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18747333 No.18747333 [Reply] [Original]

So suppose accelerationism isn't a midwit sham and collapse can and will actually happen.

(rather than the obvious Globohomo Optimization Age that is right now assimilating us into its service)

What do accels propose you do after the collapse provided there's no extinction? What will they do? Go full Linkola?

>> No.18747344

>books about extremist opinion I have picked up
>anyone know any books about thing I already agree with
>can someone recommend books defending my latest zinger against well-adjusted people
>looking for books about the made up thing I want other people to buy into

>> No.18747349

Jebo ti pas mater

>> No.18747363

the very notion of accelerationists "doing something" in an organized, body politic sort of way, goes against the principles of most schools of accelerationism. accelerationism as an ideology (in general) recognizes that capital is in someway more of a subject with agency than any human or communities of humans. the idea here is that with capitalism and industrialization as processes birthed something into existence which is ultimately beyond human control or apprehension. all the intellectual traditions and political movements that have come in the wake of this state of affairs is someway a feature or expression of this capital-as-agent

>> No.18747369

Puši ga majmune

>> No.18747379

How do they deal with the fact that Marx expected capitalism to collapse within his lifetime and here we are in 21st century dystopia?hhjkt

>> No.18747394

>this time it'll be different guys
>we're not like the Mesopotamians
>or the Egyptians
>or the Greeks
>or the Romans
>or the other Romans
>or the muslims
>we're special
The collapse is coming, one way or another. Even if the powers that be manage to hold out in hightech, urban, city states, those too will fall in time. Don't even get me started on the space colonization meme.
>What do accels propose you do after the collapse provided there's no extinction? What will they do? Go full Linkola?
Pretty much.

>> No.18747398

wait are you talking about "accelerationism" as in "vote trump because that'll ~accelerate~ the contradictions of capitalism" ? because that's not a real thing, no one espouses this or really thinks this way

>> No.18747400

Reject accelerationism, embrace radical pessimism

>> No.18747429

nothing collapsed, its all a continues nightmare and it will never end

>> No.18747438

I voted for Trump because I thought he was funny. Simple as.

>> No.18747451

Well yeah, that's the point. But some parts are more nightmarish than others.

>> No.18747527

I did not ask

>> No.18747544

Then why did you ask me about accelerationism?

>> No.18747555

>because that's not a real thing, no one espouses this or really thinks this way
I have seen leftists argue that the way to proceed with realizing the end of capitalism is to support businesses like Amazon, Google, etc. until everything is a monopoly. This will provide a target which unions can focus on and thus accelerate the rise of communism. Much like their right-wing counterparts, these accelerationists don't really have much of an idea of how to get from "our opponents win" to "we turn the game on its head". It reminds me of that joke about the army regiment who finds itself surrounded by enemies and rather than panicking, celebrates because every bullet they fire will hit an opponent.

>> No.18747557

dig the culprits out of their holes and take their treasure


>> No.18747567


I thought they were pro-commune and only trying to egg on the collapse of capitalism

>> No.18747591
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>What do accels propose you do after the collapse provided there's no extinction?
Rebuild Rome

>> No.18747630

that's literally just Marxism bro lol

>> No.18747634

Well, explain how you get from
>Giant megacorporations run everything and have a monopoly
>Communism utopia

>> No.18747635

Literally fixing up old architecture is nice, but no one should ever want to see the age of empire return.

>> No.18747636

>but no one should ever want to see the age of empire return.
I do.

>> No.18747638

gonna rebuild all the roads to rome but bulldoze the city itself

>> No.18747655

Well Marx thought it was inevitable that the contractions inherent to capitalism would lead to socialism, he didn't say much about what that transition would actually look like. Something something dotp

>> No.18747660

When life was nasty brutish and short?
Just apply for a backbreaking job somewhere and offer to be paid less. Or join the military and charge into an open fire situation

>> No.18747662

trans rights

>> No.18747665

>When life was nasty brutish and short?
And it'll be so again.
>Just apply for a backbreaking job somewhere
Way ahead of you bud.

>> No.18747674
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How about you read about accelerationism instead of spouting dumb memes like a retard?
Contradictions have never killed anything, accelerationism is not and has never been about accelerating contradictions nor about acceleration as a praxis.

>> No.18747690

>these accelerationists
I don't think you know what that term means.

>> No.18747696

If they call themselves accelerationists, then they are accelerationists to me

>> No.18747703

That's marxism as in Marx envisaged the passage from a problematic capitalism to a socialist tended capitalism by way of the contradictions inherit in the capitalism mode of production. That's why he calls for an all out revolution, not for a slow and progressive relation with capitalism.

>> No.18747708

>If they call themselves accelerationists, then they are accelerationists to me
Tranny loving fag. Go read a book, then go and hang, nigger.

>> No.18747714
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do you really think accelerationism is shitty 'Marxism'? go and read Land or Deleuze or something

>> No.18747730

Well, that's what left-wing accelerationism seems to be. Right-wing accelerationism seems to be "import Muslims and promote LGBT until the system collapses, and then take over"

>> No.18747737

Didn’t know rightwingers were big on historical materialism though.

>> No.18747754

And people wonder why the US cannot win a war anymore.

>> No.18747763
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Can't lose a war that did not take place

>> No.18747771
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>that's what left-wing accelerationism seems to be
no, that's what dumb twitter faggots, dumb surface article readers or people that get their information from memes think. As Mark Fisher (that one guy that was the face of left-wing accelerationism) clearly states "what we are not talking about here is the kind of intensification of exploitation that kneejerk socialist humanism might imagine when the spectre of accelerationism is invoked" (from the left-wing accelerationism text he wrote 'Terminator vs Avatar'), that is to say, the intensification of exploitation by monopolies is not in any way what accelerationists view as the path to any kind of emancipation, atleast not the accelerationists that actually read/think. nor is right-wing accelerationism as dumb as you portray it. Accelerationism, if taken seriously, understands that nothing has ever died from an acceleration or intensification of contradictions.

>> No.18747785

Kek. Maybe Baudrillard was a CIA plant like Marcuse?

>> No.18747792

you mean our extralegal occupations

>> No.18748060

This is utterly fascinating shit. Its completely changed the way I view capitalism. It's like it's some sort of monster that cannot be killed. You can try reeling it in with regulation as countries do to try to ease the destruction of the less fortunate, but that also slows growth down. I don't think capitalism can ever fail either. Every time someone thinks it can fail it just revs up again, it's so elastic. The people may suffer but this economic mode is just sleeping for a time. And the idea that AI and capitalism is baked into eachother because you need that rapid growth to get there. Do I have this right? Does the accelerationst want to deregulate capitalism a little as to let it fly?

>> No.18749573

>Does the accelerationst want to deregulate capitalism a little as to let it fly?
no. as >>18747771 stated, a deregulation or intensification of capitalism leads to nothing for the left winged accelerationists.

>> No.18749659

>It's like it's some sort of monster that cannot be killed.
It is, you can think of it as the evil thing Burroughs was describing that inhabited America way before any people arrived there. Capital is an autonomous entity that uses humans for its survival and endless, tumorous growth and expansion. It existed since the dawn of time, just waiting for man to arrive and become its greatest, most fanatical practitioner. The international megacorps (zaibatsus) are fully fledged organisms in their own right, composed of human cells but much greater than the sum of the parts. Kill a handful of top executives and they will be replaced immediately and nothing will change. As much as mankind likes deluding itself, the anthropocene is over and the capitalocene is now upon us forever. Now we simply have to wait for the AI demiurge to emerge eventually and free us from and of ourselves.

>> No.18749715

cringe, this was cool in 2016 now you're just mystifying the stock market. Like Nigga How Are Hyperstitional Predators From The Future Real Ahahahaha Like Just Pull The Plug Ahahahahahahaha

>> No.18749723

>what is enron
>what is bolshevism

>> No.18749730

>this was cool in 2016
>Like Nigga
As much as I agree with you in some respects, and most likely disagree in others, I think you sound like a dumb nigger that should be hanged.

>> No.18749750

They and everything else are little bumps in the road for the endless march of neoliberalism and capitalism

>> No.18749928

BAP thread?

>> No.18750054

How can you be this retarded? The fundamental thrust of accelerationism, left or right, is attributable directly to Marx's defence of voting in favour of free trade.

>"But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade."

Both Land and Deleuze were acutely aware of this, btw.

>> No.18750093

There are a huge amount of retards on the internet I've noticed lately who think that 'people believed this in 2015' is some kind of argument as to why it's not true. As if they were talking about a shoe that was in fashion then and now is not

>> No.18750145

reading marx
that's acceleration
wearing the mask
that's acceleration
taking the vax
that's acceleration
taking it in the ass
that's acceleration
replacing whites with blacks
u know that's acceleration

>> No.18750157

Which Burroughs do I read first, anon?

>> No.18750166

Don't make a god out of what has enslaved you, it's that simple. It's not cool, it's not heckin epicrino, if it is anything like you say it is, it is a world-eating demon engine that you should resist with every fibre of your being, not something to root for from your arm chair

>> No.18750170

>replacing whites with blacks
>u know that's acceleration
Depends on the type of white. Non-English? I don't care either way. The English race being replaced? I cheer.

>> No.18750175

I think you misunderstood that post. 'shitty Marxism' would refer more to the notion that intensification of antagonism would NATURALLY lead to a change in sistems. It does lead to the conditions that allow, by acting (not in a 'natural' way), a change in the system. >>18747634 is shitty marxism, that intensification without a notion of it being conditions of posibility and nothing else is shitty marxism (like >>18747703 said). Land and Deleuze are aware of this and take different directions on how to treat this situation, but they know that an intensification of contradictions won't lead to a change, it might lead to an 'extreme point' but that 'extreme point' might not lead to action, atleast not for Deleuze and the accelerationists.

>> No.18750181

This photo looks like my town. Americans probably can't relate but this is what living conditions of people in Eastern Europe look like. I don't fear accelerationism

>> No.18750182

I don't root for it, I just think its takeover is inevitable and final. Like, I think when humanity set it into motion, they had no real idea just what they had done, and now it's completely impossible to stop it

>> No.18750207

I (>>18749730) am not >>18749659

>> No.18750221

itt: not a single person who understands accelerationism

>> No.18750237

Naked Lunch was mine and most peoples starting point and is his most famous book so I would start with that. Alternatively you could start with his actual first book Junkie, but it's not quite as well developed yet

>> No.18750243

Go on..

>> No.18750255

no, fuck that, start with 'The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar' or with the CCRU's text on him http://www.ccru.net/archive/burroughs.htm and then go crazy

>> No.18750261

it doesn't matter, you make it inevitable by teleologizing it you dolt, every step of the way to this machine was secured by force, it isn't some noumenal attractor, it's the aggregate appetite of 7 billion bodies that infringes on the individual with pseudo-teleological force. and yes, I'm aware capitalism = consumption of energy gradients is entropy compliant.

it is interesting to look at a vending machine and see an anti-human force pulling its strings, in a lot of ways you do need to mystify the Enemy to fight it, so it isn't "just" an economic system, "just" this or that, but at the same time, most of these retards missed the memo and thought Land was talking about getting spitroasted by pokemon dildos for moloch.

>> No.18750263

explain it and also expose the pseuds

>> No.18750275

nigger, I'm not that fag, stop (you)'ing me

>> No.18750278
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fuck burroughs, what is it with americans wanting to demolish the control system so they can become bonobos? there isn't an ariyan bone in burroughs' body, fuck that degenerate, he belonged with the monster he hated, some junkie pederast doesn't speak for me and certainly not for the Outside of the Leviathan, he IS the Leviathan, just estranged from itself.

>> No.18750283
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>> No.18750291

>>18747333 (chegged)
The final reincarnation of Vishnu will only come at the brink of complete technological slavery, so if you want to solve the problem, you need to get to that point as soon as possible. So if accelerationists achieve their goals, you don't really have to do anything past that point because a new Golden Age will begin on its own.

>> No.18750292

I'm talking to no one in particular you autistic fuck, I'm not asking you out on a date

>> No.18750301

I'm still indifferent.

>> No.18750310

Some time ago I came into contact with a small fringe group who believed that jews should be worshipped as living gods instead of being hated and feared, since they (theoretically, according to some) control and pull the strings behind everything that matters. The same principle applies here, being in the good graces of your mostly unseen invisible overlords can be a good thing, although I assume they're mostly uncaring and unfeeling

>> No.18750318

>sex bad
Ok buddy

>> No.18750323

the general idea to dispense with metanarratives and schemes in favor of adapting on the fly to the radically changed circumstances post-collapse. by definition, any pre-collapse plans will prove next to useless post collapse because it's impossible to imagine the outside of the box that you're currently stuck in. this is similar to the tragedy of preppers, who naively cling to the idea that you personal can survive the end of the world via consumer spending

>> No.18750330

You don't either

>> No.18750337

Preppers are delusional, but they will survive much longer than any accelerationist

>> No.18750383

no they won't, they'll be killed in the first week by roving gangs of raiders. accelerationists will survive by becoming sex slaves and court fools to said raiders

>> No.18750396

Mad Max fanfic

>> No.18750416

>he thinks anybody will survive

>> No.18750422

most preppers also are stupid enough to advertise both their stockpiles and defensive situations with extension video records. i've been compiling a list of sites and what's there based on youtube posts and metadata and plan to sell this to my future raider kings in the form of an epic poem that only i know

>> No.18750429

humans are the cockroaches of earth

>> No.18750431

>he thinks bedouins won't survive

>> No.18750434

All of these countries exist. They're just former shell of themselves and have descended into irrelevance

>> No.18750448

>pseudo-teleological force
yeah it's called teleoplexy, Land wrote all about how it isn't teleological lol

>> No.18750482

the problem with discussing accelerationism is that non of your retards know what it is and yet rather than try and read some theory or something you post these big rambling screeds. idk what to reply to this post because it isn't aimed at accelerationism
>Rome collapsed so every other country will collapse too!
so what? what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.18750515

So explain in your own words what you think it means because right now you're just evading

>> No.18750525

This is even dumber than I expected. Spend your time on something better.

>> No.18750528

Based autist

>> No.18750530

Accelerationism is a theory of materialist time, and its compression through a series of convergent waves. It's he recognition of extropic forces working through capitalism (wjat Nick Land calls AI).

>> No.18750554

>rather than try and read some theory or something you post these big rambling screeds.
And theory isn't that?
>lol rhizome rhizome smooth space () () () striated space rhizome plane of immanence () () () () () vectors nomadic lines of command k-space body without organs freud bad lol

>> No.18750556

>filtered and proud of it
classic /lit/

>> No.18750690

How much of Meta Nomad's discordians post here?

>> No.18750730

They want to make it worse for the common folks in hope that this will entice them to join the revolution (that's' why they're so vague here, it's morally fishy).
Did I get it right? (that this is the "accelerationism", not that this is what they do which is a fact)

>> No.18750737

I don't know what that is.

>> No.18750756

>Meta Nomad's discordians
That fucking twitter faggot that shilled his book here? go back you dumb nigger.

>> No.18750771

lmao jesus christ again this is just Marxism

>> No.18750783

No. Why don't you pick up a book sometime?

>> No.18750798

>The Ghost Lemurs of Madagascar
Just finished this and it was quite good, thanks

>> No.18750802

>Did I get it right?
No, you got it wrong. Stop taking your understanding from /lit/, wikipedia or memes.

>> No.18750814

as someone who has no idea what any of this means, isn't this just doomsday storytelling? assigning intelligence to something simply because it is extremely complex and hard to understand?

>> No.18750818

all intelligence mean is the ability to win the game it's playing

>> No.18750837

Accelerationists don't extrapolate human intelligence to a complex system, a la Kant they view intelligence as something not restricted nor perfectly achieved in humans, something that can and is developed in a better way in other systems. I don't really see the whole 'doomsday' thing, as only faggots that don't read think accelerationism means accelerating contradictions that will destroy the system.

>> No.18750887


>> No.18751527
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>> No.18751557

It's a collection of nonsense spread by undergrads of a shitty bong college.

>> No.18751609

So it's like every single trend in philosophy since the 1900's?

>> No.18751614
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>> No.18751683

thats not a real cat - look at the legs

>> No.18751750

>no dick
Cope tranny cat you will never be a man.

>> No.18752567

Nick Land was a professor