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/lit/ - Literature

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18730431 No.18730431 [Reply] [Original]

>29 years old and never had a gf

How can I become great writer if I don't have those experiences that are so integral to so much of art?

>> No.18730440

Well you can write about being rejected and inceldom, but those are limited topics. Ngl vast majority of successful writers had extensive romantic experience, it's the #1 subject in literature.

>> No.18730447

Write an epic about not becoming an incel before you die.

>> No.18730449

If you post frogs you probably lack the material already

>> No.18730451

This would at least become a /lit/ meme.

>> No.18730452

You'll never be great if you can't figure out how to escape from the paradigm you were born into.

>> No.18730459

plastic and limb lengthening surgery.

>> No.18730463
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Give this up. This artificial space online.

>> No.18730471

>that are so integral to so much of art?
they aren't. dating culture and girlfriend/boyfriend relation didn't exist up to middle of the 20th century and literature existed way before that

>> No.18730476
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there's barely any women in Bernhard's novels and he seems to have had a good literary career. Read some of his stuff to get some ideas. And Houellebecq, maybe, he has a lot to say on missing out on love.

>> No.18730479

Writing about absence, or failure, is still writing. You'll have to look in the mirror and detach yourself from all these negative feelings first, though, so you can look at them with the peaceful eye of the writer.

>> No.18730483

>love isn't real it's a social media thing
Incel coping lvl 99

>> No.18730529

>there's barely any women in Bernhard's novels
>he seems to have had a good literary career.
literally who

>> No.18730545

Houellebecq fucked back in his day, he writes about being too old to fuck college chicks

>> No.18730546

>it's the #1 subject in literature.
So it’s a cliche, then? Sounds like there’s more creative potential to the incel angle. You just think it’s limiting because you have no imagination.

>> No.18730548

it's true though. dating didn't exist prior to 1900s. knightly courtship and so on is something different
are you even trying to be /lit/? he's the most famous Austrian writer

>> No.18730570

>knightly courtship
1% of population at most. Peasant youths were fucking like rabbits.

>> No.18730580

Everything is determined by genetic expression.

>> No.18730585

>he's the most famous Austrian writer
Not Musil? Not Meyrink? Not Zweig? Not Kraus?

>> No.18730610

>literally who
I don't know he's one of the most important European writer after ww2, maybe you should read more

>> No.18730612

There's limited potential because it's not relatable to general readership. 80% of publishers and readers of contemporary literature are females and those are interested (and experienced) in romance and fucking, not bitter incel seething. Not to mention that the incel angle was already exhausted by Houellebecq and even that guy was more of a pessimistic coomer rather than sheltered inexperienced autist.

>> No.18730615

Pessoa never had any relationships other than women who rejected him, and his writing was fucking awesome, so don’t let it hold you back bro

>> No.18730621

It’s not our fault you’re ignorant and don’t know who Thomas Bernhard is. Go read The Loser

>> No.18730622

Musil is the only worthy name among these and you know it. Zweig writes overly-sentimental shit that is the belle-epoque equivalent of a YA novel, surviving time only because there is no end to the appreciation of kitsch among german-speaking countries. The other two are barely read and mentioned by anyone nowadays while Bernhard continously pops up in the writing and interviews of contemporary European writers.

>> No.18730628

Since when is Musil more popular than Bernhard? A better writer sure but he and Broch were always underrated.

>> No.18730638

Who cares if it’s relatable. Write it for yourself.

>> No.18730725

Learn how to use punctuation.
>Go read The Loser
Maybe I will
>Musil is the only worthy name among these and you know it.
You said famous, not best.

>> No.18731097

>be Pessoa
>brazilian cutie travels to Portugal just to meet up with you
>arrange a date
>don't show up
>send her a letter saying that you missed the date because your horoscope literally said you weren't supposed to meet each other
>never get to see her again
>die a year later

true Chad

>> No.18731125

>>29 years old and never had a gf
Jesus fuck I'm 5 foot 2 inches, I lost my virginity at 18, what the fuck is your excuse?

>> No.18731168

Believe that your talent will come with wizardhood.

>> No.18731203

This. Also there really is nothing all that special about falling in love or into a rushed relationship. It's so retarded. It's just two people being stupid and also being pressured by the expectations of society. That is young stupid love. Notice how they literally term it the "honeymoon phase" and then once it's over they start disliking eachother more and more. But they're best buds too or whatever the fuck. God forbid you accidentally have a kid before you're ready too. Just understand there is nothing really wrong with your experience, and you can work on social skills, woman skills, and all that. So many books about that kind of thing. Then you can go about meeting people how you want and have the skills to back it up. Except now you actually have skills (game) and won't fall into something possibly life altering. Life is just a game so have fun.

>> No.18731215

Any books on this phenomenon? Is there a way to find "true love," and have a lifelong relationship, or is that another "Fountain of Youth?"

>> No.18731251

I don't believe in "true love" or "the one" either. I just believe in relationships, and maintaining them is a skill that requires awareness. I would recommend how to be a 3% man by corey wayne. It's a practical book, it's not PUA shit either, and it's available for free. It's mostly about how to genuinely, and effectively navigate a relationship once you're in one so you don't fuck things up. I think most men have been into a situation where they had a woman and then that woman left them, and then they're scratching their heads. Or worse they become bitter and resentful, and truly don't get it at all. It'll also assist with thinking positively, having more of an abundant mindset, and just seeing endless opportunity. It can also be just as useful for women I think. I'm sure there's plenty of books out there that can help but this one helped me at one point so maybe it can help you as well.

>> No.18731260

Thanks, anon

>> No.18731299

They also were not writing.

>> No.18731353

Listen to butterfag and literally go outside, OP. If you can make friends you can get a gf, you just need an environment with women.

>> No.18731384
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>If you can make friends you can get a gf
>I thought we were just friends...


>> No.18731799

Take the dark lit pill and start raping bitches.

>> No.18731874

read more pessoa, write unfinished work and kys. You'll get a bj in afterlife

>> No.18731893


>> No.18731898

>29 years old and never had a gf
In 2021 this is like being sad because you're 29 years old and you didn't get appendicitis yet

>> No.18731908

You post in every single thread and you tell others to go outside, fuck off tranny,

>> No.18731985

Bro you’re still young at 29. A friend of mine just became a father at 22. I’d prefer to be on your shoes rather than his.

>> No.18732028

Why do you think that matters? Are you writing an autobiography?

Seriously, did the concept of writing about things you haven't experienced in real life not even exist as a thought in your head? People write about black holes who have never seen one or been in one. Why couldn't you write about love?

>> No.18732045

It doesn't have to be 'special' to be a foundational experience that you need to understand in order to write about the human condition.

>> No.18732050

False dickotomy

>> No.18732059

>false DICKotomy
yeah I would call it that

>> No.18732113
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It was intentional, you know

>> No.18732118

incredibly based

>> No.18732134

The difference is incredibly fucking obvious and you are a retard. No one has been in a blackhole so no one can call bullshit on your depiction of one, but plenty of people have experienced sex and relationships and can see that your depiction of them is bullshit

>> No.18732141

t. unimaginative retard

>> No.18732160

that's exactly what literature is.

>> No.18732166

>Never had a gf
>Very little sexual experience
>Still able to be inspired and find subject matter
You're not trying hard enough.

>> No.18732168

Most books are full of bullshit like magic, time travel and historical inaccuracies, but that doesn't seem to bother people

>> No.18732196

Just write sci-fi and fantasy, OP.

>> No.18732233

This lmao. Isaac Asimov didn't have have any 3 dimensional or complex women in his early work, cause he had never talked to one before he met his wife lmao.

>> No.18732246

Write from that perspective then. It's better than this girls is cute lets have sex but we cant for some reason for the millionth time

>> No.18732273

have a bf instead

>> No.18733765

29 years old and you've never read monastic literature.


>> No.18733776

I love this pic