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File: 43 KB, 487x759, Teresa_Avila_Vision_of_the_Dove_Rubens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18734678 No.18734678 [Reply] [Original]

Read the Catholic mystics.

>> No.18734691

I plan to

>> No.18734700

Where to start with St Catherine of Siena? What about Teresa de Avila?

I listen to Hildegaard’s choral music frequently while meditating.

>> No.18734705
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If it was good enough for him it's based enough for me

>> No.18734706

>Where to start with...


>> No.18734709

The dialogue and the interior castle respectively. Both available beautifully leather-bound for like $20 at Baronius press

>> No.18734717

Retarded midwit pseud. Adding nothing and derailing the thread as always. Go away.

>> No.18734720

Post a single pre-schism Saint that suffered stigmata.

Protip: You can't.

>> No.18734723

have been lately, meister eckhart has been a serious help in grounding my faith.

>> No.18734728

What did he maim by this?

>> No.18734731


Regarding Teresa, once you have read The Interior Castle you can move on to The Way Of Perfection.

>> No.18734820
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Okay, but start from the beginnings. Not those medieval larpers.


>> No.18734828
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>> No.18734909



>> No.18734933


May as well read schizo imageboard posts.

>> No.18734936
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>May as well read schizo imageboard posts.

>> No.18734941
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Tripfag on tripfag violence: amusingly retarded, or a serious threat to the quality of /lit/? Tonight at 9.

>> No.18734940

You think monks who spent their entire lives studying scripture, philosophy and the sciences are no better than the unmedicated schizos typing sneed over and over?

>> No.18734963
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I gradually grow to like the mystics more than the "formal" theologians. It seems to me that of God is everything the theologians say He is supposed to be, encounters with Him must be rather strange and marvelous, and that's basically what the mystics are getting across.

>> No.18734969

So NOT the beginning.
Make up your mind, heretic.

>> No.18735287


>> No.18735522


>> No.18735572

I've been waiting for this thread. I recently got books by Bonaventure, Teresa of Avila, Meister Eckhart, Marguerite Porete, John of the Cross, and Augustine. I'm a practicing Buddhist who grew up Catholic looking to rediscover Christ. I would appreciate any advice you'd have for going on this journey.

>> No.18735587

Orthodox mock the stigmatics and “weird” visions of female mystic monks but the syncretistic, shamanistic, and praeternatural is the heart, SOVL, and jewel of Catholicism

>> No.18735609

I regret to say the occasional spars between coomgenitals and butteroid, or at least their imitators, are a source of amusement

>> No.18735623

Joy and glory to God that you want to rediscover your true faith!

I think for you it would be most spirirually fruitful to actually learn the catholic faith first. I don't want to presume, but sadly most catholics today have been poorly catechized and especially the ones who from a young age fall away from the faith as you seem to have. I suggest picking up a catechism (Pius X's catechism is especially good imo) and having some conversations with your spiritual father for appropriate penances for your dabbling with other faiths. Also regularly attending mass and receiving the Eucharist and regular mortification are practices all catholic mystics practiced and I there's no getting around those.

I really am very glad you've came back to the church, anon!

>> No.18735629

I meant to reply to >>18735572

>> No.18735650

Buddhism and Christianity are not compatible
Just read Eckhart and be done with it

>> No.18735654

Catholic mysticism = spiritual delusion

Read this article and save your soul


>> No.18735655

This reads like a boomer's forum post from 2009

>> No.18735662

Literally the same thing.

>> No.18735670

>"looking to rediscover christ"
Read the kesamutti sutta

>> No.18735701

I would advice people against reading Christian mystics as they exists solely to trick people into believing there is actual depth to Christianity.

Only read authentic and orthodox christcuck writings so that you can learn what Christians really believe in so that you can stay away. Don't let the mystics fool you with their empty mumbo jumbo, whatever depth you find there is what you bring into it! Take what you already know to be the superior metaphysics and reject wholesale anything Christian, especially the mystics that pretends they're anything more than mere Christians.

>> No.18735712

kill all tripfags

>> No.18735766


>> No.18735828

>the mystics that pretends they're anything more than mere Christians.
It can help provide some perspective. But eventually you realize the mystics are crypto-nondualists and that what they've experienced is much better documented in the east so you move on
Or if you're into hermeticism and kabbalah you realize that "christian hermeticism" is a bastardization of the real thing and start looking into purer sources

>> No.18735889
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Currently in the process of making a mystic/cult iceberg, recommendations welcome

>> No.18735893

The Mirror of Simple Souls if you want to really blast your soul open.
I listen to Hildegard whilst smoking heavy sativa weed, it's undeniably a mystical experience. Check out Canticles of Ecstasy by Sequentia, the best Hildegard album imo

>> No.18735898
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I say we purge them all desu

>> No.18735902

Who cares what a bunch of neurotic pseudo-kike slavoids think?

>> No.18735946

Are any christian mystics worth reading from a non christian perspective (not open to conversion) or are their experiences strongly interrelated with their theology

>> No.18736046
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Read the Eastern Mystics.

John Climacus
Dionysios the Areopagite
Maximos the Confessor
Symeon the New Theologian
Gregory Palamas

>> No.18736047

But then, you are one of the retarded ones.

>> No.18736063

>hey get that if you still have attachments after death then demons are allowed to poke you and stuff and if you can't answer their riddles they take you to hell!
Read the bardo thodol, it's pretty much the same except it actually gives an interesting perspective and doesn't give you the impression your six year old cousin came up with it

>> No.18736082
File: 533 KB, 1440x1295, Study to show thyself approved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the Puritans.

>> No.18737701

ok Cum Genius

>> No.18737718
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>> No.18737747

Yes it is extremely based isnt it

>> No.18737764

If by based you mean cringe yes

>> No.18737783


>> No.18737788

Where do I start?

>> No.18737823
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Westminster Shorter Catechism and Confession of Faith will help you understand Puritan theology. Then anything from the Puritan Paperback series that interests you. Thomas Watson is a good place to start, try his work The Doctrine of Repentance.
You can get all of these as free ebooks on monergism.com

>> No.18737842

>I would appreciate any advice you'd have for going on this journey.

Sr. Faustina was a 20th cent Catholic mystic whose diary, published as Divine Mercy in My Soul, is a remarkable book.

Here is a poem (or prayer) she wrote:

O My God
When I look into the future, I am frightened,
But why plunge into the future?
Only the present moment is precious to me,
As the future may never enter my soul at all.

It is no longer in my power
To change, correct or add to the past;
For neither sages nor prophets could do that.
And so, what the past has embraced I must entrust to God.

O present moment, you belong to me, whole and entire.
I desire to use you as best I can.
And although I am weak and small,
You grant me the grace of your omnipotence.

And so, trusting in Your mercy,
I walk through life like a little child,
Offering You each day this heart
Burning with love for Your greater glory.

>> No.18739000

Bump. I need to read more so hope this thread stays alive and positive. Interior Castle is good and I find St. Teresa’s voice hilarious. Just read a teeny bit of Julian of Norwich re the Scourging since I pray the Rosary. I’ve been reading some early fathers lately. Gregory of Nyssa’s Life of Moses is good and not very long.

>> No.18739031


That's a sin, cocksucker.

>> No.18739049

Are you retarded? His asking for a good entrance, are you really this illiterate?

>> No.18739057
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No. Read the Holy Fathers.

>> No.18739059

For real though, I thought diving to esoteric bullshit other than the bible was legitimately considered to be a transgression.

>> No.18739262
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>Reading works by saints is sinful

>> No.18739498

None of it matters because the One is literally the Christian God and Christ is Logos.