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18749785 No.18749785 [Reply] [Original]

>Monotheism paved the road for atheism by sucking the mystery and life out of objective nature and positing a single God above his lifeless "artifact", the physical world
>Polytheism affirms the life of the world in all its complexity because it doesn't try to explain nature in rational terms, but leaves man open to the awe-inspiring mystery of the unexplained natural phenomena exercised by the Gods standing at the outer limits of our perception
Holy based, this has been the greatest redpill I swallowed in ages.

>> No.18749819

Polytheism paved the way for monotheism which paved the way for atheism.

>> No.18749830

What a retarded take, monotheism was imposed on polytheists

>> No.18749835

You don’t think the greeks and nords actually BELIEVED in their pantheon of “gods,” right?

>> No.18749839
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Start with the Assmann, egyptologist Jan Assmann.

>> No.18749854

By former polytheists.

>> No.18749864

The Romans were correct, Christianity is atheism and nihilism. It is the worship of an abstraction, a world to come, and a mere historical event.

Become a Christian! Why? Because this one thing happened at this one place this one time.

>> No.18749875

>writes an essay about how egoism in the modern world is killing religiosity in the west
>goes out of his way to endorse white supremacy by covering his ass "nooooo this isn't being selfish, we just matter more than the other races"
>shits on mysticism because his ooga booga ancestors had no conception of it while they lived in mud huts
Yeah I'm out, dropped this hypocrite's shit book. He's a liar and a hack. For those who want to get a clue of what I mean, here's a link to his defense of white supremacy. https://counter-currents.com/2012/10/asatru-and-the-political/

>> No.18749885
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>> No.18749889

What paved the way for atheism is not monotheism per se, it's the reconceptualization of God as principle rather than power. A principle can be substitued for another or for no principle at all. A working power can't be substituted for another

>> No.18749923

>attempts to defend Polytheism against nihilistic rationality by appealing to its utility

>> No.18749934

Kill yourself, you unbelieving ethnonationalist LARPer, every God including YAHWEH hates you.

>> No.18749960

>Whig history
Opinion discarded

>> No.18749979

>becoming this mad just because ethnonationalists are beloved by the gods
yikes bro calm down

>> No.18749989

>beloved by the Gods
You're worse than new age neopagans, indo-european polytheism was never an ethnic religion and was in open syncretism with its different brands in antiquity, /pol/tards are completely throwing the point of polytheism out of the window and turning it into a closed religion like abrahamism.

>> No.18750041

>god loves ME
>YOU are damned
crypto christer detected

>> No.18750059

Great book
>here's a link to his defense of white supremacy. https://counter-currents.com/2012/10/asatru-and-the-political/

>> No.18750068

All the far-right faggots who claim to be pagans are crypto-christcuck LARPers who use religion to push their retarded 20th century ideology and put their ancestors to shame.

>> No.18750089

>positing a single God above his lifeless "artifact", the physical world
Take the pantheism pill, a monotheistic belief system does not imply that God and Its creation are separated with God looking down from above.

>> No.18750146

>now she starts babbling on about religious syncretism instead of ethnonationalism
It would appear I've been talking to a legit schizo this entire time... ;^(
>decides to add a random second part just to make a point
What happened with /lit/? Is it just because it is summer?

>> No.18750167

Polytheism was never about ethnonationalism, retard

>> No.18750180

>polytheism was never about x thing
Powerful point. Much wisdom here.

>> No.18750183

Lol nigger-brain pagan Rome always made analogues between different gods. Some temples in England even had little Jesus statues in them.

>> No.18750201

What are you arguing against? I suspect this is your mental illness rearing its ugly head once again... Are we back to ethnonationalism or are you still debating your mental demons on whether polytheism have historically employed syncretism?

>> No.18750241

Ethnonationalism is Jewish.

>> No.18750276
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Judaism is as close to paganism as any Abrahamic religion gets.

>> No.18750297

>Polytheism paved the way for monotheism
monotheism only came into prominence because of Constantine.

>> No.18750377
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*blocks your path*

>> No.18750405

What is Plato the devout polytheist supposed to prove?

>> No.18750439

Simply not true. Polytheism never had an equality of gods, gods gave birth to and empowered each other in a hierachy of emanation of potenecy and being. The many gods become one god as you scale each link up the chain of being or geneology of gods.

Your concept of polytheism isn't eludicating the real difference in ideas here, which is the involvement of god/gods as the cause of all forces that act in the world, i.e. pandemonism, where all that is and acts is a theophany of god(s).

>> No.18750463

That the many comes from the One, gods inclusive. A single godhead emanates potency and being to all lesser beings (natural and supernatural) whom all inhere and participate in the godhead. Monotheism begins in the West with Plato. The Christian conception of God is entirely borrowed from Plato's One.

>> No.18750473

>That the many comes from the One, gods inclusive
If that is your proof that he was a monotheist then you are gonna have to show some conclusive proof that polytheism means there is no first principle or monarchia.

Please share your treatise by a polytheist philosopher to prove this please. Thanks.

>> No.18750522
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Properly gods are a paradigmatic cause, a combination of a formal cause (principle) and an efficient cause (power).

>> No.18750568

Summer hasn't ended since 2016. You're part of the problem.

>> No.18750574

I just ordered this book yesterday, I'm looking forward to reading it.

>> No.18750579

Monism =/= Monotheism

>> No.18750599

Is Christianity polytheistic for having angels? There isn't a great difference between Proclus's chain of being from the One to encosmic gods and terrestial demons and Dionysus's chain of being from God to angels.

Your definitions and clarity of thinking are poor. Within polytheism is already mono-formalism, mono-potency, mono-beinghood, etc. And within monotheism is always a chain of being that includes angels and demons, formal causes with power, and a range of super, preter, and natural beings that accord with paganism's gods and demons of nature.

The primary difference is the attitutde towards encosmic demons, the "nature spirits" of terrestial demons on Earth which pagans thought good and worthy of worship, and Christians thought evil and banished from European life.

But even here the Christian attitute against them comes from a Pagan view of Porphery and latent in Plotnius, that the terrestial demons of the Earth are malevolent and evil, corrupted by matter, and the gods worth worshipping are in the aerial and aether above and beyond the Earth:

>> No.18750608

Yes it does, monism is the ontotheology of monotheism.

>> No.18750622

There is no serious tradition with polytheism. True polytheism is a degradation of monotheism. You're being tricked by a retarded tumblr tier retard with no actual initiation or education. Read Guenon or Charles Upton.

>> No.18750632

>noooo this collection of traditions which do not have distinct boundaries must be adhered to my exact rules based on postmodern/modern morality or else you aren't doing it right noooooooo

>> No.18750633

Utterly wrong. You read new age pop tier garbage and don't actually read the ancient texts and think you have any clue what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.18750639

>>noooo this collection of traditions which do not have distinct boundaries must be adhered to my exact rules based on fascist/nazist morality or else you aren't doing it right noooooooo

>> No.18750649

Monotheism literally came from polytheism. This guy is a retard.

>> No.18750656

But there are monist polytheists. Perhaps a billion are still around as of 2021.

>> No.18750678

You have failed at a back-atcha lmao. I'm not the one trying to impose my politics on your religion. Right wingers exist, and so do you. That doesn't mean they're doing paganism wrong. If anything, their moral lens is more akin to the moral lens of the people who practiced paganism in Europe in ancient times. I still don't begrudge you if you want to practice fluff-bunny paganism, but people will subconsciously understand that what you're doing is farcical.

>> No.18750687

>Is Christianity polytheistic for having angels?

Unfortunately you are only interested in using concepts and ideas to further your already preconceived beliefs. You do not use them to achieve greater insight and knowledge. If monotheism just means one first cause :D:D:D:D:D: then the term is absolutely meaningless. Terms and concepts only have meaning if they can be distinguished from other terms and concepts of a similar kind. You blend them together as a tool of subversion.

Since polytheist and monotheist societies have all believed in one single source, a first principle, and some monarchia then this can clearly not be used to distinguish between them.

Monotheism believes in only one God who is the only being worthy of worship. Plato did not believe in this, neither did any of the other Greek philosophical schools. Henotheism, non-dualism, Eleatic Being, monism etc etc are not synonymous with monotheism.

>> No.18750702

>their moral lens is more akin to the moral lens of the people who practiced paganism in Europe in ancient times
>Implying romans gave two shits about racial supremacy.

>> No.18750722

Every Christian philosopher throughout history would deny Christianity subscribing to monism but whatever you're on a mission so don't let that stop you.

>> No.18750772
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>One God. 99 attributes. Purify the heart so that these attributes may be reflected like a mirror unto God so that He may glorify Himself through you. Where the heart goes the body follows. So purify it so you may return to Him.

Polytheism is a broken mirror never able to reflect the Truth. You're only breaking your own heart by believing in polytheism.

>> No.18750797

>another episode of the globalist pretending tribalism and clannism is totally different from ethnonationalism
Romans belief on tribe and ethnicity would make even the most hardcore ethnonationalist blush and scream "divide and conquer shill1!!".

>> No.18750809

>Romans belief on tribe and ethnicity
Extending your citizenship to all your territories is the opposite of nationalism, romans loathed the uncivilized tribalistic germanic tribes.

>> No.18750822

>Extending your citizenship to all your territories is the opposite of nationalism
That came really late and no it isn't even "the opposite of nationalism".
>romans loathed the uncivilized tribalistic germanic tribes.

>> No.18750843

>That came really late
Regardless the sentiment of collectivism was already established in the public mentality and the letters from that age attest that.

>> No.18750883

Sure if you agree that it is a degeneration then I think we can stop here.

But go ahead you should take your pasty ass to one of those Native-American religious revival groups and tell me that you want to worship the great Coyote in the sky and do the rain dance with them. Make sure to let them know how silly they are if they hesitate for even a second. heh fuck that stupid Drumpf supporting Running with Bulls guy for not knowing that exclusionary thinking is 100% Abrahamic.

>> No.18750888

Oh, so of all the Indo-European religious traditions, you want to pin what modern pagan morality should look like to Rome? Okay nice, well I guess pagan morality is literal fascism lol (which is not right wing, as you clearly define what is and isn't right wing by its "racial supremacy"). Good thing you didn't pick Germanic paganism where we would have ended up with divine class-based racism a la The Rigsthula. Or Celtic paganism where we would have ended up with strict class divisions and war cults. I'm just glad we settled with the word "paganism" rather than the very problematic Greek "ethnikos".

>> No.18750955

Nigger, the systematic racism of these tribes was only a result of the hardships of the bronze/iron age. We don't need it anymore than we need to avoid eating shrimps and wearing different fabrics in Christianity. Paganism in Rome evolved over time to remove its most inhumane aspects and it wouldn't hold my breath if the same would have happened to the other forms of polytheism given enough time to integrate without converting to Christianity.

>> No.18751031

He's a philosophical man influenced by the Evolist/Eliade half of the Traditionalist school, Heiddeger, and Neoplatonism. Of course he rejects Sacerdotality
Acting on behalf of your people =/= egoism. Read the Gita

>> No.18751051

You say that, but pagan systems extant on this planet, Indo-European ones certainly not exempt, have still not adopted your universal morals, even in countries like Japan with high standards of living. This assertion that you're making is Christian Whig history imposed onto your nominal religion (note that Indo-European paganism specifically and consistently has a pedigree of cyclical history). And sure, paganism changes with time and your pagan practice isn't invalid per se, but you have no grounds with which to claim that your moral lens is objective or universal when it manifestly is not.

>> No.18751057

oh no how awful

>> No.18751077

>even in countries like Japan
There's no rule outlawing foreigners from worshipping the Kami in Shinto.

>> No.18751130

Do you have a point?

>> No.18751237

Worshipping the one God that is all in all is the same as worshipping the One whose being is the being of all in all, or whose power is the power of all in all, whose form is the form of all in all. That paganism gives the form of the One's being and power different identities and names as hypercosmic and encosmic Gods doesn't change what is being worshipped, calling it a god-as-such or an idea within the One/God is a very small difference. You're missing the point of the OP, that within polytheism there is already monotheism, and that Christian monotheism is a very small modification of polytheistic Platonism.

The primary difference is the view of the natural world on Earth, whether matter and terrestrial daemons are good and to be worshipped, or evil and to be disclaimed in favour of the God(s) outside of matter and the Earth. Here paganism was divided, Christians generally took the side of Plotinus and Porphyry that matter contaminated terrestial being, both human and daemon, whilst Iamblichus and Proclus are closer to the vulgar paganism of nature worship that viewed the Earth and matter as sacred, with the terrestial daemons of "nature" included.

Dumb binary thinking, that is frankly Judaic, doesn't belong on /lit/.

>> No.18751252

incoherent cringe nonsense.

>> No.18751323

And their monotheism is of the same nature as a Catholic praying through saints to the godhead, or the Jewish-Christian philiopher who collapses the pagan gods into the single godhead as ideas in the mind of God, while preserving everything else of their ontological function.

Read what Philo, Origen, Dionsysus and Augustine wrote about Plato and how small the changes were needed to be to go from pagan Neoplatonism to Christian ontotheology.

>> No.18751349

Because Christianity preserves the Platonic distinction between the One beyond being, and the One-Being, and collapses them into the single godhead that is boith the ground of being while also above it and ineffable.

>> No.18751363

Your universalizing monotheist religion is not of the same nature as these. It has routinely throughout its history sought to eradicate polytheistic monists wherever encountered, unless overwhelmed by sheer numbers as in medieval and colonial India, or a strong central government as in early modern Japan and China. I don't know why people are so lazy as to think similarities are sameness, it must be due to all the reductionist tradlarping, product of a modern disinterest in religions on their own terms since they are seen as modes of model religion (which of course does not exist in practice). Even the Christian theologians you mention did not think they were the same, hence the modifications they made.

>> No.18751432
File: 215 KB, 1280x658, 1280px-_Triumph_of_Christian_religion__by_Laureti,_Vatican_Museum_(2994324341).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumb binary thinking
lel you're so fucking dumb

Believe it or not but binary thinking is a good thing when you're facing a religion that has as its religious dogma to destroy all foreign expressions of religion and culture.
>You're missing the point of the OP, that within polytheism there is already monotheism
No there isn't. That is a contradiction in terms.
>Christian monotheism is a very small modification of polytheistic Platonism.
>small modification
Dude this shit is not gonna work, it is not the second century anymore.

Your appeal to muh word/concept fallacy is pathetic.

>> No.18751477

>>Monotheism paved the road for atheism by sucking the mystery and life out of objective nature and positing a single God above his lifeless "artifact", the physical world
How about no? This has more to do with Newtonian Physics and Positivism than anything else. Which unironically started with Pythagoras and his mathematics stuff. So any brainlet gets to write a book about religion and Gods and whatever?

>> No.18751640

Good for them.

>> No.18751652

what does the Assmann say?

>> No.18751675

Monotheism is a counter-religion