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/lit/ - Literature

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1873191 No.1873191 [Reply] [Original]

Educational Horror stories thread?

>Year ago
>Take course on contemporary literature
>cool stuff on the list- The Moon is Down, Thousand Cranes, Mockingbird, etc.
>last title is TBA
>teacher says she calls a vote for the class to pick a current novel to read and discuss
>oh that's aweso-
>class is 75% hambeasts, 3 effeminate white dudes, one black guy who can actually write really good shit, and myself
>most of class votes for fucking Twilight
> spent last two weeks discussing motherfucking Twilight
>attempt to voice my opinion
>synchronous vaginal asspain whenever I criticize something
>spend entire two weeks attempting to make myself spontaneously combust with my mind

>> No.1873201

>two years ago
>studying henrik ibsens a doll's house
>short fat dyke always complains every week about the fucking sexism
>thin emo dyke tells her to shut the fuck up and women should learn there place
>fat dyke never talks again

>> No.1873200

Any Lit/English professor that did not rip that series a new one does not deserve to teach.

There are seriously so many ways to criticize her writing, never mind her ideas.

>> No.1873205

You were in highschool, right? Otherwise I don't believe you. Even then, I'm doubtful.

>> No.1873206

>There are seriously so many ways to criticize her writing, never mind her ideas.

I could NOT get through. Everytime I got on a roll and I actually fucking had a really good point "oh well she's famous so she must doing it right"


>> No.1873209

The professor didn't get involved at all?

>> No.1873210

Sounds like a freshman class (High school). Underageb&

>> No.1873211


impolite sage

>> No.1873213

when I look the basic calculus series at my university I managed to get professor with a reputation for having the hardest tests in the department combined with a very poor ability to teach. fucking turned the pretty basic derivation material into an unimaginably arcane subject for most of the class, and the next quarter I had to take integral calculus with him, boy was that a nightmare.
then I switched to what was the supposedly "harder" calculus series because I decided I wanted to minor in math. had to retake integral and then the next in the series, on series and partial differentiation. holeeee shit those were easy, mostly because I had fucking decent professors who managed to fucking teach even though the material was supposedly harder.

>> No.1873215
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>First day of second semester of first year in college
>English professor thinks authorial intent matters

>> No.1873221

He's right, you're wrong. And you're a dumbass bunny.

>> No.1873222
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>> No.1873228

>reading mockingbird freshman year in highschool
>black classmate, outraged at the use of the n word, stands up and (i shit you not) rips the book in half and storms out of the class

I may have been fourteen but that profound demonstration of ignorance absolutely blew my mind.

>> No.1873225


>> No.1873237

To be fair, Atticus Finch always bugged me. There's an idea in the American South that in order for blacks to get their freedom, they have to be led by a white man. Blacks are seen as to stupid to accomplish anything on their own, and it's up to a heroic and sympathetic white character to lead them to freedom. Same fucking thing as Marxist vanguard theorists. It really rustles my jimmies.

>> No.1873240

She did with the other discussions, but for some god damned reason didn't on the final one. I even gave her a few "oh god stop this" looks and she apparently didn't give a fuck.

It was a freshman course at my now ex college. One of those special courses the school offers that don't fucking transfer because they only count towards a degree in THAT school.

>> No.1873242
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> similar to what people did with Huckleberry
> mfw

>> No.1873247



Obviously the word "nigger" being used in the book is to demonstrate that it is a BAD THING.

>> No.1873256

>reading Huck Finn
>teacher says "the n-word" instead of "nigger"
fucking pc cunt

>> No.1873265


You can't blame a teacher for that. Especially a high school teacher.

>> No.1873276

>freshman orientation into college
>forced to watch an inconvenient truth

Fuck you SUNYIT. Fuck you.

>> No.1873277

Your teacher may or may not have been "pc," but many parents and administrators certainly are these days, and s/he may have just been covering his/her ass.

My freshman class had to read it aloud. The kids who read decided on their own to replace "nigger" with "ninja." Their were no black kids in our class.

>> No.1873282


Good god...

>> No.1873294

In "The Night Thoreau Spent In Jail" they say nigger once, and the day we read that section out loud in class, we had a black substitute.

We were like "the...the uh, the....n-nigger..." and he looked up at us, glanced at the book, then kept fiddling with his phone.

>> No.1873304


Your teacher SO planned that.