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18742758 No.18742758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is /lit/'s opinion on Keith Woods?

>> No.18742764

We love you Keith.

>> No.18742787

Right-winger makes too little content. I need more to consume.

>> No.18742794

Keith is right about everything but his videos, even the very focused ones (like the 2 he released on communism recently), suffer from not being quite as articulate as they could have been. The argumentation was just a little muddled. I understood him and he was broadly correct but I wouldn't link one of them to a friend with the hope of changing his mind.

>> No.18742819

>that gigachad pose

>> No.18742825

cute twink

>> No.18742833

He was is an ex-tankie who became a fascist so it doesn't surprise me to see horseshoe theory in action.

>> No.18742847

I appreciate him because like him I came from being a disillusioned leftie while also seeing all the issues with the right. Bonus is his content is usually too high brow for people with knee jerk reactions to even understand what he says.
I wish he would do more book reviews though, the ones he did were excellent.
I agree with this somewhat.

>> No.18742858

You're also a fascist now?

>> No.18742859

I generally like his content, but his latest video on marxism have been really stupid. Apperently he's just reading of some guy blog.

>> No.18742860

He's good but I prefer The Distributist.

>> No.18742877

Not exactly but I'm sympathetic to the turd position. I'm mostly into the perennialist aspect of his content though.
He's been sperging out massively lately though

>> No.18742892

>He's been sperging out massively lately though
How so?

>> No.18742912

On his telegram, he's basically banning people with dissenting opinions. Not sure about the details because I don't want to get enmeshed in e-drama.

>> No.18742921

Do you have a link to his telegram? I heard him talking about it but I can't find it.

>> No.18742934

One of the best when it comes to impressing dumb yanks by quoting Marx and a few European authors.

>> No.18742965

>He's been sperging out massively lately though
Yeah because people won't shut up about muh jews.

>> No.18742971

This and "Going Free" are the new pseudoreligions

>> No.18742980

Very based lad.
>who became a fascist
He isn't a fascist, though he's close to it.

>> No.18743027

>He was is an ex-tankie
source? does he have an old youtube channel or a blog or something?

>> No.18743046

opticscucks like you are literally in the bargaining phase with out and out jewish power orgs like ADL and SPLC ("you need us, if not for us people are gonna fall in with the actual nazis!")
White While Peeing is a disingenuous weirdo who thinks he can fool the system by using magic words. They keep him around because he's a retard leading people down a blind alley.

>> No.18743086

Keep on the good work soldier

>> No.18743093

Maybe he should come up with a decent answer then
Sure but by that standard so is NRX. I think Going Free is only useful for people that used to be self-hating whites.
He's talked about in a few videos

>> No.18743108

lel just because you're redpilled on the Jews doesn't mean you have to bring up muh JQ all the fucking time. It is just annoying and spergy. Every jew that happen to appear in the news isn't part of some jewish underground society.

>> No.18743142

Faggot voice.
Don't care.

>> No.18743172

>Maybe he should come up with a decent answer then
I know he's talked about the JQ in a live stream before. I can't find it right now but if I do I'll link you to it.

>> No.18743177

Maybe not, but if you refuse to engage with the JQ or actually profess not to be j-wise then that's the number 1 incontrovertible evidence of being a shill. Look at the evolution of Fuentes, who went from BTFOing jews on the USS liberty and calling them out, to never speaking a bad word about them as soon as they dangled some money and influence in front of his nose. And now he's slipping back into it, to rebuild his credibility after the Trump train derailed.

>> No.18743245

Please do although if it's similar to the regular NRX take I can probably know what to expect and be disappointed again

>> No.18743267
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The only thinker on the right I respect is Andrew Anglin.

>> No.18743283

Found it. Funnily enough it's in a stream about Keith Woods.

>> No.18743309

The guy who ran away from being a Nazi to focus on coronashit and lost all his readers?

>> No.18743311

Thanks, I'll check it out tonight but I'm prepared for a rehashing of Moldbug's (lacking) argument. I saw they did a debate a few months ago, I'm going to look at that as well, might be more interesting than Dist just commenting on Woods.

>> No.18743315

>to never speaking a bad word about them as soon as they dangled some money and influence in front of his nose.
You don't know what you're talking about. He's had debates just like this every few months since 2017.

>> No.18743322


>> No.18743335

Yeah, nazism is for losers. The lockdowns are super important and he writes the funniest and realest articles on it. One of the few people on the "alt" right to really care about it.

>> No.18743347

wtf is going free is that like the grillpill

>> No.18743350

I was really disappointed in Greg Johnson for falling for it and telling people to take the vaccine

>> No.18743360

It'sa form of the white positive movement, it appeals to former self-hating whites (due to media propaganda telling them they're bad for being white)

>> No.18743365

No it's the weirdest motherfucker on the internet who says shit like westmen instead of White and just generally gives me the creeps who is doing some sort of self help cult thing. Grillpilled centrist retards are at least somewhat funny.

>> No.18743378

Yeah he (No White Guilt) is pretty autistic and cares too much about the correct optics but I think he means well. The issue he tries to address is real.

>> No.18743387

Ok bro you go proselytize Big Normie with your noodle arms and your cheap suit. Be sure to tell them you're saving yourself for marriage, that'll really let them know you're a serious guy.

>> No.18743390
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As for losing *all* his readers that's a little bit hyperbolic, he lost the wignats and I'm sure the censorship doesn't help, I'm guessing some are too spooked to even visit anymore, but it still gets decent clicks. Pic rel is from April

>> No.18743391

Greg Johnson is unironically the worst poster on counter currents and im glad all his shit gets locked behind paywall now and fewer people will read it, and this has nothing to do with his views on vaccines whatever they may be

>> No.18743400

Except he keeps attacking his right, including literally slandering Patriot Front and others as violent terrorists, even though they've never said a word about him. He doesn't mean well, if you mean well you don't break solidarity, that's one of the things the left understand far better than we do.

>> No.18743422

I'm not familiar with all the subgroups but if you mean the people like Martinez who I know he's criticized, I've looked at their content are they're absolute degenerate retards. Such people would only destroy the movement from within. But if that's not who you were talking about then don't mind me.

>> No.18743427

It sucks but you're right. I've visited there less and less. I understand they're in a financially sticky situation there but some of the choices there have been questionable. I appreciate some of the books he's published and some of the articles others have written though.

>> No.18743448

I'm talking about his recent attacks on Patriot Front after the Philadelphia SWAT rounded them up. Those guys are some of the best people in the movement and they never shittalk other people or groups where enemies can see it. If you don't like what someone else is doing, you shut the fuck up unless it's directly hurting you (strictly defined).

>> No.18743452

>that's one of the things the left understand far better than we do
the left suffers from the same factionalism and purity spiraling and glowfaggotry as the right, and they unironically say the same thing you’re saying but in reverse

>> No.18743457

idk what this means
Greg likes to think of himself as the most cosmopolitan and intellectual of right wingers, his prejudice against the loonies on the right has served him poorly in this instance...because they were right. He's a strange and quite disappointing figure all round, the Counter Currents website produces little of value and the publishing arm has wasted time and money on crap like that My Little Pony book.

>> No.18743466

Fair enough, I must have missed this (not a burger)

>> No.18743476
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idk much about that No White Guilt guy, race idolatry's not really my thing, but his book cover is one of the most amazingly hideous things I've ever seen

>> No.18743493

>because they were right
about what? i was promised mass death or at least sterilization!

>> No.18743502

I watch his livestreams. It's like a cult, complete with low-quality media (esp. music)

>> No.18743512

>Race idolatry
lmfao religious larper who doesn't even go to church

>> No.18743520

You're vaxed, right?

>> No.18743541

>about what?
Not getting back the freedoms you give away, the "pandemic" used as cover to impose more restrictions on citizens
>i was promised mass death
Relatively speaking, more healthy young people have died from the vaccine than from covid itself so far. Read this sentence again carefully before kneejerking.

>> No.18743545

nope i live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.18743556

because i think people worshipping whiteness is weird doesn't mean i necessarily worship something else (purely as a larp of course!)

>> No.18743567

If you ever leave your basement you must interact with *some* people, relatives even, no matter how rural, might still be best to get it don't you think?

>> No.18743591

Of course not, why would you get it? Unless you're geriatric / very ill.

>> No.18743618

Ok, so you're not religious but you throw around phrases like race idolatry and you don't really care for White people. So what are you, really?

>> No.18743633

Can't you tell apart the shades? Not worshipping whiteness does not equate to not caring about them. The difference is what you put first, above all; what you replace the religious, eternal drive with. If it is something material and temporary, usurping the eternal, worshipping that would most assuredly be idolatry.

>So what are you, really?
That anon is whatever you want him to be. It's clear that you've made up your mind

>> No.18743650

Exactly, which is where the loonies were correct that we'd face increasing totalitarianism and coersion as a result of the media-driven covid hysteria (not the mass culling thing, which is silly). Look at what's happening in France, and will inevitably happen in the UK and Anglo nations. Most of the right ignores it from what I've seen.

>> No.18743717

>Most of the right ignores it from what I've seen.
Only the establishment right does (which is controlled opposition), the dissident right addresses it

>> No.18743726

no im naturally repulsed by elderly people i avoid them

>> No.18743820


>> No.18743829

Thank God for the elderly, then

>> No.18743861

resentful wrinkled hands typed this post

>> No.18744056

This is an entire thread of retards mumbling about irrelevant right wing shills.
>yooo did you hear Faith Goldy disavowed Lawren Southern who said that the Daily Stormer was racist but then Byron Trump said that vaccines were good so panther den made a shitty tweet about the destributist murdock murdock
It's all aesthetically hideous. The air is thick with the smell of stale piss.

>> No.18744252

That's the alt-lite, go back troon