cut short, with its particular focus being Achilles, Agamemnon, Hector, and Priam, but lacking so many of the other elements from the larger story (rather than just the sliver we're presented in the Iliad) that have made their way to us despite the songs from which they derive no longer being extant. Why I mention books 2 and 3 of Aeneid is because it focuses on retelling the siege of Troy and from the perspective of those beseiged Trojans, no less. It simply lit a fire in my heart in a way that continuing to follow the exploits of the Argives and Odysseus did not. And once again, not to downplay the Odyssey, but just to say I was very surprised when I read the Aeneid after having put it off for so long, and it being now my favorite of the three.

>> No.18766875

What's with your everyman's Milton? I literally just looked at mine yesterday at it was blue. When did you get it?

Also you're a colossal faggot; the best books of Paradife loft are measured proportionally to how much Satan speaks in them.

>> No.18767086
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My latest haul

>> No.18767105

Most are pretty decent except for Bregman, he's the definition of an establishment shill. Skip it.

>> No.18767187

Based. Few read Fraser beyond Flashman.

>> No.18767250

Mine isn't weathered or sunbleached kek it's just beige for some reason. Perhaps just different pressing years, the copyright on the dust jacket is dated 2008.

>Also if you're a colossal faggot, the best books of Paradife loft are measured proportionally to how much Satan speaks in them
Fixed for noble souls aspiring to beauty and creation rather than the ignoble souls descending to subversion and destruction.

>> No.18767338

I suppose mine is simply newer; thankfully I'm glad: Blue is much more fitting than Brown.

Honestly I simply prefer Satan. A character rebelling against an impossibly powerful enemy whilst still having an oh so measurable power of their own? It seems more fitting to our times than the done before tale of golden-age innocence which, whilst quite pleasant in a cathartically naive sense, is still quite insipid.

I often fantasize about living in Eden—with a partner suited to my particular tastes of course. It's quite nice; I can see why it was regarded as a unknowable bliss kept away from the cursed to farm the land. I think of it like Iceland; a bit barren for some tastes but quite nice for me. Magnificent desolation, frigid steams, moss covered rocks to lay upon—quite nice. I really do quite like Paradise lost.

>> No.18768159
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>> No.18768264

Read Mary's version

>> No.18768551


>> No.18769258
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>> No.18769287

>I said le anglo meme! Am I le based yet le /lit/ bros!

>> No.18769310

Anti Anglo posters are like an even more autistic version of anti jew posters because they get less pushback and it's a more acceptable group to hate, so every dimwitted esl with aspergers and an inferiority complex just bleats day in and out about le Anglo, le americans, blah blah blah

>> No.18769368
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pretty much the only books I have with me atm. don't care about physical books so much anymore, I'm just that cool I guess

>> No.18769371

How's the Turgenev?

>> No.18769393

What's the second sex about? Is it like feminist or... I've heard of it but know nothing about it.

Why such a small copy of Gibbon? That can't be a tenth of the total books.

>> No.18769398
File: 336 KB, 885x933, study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread for books you're about to read
>They look unread

>> No.18769415

Go back to redd1t fags

>> No.18770011

You could have read Rawls online, he isn't worth the money
bottom two are cringe, hope you're reading them
out of curiosity and not because you already have some agreement with them.
>Is it like feminist or...

>> No.18770103
File: 2.51 MB, 4032x3024, 305F44CF-7841-451F-8E49-97D07D563819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started reading again over the quarantine. This is all I have read so far. Any suggestions? I’m reading complete Shakespeare next.

>> No.18770110
File: 3.09 MB, 4032x3024, 97861C32-4172-4998-9424-BB6F88064645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trying again hopefully the image isn’t sideways

>> No.18770119

pull it up in an image editor like paint and crop the sides. basically the width is too fat and 4chan doesn't like that

>> No.18770131
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>> No.18770164

>le epic le reddit meme! le epicly le based and le redpilled!

>> No.18770259
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>> No.18770264


>> No.18770290


>> No.18770368
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mail today
im going to read emma first :3

>> No.18770379
File: 3.94 MB, 3795x2847, 20210802_154436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do we think lads

>> No.18770449

post that image in the background

>> No.18770454


>> No.18770501
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>> No.18770532

I always think that those thicc volumes look cool but they're a pain in the ass to read
I have a complete works of shakespeare and I hate it even though it looks beautiful

>> No.18770547

very nice, but needs more non-fiction

>> No.18770741

Gayest stack of the thread

>> No.18771198

Yeah you're right, I'm just too lazy to read any nonfiction that isn't literary essays or criticism. Any recs?
Thanks anon :3

>> No.18771210

This isn't me :3

>> No.18771252
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>what? I don't use an ebook or whatever they are called, I'd rather have the physical copy of a book.
absolute chad

>> No.18771484

Still, gayest stack of the thread

>> No.18771490


>> No.18771572

good place to start with Smith?

>> No.18772483
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>> No.18773227
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How shall I behold the face
Henceforth of God or angel, erst with joy
And rapture so oft beheld? Those heavenly shapes
Will dazzle now this earthly with their blaze
Insufferably bright. O might I here
In solitude live savage, in some glade
Obscured, where highest woods, impenetrable
To star or sunlight, spread their umbrage broad
And brown as evening; cover me, ye pines;
Ye cedars, with innumerable boughs
Hide me, where I may never see them more.