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1872914 No.1872914 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /law/.
When the uprising of the rebels inevitably occurs in our country, I expect our out-dated cannabis laws to be at the forefront of their campaigners' issues. This redundant, damaging and expensive law is increasingly annihilating the peoples' respect for our government as much as it's damaging our health and general trust in those we've elected to rule. I'm dying from multiple sclerosis and ulcerative pancolitis because I'm not allowed access to the only medicinal substance on earth which appears to alleviate my symptoms. I don't have the money to relocate, but I can be prescribed the drug 40 miles away in Holland, by a medical doctor, only to have it seized and destroyed when I attempt to re-enter my own country. My own British doctor accepts that it'd help my medical conditions more than the synthetic, pharmaceutical chemical meds which are presently legal albeit infinitely more toxic, yet I'm forbidden to cultivate, import, possess or use the herb, regardless of whether I live a life of horrible suffering and die young as a consequence. My life is only allowed should it happen to be permitted by contemporary law, even though my production and consumption of cannabis would be a victimless crime.

>> No.1872915

I don't want to die. It's only when you're faced with the reality of it's imminent presence that you begin to take things a little more seriously. It's not a nice experience. I bleed internally every day, no amount of pills or chemicals help, so I'm forced to be a criminal in order to avoid a hellish life followed by an unusually unpleasant death.

The British government claims that cannabis is illegal because it's damaging to our health, even though it has been scientifically and absolutely proven by the chief drugs advisor to the British government; professor David Nutt; or at least, former advisor; they fired him for scientifically, mathematically and totally proving that cannabis is relatively harmless.

What's /lit/'s opinion on books such as "The emperor has no clothes", written by cannabis activist Jack Herer, or similarly damning books, such as Oxford graduate Howard Marks book "Mr Nice"?

Lastly, before I go to sulk, bleed and swallow more morphine (which you're paying for, incidentally), how many decades is it going to take before something is done about this ruthless, unfair law which has so comprehensively been proven to be maladjusted, redundant and altogether cruel?

>> No.1872936

How are you getting morphine? I want morphine...

And yes, the fact that I can't go to the shops and buy an 8th along with a bar of chocolate is a travesty.

>> No.1872952

You should go to a doctor about that internal bleeding, brah. They can fix you up in a jiffy.

Oh, and stop getting fucked in the ass so much. That will fix the whole internal bleeding problems root cause.

>> No.1872962
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Morphine is shit. It doesn't do anything except numb pain, and it stops working after about 6 months, while giving you other diseases on the side. I've got far more serious health problems to deal with than pain. Being prescribed morphine is easy if you're genuniely ill. I also have a drawer filled with (amongst other things) diazepam, codeine, tramadol, ibuprofen, co-codamol and naramig... but they're all of very little use in terms of actually making the diseases manageable long-term.

I'd swap my entire draw filled with synthetic intoxicants, pain killers, downers and general liver-killers; 6 months worth; for 3 months worth of a med which actually improves my health, instead of lining the pockets of pharma corps by way of making the diseases forever present and forever in need of their expensive chems.

>> No.1872973

> You should go to a doctor about that internal bleeding, brah. They can fix you up in a jiffy.

I've been on a total of 26 different medications over 11 years, none has offered long-term relief, and several of which have caused additional health problems, for which I'm prescribed more pills. The life of a disabled individual is considered little more than a vessel by which expensive chems can be marketed, all of which appear to lead to little more than the purchase of yet more chemicals which don't address the root of the problem, merely hide the symptoms temporarily. Atm i'm taking 42 expensive pills a day. If I smoke 2 grams of weed daily, I take 2 paracetamol, 2 codeine and 1 tramadol, without even thinking about having to take more.

Brits: You're paying for this. Your house is smaller, your car is slower and your partner is uglier, because only those who are personally and fatally affected, are bothering to campaign. Please help me? :/

>> No.1872977

While I think the health benefits of weed are not as great as you seem to think they are, and I also have read plenty of reports demonstrating that habitual use of marijuana (smoke) can in fact cause lung cancer--not to mention that I just generally dislike potheads (more of an opiate man myself)--I agree with what you are saying. All drugs should be completely decriminalized. Will it happen? I don't know--I live in the US, which is even more outrageous in its drug war..so for my country I would definitely say that this won't happen any time soon. Hope things work out better for you, bro. Also, you know you can obtain weed illegally, right? If your disease is so bad, then I would think the risk would be worth it.

>> No.1872993

> While I think the health benefits of weed are not as great as you seem to think they are
Unless there's some hidden damage which is occurring, I've no reason to think that it's doing me more harm than smoking a cigarette. Infact, as it's not addictive, I'd expect it to do less harm. The drug has been used by humankind for around 5,000 years. If there were any hidden side-effects, I think we'd have noticed them by now.

In professor David Nutt's own words:
"The most harmful thing about cannabis is the criminal record you'll get for possessing it"

> I live in the US, which is even more outrageous in its drug war
The laws in the U.S are actually significantly less dominating and unforgiving than they are in the U.K. Many U.S states (16? 17?) now allow medical doctors to prescribe the drug, whereas in England it's illegal, even if you die as a result of being denied the drug your doctor tells you to take.

I really don't want to die. That's a biggie. I'm so scared by it.

> You know you can obtain weed illegally, right?

I'm in a wheelchair and spend most of my days alone at home, I sleep ~17 hours a day, and what time I do spend awake, I spend vomiting, shitting blood and crying. I'm not really capable of making connections with the local dealers. All the weed I've used thus far, I've sourced online, via very expensive online dealers.

> Hope things work out better for you, bro.

Thanks :/

>> No.1872996

>uprising of rebels

What the fuck are you talking about? Do you even understand the British psyche?

>> No.1873080

Any law(s) which are blatantly cruel or unfair will eventually lead to civil unrest. We've had 6 decades of suffering and premature death because of one law which was only passed for utterly irrelevant reasons. It's far from the only one, but it has to be amongst the most cruel.

The former chief drugs advisor to the government has proven cannabis to be a potent and massively useful medication which is relatively harmless. This is now scientifically proven fact. The government fired him for his work.

As for whether we'll see a rebellion or not:

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions, it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ... And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." - Jefferson.

The more unfair the government is seen to be, the closer we get to rebellion. This is one of the most campaigned about and unfair laws ever passed. And yes, I know about the British psyche, I lived through the riots during Thatcher's reign, and I live 2 streets away from the hotel which was bombed by the IRA during her stay at the Grand Hotel. Had I been capable of walking, I'd have joined the 1,000,000 British citizens who were ignored whilst marching and campaigning against the war we're still paying for.

>> No.1873086


we are not going to see for a long, long time a rebellion (which is far different from rioting) over cannabis let alone rioting. Yes, I think it should be legalized but few are passionate enough about it to campaign at that level.

Change your opening line: you put forward a claim which is merely you own opinion and you'd have to provide evidence for which is completely unrelated to the argument your essay is trying to make.

>> No.1873087
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Guise, maybe the internal bleeding was caused by the weed.

>> No.1873124

I don't disagree, I'm sure I'll be dead before it happens, but why should I suffer just because the public is ignorant of the facts? This is my fucking life, my sole and exclusive consciousness in the known universe for all of eternity, and it's in tatters because of one solitary, greedy, unfair law.

Around 15 million people in England smoke cannabis. Every one of them loses respect for our government every time we hear them spout blatant lies and exaggerations about the medication our doctors are so desperately trying to prescribe for those who need it. My doctor knows better than my government when it comes to my medical disorders.

They're genetic diseases of the intestine, brain and spine, which I've had for 32 years. I've only been using weed to remedy them for 10 years.

>> No.1873129


Yes yes, I'm just saying you shouldn't start an essay with a claim - unrelated to the argument - that also requires proof before moving on. It would be far better to begin with an example of how unfair this law is or something else equally concrete.