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/lit/ - Literature

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18739271 No.18739271 [Reply] [Original]

I’m black should I read the turner diaries?

>> No.18739364

Race war porn from the white supremacists perspective? If you want.

>> No.18739375

Thread is low quality and off-topic. You don't get a pass just because you're black.

>> No.18739412

I was only asking a question

>> No.18739419

Define should.

>> No.18739438

It's not a very good book desu, it's a fun read but ultimately poorly written and as someone said it's just race war porn. The beginning is good but it drops off.
t. white nationalist

>> No.18739514

define "white supremacist." what makes this man a "white supremacist" to you? Have you read this book? No? The stfu pseud, you havent read 1 percent of the books you peddle around here

>> No.18739521

>just race war porn
It is literally happening beat for beat right in front of your face

>> No.18739599

It's not because in the book there's an organized white resistance with all these pieces set in place to begin a war, that's what makes it so fantastical and masturbatory, when in real life all attempts to get this infrastructure in place has been frustrated by the FBI and media/NGO complex (jews).

>> No.18739615
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you could just read a black equivalent to it like pic related

>> No.18739714

>He shoots white peepo too!!
So what is the motivation behind this murder porn?
Anon led me to believe it was about race war

>> No.18739790

>>18739615when did it come out

>> No.18739808

I agree that it's poorly written but everything in the book is literally happening aside from mass gun confiscation. The non white gangs raiding homes are literally the equivalent of antifa.

>> No.18739842

Just watch the movie

>> No.18739847

>The non white gangs raiding homes are literally the equivalent of antifa.
FBI plants are raiding peoples homes?

>> No.18739849

How come The Turner Diaries never got a movie?

>> No.18739893

Maybe, if you feel like getting into the mind of whoever enjoys it. Even if it is poorly written, you can probably get something. And it is not like this is the kind of thing that is complicated to read either.

>> No.18739909

It did, you dumb nigger.

>> No.18739914

Read whatever interests you.

>> No.18739959

No it didn't.
I can use google too.

>> No.18740012

I mean the plot and prose are both so bad it’s good, you might get a laugh out of it (especially knowing that wingnats take it seriously)

>> No.18740078

>Thinks he'll find anything relevant or related to the topic on google
Dumb nigger.

>> No.18740183

You will never be a woman

>> No.18740527
File: 313 KB, 808x985, Turner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is like 40 years old now. You don't think there are people ready and waiting for what is coming? Buddy these people were "committing acts of terrorism" before you were ever born. Ever hear of Charles Manson? The Unibomer? Tm McVeigh? Waco? Ruby Ridge? James Mason's Siege? Probably not you seem like a retarded zoomer that has no idea wtf you are talking about. They are out there and they are ready I assure you kiddo

>> No.18740536

Try actually reading things before you spew your donkery all over the place for once dumb shit

>> No.18740581

Why didnt you answer his question? Because you just throw around memes that have been pumped into your wet brain by Jews and their media? You are a such an NPC hack kek. I imagine you have never had an original thought in your life

>> No.18740692

Ironic. Why didn’t you read that post? Anonymous told me. I picked this ip from previous threads.
Blaming the victim of your own disinformation scheme, anon.
Why didn’t you answer mine?

>> No.18740814

imagine impersonating a pseud tranny who everyone hates on an image board for attention. A trip code isnt part of the name text buddy. Damn your life must be sad to sink this low

>> No.18740821

It's a pretty prophetic book.

>> No.18740833

Fucking retard

>> No.18740838


>> No.18740847

Not that guy but he is somewhat correct. This is why Biden's whole campaign was about cracking down on white people and rounding up dissidents. The FBI pulled some KGB shit at the 6th of Jan. "protest" or "insurrection", whatever the govt. owned US "media" is calling it these days. America is falling into pieces and this is why Biden is being told to clamp down on white people because they're the only demographic group in the U.S. who even value things like personal space, self-reliance, etc. You'll never see GAFAM censoring Turd Worlders or Latrine Americans when they say or do anything, but Whites are routinely censored and painted in the media as evil. If you're a White american anon you really should look carefully at the history of South Africa.

>> No.18740856

>Hiding something
You don’t know anything about this book either, do you?

>> No.18740901

Blacks in the U.S. are used as shocktroopers for GAFAM which is why all their social movements are co-opted by the Feds and megacorps. Blacks usually fight for increased governmental powers, which makes them beneficial for the regime. Turner Diaries had the foundation set in a gun grab and talked clearly about blacks being used as cannon fodder for the regime so no way in hell any director is going to touch that because the Feds would have them shot.

>> No.18740956

>wants to start a race war and establish a fascist ethnostate
>has the audacity to imply that "The Organization" (creative name lol) isn't racist
Honestly one of the most poorly written books I've ever seen. The MC is a Gary Sue self-insert who somehow perpetrates massive terrorist attacks without ever being caught, despite being under arrest from the first chapter and known to have white supremacist sympathies. Besides that, all the enemies act like total retards instead of just rounding up all the people who were arrested and turned away from overcrowded prisons in chapter 1. IIRC, it's even said in the beginning that being under arrest means that the MC has a sense of urgency for his mission, even though the book takes place over two or so years. Not only that, but rape and other crimes are legalized, so the prisons would have absolutely had the space to round up all the terrorists. Ultimately, it's just an escape fantasy for neo-nazis to pretend that the ethnostate will ever happen, not a serious work of literature. If you want to read some cringy fanfic of something that'll totally super happen any day now, go on ahead. Otherwise, you're just wasting your time.

>> No.18741014

Why, exactly? WLP was pretty ahead of his time in calling stuff like the deputization of minorities to enforce on whites in US and goofy stuff at the time that is proving accurate, like zombified whites led by Jews forming mobs looking for racists as their society is crumbling around them but like most old-school WN stuff it devolves into fantasy. I mean "The Organization" for instance, I get it, it's supposed to be an inspirational manual for political resistance and inb4 conservative bucket-crabbing but you just assume there's already this dedicated and organized group with leadership and a strategy that isn't a gay op, which is assuming 3/4 of the hard work of any political movement is already completed.

You'd probably be better off reading books on and accounts of actual intelligence and counterinsurgency operations.

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.18741076 [DELETED] 

But again the TD stuff is only novel if you're not proceeding from a reading of political and social theory. Utilizing minorities and homos as extensions of the secret police and disarming and them stomping on the ethnic and economic center mass of society is historically normal, not historically weird.

Pierce just packaged these ideas in a way a frustrated Scotch-Irish working class guy in the hinterlands of the US could digest and accept, which was the point.

>> No.18741183

Did you even read what I said to him before? Yes there are a lot of pissed off white people in this country but any attempts to organize them results in the federal government op'ing you and the media sabotaging you. Any hint of it is cracked down on. All the hard work of laying down organizational structure and spreading awareness and getting white people together and pooling resources and interests hasn't been done yet but The Turner Diaries operate on the assumption that there is some secret organization ready to fight the feds. It's a very American sort of escapist fantasy that people that have everyone will have some kind of spontaneous realization that Today is that Day and then go occupy their town hall and police station or something and the day is saved when the realities are much grimmer than even the Turner Diaries could have predicted because of the federal pressure on white dissent.

>> No.18741296

>The Unibomer? Tm McVeigh? Waco? Ruby Ridge?

The Turner Diaries is about race, which is completely different from any of these people/groups.

>> No.18741345

The militia movement crumbled a really long time ago, and the remnants are too far removed to resemble a white supremacist orginizarions akin to Militia movement literature. A majority of rightoids don't see Ruby Ridge/Waco as an ideological battle relating to race, they just see it as the government's terrible use of force against its citizens. You won't see a sizeable majority defend the menstruation house or slapping kids.

>> No.18741389

How many glowniggers are on lit?

>> No.18741551

Never use this expression again if you don't want to look like a HN retard, it's called FAGMAN.

>> No.18741608
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haha nice Try, Clyde.

>> No.18741618

>identity pass to buy groceries
Coming very soon

>> No.18742060

only the ones bored with monitoring /pol/ and are instead following their hobbies are on any other board desu.
I say 7 at any given time