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18719077 No.18719077 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with the "What if it turns out to be rubbish?" thoughts?

>> No.18719092

start with the greeks

>> No.18719093

I pre-accept that it's going to be shit and write anyway.

>> No.18719099

that's easy, you just rewrite till it's good. the hard part is realizing that even if it's good it won't sell, actually it probably won't sell for the very reason that it's good

>> No.18719104

I say to myself:
>I'll fix it later
I'm only writing it for my half Japanese niece, anyway. I barely work on it. I just do it when I figure out what to write next. No hurry, I'm not out to win laurels.

>> No.18719111

haha "selling"
Even if it becomes a bestseller, my country is just 7 million people, good luck with all that money.

>> No.18719114

Then it turns out to be rubbish. What does it matter? Move on and write something else.

>> No.18719138

if you expect absolutely nothing to come back to you then you just have to reiterate and never get jealous of what you write, if your favorite character is an obstacle you have to remove it.

>> No.18719179

Lyle made a decent point on this.
> 'Suppose I were to give you a key ring with ten keys. With, no, with a hundred keys, and I were to tell you that one of these keys will unlock it, this door we're imagining opening in onto all you want to be, as a player. How many of the keys would you be willing to try?’
>'Well I'd try every darn one,' Rader tells Lyle.
> Lyle never whispers, but it's just about the same. 'Then you are willing to make mistakes, you see. You are saying you will accept 99% error. The paralyzed perfectionist you say you are would stand there before that door. Jingling the keys. Afraid to try the first key.’

>> No.18719198

The doors don't pass silent judgment on me when I spill my spaghetti on them.

>> No.18719209

Neither does your writing.

>> No.18719220

Mine does. I play a great internal antagonist.

>> No.18719236

That is not your writing, that is you.

>> No.18719274

Rubish can be recycled.

>> No.18719635

A first draft is always trash. Think of it as a very long outline.
On the second drafts, you get the chance to thoughtfully pride your words and make them beautiful prose. Just get the outline out, from there, the real writing starts

>> No.18719677

Remind myself that no one cares about what I write and no one will never read it.

Just be yourself.

>> No.18719797

I wish it were that straightforward/guaranteed. Turns out you can write for years and still not come up with anything particularly good

>> No.18719862

In this hypothetical you are guaranteed success and every key you try is a concrete step towards it with no risk of downside.

>> No.18720057

How do you deal with this?

>> No.18720535

Still trying to figure that out

>> No.18720564

Well it's a global world that Girl Who guy was the greatest thing that ever happened to Nordic thriller writers because they all get published and sold over here now. And on the small end of that Russian litrpg

>> No.18720791

Whoever you are, keep going. I hope one day we can meet and then I can shove my cock down your throat.

>> No.18720809

You both missed the point. If you fixate on the failure, the chance of failure or success you likely will give in to being a "paralyzed perfectionist," you become an excuse, you need to focus on the task, not the goal. The keys show the willingness to fail, not the certainty of success, something else could happen before you find the right key. Success is never a certainty.

>> No.18721149

What if there was an audience, jeering at you with each failed turn of the lock. Would that change your conviction?

>> No.18721224

It will turn out to be rubbish, the secret is to have a big pile of shit in front of you and instead of getting discouraged to see where it needs work and just keep working on it until it's not shit anymore. This is all of art.

>> No.18721239

Assume that it will be rubbish, but plenty of worse books sell anyway.

>> No.18721244

Don't write to appease someone, write because it's what you do, simple as.

>> No.18721257

then you edit it

>> No.18722879
File: 237 KB, 482x589, chad3910390149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It will be rubbish and I don't care.