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/lit/ - Literature

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18747381 No.18747381 [Reply] [Original]

While I was asleep Charles "The Bell Curve" Murray released a best seller.

>At a mere 168 pages, it is considerably shorter than the 500-plus pages of Murray’s previous book, Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class. That’s because there are only two big ideas being forwarded: that different races in America “have different violent crime rates and different means and distributions of cognitive ability.” That’s it.


>> No.18747445

Does it offer any suggestions on the reconciliation of the individual vs the herd.

In other words we have articulate and educated blacks and we have places like Haiti and Liberia. When will we see a real modern day Wakanda. We have black ceos but we know what it means when a crowd of 200 “teens” brawl at the mall. How does one reconcile this disparity in their mind - the disparity of the individual and the stereotype.

>> No.18747461

Based Murray.

>> No.18747491

Thanks, rabbi.

>> No.18747629

>biology of class
More “scientific” racism?

>When will we see a real modern day Wakanda
Post-capitalist world

>> No.18747824

>More “scientific” racism?
more like truth .All of us are racists and ethnocentric

>> No.18747899

As Razib says, there's nothing remarkable about the content other than Murray's the last man standing who can publish about it.
>Murray is alarmed by the possibility that the US might actually renounce the liberal order. He imagines a world in which ethnicity becomes central to our identity and self-understanding, a possible consequence of which is rising resentment among non-elite whites, hunkered down away from the wealthier cosmopolitan parts of the country.
Ethnicity was central to self-understanding in every nation in the world up until the 20th century, when a few religious zealots decided that the United States of America was so exceptional that the rules no longer applied to it. Now we're told that it's evil, backward, imbecilic to incorporate your ancestry into your identity (at least if your skin color is light enough). The liberal order will be renounced one way or the other because its internal contradictions have become untenable. Murray and the older crowd who were part of the cohort which renounced ethnicity are incapable of seeing that their fantasies were the problem, and that elite whites' delusions are the natural outcome of people taking the 1960s vintage non-racial american identity seriously.
>Murray proposes that Americans will be able to achieve a modus vivendi with racial inequality if they renew their faith in the American creed. This strikes me as quixotic. I remember that America fondly, but it was disappearing even as I grew from adolescent public-library goer into middle-aged parent. I share Murray’s yearning, but the world he wishes to resurrect is now a generation in the past.
>We can deny reality. We can ignore the demands of the future. But we’re accelerating rapidly toward a time when we’ll have to face reality with 21st-century solutions to our problems.
A cop-out to avoid acknowledging that other centuries had their own solutions to similar problems which must now be critically reassessed.

>> No.18747914

>All of us fear The Other
Is this Freudian? You afraid of other people taking your mate-stock?
No doubt Murray never gets that far

>> No.18747918

ok go to st louis at night

>> No.18747924

How does it feel to be the worst poster on /lit/?

>> No.18747927
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kek, he won't though

>> No.18747929

Under state-capitalism? How about fuck you.

>> No.18747935

>black men
>stealing white women

>> No.18747942

so you're revealing racial preference by choosing to stay away from violent locales got it. Lock her up libpolice take her away. Into the bigot brig.

>> No.18747948

No one asked for your stats. This is of course about the unreasonable fears of the racist minority.

No. How old are you even?

>> No.18747951

if you don't walk around st louis at night you are a racist. you are. you are revealing racial preference. you have to do this.

>> No.18747962
File: 274 KB, 736x932, AD2D7E31-B993-4F8B-80E7-6B3CAFF21CA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doubles down on his bad joke
You can’t be serious.

>> No.18747989 [DELETED] 

hey nig nog it is ugly ass subhumans like u who're projecting their deepest insecurities and blaming the system rather than blaming their parents for passing down their trash genes.

>> No.18748007

After seeing the pic that person just posted it is now clear to me you are arguing with a tranny, dont waste your time

>> No.18748015

>Reaction images on AN IMAGE BOARD means you have gender identity troubles
Really weak troll, lad. 0/10

>> No.18748016

It's unfortunate that the post capitalist world is going to be much worse than our current one.

>> No.18748025
File: 2.83 MB, 2094x1410, File0005a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone old enough who grew up in a paradise like Vancouver, Canada, has clearly seen the demographics change and the standard of living absolutely plummet like a rock.

We are living in the worse fucking shithole now, 2021 is a fucking joke, clown world to the extreme, the people are complete sheep, crackheads everywhere, and housing is completely bonkers because the government is gleefully replacing the demoralized whites while international business and international money laugh their asses off as EVERY SINGLE POLITICAL PARTY is completely controlled by the same people.

>> No.18748028

Yes give me some more (you)'s as you dilate nigger

>> No.18748032


>> No.18748038

What would one who can see this reality do though? All I can think of is moving somewhere else like china and getting away from the madness. Some would say stay and fight but fight for what? even whites disgust me at this point

>> No.18748047

>Because —STALIN

So asian people have brought the slums?

>> No.18748053

All you need to do is have a good woman, have kids, and simply consoom less.
>used car you can work on
>good values you can pass on
>no desire to keep up with the latest pop culture insanity like black faggot music
>lots of interesting hobbies to keep your kids respecting you
>stay fit so your kids and others respect you
>dress well, good hygiene
>create... write, draw, paint, dance, whatever
>they want you to feel powerless, gain power, lift, be joyful

>> No.18748059

I think Stalin would probably be an improvement on whatever hell will come after capitalism.

>> No.18748063

Go to Haiti, South Africa, any state under black rule, or a communist/anarchist/whatever meme country and walk around the blackest neighborhood at night alone. You'll still get raped and murdered

>> No.18748067

Thats cool and all but that does nothing about the decay of society im trying to avoid having to be in the middle of. I have to live with the consequences of it even if I may be living MY best life. These things didnt do much for the generations before us.

>> No.18748072

You just need to live your best life. There is nothing that is going to stop or fix the nose-dive we are currently in.

>> No.18748076

> EVERY SINGLE POLITICAL PARTY is completely controlled by the same people.

>> No.18748087

>Capitalist shit holes.
Why are you here, tourist? This is a board for literature, not your scientific justifications for greaking out about people that don’t look like you.

>> No.18748089

In Canada like 20+ Churches have burned to the ground recently from arson. Nobody cares.

IMAGINE THE OUTRAGE if a single mosque or synagogue burned down?

>> No.18748091

You stupid cunt
>or a communist/anarchist/whatever meme country
You are by far the worst tripfag of all time. I unironically hope you and your entire bloodline gets brutally murdered by niggers

>> No.18748096

What if the literature is about "greaking out" about people that dont look like you? I dont believe the book posted was about sucking off minorities yet here you are.

>> No.18748099

Neither will hiding away. Your best life under that?
No, we have have to create the alternative as it collapses. Aid in its destruction. Don’t wait for it to recover so it gather you and your kids back up to use as coal for its furnaces

>> No.18748102

>I don’t understand what you’re saying! Yur stoopdid

>> No.18748106
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I want to hate rape you so bad

>> No.18748113

I agree friend, I'm not hiding, I'm writing!

>> No.18748119

don't reply to the stupid tripfag cunt
do talk about the book and charles murray's works
check out "in our hands"

>> No.18748167

>brain size has a correlation coefficient of .3 with intelligence
>brain size differs by race and sex
>blacks and women are dumb as shit

>Dr. Lain gets canceled by stupid cunts like you

> alleles correlated with high intelligence are found in white and Asian countries at higher rates

Genetics are proving everything you believe in wrong. Die you stupid old cunt.

>> No.18748175

u're wasting time with subhuman genetic dead-ends.

>> No.18748181

>phrenology is reel!

>> No.18748854

The Other is always a potential danger or resource hog.

>> No.18748869

God knows how many times i have filtered you and yet you are here, like a fucking tumor.

>> No.18748900

Murray argues here that Whites realizing solidarity would wrought a worse future than if they don't.

>> No.18748905

>ok go to a poor area at night
Yeah, that is exactly butter's point.

>bbbut poor white areas!
Poor white areas typically dont have feds running in drugs and weapons to fund their black book projects.

>> No.18748913

Our manufactured opioid epidemic largely targets poor Whites. Lots of those Whites have weapons of their own volition.

>> No.18748924

>Does it offer any suggestions on the reconciliation of the individual vs the herd.
No, but Arthur Melzer and Leo Strauss do. See Philosophy Between the Lines and "Persecution and the Art of Writing."

Also consider whether or not certain administrative configurations and the ideas imbedded within them are not more conducive to social breakdown than others.

>> No.18748928

One difference here too that contributes. Crack is profitable venture for the gangs that control the streets. Opioids (ignoring heroin) is run by the doctor gangs.

>> No.18748934

I'm a total newfag on /lit/ but you already seem like a huge dick

>> No.18748956

butterfly is a almost 50 year old lesbian who spends 10 hours a day on 4chan for the last 10+ years

>> No.18749011

Yeah I saw him saying that in an interview. I wonder if he knows its already happening underground.

>> No.18749047

>Does it offer any suggestions on the reconciliation of the individual vs the herd.
he did this in his most famous work, in fact, it is the title of it

>> No.18750053

If you found that post particularly dickish, I guess we won’t get along.
Racists who try to justify their irrationality with science instead of probing the psychological problem they have, shouldn’t publish, promote or be read. All his stuff can be debunked quite easily.

Capitalism creates wealth for a few by the labor and punishment of those who we call the working poor. Government and capitalism are two heads of a single beast

>> No.18750164

So which party runs all those cities that you don't want to be in again?

>> No.18750187

>All his stuff can be debunked quite easily
And yet it hasn't been

Capitalist countries have a middle class, communist countries do not. Capitalist countries have higher living standards for the poor than commie shitholes. Every communist country that's managed to develop a functioning economy had to do so by trading with capitalist countries, watch what happens to Cuba, North Korea, any communist nation you cut off trade with.

>Govt and capitalism are two heads of a single beast
Then why do you support the much larger more powerful government that communist rule requires?

>> No.18750199


>> No.18750794

Parallel societies will become increasingly important in the US and Canada. If you don't create or join a parallel society you will be in the mass mongrel underclass. Freemasons and Jews are prime examples of historically successful parallel societies in the US.

>> No.18750992
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>> No.18750997

based twitter daddies

>> No.18751131

>You failed linear algebra therefore anything you say about psychometrics is wrong
>I failed grad school level theory
>Matricies tho!

>> No.18751151

People coping about iq will never stop being funny

>> No.18751197

Academics are basically catty high school girls with a larger vocabulary.

>> No.18751218

Not a mathematician, but I took enough math in college to know that “Theory of X” classes are significantly different and more difficult than just “X” classes, especially in regards to mathematics. The guy that replied to Murray was clearly relying ONLY on Wikipedia.

>> No.18751307

I went to Vancouver and it seemed okay. There's that bit at the top of East Hastings, but otherwise it was really clean and I felt safe everywhere

>> No.18751313

>The guy
Thats Nassim Taleb,a mathematician.
>but I took enough math in college to know that “Theory of X” classes are significantly different and more difficult than just “X” classes, especially in regards to mathematics.
Taleb is replying to Murray saying that linear and matrix algebra are "different".It doesn't matter how the course was structured in your school but in mathematics linear algebra,is in fact matrix algebra.

>> No.18751343

It's just an ad hom meant for midwits; preaching to the converted. Taleb has a background in math, albeit financial mathematics (lol), but that isn't the point. All he has to do is point out that both involve matricies and 99.99% of peoplle are going to see it as a gotcha moment--especially if they're experiencing cope.

>> No.18751352

about 90% of modern grievance politics in the west is a cope for IQ being a good determinant of life outcomes and also being unevenly distributed on average by racial group

every time you read about the 'asian economic miracle' or the 'miraculous rise' of china/taiwan/singapore etc remember that none of it is miraculous if you simply look at the psychometrics.

>> No.18751369

I'm this guy: >>18751343.
See: >>18751313. The fact Taleb's mathematical background is in financial mathematics doesn't matter to him. All that matters is you can broadly categorize the linear algebra and matrix theory into the same mathematical category (even though they deal with matrices as mathematical objects in different ways). There's no point explaining that the way a matrix is treated in financial mathematics is very different than how it is treated in something like ring-theory,

>> No.18751395
File: 5 KB, 200x166, blowjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yay so excited for the latest Murray book in which he repeats the same old without defending the conceptual validity of IQ

>> No.18751401

Its conceptual validity is that it predicts outcomes

>> No.18751405

Sorry, I gave >>18751313 too much credit. There's a chance he knows what a matrix is maybe different ways you use them. However, the level of analysis for the ad hom stops at the idea they both have matrices.

Anyway, the ad hom is successful because we're talking about the differences between pure mathematics and applied linear algebra. (Also, notice how you made a point about such a difference but >>18751313 thinks you're discredited because you didn't know who Taleb is? The main thing is Murray's grads in a single course, that you have to be pretty damn good at math to be able to even take, don't directly deal with the content of his book).

>> No.18751418

No that doesn't necessarily prove that there is some object called intelligence being measured.

>> No.18751457

Really doesnt matter, it still gives you practical information that explains why things happen

>> No.18752850

based butters btfoing the chuds

>> No.18752897

US is just doomed to be a muttland, I wish to prevent migrations into Europe to not turn it into another muttland.