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/lit/ - Literature

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18724933 No.18724933 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books about nature and the outdoors?

>> No.18724942

just go outside

>> No.18724959
File: 32 KB, 333x500, 0547451253.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_SX500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure he asked for a book.


>> No.18725069

i do go outside. i really like hiking and camping.
i'd just like to read about something i enjoy.

>> No.18725677

i know. i was just being a dick. i am sorry

>> No.18725699

emerson's essay on nature

>> No.18725707

Hemingway short stories

>> No.18725722
File: 342 KB, 535x801, meditationspeaks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18725744

I can bet that this photograph is from PNW, taken by an upper class hip """influence""". I remember this cringe fucking trend which every other Portland faggot """photographer""" was following to gain more followers like NPCs. There is an account on Instagram by the name of insta_repeat which highlighted this fag shit. It's so embarrassing that I use to eat this shit up few years ago. I remember a /p/ anon told me that you will going to laugh at this shit when you will get older and he was right.

>> No.18725779

desert solitaire

>> No.18725969
File: 11 KB, 180x279, D1EEB732-B248-41DF-8444-E0C359831DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my little book by this woman named Coogle

>People were taking an interest in photography! Go back to >>>/p/ faggot

>> No.18726012

The Earth is Enough
>young boy sent to live with two old fly fishermen because reasons
>old men just read and fish
>teach boy the wonders of nature
>and reading

>> No.18726056

>NOOOOOO how dare you criticise upper class privileged retards who approach photography as a business and copy each other's work like NPCs NOOOOOOO let people be the obedient slave of capital
Shut the fuck up liberal dyke.

>> No.18726065


>> No.18726103

Have you tried to ween them off of capitalism?
Have you even tried to convert them to some socialist doctrines? Or are you from some tanky sect that insists the revolution will come only from the global south and you shouldn’t waste your time?

>> No.18726117

that's ok

>> No.18726131

to be frank, im not very familiar with the post. i just sort of liked it.
if i had my phone near me, i would've posted a pic from my latest hike.

>> No.18726145
File: 516 KB, 1360x2292, Walden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walden by Henry Thoreau

>> No.18726166

Any Cormac Mccarthy novel with the exceptions of Nfcom and Cotp.

>> No.18726212

>revolution will come only from the global south
It WON'T!!
Even if we wanted it you nothern bastards wouldn't let.

>> No.18726243

You don't know the history of the PNW trend that I am talking about nor do you understand the filthy business of Instagram """photography""" influencers and paying bot companies to up the numbers of your followers so you can get more freelancing jobs from big companies not due to rigor of your work but due to numbers of your followers, which was very popular few years ago. I was a dumb romantic teenager back then who thought that """real""" life is in cool northern alps and where I live is a complete shithole.

Nah that's okay for the people who aren't familiar with the hacks who produced such photographs. These photographs aren't bad by themselves but they became insufferable after pathetically braindead repetition.

Please checkout the haikus of Basho. Those are full very natural and seasonal comfy imagery.

>> No.18726288

I've been trying to come up with a suggestion to make up for being a dick.
Best thing I could think of is a John Steinbeck short story an anon recommended once. "Breakfast". Its not the most naturey story but its comfy and only 3 pages. Here it is:

>> No.18726338

Growth of the Soil is top comfy nature/farming /lit/ except for the couple of really blackpilled parts about women
based Walden-bros

>> No.18726365

I don’t want to seem like I defend capitalism, but just stop being so bitter with people for having to chip away at making a living in it. It’s a sick system and makes some pretty loathsome marketeers out of people. They need help out of these sick ways.
I was only poking fun at your crotchety post. No offense man.

I downloaded that.

>> No.18726390

Tell me more about Walden. In what way is this book significant for you?

>> No.18726413


>> No.18726432

Just read it brosef

>> No.18726448
File: 101 KB, 1200x900, Dgth-cFXcAIQvUW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

J.A. Baker's "The Peregrine"
Dude Oline is one of my least favorite characters in all of fiction

>> No.18726453

A Balcony in the forest by Gracq

>> No.18726460

I try to cut down whimsical consumption of books, since the question.

>> No.18726463

oh and Giono, really anything by Giono

>> No.18726501

This read like a leftist Twitter from the 19th century

>> No.18726547

Following those people messed me up for some years. Because they were selling the dream lifestyle of alps, wooden cabins, wool clothing, living/travelling in 4x4 land cruisers/defenders/Volkswagen camper vans, camping every other night, hanging out with friends, fancy coffees in foggy weather, freelancing etc. It never really occurred to that most of them were privileged 1st world kids with a different environment, different set of opportunities and the ugly boring shit they were doing behind the scenes, because I was a naive romantic teenager. And I absolutely loathed the place I was living in and my "banal" life. But Pessoa taught me a lot about myself and my environment. I don't want to further shit up this thread so checkout this sublime poem by Pessoa:

From my village I see as much of the universe as can be seen
from the earth,
And so my village is as large as any town,
For I am the size of what I see
And not the size of my height . . .

In the cities life is smaller
Than here in my house on top of this hill.
The big buildings of cities lock up the view,
They hide the horizon, pulling our gaze far away from the
open sky.
They make us small, for they take away all the vastness our
eyes can see,
And they make us poor, for our only wealth is seeing.

>> No.18726778

it's everything I want to be, a comfy life in nature and not paying taxes

>> No.18726813


>> No.18727471
File: 78 KB, 735x846, 2B2956F6-BB03-4ADF-BED1-FF00675491E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for this, anon.

>> No.18727669

Sand County Almanac
Desert Solitaire by Abbey
The Pine Barrens - McPhee

>> No.18727702

It's a nice picture.

I read a book called Wilderness and the American Mind, it was pretty interesting.

>> No.18727725

It’s true tho

>> No.18727790

Natures cure

>> No.18728278
File: 764 KB, 1188x1600, Eco_Fascist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll offer you some slightly different fare, OP: conservationism and an understanding of land as a superorganism and biotic community instead of an aesthetic pastiche. In the English language and especially the US, Leopold is the gold standard. A Sand County Almanac is his most popular but I prefer the collection "The River of the Mother of God and Other Essays by Aldo Leopold". You can see him evolve from someone who viewed the wild as resources to be extracted to a borderline eco-fascist by the thirties. This is an except from his essay "Land-Use and Democracy", published in 1942.

>No new device in human affairs is ever an unmixed blessing. The idea here proposed: hitching conservation directly to the producer-consumer relation instead of to the government, entails some serious risks. It would present the professional advertiser with an opportunity for euphemized deception and equivocation vastly larger than cigarettes. The more complex the product or process, the wider the field for the trained hoodwinker.
>This brings us to the real and indispensable functions of government in conservation. Government is the tester of fact vs. fiction, the umpire of bogus vs. genuine, the sponsor of research, the guardian of technical standards, and, I hasten to add, the proper custodian of land which, for one reason or another, is not suited to private husbandry. These functions will become real and important as soon as conservation begins to grow from the bottom up, instead of from the top down, as is now the case.
>Conservation is a state of health in the land-organism. Health expresses the cooperation of the interdependent parts: soil, water, plants, animals, and people. It implies collective self-renewal and collective self-maintenance. When any one part lives by depleting another, the state of health is gone. As far as we know, the state of health depends on the retention in each part of the full gamut of species and materials comprising its evolutionary equipment.
>Culture is a state of awareness of the land's collective functioning. A culture premised on the destructive dominance of a single species can have but short duration.