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18714672 No.18714672 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18714679

no i am not

>> No.18714683

FUCK NO, and fuck commie meme stealers, while we're at it

>> No.18714698

Confirm real
Not wasting time to look

>> No.18714807
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Mark Fisher writing about pop culture has turned into Mike Watson writing about pop culture referencing Mark Fisher. It's like a time loop. Well, I guess that's what happens when you call yourself a Marxist but you don't even bother to deal with political economy.

>> No.18715151

>zero inches books

>> No.18715218

Nope. Leftist politics are outdated and it has little else to say about the modern world. Nothing zer0 ever publishes can be worth reading by virtue of this fact.

>> No.18715225 [DELETED] 

They're called zero books because they zero knowledge within in them worth reading.

>> No.18715234

>surplus value isn’t sucked from the cock of the proletariat by gothic Lolita vampire capital

Now who is being naïve? …P…C’—M’

>> No.18715379

Seething crypto fascists ITT
>y-y-you’re not allowed to meme!

>> No.18715398

>Zero Books
Real chads read Verso

>> No.18715428

Fascists and others on the right who believe the left can't meme are retarded. We live in a world dominated by leftist memes. Leftist memes and ideas plague our entire modern cultural make-up. The Left simply can't make counter-cultural internet memes at this point, as they aren't the counter-culture, as much as they wish to be so. The left are the ones truly aligned with the system - the sponsored critics of it, who will say what they think is wrong, but at the end of the day don't really advocate anything that the system doesn't want or desire. After all, the system and the Left are both godless. Leftist internet memes are comparable to the kind of memes produced by Christians in the 1990s. They're corny, kind of pathetic and always a poor emulation of genuine counterculture that doesn't quite get it. This is why they only appeal to the dregs of society. This is why the modern young leftists operate primarily through discord, because of the large furry and incel audiences they can appeal to with their corniness. The left has no allure or mystery to it. It's not chic, it's not interesting.

>> No.18715439

looks like neoliberal shit

>> No.18715446

>The left has no allure or mystery to it.
I for one want to know what the next genders and sexual orientations are going to be next season.

>> No.18715459

Look, it's the same things that posted each day but in the same post instead of different ones. Cost effective.

>> No.18715520

Now you sound no better than a typical /pol/tard. But, I'm not sure about this "each day" stuff, as I don't frequent this place every single day, I have better things to do in life generally.

>> No.18715532

I don't know why people identify with words and online stuff anyway. It seems all make-believe, ego-stroking in their own bubble world. I don't think I've seen someone who was intellectually honest about it or didn't use it as a means of getting personal esteem, identity, and group approval. Which is alarming considering the topic is itself far too inadequate to seriously address the topic even discounting the human element. It seems doomed to this fakeness, built to be irrelevant nonsense. I have personally seen such people irl collapse under the inadequacy of their usual 'labelling' and self-aggrandising mode of operation when faced with contradictions, then totally ignore them and double down. As if learning to excise anything of substance because it's too messy and their motives are not about that. I feel like the subcultures 'university political activist' and 'nerds' are the origins of this behaviour and it has become the norm now.

>> No.18715534

I am NOT reading all of this cope.

Yikes, my dude.

>> No.18715547


>> No.18715558 [DELETED] 
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I am ready to seethe, but all I can do is laugh.

>> No.18715561

Where's the cope? Leftism isn't chic. That's a fact. Especially now that The Left has thrown Liberalism under the bus, it has no chance. Nothing but "community of the vulnerable" and all this laughable Christian-tier bullshit from now on

>> No.18715585

Why do rightwingers love needless capitalization?

>> No.18715594

Do these tards just publish anything?

>> No.18715607

Cringe overload

>> No.18715609

Their primary audience are Discord Trannies and other such retards, so don't expect anything but this kind of shit. This is what contemporary leftism is all about.

>> No.18715612

>meme stealer
Imagine not knowing what a meme even is

>> No.18715847

>the left aren't counter-culture

even if this were true, so what? what credence does counter-culture give to your political view? all kinds of wacky retarded views are 'counter-culture'. conservatism is just one brain dead ideology in a sea of many others. morrisey was technically counter-culture, now he's a moron who cries about vaccines. eric trump is counter-culture and he's a pathetic failson. that conservatism being 'counter-culture' somehow gives it legitimacy is the last strand of cope you can present when it is evident that your views are just wrong

>> No.18715904

Mark Fisher was already dominated by Adolf Stalin on yt

>> No.18715959

>so what?
Leftism's moral import is predicated on the assumption that it's standing up for the little guy and speaking truth to power against the tyrannical force that is society itself; in sum, that it represents a revolutionary, anti-status quo and counter-cultural movement. This obviously isn't the case though. What does it mean then when their supposed opponents are more likely to represent this counter-cultural force than themselves?

>> No.18715964

Hold up why is the are ya winning son meme right wing lol? I know you can't actually think and you are pre-programed to respond with that line but it doesn't really work if the meme isn't a right wing meme.

>> No.18715978

zero pussy books

>> No.18716685

having a father who cares if you're winning is inherently right-wing

>> No.18716760
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I don't think so. I think the right has already lost, they just dont know it yet. The demographics are just against them. Also neoliberalism which had produced this "counter culture" right of basement dwelling crybabies searching for scapegoats is coming to an end. No one needs scapegoats when you finally have a job and a family, you will see. Also labeling yourself as "counter culture" has been an idiot's move. The left has understood that resistance was wrong politics to begin with. We want power and not stand on the margins. Chances are we will succed and when the boomers retire the currebt wave of millenials and zoomers will take power in 10-20 years, while you will hold rallies and cry like babies about "resistance" to some global cabal youve been brainwashed into believing in because you let your emotions guide you decisionmaking and conspiracy theories just feel so good.tm

>> No.18716774

holy mother of based
/pol/chuds and bunker-tankie-troons will never recover

>> No.18716779

I don't believe zoomers will ever hold power. It's more likely that millennials will develop skynet before ceding societal administration to tiktokers.

>> No.18716783

Jesus christ. what is this crap.

anyway, the baby boomers were 50x more radical than this generation is and they all became reaganite yuppies, so i don't think it bodes well for your prediction. the "left" you're talking about is mainly obsessed with pink and black capitalism and getting rrepresentation in their favourite netflix movies.

>> No.18716796

also, demographically, amish, mormons and ultra-orthodox jews will constitute the majority of americans in like a hundred years. unfortunately liberals and left-wingers are not very fertile.

>> No.18717169



>> No.18717271

Good post anon

>> No.18717463

You completely misunderstood the whole point of the original post, and yet confirmed it at the same time. Yes, the Left "won", if you want to put it that way, and now because the left *is* the culture, anything that opposes it is necessarily counter-culture. It appears you're the emotional one here, but that tends to be the case when authoritarians are told what they are to their face.

>> No.18717641

I agree and don't object at all. My disagreement relates to the are ya winning son meme.
I think it is good that the left forsake the counter cultural position as it is a loser's position. Even to frame politics as a cultural problem is idiotic and right wing. We don't care for culture, we care for political economy and emancipation. You will now probably pin sime kind of "radical liberal" straw man on me, which is good, because as long as you are strawmanning us you will remain oblivious to the real threat posed by us, a neorational socialist left. .

>> No.18717655

When your ideology is based on kneeling to rainbow corporations, it's hard to earn back the epic meme cred.

>> No.18717663

They acuiesced because they lost to neoliberalism. In a way they were just too hasty and easily frustrated and the right was on the qui vive when the crisis hit and had all the solutions ready. The Mont Pelerin Society etc intervened at the right time with policy and narrative etc. Which solutions does the right have today? We have MMT, organizing, digital socialism and all you have is a culture of ressentiment.

>> No.18717697
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>Amazon union squashed
>Supreme court chips away at foundations of union politics
>Union membership still lowest in decades
>Biden has no plans for single payer healthcare
>Biden's appointees are all pro-corporate
>Biden kneels to Israel
The Left hasn't won anything in a long time, and it certainly doesn't dominate current culture. You're thinking of social liberals and their pet issues like transgender/lgbt fanaticism, 'representation', abortion, etc. These issues have nothing to do with leftism and helping the working class, at best they are a pointless distraction and at worst they are actively hampering any leftist movement by forcing 'leftists' to take positions antithetical to the values of the working class. The fact that so many people associate leftism with this nonsense (like >>18717655 ) is incredibly disheartening.

>> No.18717713

Why do left minded people tend to fall hook line and sinker to these issues as much as the much dumber right wing?

>> No.18717725

Liberals and pacifist hippies aren’t our ideology. They’re like the loud and pushy trolls you see on this board. “Woke capitalism” and “cancel culture” is their brand and nothing to do with socialist thought.
(Yes, of course state socialists love their censorship, but fuck them)

>> No.18717741

I'm not a rightist I just don't understand where your triumphalism is coming from. Social democracy does not seem remotely surer in zoomer hands than boomer hands

>> No.18717747

Because organizing in real life is difficult.
Politics is "the art of the possible" after all

>> No.18717748
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>Thread status:IN RUINS
Based thread destroyer

>> No.18717756
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Occupy Wall Street was the first time in decades the elite in this country felt threatened. After that there was massive spike in 'liberal' and 'leftist' news networks, talking heads, etc focusing on social issues like LGBT, 'diversity', 'racism', 'equity', etc, and they just fell silent on economic issues. Like a concerted propaganda effort almost. That's the origin of today's 'woke' narratives, where even Goldman Sachs can be 'progressive' if they donate money to LGBT organizations and tweet in support of BLM. What can I say, it was an incredibly successful propaganda effort, and an incredibly smart move by the global elite to keep working people divided.

More about the situation post-Occupy: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/dec/29/fbi-coordinated-crackdown-occupy

>> No.18717761
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>> No.18717767

Yet you never actually push back against liberal social ideology and you're constantly respecting their taboos. You're a bunch of defanged whiners that refuse to engage on the plane in realpolitic and think endlessly writing about the single pet issue of anti-capitalism (even then, still never providing any actual solutions, any attempts just get coopted by liberals) give you a monopoly on anticapitalist discourse. It doesn't. There's almost no reason for a normal thinking man to pass up on the anti-capitalist right unless he's carrying a bunch of globohomo liberal priors.
You won't criticize LGBTQIA+ public deviancy, no matter how disgusting it is.
You're silenced on anti-zionism and too afraid of being called anti-semites.
You won't come to terms with any of the racial problems or realities, just resting on liberal assumptions of universal equality.
You're not anywhere close to serious. You're not engaging in real life. All that """actual""" leftists do nowadays is complain about capitalism as an abstraction since that offends nobody. Completely toothless.
>muh scapegoats!!! chud!!!!

>> No.18717775

Wow it's almost like your whole movement got coopted and destroyed effortlessly

>> No.18717777
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>>Amazon union squashed
>>Supreme court chips away at foundations of union politics
>>Union membership still lowest in decades
>>Biden has no plans for single payer healthcare
>>Biden's appointees are all pro-corporate
>>Biden kneels to Israel
>The Left hasn't won anything in a long time, and it certainly doesn't dominate current culture. You're thinking of social liberals and their pet issues like transgender/lgbt fanaticism, 'representation', abortion, etc. These issues have nothing to do with leftism and helping the working class, at best they are a pointless distraction and at worst they are actively hampering any leftist movement by forcing 'leftists' to take positions antithetical to the values of the working class. The fact that so many people associate leftism with this nonsense (like >>18717655 ) is incredibly disheartening.

>> No.18717818

We live in countries where people are tearing down all the statues of well-loved historical figures for being racist and these people have nothing to say about it beyond "t-they're just trying to divide us!!!". It's just so pathetic and useless.

>> No.18717852
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>mainstrem leftists got co--opted therefore all leftist thought is worthless.
Should we just consider all right wing though worthless too because mainstream conservatives care more about worshiping Israel than actually doing anything for Americans, or that many actively support replacement level mass immigration because it's good for the economy? All mainstream positions are co-opted, but you shouldn't let that discredit whole worlds of ideas that have nothing to do with those ideas. Complaining about mainstream leftists and using that as an excuse to discredit all leftist thought is like using Catholic abuse scandals as an excuse to discredit all of Christian thought.

>> No.18717883

Good post, you broke them so hard they can only reply with buzzwords

>> No.18717890

>all leftist thought is worthless
Never said that. Anti-capitalism IS a worthwhile idea. I read leftists all the time man, the problem is that none of their ideas ever translate to real life because they're too invested in the status quo as credentialed academics. That's the real criticism I'm making that you're ignoring, the left simply cannot shake itself of liberal social priors, you respect all their taboos either out of fear, ignorance, or belief in them. "T-they're trying to divide us!" is unbelievably useless rhetoric. It's not a real criticism of things that are clearly poisonous social ills being pushed by a malign elite. There's no reason a normal person shouldn't just be on the anti-capitalist right because they just shed these taboos and criticize them on their face and have an actual platform, and actual answer. You guys just won't go the whole hog and every single issue HAS to relate to capitalism somehow or you just ignore. What do you want to do about black crime? Anything? Just blame capital? Do you think anybody really believes that? Do you really believe that? I doubt it.
Again I'm not saying left-wing thought is worthless, it makes some very valid criticism, but it's all buried in enormous, complicated tomes inaccessible and inexplicable to normal people. You can't build a mass movement on Deleuze. That's part of why the message just gets coopted as soon as rubber hits the pavement.

>> No.18717896

>No one needs scapegoats when you finally have a job and a family, you will see.
Beyond delusional. Literally centuries of human history prove you wrong

>> No.18717906

Leftists need the idea of a scapegoat as a scapegoat so they can dismiss anybody's criticism of anything except capitalism as a scapegoat so that they never have to deal with any kind of issue or problem apart from capitalism which is the only one they're capable of criticizing.

>> No.18718056

I largely agree but technically it isn't the left that memes these ideas themselves, it's the elite and the left just gobbles it up and spreads it further

>> No.18718067

Leftism doesn't have "helping working the class" as its bedrock, dumbass.

>> No.18718080

OK you're right. The modern left has a terrible record with putting ideas into action, and with humoring 'woke' liberal nonsense, and with all it's real thought buried in thousand page manuscripts. However, I still think "they're trying to divide us" as a counter-narrative is the best way for any kind of real leftist movement to proceed. The global elite really hit the jackpot with this woke narrative, and what's worse is that so many people have already fallen for it, so you can't explicitly go against it. That's why I think the only way to go forward is to try to ignore it as much as possible and emphasize real leftist issues like fighting global capitalism. Kind of like the Iranian revolution where they were all the factions were united in opposing the Shah, even though they otherwise held very different views. And whenever it's brought up, you can just talk about how it's being used to divide the working class, trying to remain neutral on whether it;s actually true or not. But in the long term it's still a big problem, as these are really harmful ideas that more and more people genuinely believe and are increasingly fanatical about. It's not a really good solution but it's the most realistic if you actually want to accomplish something with the modern left.

Also I'm interested in hearing more about the anti-capitalist right. I'm Muslim so you can probably guess I'm not a big fan of all the 'woke' LGBTPQWERTY$+ nonsense the modern left has become infected with. Obviously 'traditional' values/ societies are not really possible in a hyper-capitalist world, but try telling that to your average PragerU educated Conservative and they'll instantly reply with 'communism killed 100 gorillion', 'the freer the market the freer the people', or whatever. If you can get past that (and the Israel worship) then I wish you luck. Maybe just call it 'economic nationalism' or something, because most 'right wing' people have also been indoctrinated with a ton of propaganda and the words anti-capitalist, socialism, etc, will send them into a tail spin. Honestly I just want a less inhumane future for people and if that gets accomplished by 'leftists' or 'right wingers' doesn't matter as much to me. Genuinely enjoying this discussion.

>> No.18718115
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It does.
You still thinking of liberalism? Even they pretend to want capitalism to raise everyone up.
We like to say “working class” but that’s just a Marxian era thought, that the middle class had their revolution next will be the proletariat revolution. But in general all the so-called lower classes is what socialism is trying to raise up, what with this talk of freedom and equality for all.

>> No.18718198

The left needs to take up the mantle of 9/11/JFK truth.

>> No.18718235
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Politics is gay nigga cringe

>> No.18718312

>the best way for any kind of real leftist movement to proceed
I just question the validity of that in the first place. There are huge differences between various working classes. Subsaharan african people and white Americans and Chinese and Jordanians have hugely different conundrums and cultures but The Left(tm) wants to pretend this all just one huge working class whose only possible gripe can be with some amorphous, abstract global capitalism. It's just not true and your own beliefs as a muslim should validate that. People ARE divided in actuality, and global capital plays on those divides. That doesn't mean differences aren't real and shouldn't be respected. By making the entire world population into one working class blob, you're actually playing into their agenda of creating the global homogenous consumer class. That's why I'm a NATIONAL socialist. Once you can bring yourself to accept the idea that different peoples are just that, different, then you've opened up a huge plane of possibilities and ideas to work with that were closed off to you before. You're not constantly trying to fit every single issue into a anti-capitalist framework. You can appeal to your peoples' history and culture and traditions and use them as a vehicle instead of trying to convince them to abandon all of that for some utopian workers' paradise that will never manifest. That's something beautiful and valuable in itself anyway, expecting people (and hopefully yourself included) to abandon our whole histories and ways of being so that we can have mere material equality is unreasonable, undesirable, and soulless to the extreme.
In regards to the PragerU controlled opposition stuff. That's a problem for us as well but I think you can see for yourself that the anti-semitic nationalist right has proved to be a lot more resilient than people might expect. Fighting against the institutional propaganda complex is the heart of the fight for dissidents either left or right, and yet support for Israel is dropping like a rock among even mainstream American conservatives.
I say all this as a former committed leftist btw, I attended Occupy and became completely disgusted by the social progressivism on display there.
>Also I'm interested in hearing more about the anti-capitalist right
Start with Culture of Critique. You can't understand how we got here with just an abstract economic framework.

>> No.18718317
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>> No.18718343

Hey that's rude

>> No.18718356

But all they ever do is lower the rest of society down to the level of working class (and beyond). Their version 'of "helping" is the same as saying that Hitler was trying to "help" the jews.

>> No.18718542

I'm not a Marxist by the way, just generally socialist (recognizing uncontrolled capitalism isn't the best way to run healthy nation/society). Interestingly I think we have a lot in common. I agree leftism can be too abstract and too oblivious to anything other than economic concerns, and the opposition to religion and history sometimes is a bit off-putting. There are other currents in leftist/socialist thought but they are/were fringe (John Ruskin is an author I have been reading, also good if you like architecture), good to mine ideas from though. Do you think there's any hope in mainstream politics? So many ordinary people are disillusioned with politics today, and they should be, but haven't learned about any ideas or alternatives. I think the rise of Trump showed this, but he turned out to be controlled opposition. How do you think anti-capitalist sentiment could be made more mainstream, without associating with 'the left'? I'm not terribly optimistic, especially since coming to the realization that we as Americans probably consume about the same amount of propaganda as your average North Korean. But even with that people still recognize something is very wrong with the way things are right now. The 'alt-right' does seem to be where all the energy is (though they have things I disagree with, like you don't have to be 'race realist' to support preserving cultures and nations). Do you think that could ever go mainstream here? All I know for sure is that the current economic and political and social systems in the west are failing, and we're probably up for a rough next couple decades no matter what. Agh my mind is buzzing with ideas, wish I could talk more but I have work soon.

>> No.18718596

>Do you think there's any hope in mainstream politics?
The system itself dictates what is mainstream politics and what's not, so by default there is no hope there. Again I know I've harped on this a lot but this where leftists get coopted, they hitch their wagons to social democracy and just get sucked up into liberalism over and over again. This has happened on the right previously too, remember the Tea Party movement and how quickly the same happened. Tea Party and OWS are really movements that mirrored each other. National socialism is the only movement they can't seem to sweep under the rug which is why they resort to using the secret police and censorship of social media and direct propaganda opposition.
>propaganda as your average North Korean
North Korea is an interesting example to bring up because at least in North Korea, the propaganda is aimed at creating a cohesive society that supports the state. In America, it's the opposite, we live in a propaganda complex that actively creates discord and conflict and chaos as a method of control, or what we've come to call anarcho-tyranny. So while yes obviously North Korea is a difficult place to live, in some respects it's more livable than the psychological hellworld of manipulation and disinformation we live in.

>> No.18718630

>How do you think anti-capitalist sentiment could be made more mainstream, without associating with 'the left'?
Forgot to address this. The thing is that it's actually popular on its own. Never forget that things are constantly rising to the surface that stand out against the system that get sucked up into. People are actually desperately craving an end to consumerism, they search for authenticity and normality but just can't find it within the confines of the system, that happens on both sides. Right-wingers try to lose disengage with the system, they pull back from institutions. They pull their kids out of school, they try to hide in their churches, they move away from the cities and into the countryside while the system relentlessly follows them, it's very unproductive. What pushback is offered is managed by the GOP. Leftists are more constructive, they create actually good things, things like Farmer's Markets come to mind, but they got infiltrated and coopted and don't have the tools or knowledge or ROOTS to stand strong. There are no easy answers but there's hope in the raw dissatisfaction people have with the system that constantly sprout up into little shoots that the system is forced to quash.

>> No.18718701

one final recommendation, gonna sage bc im fucking tripleposting here but I highly recommend the podcast Hyperpodcastism as an excellent primer on more natsoc reading on traditionally left-wing works including Mark Fisher himself

>> No.18718740
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good god zero books has become so cringey. That fat retard whose name I've completely forgotten is just the tip of the ice berg. I like Mark Fisher and some other authors who got published by this embarrassment of a publisher but they seemed to have moved on to repeater books. Good for them honestly.

>> No.18718758

I wonder what historians will call the type of state most western governments are today. 'Anarcho-tyranny' seems contradictory but makes sense the more you look at it. These kinds of states are also incredibly resilient in that most of their power is in the minds of their citizens, instead of just through brute force. Like, why employ a police state to censor or imprison any criticism of your oppressive government when you can just use propaganda to convince people they actually control their government and aren't being oppressed at all, and redirect all their criticism to various imagined enemies. It must be harder to create a state like this but once you do it's incredibly effective.

Surprisingly white-pilling. There's hope for humanity yet, I hope.

>> No.18718770

High-Quality Post.

>> No.18718790
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>while you will hold rallies and cry like babies about "resistance" to some global cabal youve been brainwashed into believing in
You mean the white supremacists behind every shadow? The Left used to be the resistance protesting against international elites, until they decided to neuter you and fill your heads with IdPol tranny BS. Congrats on being totally co-opted
>because you let your emotions guide you
I direct you to the plethora of YouTube videos depicting leftists having absolute meltdowns over the tiniest thing.

>> No.18718795

What modern leftists don't realise is that they are in a real active war with captialism. It is not some theoretical issue of "oh after 2 generations we can get a good working class party going again." There won't BE two more fucking generations, you have been pushed back to your final battle line. It is a fundamentally liberal, capitalist presumption that the state or the nation or the current norms of public discourse (like academia and the media) will always exist in their current form, so we can always fight some back-and-forth tug of war with capitalism. They have already taken all your best positions from you and they are currently bombing your supply lines and almost at your HQ. You are fucked if you don't move NOW.

So do you understand why it's so dangerous that every leftist movement is filled with unserious trannies and rich morons who go to expensive liberal arts colleges? Don't you think it's odd that part of being an upper middle class piece of shit is to LARP as a communist for a few years in your 20s? You need to kick these dilettantes out NOW. Better one real soldier, than a thousand rabble acting like it's Woodstock or Occupy Wall Street. That is why Platypus is a healthy movement, because it is reintroducing a modicum of elitism and repelling these losers. But Platypus is still full of overly cerebral neurotic types whose minds, again, are fundamentally structured by capitalist "liberal" ideology - they fundamentally KNOW that capitalism can't be stopped and there's nothing left to do but LARP, even if they don't say this to themselves. But it's a background premise of their thinking, which is why they just want to write antiquarian papers about obscure bullshit and get street cred for being a theorybro.

>> No.18718820

I think the decline of trade unions might prove fatal for social democratic politics.

>> No.18719231

Read these four articles for some basic ideas:

The most interesting right wing alternative to Marxian critique is this sort of thing, whether it calls itself social credit or fascism. A lot of them in fact were Marxists, either formerly or they even remained Marxian in their thinking while nevertheless being right wing. For example Werner Sombart was called by Engels the greatest interpreter of Marx after Marx's death, and he is considered to be the peer and equal of Max Weber in historical sociology (and the two men were friends), and Sombart joined the Nazis because he saw in them the potential for organic socialism capable of destroying the capitalist technocratic worldview.

There were also many in the Cercle Proudhon, like Sorel, who were quite good praxis-oriented leftists (syndicalists especially), whose strategy was to metapolitically subvert the capitalist states and force an essential change in them. They were willing to use politics only insofar as it served their metapolitics. This is the essential right wing perspective, it is the essence of right wing thought: accepting that the domain of metapolitics is fundamentally not perfectly rational but involves worldviews and even religious commitments, but NOT seeing this as a bad thing. Instead, use this to smash the alternative worldview - capitalism - which masquerades as simultaneously anti-worldview/omni-worldview (via liberalism, democracy, and other individualist pluralisms) while realy degrading individuals into consumers who can never rebel.

>> No.18719728

you are like a an ethnonationalist complaining when he gets dismissed as alt-right. you don't get to choose what is and isn't "the left"

>> No.18719987
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you won shit, useful idiots of the liberals, who are the "elite" in power among with some conservative s

>> No.18720114

Progressives and liberals are much more closely aligned with leftists than conservatives

>> No.18720128

Well said

>> No.18720147

>Should we just consider all right wing though worthless too because mainstream conservatives care more about worshiping Israel than actually doing anything for Americans

>> No.18720751

>and an incredibly smart move by the global elite to keep working people divided.
People just these things to excuse the apathy of the masses. It's not that the working class are ignorant, timid and easily distracted, no, it's because the elites are diabolic geniuses! That's why the masses are constantly outwitted! If only they knew what was really going on they wouldn't be complicit! And so the eternal cope continues...

>> No.18720783
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>zero books

>> No.18720912

I am very happy that these are making a comeback.

>> No.18721332
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>> No.18721556
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> forsake the counter-cultural position
daily reminder the left spent four years LARPing as THE RESISTANCE despite having all corporations and media under their nominal control. Meanwhile rightoids are happy to sneer about counter-cultural hypocrisy but they all like invoking "common sense normal people" as their base of support.
In that sense I think you'll find that neither side genuinely takes the counter-cultural position. It's a tool that's thrown aside when the position of orthodoxy is better for the goal at hand.
For that matter the left didn't "forsake" the counter cultural position, they literally genuinely won. They didn't do that by claiming to be the ones in power, they claimed victimhood and seized power in a bad-faith takeover from limpdick neocons, using crocodile tears when necessary and gaslighting otherwise. Fucking Reddit, one of the biggest social media sites on the internet, is a testament to their massive persisting victim complex to this day.
Lastly, posting a hijacked wall-of-text meme and acting smug is literally nothing new or unexpected from you, but you act like you're le epic BTFOing us by doing it. Grow up you faggot idealist, listen to >>18717697 and maybe you'd actually get somewhere.

>> No.18721600

>Complaining about mainstream leftists and using that as an excuse to discredit all leftist thought is like using Catholic abuse scandals as an excuse to discredit all of Christian thought.
Wow, like everyone's been doing for the past 20 years?
Anyhow, Communists are now wholly controlled opposition, and not even by active involvement of federal agents, but ironically by market reality in a world of social media. This makes their situation far more dire.

>> No.18721611


>> No.18723238

Platypus is interesting but they are too enamoured to their brand of doomerism3000 and have no real praxis. The only group that really combines theory and praxis is the Association for the Design of History. www.designing-history.world

>> No.18723296

I am not saying that Biden will deliver us from evil, but for the first time in decades there is a left that is genuinely interested in power. While the unions are still very weal, I think there are several factors that will contribute to their rise. Firstly the new cold war with China. The US needs to ramp up its productivity. It needs infratructure and it needs education and workers, all of which is good news for unions. The Amazon union is a temporary setback, but it failed predictably, look at Jane MacAleveys work. The fight against sexism, racism and homophobia is also well underway. It is not our core objective, but it is still is important. In the US, demogrphics are in favor of the left and in the EU labour is becoming rare so that wages will predictably rise. Meanwhile climate change brings active economic and fiscal policy back on the agenda. Public investment and steerage of industry is coming back, which is a key leftist objective. I am not saying the revolution is imminent and it is going to be a tough fight but the odds are in our favor to at least establish a new hegemony.

>> No.18723582
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>forcing 'leftists' to take positions antithetical to the values of the working class
Arguing over "positions" on this or that or a set of "values" is liberalism, anti-Marxist, and anti-communist. You even dare to call yourself a Marxist while moralizing about "abortion" is pathetic. You're doomed. Dooooom.

>> No.18723622

This shit was literally posted by a piece of shit who works for the feds. This scumbag actually thinks you can change things by “infiltrating” the Democrats and “collaborating” with the feds. Kill yourself, you gigantic piece of shit.

>> No.18723837

>I am not saying the revolution is imminent and it is going to be a tough fight but the odds are in our favor to at least establish a new hegemony.

you´re already part of the hegemony, you just can´t see it because liberals will never share power to you, you´re his lapdogs, why would the owner give a estate to his dog? once your usefullness is outlived, you´ll be discarded, also funniest thing of all is that seeing the winds of changes, i expect a dictatorship/monarchy as the new succesor regime in the US, Spengler predicted that (return of autocratic power instead of money being the receipt for power) and Curtis Yarvin laying the groundwork for a future dictator/monarch, don´t forget there´s also analyst working in the system seeing how feudalism is slowly returning to the US

-The Coming of Neo-Feudalism: A Warning to the Global Middle Class by Joel Kotkin

i´m not even a monarchist but you have to be blind to ignore this, the leftists had their chance in the Bolshevik Revolution and they failed miserably, now you´re just coping for something that will never happen again

>> No.18723861

>The fight against sexism, racism and homophobia is also well underway.

>> No.18724087
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Good posts
>Kind of like the Iranian revolution where they were all the factions were united in opposing the Shah, even though they otherwise held very different views.
What are the major thinkers of the Iranian revolution?
I know that Ahmad Fardid was influenced by Heidegger and he seems very interesting
I'm not exactly sure how compatible Heidegger's philosophy is with Shia Islam though,and people on the internet say that Fardid wrote very little
I've also found a few speeches from him but they aren't translated,if I could find something translated that would be great.
Are Ali Mirsepassi's works a good start if I'm unfamiliar with Iranian philosophy and politics,is he biased?

I'll make another thread about this sometime if I don't get a satisfactory answer.

>> No.18724171

i still find it astonishing how i can predict your strawman and you still fall for it. it feels like talking to npcs that we have outmodeled completely. we have come to the point where the left has epistemically accelerated so much that it understands the right better than the right understands itself. you simply frame everything from a cultural perspective, but this is not where the fight is at. it is political and it is economic. i have formulated verifiable reasons and predictions that underlie my reasoning. if you don't want to engage with them and instead want to continue to believe in the globohomo conspiracy that the left is allegedly complicit in, so be it. i think what you are lacking is a fundamental theory of history that engages with reality unhampered by your personal feelings of powerlessness and entitlement. maybe https://samoburja.com/on-building-theories-of-history/ is a good place to start.

>> No.18724182

time will prove me right, the day the academia collapses, you will too

>> No.18724185

You know very well there will be no emancipation of workers any time remotely soon, so as a leftist you're massively coping

>> No.18724189
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>woke up
>reddit posting didn't end yet

>> No.18724203

The whole "emancipation" narrative was just a lie for wannabe socialist managers to gain power by attracting gullible lower class people with flowery prose and promises of power

>> No.18724229

This pretty much, although you'd be surprised how braindead the average university student is who is still attracted to communism. Granted most of them are autistic to some degree.

>> No.18724359

>Fascists and others on the right who believe the left can't meme are retarded.

When they say 'the left can't meme' they obviously mean 'the left can't meme WELL'

which is exactly what you're saying

>> No.18724415

>and others on the right
i became a fascist precisely because the right (and left) wasn't appealing to me

>> No.18724614

No, dear. That’s cold war propaganda.

>> No.18724898

I cringed. I will not be reading this one.