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18713805 No.18713805[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How would you rate Elon Musk's poem?

>> No.18713887

>guys trust us the next planet we colonise won't be a gigantic fuck up and an abhorrent facsimile of the current state of affairs here on earth we swear...

>> No.18713894


We don't have the decency to keep to ourselves.

>> No.18713897

those who attack africa
maybe dont realize that
child labour represent hope
for people in first world

>> No.18713910

Americans have a child's mind when it comes to art. It’s embarrassing, like all the productions of this backward country.

>> No.18713953

who is attacking space??? Are the burgers sending ICBMs to the moon?


Elon is South African. By the way if the meds they gave you aren't working or make you sleepy, therapy is a great alternative.

>> No.18713963

RPA is different from the states?

>> No.18713976

Same thing. Same amount of niggers.

>> No.18713997

there's few things simultaneously funnier an sadder than the awe and optimism inspired in bugmen by musk's and bezos' narcissistic space joy rides.

we are currently on a planet which molded us, which feeds us, we are designed to live comfortably in its climate. however, since we are deeply retarded, we are destroying it. instead of thinking about how to fix things here, people are buying the justifications these sociopaths are giving them to justify their narcissistic hobbies, which is basically propaganda for them to ignore that things here are leading to an ecological and societal collapse.

what a disgusting picture, a 30 year old bespectacled, mouth agape marvel fan imagining he and his ilk are space marines to be, who will move to some imagined place in outer space, even though we are only surrounded by a vast expanse of cosmic death which leaves any possibility of us actually setting up a home somewhere else non existent.

>> No.18714010

they are gonna be remembered as "bad guys" in next century, like hitler, thatcher and USA

>> No.18714011

Last I checked, population grows by 30 individuals each minutes. Please explain how any space program can hope to put any dent into that?

>> No.18714016

>muh climate change
Kill yourself retard

>> No.18714019

This does speak a lot about how stupid humanity is. How people obsess over something as dumb as space since we've read about how cool it is in sci-fi books and watched all the space operas and shows and, without any prior thought, just form a strong opinion that "yeah we should waste money on space".

It's an unintentional statement on herd mentality and general stupidity. Space will take centuries, even millennia, for any return on investment. Anything we can do on Mars we can do a billion times cheaper on Earth. And in the end, investing in less useless technologies will help us get to space faster anyway.

Even a 14 year old knows this - the teenager plays civilization and is presented with a research tree. It will take a 1000 years to research space killer robots, and a 100 years to research fusion power. As a 14 year old, he REALLY wants the space robots - but even he knows that finishing fusion power first will nearly double his research capacity, resulting in him finishing the space robots even faster.
Even a fucking 14 year old knows this.

>> No.18714022
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>> No.18714023

no one said anything about climate change impotent fool

>> No.18714028

The absolute state of wagies.

>> No.18714034

>muh return on investment
You're as dumb as this other moron >>18714023

>> No.18714040

Oh, so we should waste money on space so we can have a useless base on mars? Good thought. We'd have a much higher chance of biological immortality before this generation's death if not for morons like you.

>> No.18714052

bullshit. I'm attacking the fuck out of space.


>> No.18714058

>we should waste money
It's not your money retard

>> No.18714069

>we are currently on a planet which molded us,
yeah... to a certain extent
> which feeds us
not really if we depended on "nature" most people would die off hunger, it's thanks to our technological progress than we managed to feed ourselves.
>we are designed to live comfortably in its climate
this is blatantly false. In a survival situation the firs thing that kill you(besides a lack of oxygen) is the cold or heat. We designed structures and clothes that keep us at a comfortable temperature, earth itself has done nothing of the sort. Stop idolizing nature.
>however, since we are deeply retarded, we are destroying
I don't disagree we should preserve nature but you go full on retard after that.
>stead of thinking about how to fix things here, people are buying the justifications these sociopaths are giving them to justify their narcissistic hobbies, which is basically propaganda for them to ignore that things here are leading to an ecological and societal collapse.
For fucks sake, would you ratter they do what with their money? invade china and force them to stop pollution the world? Go after India and kill hall of them so the ocean stay clean?
you are and absolute mongoloid that is what you are.

>> No.18714073

it literally is, the usa taxpayer is waging away so these two can have their little vanity projects

>> No.18714074

So you admit he's wasting money, but it's okay since it's his money?
Which philosophy even argues this point? Even the most mentally disturbed of philosophers like Nietzsche would say that since they're not creating beauty, that it's a travesty.

>> No.18714084

compared to the rest of space i would say this is the most comfortable environment we have. it's our fault that we require a destructive industry to keep ourselves fed, but an individual can still manage to exclude himself and become self sufficient.

also, it's not their money

>> No.18714088

those who attack space
maybe don't realize that
space has asteroids
that shit killed the dinosaurs
so many people
want to ride a brontosaurus

>> No.18714092

>So you admit he's wasting money, but it's okay since it's his money?
Nothing of the sort, YOUR definition of what is wasteful or not has no bearing on what other people do with their money.
If you have some better use for your money use it as such, but expecting people not only to conform to your view what is "moral spending" and follow it is ridiculous.

>> No.18714094

>So you admit he's wasting money,
No, I'm telling you that you're so retarded you can't even begin to make an argument without saying dumb shit.

>> No.18714097

You literally haven't said anything except that I'm retarded. Try harder next time, nigger.

>> No.18714116

I hope daddy Bezos gives you a nice seat on your way to the space colony he built with his hard earned resources. The trip is just around the corner

>> No.18714117

That's all you deserve retard

>> No.18714121

I'm the one arguing against waste of money, dumbo.


>> No.18714124

I dont get the idea that space exploration will make our lives any better. like shit, yeah youve landed a person on mars, what does that do for me though

>> No.18714125

>compared to the rest of space i would say this is the most comfortable environment we have.
You are absolutely retarded, unless you hold some religious view of Armageddon and how humanity will inevitably end, we literally have a time limit on the sun eventually engulfing our solar system and ending all life in it. You are literally going "hur dur not my problem" while crying about "muh ecology". be consistent for fucks sake, either earths lives matter or they don't.
>not his money
It is literally their money or their companies money. Are you retarded? the government pays Nasa to maintain their programs that money is nasa's. If you want to complain to somebody protests the government you retard, because that money would have been wasted in " useless space stuff" regardless.
Not to mention , at least with virgin galactic, it is investors funding it, just like any other company and the government has some contracts with them but most of their money comes form institutions.

>> No.18714128

It's gonna be like heckin star wars, you just don't get it man.

>> No.18714129

well fuck you too cunt

>> No.18714135

Eventually asteroid mining and other such shit. You might not directly benefit form it, unless you live a very long time, but your children will.

>> No.18714139

this implies anyone in this thread will ever touch a woman, let alone enough to have kids

>> No.18714145

Sounds good on like an economic level and might make things easier but will it makes us happy and give us a fulfilling life when most other technological advances dont seem to be doing much

>> No.18714154


>nooooooooo jeffrey you can't just spend your money on big dick space projects!!!! haven't you played civilization don't you understand return on investment?!?! even a 14 year old knows this!!1!!
>ahhhh my bilogoicaly immortality elon is the reason I still have this 2-inch penis why can't he spend the money on researching bionic testes instead!!!!! heckign morons!!!1!

>> No.18714157

yeah, the planets we are observing sure seem like swell places to live, nice temperatures, gravity, rich soil suitable for farming, nice atmosphere, clean air. it's basically just like moving to a house in another part of town, we're basically there already

you are really sucking them off in the next paragraph, i know wagies can be masochistic but goddamn

>> No.18714158

How much do you make a year, by chance?
I fucking hate poor people and if you happen to make less than, say, bare minimum of 50k a year - I don't want to ever talk to your disgusting mudslime ass again.

>> No.18714162

>Sounds good on like an economic level and might make things easier but will it makes us happy and give us a fulfilling life when most other technological advances dont seem to be doing much
well it depends on how you see it. The standards of living have never been as high as they are right now and getting into caches of raw resources of several different kinds would only improve it even more, at least economically.

Of course you can argue people were happier before the industrial revolution, but then the enemy isn't really space but ratter post industrial society itself.

>> No.18714172

>yeah, the planets we are observing sure seem like swell places to live, nice temperatures, gravity, rich soil suitable for farming, nice atmosphere, clean air. it's basically just like moving to a house in another part of town, we're basically there already
Are you mentally impaired? what part of "this earth will inevitably be engulfed in a supernova in the future regardless of how conservative of nature you are" do you not comprehend?
Again all you are doing is saying "lol the future generation can worry about it not my problem" shit the people who happily pollute earth do.
Regardless of the place move to, if it ever comes to that. is better than in the literal middle of a supernova.

>> No.18714185

yup, now is the time we start preparing for the inevitable supernova
drop everything we are doing right now, we need to figure what do about the supernova right now

no one is saying anything about space exploration, but this dumb ass propaganda of us colonizing other planets currently spreading, like we can ignore stuff going on earth because we can easily switch to somewhere else

>> No.18714191
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>> No.18714194

Hope we all kill ourselves instead of conquering space desu

>> No.18714217

Why do you twatterfags always use this braindead sarcasm? Go back.

>> No.18714224

>yup, now is the time we start preparing for the inevitable collapse of nature
>drop everything we are doing right now, we need to figure what do about pollution and climate change right now
Hey if you think so, it's really not your problem is there? at most your grandchildren will suffer trough it, right now there is no reason to worry.
>no one is saying anything about space exploration
You realize the rest of the thread is right here and you are straight up lying right?
>but this dumb ass propaganda of us colonizing other planets currently spreading, see? retards saying space exploration as a concept itself is nothing more than propaganda.
>like we can ignore stuff going on earth because we can easily switch to somewhere else
and this complain is against Elon musk the guy revolutionizing and popularizing electric car therefore helping the industry be more environmentally friendly?
I mean i don't personally like the guy but don't be retarded that was never his position.

>> No.18714230
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this but unironically

>> No.18714231

couldn't think of anything wittier, i'm kinda pressed by time because of the supernova and all that

>> No.18714239

You are a dumb nigger. Kill yourself.

>> No.18714255

hell yeah musk gonna fix everything with his cars

i never said anything against space exploration, only that this current wave of space enthusiasm seems propagandistic and disingenuous, considering everything going at the moment

>> No.18714256

one must imagine sisyphus happy

>> No.18714269

why should i, got my ticker ready, im heading off to bezos earth 21 in the delta quadrant, the amazon space jet will be taking off in a couple of mins

>> No.18714270

it's not a poem, it is a sentence broken up into 4 lines
yeah, because the lifeless hellholes that are every other planet are so appealing to the flufferinos. kys fag

>> No.18714275

C'est nes pas une pipe.

>> No.18714281
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>> No.18714289

Space race has always been a propagandistic money hole.

>> No.18714292

>I love progress!!

>> No.18714299


>> No.18714303

It will be at least 100 years before we can even mine an asteroid buddy.

>> No.18714304

>waste money
Lol. What else are we going to do it? Give it to faggots who hate themselves? As if. Colonizing space is an incredible goal for humanity.

>> No.18714305

>hell yeah musk gonna fix everything with his cars
Again not what was said, in the end you are making a strawman again one of the few big ceo that seems to be somewhat ecologically conscious and doing something about it.

>i never said anything against space exploration, only that this current wave of space enthusiasm seems propagandistic and disingenuous, considering everything going at the moment

The exact same could and is constantly being said about the new waves of environmentalists. I don't see why environmentalism is warranted the benefit of the doubt but not "space enthusiasm"

>> No.18714306

What is making him think that the problems here will not infest a smaller demographic on a planet in which even more critical infrastructure would be placed in the hands of people who may not be correctly qualified to deal with it?

That is essentially what is happening on Earth, why would any other planet we settle be any different? The only reason the three richest people are going to space is because of name recognition and tax incentives for the greater part of their business.

>> No.18714312

How does that change anything? or are you unable to acre about things beyond you life span. Fuck, seeing how life expectancies have been rising you might just barely be alive then still.

>> No.18714323

If the "going to another planet" thing ever proves possible then there is infinite retries to "get it right". A nuclear holocausts or two wouldn't be the end necessarily anymore.

>> No.18714325

I would much prefer money go to faggots so that they shut up instead of space ventures. Both instances are equivalent to burning money.

Ironic. If we had invested all that money into life expectancy extension we could easily live 10-20 more years, which then lets us live long enough for 50-60 year extension, which then lets us live long enough for biological immortality. And then we can live thousands of years to see the fruits of space labor and the glittering capitals of mars you faggots so desperately dream about.

Instead we give money to niggers and dick rockets.

>> No.18714328

All those whose mind entitles themselves
and whose main entitle is themselves
shall feel the wrath of my

>> No.18714329

Man, women who refuse to take a load in the ear canal maybe don't realize that my semen represents my adoration of them

>> No.18714331

>infinite retries
Antinatalists of /lit/, we must stop Elon before it is too late! Don't have sex! Everyone continue to stay in your room watching hentai!

>> No.18714332

the worst we can fuck up our planet, it will still be better than the best we could improve Mars

>> No.18714338

>Ironic. If we had invested all that money into life expectancy extension we could easily live 10-20 more years, which then lets us live long enough for 50-60 year extension, which then lets us live long enough for biological immortality.
if anyone is delude about the prospect of technological progress is you mate. if you don't think old billionaires don't spend most of there money into life extension research already

>> No.18714342

The but completely unironically.

>> No.18714346

>infinite retries to "get it right"
There are not, there are less than a handful in our system alone then the resources required skyrocket exponentially to the point of not yet being able to obtain.

If what they are saying is true why are they not settling the moon? Surely that would be closer, easier and less resource intensive.

>> No.18714349

Why would they? Nobody's delusional enough to think we can extend a decrepit old's man life in the next 10 years. If we're really lucky, we can see minor extensions by the time I'm an old man in 60 years. These billionaires know they're dead. They just want to live through rockets and twitter fame.

>> No.18714353

dude, humanity, which is getting more bloated every year, is divided across a plethora of cultural and political lines, which is constantly causing friction, recently almost leading to atomic warfare

a large part of that humanity is living in atrocious conditions and is grinding an axe against those living in comfort, sustained by massive industries, the consequences of which remain to be seen

the whole structure seems quite fragile, evidenced also by the recent cought that got everybody feeling a bit apocalyptic and that story also doesn't seem to be ending

and there's a myriad of issues webbing out underneath everything mentioned

i don't really see musk's car experiments doing much for the challenges civilization will have to face before it can explore space from a healthy, strong base here on earth

>> No.18714354

There are two sick twisted concepts of progress, one is social justice, the other is space travel. Space travel is literally the idea that if we expand economically beyond earth we will somehow be saved, its mythological liberalism.

The proper idea of progress in eugenics, the improvent of the humam race.

>> No.18714363

Climate change will literally save civilization, it HAS to be real, or it's all over.

>> No.18714377

Those who attack Colombia
Maybe don’t realize that
Cocaine represents hope
For so many people

>> No.18714381

I've never seen the point in talking about things that won't happen for 500 years. No one alive today will live to see a terraformed Mars or Moon, assuming such a thing could happen.

>> No.18714383

>There are not, there are less than a handful in our system alone then the resources required skyrocket exponentially to the point of not yet being able to obtain.
Do you really believe we are limited by our current technological capabilities indefinitely? that is just retarded.
>If what they are saying is true why are they not settling the moon? Surely that would be closer, easier and less resource intensive.
dude... nobody is saying we are there in terms of technology already, that is not the point.
Progress is. The fact that falcon x is a percent of a percent of the cost of previous space launches is a huge developments, the recoverable rockets are a massive developments, the trust systems are a huge development and so on and so forth. That is the point. It is dick measuring but dick measuring that creates some benefit to society in the long run, unlike buy art or vintage cars.

>> No.18714386
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>write a statement of opinion with no meaning or depth beyond its face value
>hit the return key to divide it into lines of roughly equal length
>i have created poetry

>> No.18714397

white devils be sending we to mars bruh

>> No.18714401

>who is attacking space??? Are the burgers sending ICBMs to the moon?
People hate that billionaires are spending their own money on space.

>> No.18714406

>i don't really see musk's car experiments doing much for the challenges civilization will have to face
Not much but it does something, at least regarding the environmental issue, the other issue you mentioned are present but they always have been and always will be. Nothing short of total Human a nihilation will make us a cohesive homogenous global society, only corposes are such. If you have to deal with the hand that you are dealt and not dwell on hypothetical perfect societies which are impossible to achieve.
I don't understand what you would be happy with, do you think musk or any other rich person should just try and take over the world to ensure peace? that is counterproductive at best. What other "Better" endeavor should they spend money on

>> No.18714413

>let's just keep consuming planets until we get it right
Literal locusts

>> No.18714416

Personally I see the whole thing as an odd way of stroking their egos. That said, it makes leftists seethe so I am all for it.

>> No.18714425

yes we should consume planets until we get it right, they hold no other worth otherwise.

>> No.18714444

I thank god every day space is a black freezing void because of queefs like you

>> No.18714445

Rather a billion death planets then a billion soulles bugmen.

>> No.18714454

"their own money" definitely not just a front chosen by the government, with the sideshow of the appointed ceo making little space trips

i guess a start would be to figure out why there's people homeless and starving while there's food produced every year that could sustain a couple billion more than we have right now

>> No.18714455

There are already 1+ billion souless bugmen right here tho.

>> No.18714464


>> No.18714478

>let's destroy the planet because I can't sit still for 5 minutes
kill yourself, not even playing

>> No.18714481

>I guess a start would be to figure out why there's people homeless and starving while there's food produced every year that could sustain a couple billion more than we have right now
That already has been answered several times over tho, and wealth inequality makes a tiny tiny part of it. It's mostly inefficient supply lines in developing countries, which are coincidentally a lot of times responsible for exporting food stuffs. Brazil, for example, had a study that found that at least half of it's produce, for 2018, was wasted thanks to their bad roads and overreliance on trucks, that is before it hit the stores and more waste happen in it or in the homes. Half of the food from harvesting and transportation alone gone, all because of inefficient transporting infrastructure.

>> No.18714484

>what is that you... you...you want to move around you want to consume calories YOU ARE KILLING THE PLANET NO STOP YOU NEED TO LIE DOWN AND DIE!!!!!!!

>> No.18714498

>I need more than one planet to eat, shit, and sleep

>> No.18714502

>it's the roads
fuck right off