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18718802 No.18718802 [Reply] [Original]

>better never to have been
>check author's bio
>he still hasn't killed himself
No skin in the game. Probably written by a twitter-using, castrated subhuman

>> No.18718816

anti-natalism has roots older than language.

>> No.18718833

I have no qualms with anti-natalism, I have one with the author.

>> No.18718840


What makes you think that performing the deed will yield the intended result?

>> No.18718912
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The problem with anti-natalism isn't that he hasn't committed suicide. The problem with Benatar's position is that it is the byproduct of the Angloid worldview, born out of American-English life denying bullshit. Just don't give Angloids the benefit of the doubt anymore, ignore their being-towards-extinction takes. They either want to blow up the planet or make everyone depressed as fuck.

>> No.18719262

Natalism even earlier than that.

>> No.18719321

why do people still use the word 'qualms' in place of 'issues'?

>> No.18720092

Taleb calls this the problem of insulation

>> No.18720104

Such as?

>> No.18720499

Where does he do that? I think Taleb's face would become tomato red readinh Benatar's trite bullshit.

>> No.18720505

I have no qualms with the word "issues", I just prefer "qualms".

>> No.18721823

truly a book for white middle class millenials

>> No.18721921

>anti-natalism means advocate for suicide
are you just pretending to be retarded or what

>> No.18722794
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how does killing yourself prevent suffering in the world? it doesn't

it only prevents your suffering but not the suffering of other people. antinatalism is about preventing the suffering of other people not just your suffering

>> No.18722800

killing yourself doesn't really solve the problem. some breeder will just replace you with another person

>> No.18722816

>kill yourself
>breeder has a kid
>killed yourself for no reason
>kid replaces you
>still suffering in the world

>> No.18722855

It's self-refuting. If births can bring suffering into the world then births are unethical according to Benatar, even if it's not always the case that it doesn't bring suffering or that there's a potential for someone to be born who could lessen suffering. But if that's true then his book and philosophy are also unethical, as is any attempt to reduce suffering because all that has potential for suffering like births do.

>> No.18722856

suicide only works if we nuke the planet earch from space killing all life on earth otherwise it's a worthless solution to the suffering problem that antinatalists are trying to confront
one person killing himself has no effect on the suffering of sentient life on this planet

>> No.18722876


>there's a potential for someone to be born who could lessen suffering.

such a person ends up bringing more suffering into the world by having kids who all end up fuckups
their offspring offsets their goodworks or overshadows their goodworks

with breeding, not just one kid is the problem. the kids that one kid produces will also be problems

having a kid creates a future generation if that kid becomes a breeder

>> No.18722899

By having kids especially girls you are guaranteed to create future generations

girls are more likely to have sex and breed than boys

if you want to spread your genes having all girls is the best way to do that

>> No.18722902

So, Benatar's ideas are guaranteed to have no one ever twisting them? They'll stay good and pure forever? No one will be influenced by his antinatalism to cause suffering?

>> No.18722904

my grandpa had like 4 girls and all of them had children including the retarded dysgenic one(my mother)