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18717398 No.18717398 [Reply] [Original]

Books that will help me deal with the fact that life is meaningless and there's no point in living?

>> No.18717406

Neitzsche probably idk

>> No.18717454

Man’s Search for Meaning

>> No.18717462

Straw Dogs

>> No.18717488

john gray is one of the only honest atheists and takes evolution to its logical conclusion

>> No.18717490

Zen Flesh, Zen Bones.
Gateless Gate.

>> No.18717492

I tried making threads about his works in the past but no one ever replied.

>> No.18717624

Alan Moore's Jerusalem

>> No.18717631

A Short History of Decay
All Gall is Divided

>> No.18717729


>> No.18717732
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>> No.18718755

Lingua Latina per se Illustrata, by GODberg.

>> No.18718784
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Life is yours to do with as you please.
Ah, but some ass-hats have turned it into a prison planet. I suggest turning to the purpose of burning this prison down and replacing it with a better world.

>> No.18718800

The Bible, but start with the greeks

>> No.18718804

start with the greeks

>> No.18718832


>> No.18719026

The Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.18719163

The Analects of Confucius

>> No.18719216

> just make things worse
No thanks.

>> No.18719230

it already is what it is

>> No.18719242

>Finding purpose is making things worse
You are a degenerate. You want to go up to the clouds and bow before a daddy god forever, is that you?

>> No.18719243

your book recommendations suck tranny

>> No.18719250

Reading it today.
Good one.

>> No.18719261

Your book recs are so weak, and they haven't changed in years. You haven't grown at all. What you really think Nietzsche and Stirner are the philosophical end game? That's got to be one of the strangest and yet saddest echo chambers to exist in.

>> No.18719288

You suck, tranny chaser.

>Same questions asked over and over
>expects the answer to be different
How dumb.

>> No.18719300

Stop reposting authors for the mere fact they are also homosexual

>> No.18719326

They’re all straight white males though.

>> No.18719370

interesting, you don't even know about the authors you perpetually post

>> No.18719443


>> No.18719456

you said war is degenerate you hypocrite

>> No.18719498

I thought you were talking about Nietzsche, Stirner and Epicurus.
Why wouldn’t I like Yourcenar etc? What’s your problem?

>> No.18719871

accepting the truth of an atheist worldview is too daunting and depressing for most to accept

>> No.18719883

>one of the only honest atheists
Fucking dipshit

>> No.18720066
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As a Man Thinketh



>> No.18720813


>> No.18720903

can i just watch the movie? is it any good?

>> No.18720957
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>> No.18720964
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Permaculture Designer's Manual, Bill Mollison

Life is in our relationships and each being wades through time, making precious ripples. Tap into the heritage of mankind and our cousins through this accessible route for the industrialized mind.

>> No.18720975
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>> No.18720976

sounds gay

>> No.18721001
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You should learn where this new idea that life is meaningless has come from, and how it develops. This book does so.

PDF here -> https://www.docdroid.net/SlxAMji/nihilism-seraphim-rose-pdf

>> No.18721134
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Take the shroompill, struggle to accept decay

>> No.18721152

Co signed. Me and Butterfly love each other :3

>> No.18721164

Love is not gay. :3

I am in heaven :33333 she doesn't want to upset me

>> No.18721167

the myth of sisyphus by albert camus

>> No.18721308

If there is one New Thought work that is worth a damn it's that one. Instead of law of attraction bs he advocates strengthening ones character. That book cover kinda spells that out anyway.

>> No.18722947
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>> No.18723123


I read RTT before I read Nihilism - the concept of riding the tiger is very much applicable, and there are a lot of legitimate insights, but Evola doesn't put the degeneration of the age in the right cosmic context, and tends to write like he's convincing you to become a living sigma grindset meme. Fun to read, but ultimately as far as perennialists go, Guenon had a lot more substance, and Fr. Rose has both the substance and the stylistic approachability, while also being Orthodox.

>> No.18723129

mindfulness or some shit. Get your senses back and start doing whatever you feel liek doing. You are complicating things by thinking about meaning or something.

>> No.18723140

Camus (some optimism)
Cioran (full doom mode)
There is no full dealing, anon. You have to find distractions.

>> No.18723167

>dude everyone that I disagree with is literally satanic lmao!

>> No.18723175

What's Cioran's best stuff?

Will I like any of his other works if I wasn't a fan of Book of Decay?

>> No.18723181
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>One of the old philosophers, Lord Bacon tells us, used to say that life and death were just the same to him
>"Why then," said an objector, "do you not kill yourself."
>The philosopher answered, "Because it is just the same."

>> No.18723182

>become a living sigma grindset meme
That's exactly what he was against. Read the book more closely. The whole point of the book arguably is to simply solidify an inner core which is untainted by modernity, and thereby be able to act somewhat normally within society without this core ever being compromised. In other words, it's not really promoting the idea of sigma male nor of grinding by yourself to somehow "beat it all."

>> No.18723186


Yes, and?

That doesn't mean that there aren't legitimate insights in the writings of the deceived - but they have to be dissected to remove the harmful content from the insightful content.

>> No.18723192

>according to my religion you are pure inhuman evil if you disagree with me. you are actually communicating with and possessed by demons.
>wtf why aren’t you taking me seriously

>> No.18723193


I'm talking more about the left-hand path occultism for the sigma grindset meme.

>> No.18723198

Have these retarded churchcucks read Ecclesiastes? All is fucking vanity even if you do believe in God. But no, sheltered fags have their church to protect their delusions from facing the real trial of their being.

After the revolt of early Egyptian monks, Christianity became inherently corrupt and is at war against the noble tradition of asceticism.

>> No.18723206


>according to my religion you are pure inhuman evil

That's not what my religion believes. My religion believes that you are fundamentally good, but deceived, and if you disagree with God then you have been deceived by demons, or other humans who have been deceived by demons.

At the most extreme levels of demonic deception, this does involve communicating with and being possessed by demons, as every single high level occultist will confirm to you - from Vajrayana Tibetan Buddhism to Masonic ritual magic. It's Masonic ritual magicians who were the intellectual core of the French revolution, and its followon revolutions, anyway.

Hell, a fad in silicon valley is to take DMT and talk to "clockwork elves"(read: demons) to give them ideas for better technology. The modern world is literally built on the back of unironic and open demonic influence, to the point of pushing witchcraft in childrens TV shows now.

>> No.18723220
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You'll be glad to know that Fr. Seraphim Rose, the author of that book, was an ascetic monk, following a line of traditional initiation from the Optina Elders in Russia. Orthodox Christianity has not stopped being ascetic, since it is the true lienage of Christianity.

Heterodox Christianity, which we see in the west in the form of Protestantism and Roman Catholicism, has become corrupt and anti-ascetic. Orthodoxy has retained that ascetic core of renouncing the world, and facing the real trial of their being.

I guarantee you, if you hate anti-ascetic (((Christianity))), you will love reading that Nihilism book.

>> No.18723221

Btw, not doing anything and landing on your next need also works/ semi-works.

>> No.18723248

Sorry for my retardedly pseud assumption. But whenever someone say that modern society is nihilistic then that's totally shit. Because a nihilist don't believe in anything and our contemporary society is humanist and highly moralistic. They believe is teleological """progress""".

I am a philosophical pessimist who has respect for ascetics/mystics of all ages. But painting pessimism as something modern is painfully reductive.

>> No.18723274

Please god shut the fuck up.

>> No.18723299

if everything is meaningless then it's also pointless to post thumbnails on a tibetan looming forum while sulking about life but you still do it

>> No.18723314


In this case, I think it's just a confusion of terminology, and you jumped the gun on assuming that Fr. Rose defined Nihilism in that book as "You don't believe in anything". Fr. Rose defined Nihilism rather as, "There is no ultimate truth." The benefits of this definition means that Fr. Seraphim Rose can explicate four phases of the Nihilist dialectic unfolding:

In the book, Nihilism follows four stages unto an ultimate end point in the fourth stage - 1. Liberalism 2. Realism 3. Vitalism 4. The Nihilism of Destruction .

Humanism and moralism corresponds to the Liberalist phase of Nihilism - it's not that they don't have beliefs, and don't have morals, but they do not believe that they have any ultimate truth at their foundation, since the "Liberal" flavour of nihilism amounts to "There is no ultimate truth, so you can believe whatever you want, as long as you are generally not a prick to other people, and believe in common values that we can all agree on."

Realism roughly corresponds to scientism, "If it's not quantifiable, it don't real", Vitalism corresponds to "Feels > reals, do speed until you die", and the Nihilism of destruction is the very final level where destruction is carried out for the sake of destruction, ie, school shooters and such.

>> No.18723316

nietzsche, realise he failed completely, then you cope for 50 years and die.

>> No.18723322


This book >>18721001 covers, in detail, the failure of the cope, and how it effects the modern world.

>> No.18723329

i've read this book and enjoyed it very much, im probably due for a reread actually. although i don't really have high hopes on god saving us from the rat hole i have a lot of respect for orthodox christianity.

>> No.18723385


The world we're going through is for the sake of the salvation of our soul - and sufferings we are currently going through, and the worse sufferings that we will go into in the near future (world war, world famine, etc) will purify us in this life, so long as we see those sufferings as reason to draw closer to God. He will help us when we need him, if we trust him.

Don't worry about the external conditions of the world - since we are all going to die anyway, one way or another, worry about the state of your soul, and prepare yourself for death.

Perhaps another book you would be interested in reading for that topic, if you haven't already, would be Fr. Rose's "The soul after death". Here's a link to the PDF. https://au1lib.org/book/5417840/db997d

He covers a lot of his contemporary literature on Near Death Experiences, and interprets all of them from the Orthodox perspective, and completes them with Orthodox accounts of near death experiences.

>> No.18723605

Nihilists are literally called prophets of satan but I’m sure there’s no implication of evil somehow.
>all that other schizo shit
I know exactly which discord you come from.

>> No.18723643

>if you disagree with my religion you are deceived by demons
>why? because my religion says so of course
kek is this elaborate bait or are you this stupid?
>this does involve communicating with and being possessed by demons, as every single high level occultist will confirm to you
This is complete bullshit and you are talking out of your ass

>> No.18723652

>Near Death Experiences, and interprets all of them from the Orthodox perspective
I sure am looking forward to his extremely biased analysis.
NDEs were explained 1400 years ago by Padmasambhava anyway

>> No.18724167

You're suffering in existential pain, which is intrinsically meaningful - so, you're stupid.

>> No.18724534

>which is intrinsically meaningful