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18740989 No.18740989 [Reply] [Original]

>anon is man fallen angel or is man rising beast?

>> No.18741003
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fallen angel, rising to god

>> No.18741018
File: 27 KB, 350x390, 350px-Richard_Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AFTER recognising the necessity of a regeneration of the human race, if we follow up the possibilities of its ennoblement we light on little else than obstacles. [...] We cannot withhold our acknowledgment that the human family consists of irremediably disparate races, whereof the noblest well might rule the more ignoble, yet never raise them to their level by commixture, but simply sink to theirs. Indeed this one relation might suffice to explain our fall; even its cheerlessness should not blind us to it: if it is reasonable to assume that the dissolution of our earthly globe is purely a question of time, we probably shall have to accustom ourselves to the idea of the human species dying out. On the other hand there is such a matter as life beyond all time and space, and the question whether the world has a moral meaning we here will try to answer by asking ourselves if we mean to go to ground as beasts or gods.

>> No.18741040

comme ci comme ça

>> No.18741961

Source? She’s so pretty

>> No.18741962

oui et puis au fond ça ira

>> No.18742113

man is the child of the devil called god

>> No.18742152

rising beast desu

>> No.18742448
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton hits a Whore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is about to punch you in the face, cunt

>> No.18742469

Based thot-patrolling anon always vigilant, protecting us from the vaginal evil

>> No.18742488

Me, rising beast
Blonde qt, fallen angel

>> No.18742526

blond beast
also checked those dubs for our people

>> No.18742604

Man is a rising blonde beast

>> No.18742605

>I thought I told you that engaging in abstract reasoning is punished by me tightening the chains.