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18739241 No.18739241 [Reply] [Original]

Is Shakespeare the only comparable figure?

>> No.18739245


>> No.18739250

in terms of Dramas, they're probably the best

>> No.18739260

There is no comparable figure.
Dostoyevsky saw the very core of the human soul, and completely shat in it.
Purely out of desperation, he had to resort to love, beauty and Christianity as a coping mechanism to avoid the nihilistpill.
But deep down he knew we're irredeemable.

>> No.18739288
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>coping mechanism

Dostoyevsky literally visited the Optina monasteries, and met the clairvoyant and miracle-working elders there. He knew that Orthodoxy was the actual truth, but that we are mostly too attached our daily self-absorbed bullshit to care about it or accept it.

St Paisius Velichkovsky wasn't a fictional figure made up in Brothers Karamazov, he was the revitaliser of Orthodox monastic spirituality in both Russia and Greece. If you want a fuller context behind Brothers Karamazov, you should read his biography, about the lineage of the monasteries he fathered, and the spiritual writings that he translated (the philokalia).

>> No.18739295

That's because Fyodor actually had to see horrible and irreversible things in his life unlike every other faggy European drama author

>> No.18739300
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>> No.18739309

dostoyevsky is nowhere near shakespeare jfc the plebs on this board

>> No.18739312

It's true that humanity has the potential to reach great spiritual heights. If you've ever talked to (or even listened to) a monk who has spent most of his life in quiet devotion to God, attaining virtue, following ascetism, you'll know full well the potential of humanity.
>but that we are mostly too attached our daily self-absorbed bullshit to care about it or accept it.
But that's the problem. The vast majority of mankind will never attain that. We are fundamentally flawed, perhaps by design, or the original sin. Either way, collectively, we're a sorry mess.

>> No.18739321

>dostoyevsky is nowhere near shakespeare
You're right. He's far above him. Substance over style anon, substance over style.

>> No.18739328

other way around boyo
besides, hysterics and christcuckery is not substance

>> No.18739347
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It's too obvious lad. But have a (You) anyway.

>> No.18739379

i accept your humble concession

>> No.18739387

The bit about the Grand Inquisitor in Brothers Karamazov alone towers over anything and everything Shakespeare ever wrote.

>> No.18739389

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18739400

not even the best part of the book

>> No.18739405

I'll accept your humble concessions anons.

>> No.18739512

>Substance over style anon
t. retard

>> No.18739613

Seethe faggot, you know I'm right.

>> No.18739730

i accept your humble concession

>> No.18739767

Big D wasn't really a christcuck.
He was an atheist desperately trying to believe in christianity lol.

>> No.18739925


See >>18739288

>> No.18739932

Shakespeare’s work was heavily Christian, especially Hamlet and King Lear.

>> No.18739940
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How about Cervantes, guys?

>> No.18740218

they werent sermons tho

>> No.18741332

Some writers with a more impressive body of work:
Robert Musil
Marcel Proust
Gustave Flaubert
Leo Tolstoy
William Faulkner
Franz Kafka
Knut Hamsun
James Joyce
Hermann Broch

>> No.18741354

Emily Bronte did it better in a single book

>> No.18741357

What's the best biography on him?

>> No.18741518

Huh? Shakespeare was a master, Dosto was a degenerate pulp fiction writer who was paid by the word to fuel his insatiable gambling addiction. You are the literary equivalent of a soccer mom picking up a harlequin romance novel in the check out line at the super market if you like Dosto.

>> No.18741558

This. Nabokov said Dosto was the best playwright Russia never had.

>> No.18741592

>unlike every other faggy European drama author
vodka hands typed this

>> No.18741707

No, it's Cervantes