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18714819 No.18714819 [Reply] [Original]

Is reality all a collective dream?

>> No.18714827

his quote has nothing to do with a collective dream

>> No.18714839

Does it matter either way?

>> No.18714856

Yes, for what would be the point of asking questions if not for answers and reasons?

>> No.18714870


>> No.18714940

The answer and reason doesn't matter in some cases.

>> No.18714941


>> No.18714945

why does it matter?

>> No.18714952
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No, all reality is MY dream. I'm the only real person, and God.

Suck on that tidbit little bitch.

>> No.18714970

Dude I’m a pZombie there’s no (You) to suck on you. It’s just masturbating your teat with meat.

>> No.18715022

There's no difference between reality and dreaming, it's all just qualia, brosephino.

>> No.18715023

Define the difference between a dream and reality.

>> No.18715176
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>it's all just qualia

>> No.18715221

Based answer

>> No.18715253

you wake up from a dream

>> No.18716116
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A/or/The Buddha via the Diamond Sutra seems to agree that it is. In the sense that arising phenomena are kind of random and aligned with the unconscious in a synchronistic way. Dream reality is consistent with the reality of synchronicity.

>> No.18716708

Yes, I unironically think so.
Read the Tibetan Yogas of Dream and Sleep, it put me in the mindset instead of just playing with the idea intellectually.
Also if anyone has other book recommendations I'd appreciate that since I'm obsessed with this idea. I've read Zhuangzi and the Diamond sutra, not necessarily looking for eastern sources.

>> No.18716809


>> No.18716851
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Yes. Those who believe it's not are asleep.

>> No.18716901
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Good book about the philosophy of illusions, like the dreaming butterfly, in Buddhism.
>Jan Westerhoff is Lecturer in Philosophy at the University of Durham and Research Associate at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. He is the author of Ontological Categories, Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka: A Philosophical Introduction and The Dispeller of Disputes: Nagarjuna's Vigrahavyavartani.

>> No.18716903

iirc there was also a sufi called Idries Shah who wrote a story about a dream of a butterfly but I can't find it anymore, does anyone know what I'm talking about?

>> No.18716917

Then what is death?

>> No.18716922
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Waking up from the dream of life.

>> No.18716928

The origin of the thought experiment is ancient China

>> No.18716933

I know about Zhuangzi, I'm saying that another distinct story with a very similar premise was written by a sufi but I can't find it

>> No.18716936

But bro the dreams feel so short and I have no control over them and most of the characters in my dreams are from this reality. It does sound quiet bugman assumption. But what is difference between someone who acknowledges this about death and someone who doesn't? The supernatural doesn't happens in this realm. The things keep going like they're going on.

>> No.18716954

Of course the waking reality that you experience is not as malleable than your dreams, but the point of dream yoga is that, by seeing life as a dream, you eventually realize there is no perceptual difference between the two. I recommend you read >>18716708 because the author explains it far better than me.
>what is the difference
The one who doesn't recognize the dreamlike quality of existence will fail to recognize it after death according to the tibetans but personally I don't think it makes a huge difference in the end. You simply cease to go through life as a passive dreamer and become more "lucid".

>> No.18716966

Hmm, I have no religious beliefs I might as well read these book.

I once had a near death experience. And I was happy that I was slipping further into the night. And it was total blackness beyond the concept if good and bad. But i started crying when life came back into body because I faced rejection from death. After that I stopped believing in afterlife.

>> No.18716975

Don't know anon, probably a new age synthesis. Islamic philosophy has the stronger idea of imagination and imaginal words acting as intermediaries (both ontologically and epistemeologically) between matter/sense, and idea/rational thought. The Night Journey of Muhammad was their exemplar. It's stronger than the Eastern view because it introduces a mediaite term, gives ontological grounding and reality to all three forms of experience and being (matter, imaginal, idea/form), and uses it to solve epistemological problems and theory of mind.

>> No.18717098

Have you considered that you failed to achieve vision of the afterlife (whatever that might be) because you didn't actually die? Near death is not identical with death, and there is no need to assume a 1:1 correspondence between the physiological process of death and the spiritual process to death.

>> No.18717147
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That's an improper external view of reality that comes out of modern ideas. With Eastern philosophy, what you want to be seeing is that life is LIKE a dream. Not imposing all kinds of preconcieved views on top of your experience.

By life I mean experience as such, just as it is, and that includes all aspect of it including even your own thoughts desires intentions.

One way of doing this is Buddhist mindfulness of body, i.e. Constantly keeping in your mind the fact that the body is given beforehand, you did not create it, you just use it temporarily like a body in a dream. Whether it is a dream or not is irrelevant. What matters is seeing that the principal hinge point of your entire experience, the thing without which you could not experience anything, is just a creation of nature that you do not control. And therefore none of it can be truly yours. This should sort of delaminate your own experiences from your actions toward or away from them. You will never again be able to take things with such seriousness as before. Therefore in this world of great suffering, the sages laugh, knowing it's not for me, everything is arbitrary and subject to change, and easily could have been utterly different, could radically change at the drop of a hat, just like a dream.

>> No.18717229

>what you want to be seeing is that life is LIKE a dream
This isn't exactly true, dream yoga practices will have you convince yourself during waking life that you're literally in a dream.

>> No.18717260
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Yes but that's the brainlet part. The important part is the POINT of these contemplations which ought to be the reduction of Dukkha;
Otherwise it's just pointless games and speculation.

>> No.18717302

Reduction of suffering comes as a necessary side-effect of realizing the dreamlike nature of reality, it's not just an exercise. It's really hard to do too, from experience, it's not as easy as just telling yourself "oh I'm dreaming", you need to realize it.

>> No.18717367

Based and Solipsismpilled

>> No.18717499

why do you choose your dream to be so limited (e.g. dying at 80, not 180)?
if you are a god, why can't you make gold rain from the sky (only for yourself to see, of course)?

>> No.18718419

Isn't that whole point of that quote that we CAN'T know?

>> No.18719405

The point is that it doesn't matter

>> No.18720188

Many many interpretations with none being right or wrong.

>> No.18721566

Democratic ManyWorlds Solipsism: 'we are each in the midst of myriads of worlds', it follows then that there is a world in which all those I see are enlightened Buddhas, this is the solution to Sartre's 'Hell is Other People', where 'otherness' disappears.

>> No.18721599

>everything is arbitrary and subject to change, and easily could have been utterly different, could radically change at the drop of a hat, just like a dream.
which is the motivation for realization - to transform the world into the Buddha land at the drop of a hat, which is always possible at each moment after moment

>> No.18721774

No. Explain how it would work if it is.

>> No.18722378

Why would you do this? Is eternal hedonism a satisfying story? Would you want to read such a story? Maybe for a while but after ten thousand pages you'd try something different. Maybe something more gritty. But also knew better than to make that endless as well, since this isn't your first rodeo.

Monads without God

>> No.18722776

> collective
Implying other minds exist

>> No.18722790
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Life is... hmm... my most educated guess is that your body is like an antenna and your soul somehow binds to it during pregnancy. Then through age and growth, your soul learns to use the body to navigate through the environment. The brain / body / flesh / mind are not able to perceive the soul until much later in life, a "religious experience" or LSD trip can do this.

Once you awaken your tether to the spirit world, you can begin to learn that you're more than just flesh and blood. There is some consciousness in you, some spark of awareness.

As you grow older and your flesh and mind deteriorate, perhaps your soul returns to the state that you were as a child, more of an autonomous shell of a person.

All I know is that I have gone paranormal investigating and had some odd experiences that tell me ghosts are real.

>> No.18723317


>> No.18723466

>says something a bit interesting about dreams and shit once
>is now eternally known as 'Dream master'
why is being chinese so easy bros

>> No.18723475

I've never heard Zhuangzi being called "dream master" before and I'm pretty sure the butterfly passage is the only time he talks about dreams in any meaningful manner

>> No.18724406


>> No.18724516
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>can't answer a simple question
Kys cunt. Ywnbaw.

>> No.18724544

>NPC starts seething when his worldview is threatened
Typical. I am generous, however:
>Explain how it would work
Read the Heart sutra.

>> No.18724575

Nothing posted in the op has challenged any worldview, mine, his, anybodies. Now explain how you think reality being a dream would work or do as suggested and end it cunt.

>> No.18724579

I already gave you the information, it seems that you're slow on the uptake. You might want to autistically screech somewhere else though.

>> No.18724605

>passing the buck
Right. So youre beyond a stupid cunt. Can't even answer the question yourself. Dunno what i expected from a dickless retard.

>> No.18724613

No need to seethe so hard. Just read the book, maybe you'll get something out of it despite your extremely low IQ, who knows.

>> No.18725532

>Monads without God

>> No.18725812
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The distance/difference in reference between reality, and dream, consists in the degree of actuality between both of these polarities, the former being constant in concrete actuality, and the latter in potential actuality, therefore, to claim that "life is a dream" constitutes an absurdity.

The optifluous person matches desire with exertion, and, through actualization, by engaging/connecting with his dream, straightens it into reality; the superfluous person immerses himself in desire, and falls into surreal delusion.

>> No.18725815

Your pseud word salad impresses nobody and you've said nothing of value

>> No.18725822


>> No.18725826

t. dream character

>> No.18725835

t. Taoist author.

>> No.18725841

Made sense to me.

>> No.18725844

Work on your comma placement.

>> No.18725893

Get what you wanted?

>> No.18725952

I wish

>> No.18725961

Completely missing the point, as always.

>> No.18726440
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>> No.18726485
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There are explicated three primary points of reference, and their interrelationship: dream, flux, reality; which one are you missing?