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File: 140 KB, 602x762, theists_btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18718100 No.18718100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Try to debunk this image

>> No.18718111

>evil exists

>> No.18718113

start with the greeks

>> No.18718114

>tips redditora
Read The Holy Bible and you'll have all the answers you'll ever need, OP

>> No.18718121

yeah, exactly. this 'paradox' never made any sense.

>> No.18718128

insipid children

>> No.18718141

why are you mad? we are right.

>> No.18718145

>This thread again.
It’s not something to debunk. It’s a damn choice one makes for their personal deity.

No. Half of it has a malevolent god the other half has an impotent god (carpenter)

>There’s no such thing as evil
How pomo.

>> No.18718150 [DELETED] 

>uuuh dude evil doesn't exist because my favorite ethopian pizza place after midnight
haha nah.

>> No.18718152

No, "evil exists" is an unjustified axiom. What exists is justice, humans receiving Divine Punishment for their sins. Humans fell from grace by their own decided impurity, and it is God's duty as the judge, jury and executioner to deliver our sentences and punishments. All comes in due course; and when we humble ourselves, recognize our weakness, fragility and poor decisions, our fundamentally irrational mistakes which have led us to this dark cavern of human life, God will take us back into his Kingdom. His Mercy is infinite, but it requires our acknowledgement of our sins and the nature which caused us to sin.

>> No.18718157

>It’s a damn choice one makes for their personal deity.
is that so?

>> No.18718160

archontic drivel.

>> No.18718162

Tell the antinatalists. I’m sure they’d be relieved

>> No.18718163

You'll burn in hell, woman. Repent while there's still time.

>> No.18718166

That's a good way to describe your low-effort, nonsensical posts, I'll admit.

>> No.18718168

Nothing there to debunk. There's evil because it's possible for evil to exists when some good obtains, and God's not evil for creating a world with evil because evil is merely trensient and finite, and good will prevail.

>> No.18718176

that means that good is transient and finite too stupid, nobody wins.

>> No.18718180

Some people are born into these cults, but they’re in a cage without a lock on it.

Schizo moment wjvxm

>> No.18718186

No, that doesn't follow at all. There's no prima facie contradiction between "Evil is transient and finite" and "Good will prevail over evil"

>> No.18718187
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>> No.18718194

>cosmic psycho-drama
A very human motivation, perhaps a human projection on to the divine more than the divine-as-such.

>> No.18718196

Epicurus never said that. In fact, he believed in God and that bad things happen to bad people.

>> No.18718199

Put it this way, because christians do; god the all powerful and all knowing father, is a sick fuck for knowingly letting his children fall into unspeakable harm. He takes no reasonability. He’s shit at this. Yet we’ll get punished for falling for these things he let happen. This IS malevolence.

>> No.18718205

"Evil" is a judgement. Judgements exist. What does this have to do with God?

>> No.18718207

He didn’t. He just knew his audience had personal gods in great variety.
Faux monotheists wouldn’t understand the secularism of Athenian intellectual heights

>> No.18718209 [DELETED] 

Assuming that "evil" is real for the sake of argument (I'm sure we can all think of examples of heinous acts that appear evil), perhaps God knows that it benefits people in some way to face evil.

Being pain-averse is a bit pathetic, and I don't think a loving God would hook us up to dopamine pumps, nor would a loving parent overfeed and coddle their children. Perhaps challenges benefit us in some way, even difficult ones.

>> No.18718211

where you raised a Christian butterfly?

>> No.18718216

>Evil is actually good for us and all a part of his plan!

>> No.18718218

Not /lit/

Also, there is a better argument than this: if God is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient, then God has no Other and we / the many things do not exist at all.

>> No.18718220

This judgement exists, yes. Do you have a point?

>> No.18718221

>His audience
It was a personal letter to a disciple you absolute imbecile, and he was chastising the popular view that the gods are capable of wickedness.

>> No.18718223


>> No.18718224

>Put it this way, because christians do; god the all powerful and all knowing father, is a sick fuck for knowingly letting his children fall into unspeakable harm.
He's not.
>He takes no reasonability.
He does.
>He’s shit at this.
He's not.
>Yet we’ll get punished for falling for these things he let happen.
We'll get punished for the evil we've done, and for the evil we are.
>This IS malevolence.
This is not. Malevolence is letting evil prevail, or not caring it prevail. God will make good out of evil, and will vanquish evil. God is good.

>> No.18718226


>> No.18718227

False premise, evil doesn't have positive being.

>> No.18718228

I thought so. are you from Denton texas?

>> No.18718229

I bless you, and I pray that you follow Christ as your Lord and savior instead of being deceived by schemes for your soul. Evil exists, and God triumphs over evil in the end. That's what matters. The righteous who follow God are saved and live in eternal paradise in the end, even if something bad happened to them on earth, because of evil. All is made right in the end. You can be forgiven of your sins and join God against evil.

>> No.18718232

reminder that the trinity doctrine came about as a compromise after many debates on the nature of christ, decades after his death and resurection, that it doesn't make any sense and the only excuse christian have is that "it's too complex for your mortal mind" even tho the notion was invented by man. All of the mentions in the bible come from bad translation and bad interpretation

>> No.18718239

Justice is more Divine than it is human. Justice is a projection of the Divine into men, not the other way around. Perfect justice will never exist among man's governments, God's justice, however, is eternally perfect. And all of the laws of our own institutions aim unsuccessfully towards that Divine Perfection. The mere fact that the Universe itself in its underlying constitution is bound by laws is ample evidence of that; it's God's pure, simple rule of law which binds all things. Yet we ate from the Tree of Knowledge, and we gained the rational faculty, the faculty responsible for all of the best and worst laws created by men.

>> No.18718243

Assumption of a hedonic justification of life. Why does pleasure or suffering matter as an end for life? Why would suffering nullify life?

>> No.18718250

I feel sorry for your hateful arrogance and pray that you find Christ, for he is The Truth, the unquestionable and the good. You may value your intellect, empiricism and "science" but don't to dare apply our limited understanding to The Devine. Study The Bible and you shall see.

>> No.18718255

His official stance is said to be that the gods have no concerns with humans. They effectively don’t exist. This quote OP alludes to is perhaps his perhaps not

That’s not an argument. You’ve chosen malevolent.

You are as a child with your misconceptions about life. You can’t conceive of a wild eternal universe in its own motion. You have to have a daddy figure churning it. Poor dear child.

>> No.18718256

>study the bible
>t. has only ever read one translation and never looked in the context of when it was made

>> No.18718261

how can I turn my back on God when my family and friends and community will abandon me?

>> No.18718262

>God's pure, simple rule of law which binds all things
But it doesn't bind, that's one of the issues. Human's can act wilfully and contingently and are not subject to divine (or natural is that is counterposed to God) necessity or laws of panlogism. Life is a contingent phenomena outside of the necessity of panlogical laws.

>> No.18718263

Make a new family, friends, and community.

>> No.18718272

>His official stance is said to be that the gods have no concerns with humans.
No it isn't, at least read his surviving epistles before arrogantly commenting on things you do not understand.
>This quote OP alludes to is perhaps his perhaps not
It is absolutely not his quote, it comes from some idiotic church father and it was then popularized by Hume. It's in direct contradiction with what Epicurus himself believed.

>> No.18718274

Wasn't supposed to be an argument. You've given gratuitous assertion, I've done the same.

>> No.18718283

easier said than done buddy.

>> No.18718290

Don't let a band of cultists hold you back, if they have any genuine love for you they'll stick with you.

>> No.18718291
File: 75 KB, 850x400, quote-nothing-in-the-world-is-worth-having-or-worth-doing-unless-it-means-effort-pain-difficulty-theodore-roosevelt-42-46-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better get started while you're young then.

>> No.18718301

you know the exact nature of christ wasn't determined by divine revelation, but by debates by the early churches father

>> No.18718304

>wild eternal universe in its own motion
Some problems with a purely stochastic foundationalism. What brings the stochasitc into being in the first place? The wild must begin with a wilful act, otherwise you depend on the mystification of "the eternal". The second problem is assuming the wild does not have the potency to produce gods, which appears a dogmatic exclusion.

What is the foundation of the ungrund other than a wilful act of God that subsists within God?

>> No.18718309

>nm. I was only signaling to Jesus

Okay. Read a different scholar is all. Pretty difficult getting to know him since all his stuff was destroyed.

>> No.18718329

>But it doesn't bind, that's one of the issues
It most certainly does. You have far less power than you think, and this is why it is extremely wise to humble yourself now. God allows you exactly as much leeway as you ought to have.

>> No.18718336

>What is the foundation of the ungrund other than a wilful act of God that subsists within God?
Further to the subsists within God part, how is the wild still alive, how would the wild remain productive and able to be creative and not be dead if it wasn't in subsistence to a potent cause?

Not only do you need a mystificaiton of "the eternal" but you need a mystification of "life", of the wild remaining alive and productive for that eternity.

>> No.18718339

>God does not want to prevent evil therefore he is not good

>> No.18718354

>you must make a wilful act within the power of your freedom to be humble
>you don't have power
Not a coherent answer, you're not grasping the problem here. Freedom is necessarily contigent and outside of any divine necessity, compulsion, law, or panlogism (inlcuding from a natural source if nature is defined as separate from God).

>> No.18718434

>The wild must begin with a wilful act,
Evidently not.
> the mystification of "the eternal"
It’s hardly mystical. You’re as mystified at a rock are you?
> assuming the wild does not have the potency to produce gods,
Why do you think I’m a socialist?
As real as Clark Kent.

>> No.18718476

You aren't grasping the answer. Your freedom is entirely enabled by God. Everything you attain by your freedom within the contingent realm, "nature", is necessarily conditioned by those laws given by God, and as such they are never defied (in the same manner that you can never defy the law of gravity, you can only act in different ways with respect to it - the law always remains). As for exactly how His Law functions beyond this point, it is simply a matter for speculation, but there is no hard problem here, it is merely an open question. It's possible, for instance, that the Law is so perfectly calculated, or perhaps "flexible" (in the sense of act, judgement, and response), as to provide for the perfectly just outcome no matter which course of action you decide to take.

Additionally, I never stated you, "do not have power", I stated you have exactly as much power as God's Law entitles you to. Men are born with differing qualities and powers for exactly this same reason. You have the freedom to act with as much power as you have been granted within the Law, and the Law will necessarily judge your actions. This does not mean the will itself is contingent and unfree.

>> No.18718506

You consider God to be evil because you talk of the divine in human terms. You think he's evil by punishing you if you go against his commands.
God's commands aren't actually commands in the human sense but eternal truths or rather, natural laws. You cannot break a natural law and if you attempt to do so, you will suffer the consequences. If you attempt to breath under water, you will suffocate.
When God commanded Adam to not eat the forbbiden fruit, he wasn't expressing his authority but rather informing him about a fact of nature, that if Adam eats the forbidden fruit he will suffer. To say that God punished him is the same as saying that he punished you with suffocation by trying to breath under water.
So basically God's "commands" are simply helpful warnings of what your actions might lead to.
He's not punishing you when you sin, it's just that leading a sinful life is a recipe for misery. On the other hand, he's not rewarding you when you perform what the Bible presents as God's "commands", such as being charitable. It's just that being virtuous is the recipe for happiness. Heaven and hell were just metaphors for that because that's what the Bible is: a collection of metaphors to teach you about virtue and to guide you towards the path of happiness.

>> No.18718512
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>> No.18718522

Most likely there is someone named Clark Kent Butterfly, are you trying to say God is real ? :3

>> No.18718577

Rocks aren't eternal, the mystification is the lack of a cause of an eternal productive wild. Nothing comes from nothing, begging the question isn't an answer, so what causes the wild to come into being and what causes it to remain productive and alive?

Not following your socialist remarks, but if the wild is productive why would it not produce gods? If it is eternal and productive then it would produce gods through stochastic necessity, at some point in eternity the wild would arrange its productive self as a god, and also as a real Clark Kent. Eternal + productive necessarily means that every modal possibility would come into being infinitely many times.

>> No.18718582
File: 186 KB, 1080x1336, 982D6A5C-6A02-48C5-A55C-FE94CA57B34C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Frog poster
>Doesn’t know Epicurus moved to Athens

>> No.18718595

>I stated you have exactly as much power as God's Law entitles you to
Which is absolute freedom of will, not a will "granted within the Law", will is necessarily anarchic and unbounded by law. There is no juridical limitation of will. This is a fact of human existence you haven't grappled with, God doesn't act within time or the world to impose any juridical limit on the will of men, instead we have an absolute freedom from necessity.

>> No.18718608

>There is no juridical limitation of will
Correct, in the pure sense, in that will's simple choice is entirely unconditioned. I think you've misunderstood everything I've said, because nothing here contradicts me or the dogmas I've stated.

>> No.18718639

You've retreated into dogmatic legalism as an escapism from the reality of man's anarchic nature, instead of grounding your worldview in the facticity of human freedom and willfulness, you run away and hide behind the mothers skirts of revealed cosmic bailiffs to escape the condition of being free.

>> No.18718665

You do not have power over everything. It is a simple fact you perceive every day, which highlights your own meekness and insufficiency. Go ahead, try to black out the Sun with your will; it will not happen, because you have not been gifted that power by God. Your will is only free in itself, it is not free in general. The fact that men have the capability for evil and stupidity, "anarchy" as you put it, only further highlights the sinful nature of man, and the necessity of returning to God and acknowledging what you are.

>> No.18718846

>only further highlights the sinful nature of man
There it is, the cowardly retreat into legalism, hiding in the darkness underneath the juridical skirt. The nature of man's anarchic freedom is the exact opposite of a sinful nature, man's freedom is the divine within man, where man is most godlike in sharing the same willful freedom that God neccessrily possesses. That's what you're not grappling with, in as far as man is made in the image of God, or is in some way divine and godlike, it is in our freedom. And this is the divine spark you want to extinguish and trample out? What an ungodly poverty of spirit.

God has freedom of will. Man is made in God's image and shares the divine freedom of will; the greatest of all good gifts that must be the foundation of any theological anthropology.

>> No.18718897

Evil does not exist as a separate ontological category. It is simply the denial of what is actually real. Food is fuel, but the denial of this and the use of it as a source of pleasure leads to the evil passion of gluttony. Sex is about other people, but its use as a means of self gratification leads to the evil passion of lust.

Also, the idea of the "test" does not take it quite far enough. The test is not whether we are capable of doing good things or having good thoughts consistently in a world of suffering, its whether we are willing to give up our passions and delusions to seek true reunion with God. Sin does not affect God, it affects us. We are sick, and we cannot be cured until we stop pouring barrel after barrel of poison down our own throats.

Evil can only enter this world through human beings denying their own true nature as small, limited creatures, made in the image of God, who can truly, freely choose to give up their delusions or remain mired in them.

>> No.18718919

Holy shit, tranny, you really make yourself one glorified left-leaning atheist in every thread I see you in. Not only do you insist in trying to be a real woman you also believe that following:
>Men saving women is problematic
>Jesus is a conspiracy made by the caesars
>other fedorafag shit i can’t remember

Do us all a favor and detransition yourself already. You will never be a real woman.

>> No.18718960

>Men saving women
Is welcome enough. David Graeber was a hero.
>Jesus seems pretty likely a forgery. But if real, merely a real carpenter.

I am a woman though. Deal with it.

>> No.18719173

we have different definition for the word "woman"

>> No.18719185

>real women have penis!

>> No.18719374
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I'm going to take the bait here, but I've always felt that the argument falls apart in the bottom left box. Most people presenting this paradox don't accept the "God transcends human logic" handwavey explanation, yet I see no way to explain in human logic how we could have free will but not be able to commit evil. Free will and the ability to be evil are bound to one another. Saying "well God is all-powerful and thus doesn't have to obey that logical restriction" is the same thing as the "unacceptable" handwavey rebuttal and makes the whole argument fall apart. The paradox relies on an assumption that allows the solution, yet you're not allowed to make use of that solution because it angers the fedora-tippers. Feel free to correct me if I'm missing something, because I am a brainlet who didn't even start with the Greeks.

>> No.18719629 [DELETED] 
File: 393 KB, 1004x762, The Reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18719684
File: 391 KB, 1004x762, The Reason.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In His dealing with sin, God could employ only righteousness and truth. Satan could use what God could not— flattery and deceit. He had sought to falsify the word of God and had misrepresented His plan of government before the angels, claiming that God was not just in laying laws and rules upon the inhabitants of heaven; that in requiring submission and obedience from His creatures, He was seeking merely the exaltation of Himself. Therefore it must be demonstrated before the inhabitants of heaven, as well as of all the worlds, that God's government was just, His law perfect. Satan had made it appear that he himself was seeking to promote the good of the universe. The true character of the usurper, and his real object, must be understood by all. He must have time to manifest himself by his wicked works.

The discord which his own course had caused in heaven, Satan charged upon the law and government of God. All evil he declared to be the result of the divine administration. He claimed that it was his own object to improve upon the statutes of Jehovah. Therefore it was necessary that he should demonstrate the nature of his claims, and show the working out of his proposed changes in the divine law. His own work must condemn him. Satan had claimed from the first that he was not in rebellion. The whole universe must see the deceiver unmasked.

>> No.18719687

You have a good point, I`ll try to explain my POV on it:
I believe that happiness is the end all be all so a happy human without free will is an acceptable scenario for me and I can`t fathom why god would prefer it otherwise?
Also, the diagram also refutes free will, if god is omniscient how can we have free will? If he knows our actions it`s predetermined already. If he doesn`t than how does a omniscient god doesn`t know something?
Free will doesn`t seem to be possible to coexist with god.

>> No.18719724 [DELETED] 
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The paradox comes from the Idea that God being unable to create freewill AND also force allegiance means he is not all powerful. Its an artifact of language and how it's used and not a proper argument. I cant make "blue" red paint anymore than God can make "Free-will" slaves... The question itself breaks under examination.

>> No.18719733

Free-will where you don't have the freedom to choose evil isn't truly free-will.

>> No.18719742
File: 50 KB, 620x261, blog-animation-choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The paradox comes from the Idea that God is unable to create freewill AND force allegiance means he is not all powerful. Its an artifact of language and how it's used, not a proper argument. these things are mutually exclusive. I can't make "blue" red paint anymore than God can make slaves with "free-will"... The question itself breaks under examination.

>> No.18719747

>Evil Exists
>Can God Prevent Evil?
>Does God know about all the Evil?
>Does God want to prevent Evil?
>Then why is there Evil?
>An all-powerful, all-knowing, all-good God could and would destroy Satan
Could? Yes. Would? No, dumbass. Read on Christianity, don't just parrot reddit takes.

>> No.18719752

Butterfly is know to be a psued. Have you ever met a woman who wasn't?

>> No.18719767

Created by omniscient God. It's not me that's beating you, it's my hand, see?

>> No.18719783

BINGO! The question is malformed.

I think this falls under the Bad Reason fallacy but I'm not sure... https://www.logicalfallacies.org/bad-reason-fallacy.html

>> No.18719791
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>> No.18719801

Created as all other angels and living beings. If not Lucifer, then someone else. Maybe all of them - maybe none. That's the price of free will. What is the point of creating the universe and not having anything living in it?

>> No.18719804
File: 15 KB, 968x832, 5b5cc01b1ecf2e71c151cea30d23d7d52c4d0f56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bad things happen
Why my life not perfect like my movies and video games!!!
Just want to smoke weed and watch cartoons

>> No.18719809

Are you saying that Satan had no free will and must be evil by design?

>> No.18719828
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Angels do not have free will.

>> No.18719829

Yes, Evil or Sin did not and does not need to exist... It was the choice of Lucifer to fall of his own accord. He knew full well that he was wrong and chose to continue in his path of destruction.

Why is it allowed to continue?

In the final execution of the judgment it will be seen that no cause for sin exists. When the Judge of all the earth shall demand of Satan, "Why hast thou rebelled against Me, and robbed Me of the subjects of My kingdom?" the originator of evil can render no excuse. Every mouth will be stopped, and all the hosts of rebellion will be speechless.

The whole universe will have become witnesses to the nature and results of sin. And its utter extermination, which in the beginning would have brought fear to angels and dishonor to God, will now vindicate His love and establish His honor before the universe of beings who delight to do His will, and in whose heart is His law. Never will evil again be manifest. Says the word of God: "Affliction shall not rise up the second time." Nahum 1:9. The law of God, which Satan has reproached as the yoke of bondage, will be honored as the law of liberty. A tested and proved creation will never again be turned from allegiance to Him whose character has been fully manifested before them as fathomless love and infinite wisdom.

>> No.18719841


Angels are spiritual beings who have personalities that include emotions (Luke 2:13–14), intelligence (2 Corinthians 11:3, 14), and wills (2 Timothy 2:26). Satan was an angel who was cast out of heaven along with many other angels who decided to follow him and chose to sin (2 Peter 2:4). Satan’s will is mentioned directly in 2 Timothy 2:26. The Bible speaks of demons who, by their own choice, “did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling” (Jude 1:6). Demons demonstrate their free will in several passages of Scripture. Legion chose a herd of pigs as their destination (Luke 8:32). In Micaiah’s vision of God’s throne room, God allows a spirit to choose how to bring ruin upon King Ahab (1 Kings 22:19–22).

>> No.18719857

Engaging with Christcucks is one of the most brainlet things you can do. They haven't arrived at their position through reason -- it's some combination of upbringing, low IQ, emotional weakness, and humiliation fetishism.
The world is leaving them behind. Just let them drift away.

>> No.18719884
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>Humanist think God doesn't exist because he doesn't subscribe to his earthly concept of morality thread N°495874
Just fuck off already, newfags

>> No.18719891

Where do the arguments break down?

Also, perfect example of:

>> No.18719893
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There is a lot of talk about humanity's free will in multiple parts of the Bible (Genesis, Job, the Gospels, etc). Unfortunately, you do kind of have to rely on the handwavey thing to deal with your second question. We cannot know what it is like to be truly omniscient/omnipotent. This is a reddit-tier addendum, but one thing that I've always found interesting is that Laplace's Demon, the idea that if one knew the mass and motion of all particles in the universe, he would know all future events and outcomes (which I would think constitutes omniscience), has been fundamentally challenged due to certain discoveries in quantum mechanics/physics. Just food for thought. As for your first bit, I think it is a matter of personal opinion. I feel like forced happiness is fundamentally lesser than chosen happiness. If I did not have free will, I likely wouldn't care about my happiness being lesser, but as I am right now I would not choose to be a happy machine. Thanks for your non-confrontational reply anon. I hate when these threads devolve into retarded back-and-forth namecalling.

>> No.18719894

>I worship a literally eldritch being
The gnostics were right, Job was right, seethe you fucking sped

>> No.18719910

> If God was omniscient how can we have free will?

A simple analogy is:
I can stack a deck of cards and play poker... I know what is in everyone's had at all times but that knowledge does not restrict anyone from making any play they like. And that knowledge does not prevent you from winning.

>> No.18719935

>Also, perfect example of:
1. It's 4chan, bro. Read the fucking room.
2. People don't unilaterally disarm themselves against Christcucks anymore.

>> No.18719940

>uhhh only incels care about the problem of evil sweetie
I hate Americans so much

>> No.18719978

You`re welcome, I like effort posting as well :).
Regarding quantum mechanics - I`m way out of my depth but I believe that in quantum mechanics some aspects are (for a lack of a better word) random until an observer observes the experiment and then one of the possible outcomes is decided (at random).
Second paragraph. So in our context god is the observer, to put simply, omniscient is all knowing, including anything.

Regarding happiness, this is an interesting question, I like how it`s represented in that Rick and Morty episode:
And of course Cypher in the Matrix:
(both normie references, I know).
I share with you the fear that after a transformation like this (being 100% happy) I`ll no longer be "me", although I don`t currently believe in free will.

I like the analogy but I think it doesn`t apply to the word - omniscient. An omniscient being will know everything, including what play is going to be made.

>> No.18719989

Why is that a bad thing?