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/lit/ - Literature

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18745628 No.18745628 [Reply] [Original]

Is Nick Land the Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel of the XXIst Century?

>> No.18745648

No land is in tradition of schop, Nietzsche, Cioran, Bataille, etc.

>> No.18745649

i´m talking more about his legacy

>> No.18745655

Is accfag the Ron Hubbard of the XXIth Century (Fox)?

>> No.18745658

if you judge by the level of hiding their philosophical ideas in a pile of ideological, senseless drivel, yes

>> No.18745663

>13 Land threads in three days

>> No.18745670

i didn´t know that

>> No.18745693

Yeah this is getting insane. The one thread on him was going just fine, no need to keep starting new ones when there's nothing new to talk about.

>> No.18745699

>The one thread on him was going just fine

>> No.18745710


>> No.18745722
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>> No.18745724

accfag has a trip now so it's driving him insane that no one responds even when he fakes interest.

>> No.18745727

I guess it's archived now

>> No.18745732

link? in return, i´ll show some /lit/ threads that i have saved, they´re in good quality

>> No.18745763


>> No.18745774

wdym? I don't see how the consequences of Land's works would be similar to those of Hegel's. Hegel was appropiated by marxists jews that were as retarded as him; on the other side, Land, bein himself a philojew, is not being appropiated by jews, but by cultural jews (nrx and capitalists are 100% golems).

>> No.18745776
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why? it´s genius in concept, same with Mencius Moldbug (the Karl Marx of the 21st Century)

>> No.18745802

I am convinced you are the one spamming these threads so you have an excuse to schiz out about accfag

>> No.18745806
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because of two things: their obtuse and hard to read philosophy and their legacy

Land: Left accelerationism/Right accelerationism /Unconditional accelerationism/Gender accelerationism ; Xenofeminism; etc

Hegel: Young (Left) Hegelians and the more conservative Right (Old) Hegelians

>> No.18745809

I've been having a lot of issues with the warosu loading screen for the past couple weeks

>> No.18745823

ok, i´ll show mine now


>>/lit/thread/S13950163 (Can Griffith be considered an Übermensch?)
>>14065069 (wagner and nietszche)
>>14092416 (molbug and bronze age pervert)
>>14241078 (poetry by anon)
>>14351081 (hegel)
>>14353232 (art vs non art)
>>14581267 (hobbe´s leviathan)
>>14610092 (moldbug on reading the greeks)
>>14788038 (philosophy and excercise)
>>15263757 (guattari and lit criticism)
>>15295576 (debunking on Edward Feser´s Art and meta-art)
>>15471795 (Reading Plato´s Symposium fuelled my trap fetish)

>> No.18745827

>>15832849 (michel foucault)
>>15903285 (Deleuze and Guattari(
>>15924309 (Hyperboreans and Nietzsche)
>>15942364 (Learning Ancient Greek)
>>15945313 (How do you measure a work of literature? What do you look for?)
>>16002978 (Hegel and being filtered)
>>16078623 (Phaedrus is uncomfortable to read)
>>16080760 (Parmenides Dialogue)
>>16128224 (Nietzsche and Stoicism)
>>16094004 /wg/ - Writing General #5
>>16128875 /wg/ - Writing General #6
>>16137819 (Schopenhauer vs Hegel)
>>16164002 (An argument between these 6 would be priceless)
>>16181091 (/lit/ & secret services)
>>16169800 (Hegel Thread)
>>16179138 (learning Greek or Latin)
>>16153781 (Nick Land: blockchain solves spacetime)
>>/lit/thread/S16118334 (Plato and Economics)
>>16226179 (How could Nietzsche read Sophocles and think it was anti-Christian?)
>>16282247 (Plato and Aristotle books)
>>16348164 (>tfw finally finished reading The Greeks)
>>16383875 (What are some good refutations of Nietzsche?)
>>/lit/thread/S16151939 (What's the philosophy of Classical Greece?)

>> No.18745836

I understand, but Hegel work was able to being interpreted in terms of what would eventually become western marxism. Land work isn't a system, and Land's own writting style was deliberately choosen to be like that in order to not being captured by npcism systematization tendencies. That said, I don't believe the Accelerationists and the NRx are Landian in any sense, but that Land himself converge in the zones that can be commonly associated with accelerationism and nrx (even if he was who coined one of those terms first) ---at least, thats what he implies all the time.

>> No.18745841

not even remotely

>> No.18745853

>hegel writes down incoherent gibberish
>nazis and communists destroy half the world
>land writes down incoherent gibberish
>and influences both far right and far left
I'm scared.

>> No.18745856

kek stop making threads accfag

>> No.18745875

yeah, funnily enough it seems that Moldbug since writing his Gray Mirror substack, you can see how their proposal for the neo-reaction states are diverging, you can see in Land´s twitter, he complains more about how Moldbug is making a simplified version of the original proposal (absolute monarchy) and that now Moldbugs argues for a despotic monarchy as a solution

i don´t know if Moldbug read Land but he also took shots on the concept of "exit"

>> No.18745883

i don´t know who he is

>> No.18745907

What do you think of Jim

>> No.18745930

i don´t know about him, i tend not to read NrX blogs if it isn´t Land or Moldbug, (i have read quite a few beforehand and let me tell you, most of them aren´t well-read, there´s one who mixed pua tactics and monarchy, it was a god-awful)

for current events, i read Niccolo Soldo https://niccolo.substack.com

>> No.18745942

He is exceedingly based. Bit weak on a couple topics but wew he follows through on his positions, pretty much the only blog I read that still feels taboo at this point