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18746937 No.18746937 [Reply] [Original]

Knowing what you know, having learned from some of the greatest minds' thoughts on the subject, what do you think is t he most likely thing to happen?

Void? Reincarnation? Or some kind of afterlife?

>> No.18746973

Nothing. But I can't even describe that nothingness, it's beyond words, because I don't know what it's like to not be here.

>> No.18746980

BTFO by Parmenides

>> No.18746983

The most likely event is nothingness, even though God exists.

>> No.18747194

Good question…I’m 40 so I like to think I’ve read more and reflected more than the average lit poster. Of the offered models, here’s what I find to be most/ least probable :

Some form of metempsychosis : 50%
Simulation : 46%
Nothing / Athiest : 2%
Other : 1%
Christianity / Judaism / Islam : <1%

>> No.18747209

Parmenides never accounted for consciousness. Obviously my body is gonna go somewhere, and along with it the electric signals that form my conscious experience. I don't know what it's like to not have those electric signals, but if dying means that they will stop, then I too will dissipate.

>> No.18747215

>Consciousness is just electric signals
You posted cringe bruh

>> No.18747218

Refute it and let see if your answer is "based".

>> No.18747219

Oh no, I've been downvoted!

>> No.18747250
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>> No.18747781

Why do you want to know? Your belief on the matter will have no effect on its outcome (or will it...wouldn't that be weird?). Either trust the universe or don't. Why the need to keep asking for more? Everything has already been given.

>> No.18747804
File: 1.50 MB, 3415x2277, hycroft-manor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Find a bunch of paranormal channels and watch.

Or, better yet, go paranormal investigating yourself. I guarantee if you keep going and follow the protocols to debunk whatever you see, hear, or feel, you WILL encounter some things that are very difficult to explain.

I have seen a ghost before, pic related.

>> No.18747809

What is consciousness then?
Because there's obviously a lot of consciousness that hinges on the material world (mainly the structure and function of the brain), but where do you then draw the line to say THIS part of consciousness is caused by electric signals and THAT is not?

>> No.18747815

The body and mind are like the pen and ink that write onto the soul(paper)

Long after the pen is broken and the ink dries up, you still have the paper that has been written on

>> No.18747851

Your mind and body return back to wider reality, like a droplet of water which has finally slid back into the ocean.

>> No.18748100

>Long after the pen is broken and the ink dries up, you still have the paper that has been written on
I don't think I can agree with this. How many billions of people have been born and died in total obscurity and are never remembered today, or even a generation after their passing?
If there is something beyond death that they can take part in, then it's not something the living can make any definite claims on.

>> No.18748109

I'm just guessing from my experiences in life, reading a ton of books, and doing like 50+ paranormal investigations

The human soul is something that seeks experience, I agree, so many people have died and yet they aren't communicating with us. Are they reincarnated? Do we re-join a collective consciousness? Do we get recalled to the soul factory?

I do, firmly, believe that you continue on in some form.

>> No.18748118

No idea why people assume it will just be nothing. You remember not being born don't you? You think this can't happen again? lol

>> No.18748128

I can respect the belief, and it's not like what either of us think happens will have an effect on what does happen once we pass.
Personally, I have no reason to believe that there's anything beyond. Though I'd be delighted if I were wrong, even if it turned out I got smitten to hell.

>> No.18748129

Have you ever gone paranormal investigating?

>> No.18748133

Nah. Don't think it'd change my opinion regardless though; no matter what I saw my materialistic mind would rationalize it in some shape.

>> No.18748144

Fuck if I knew. But other mammals have similar brain structures, and yet only humans posses consciousness. It magically happening as a byproduct of evolution, I can't buy that.

>> No.18748153
File: 79 KB, 643x482, 643x0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand... here's something interesting for you to consider.
>pic related
Okay, so recently I have been using this app with headphones, airplane mode on, in mall parking lots, in McDonald's parking lot, outside of my gf's work waiting to pick her up, on my balcony at night... it's all gibberish and I heard nothing other than shitty noise.

THEN, one night, I went to a local graveyard and sat down cross-legged in a section of the graveyard and began to call out the names I could read nearby. Shit you not, I heard "get out" and "leave" a couple times along with "what's this" and a couple other odd sounds.

I figure the app has something in it that responds somehow, but with airplane mode on how would the phone know I'm in a graveyard and not on my balcony? Like I said, using it in regular locations I never heard a single normal voice come through at all. Meanwhile, at a graveyard, I heard several distinct words and voices come through. Very fucking bizarre!

>> No.18748170

>But other mammals have similar brain structures, and yet only humans posses consciousness
I disagree. Plenty of animals show signs of feeling and thinking similar to humans. We’re just the only ones with enough intellect to develop self-awareness, which is different from raw consciousness.
Sounds interesting, but I don’t think I’m superstitious enough to ever even download one of those apps. Maybe if I happen by a graveyard one day, who knows

>> No.18748184

>We’re just the only ones with enough intellect to develop self-awareness
Dolphins and whales are pretty smart, apparently.
Let me know when they develop self awareness.
>inb4 they already have it
yeah, no they don't.

>> No.18748187

I might try this considering my native language is obscure. If messages are in English then I will call it bullshit.

>> No.18748199

Dolphins and whales are smart but not enough to develop self-awareness, yes (although, if they or any other animal HAD pondered the nature of their existence, they’d have no way of communicating that to us anyways so no definite statements can be made).
Do you believe then that, since many animals are conscious, they experience the same thing after death as humans?

>> No.18748270

Bros the argument that only humans have consciousness is kinda spooky and seems good enough.

There million different answers to this question, don't where should I place my bet on. It is really painful to die without knowing if it's possible but how can we know that we know? Fuck man, thess post-death and nature of reality questions act as mental pain house.

>> No.18748275

>Do you believe then that, since many animals are conscious, they experience the same thing after death as humans?
I think they'll experience the same thing we will. Nothing. If God went through the trouble of ensuring that every living thing in existence is driven to pass on its genes, to continue the species, I fail to see why he would create an afterlife. It's redundant since pseudo-immortality already exists.

>> No.18748284

You didn't exist a million years ago. You will not exist for trillions more. Death is exactly what before your birth was like millions of years ago: nothing.

>> No.18748310

Clearly you have never gone paranormal investigating.

>> No.18748324

If paranormal shit doesn't happens with someone then why should they believe in the experiences of other people?

>> No.18748326

If there is an afterlife and it is exclusively for humans then how far back in the evolutionary tree would it go? Would there conceivably be one guy who got to go on while his brother ended up being condemned to the eternal void due to minor genetic differences?

>> No.18748359

Most people alive won't get in because they are NPCs. Consciousness is actually exceedingly rare.

>> No.18748364

Have you gone personally?

>> No.18748366

So the afterlife will be exclusively populated by the people who try to use NPC as a slur on the internet? Give me the void, please.

>> No.18748403

The only thing I experience after every few weeks are these euphoric episodes where beauty overwhelms. And some other episodes where evil and futility annihilates me. I don't know what to make of these episodes. I think I have bipolar disorder.

>> No.18748423

You're just gonna get various religious people to shill for their religion. Check out Monroe's OBEs