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18711821 No.18711821[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Orgasm is the forbidden fruit.

>> No.18711838

knowledge isn't orgasm

>> No.18711842

The forbidden fruit was the knowledge of orgasm.

>> No.18711862

Was the apple actually just a metaphor for the clitoris this whole time???

>> No.18711879

But what exactly is orgasm? Does it really exist as we know it? It's a way of life that can never be attained by others, but only experienced once by each and every individual person in this world. It is something so precious to all people who have ever lived; it has been the subject of countless tales throughout history. There are those who seek out orgasms with their eyes wide open, while there are those who try desperately not to think about them at all. For some, an orgasm might mean nothing more than feeling pleasure from sex—but for many, they're far greater things: the pinnacle of existence. The greatest thing anyone could possibly feel.
The word itself comes from Greek roots (orgazomai), meaning "to set off" or "go." In other words, when you get your first orgasm, you've reached your destination. You've finally arrived at the end point of your journey, where everything becomes clear. And yet... if someone were to ask me whether I'd like to go back again, my answer would undoubtedly be no. Why do we want to return to such a place? To live through another experience just like it? No thanks!

>> No.18711897

Considering an orgasm to be the pinnacle of existence is the very definition of materialism; Jesus was conceived through immaculate conception - impregnation without orgasm

>> No.18711901

so they realized it and got clothes? Because othewise they wouldnt be able to handle it? it is just knowledge of the self and death, basically not being an animal anymore. god dasid that man would die if he ate it, and that is what happened, also instead pf living off collecting he starging working fields and agrociulture

>> No.18711907


>> No.18711914

When God said man would die, he did not mean in a literal sense. Once your seed is expelled your soul atrophies, and the more you do it the more spitritually zombie-like and close to death you become

>> No.18711925

No, because it doesn't take a strong jaw to bite through a clitoris.

The forbidden fruit is the knowledge that all buttholes are the same and women are just extraneous parasites whose singular role is to fabricate their own necessity via illusions.

Homosexuality is freedom

>> No.18711935

he literally said tree of knowledge of good and evil, not tree of knowledge of orgasm or pleasure or whavever, it is GOOOD AND EVIL

>> No.18711946

that is part of it, but definitely not all of it.

>> No.18711949

Read between the lines, numb nuts. Everything said in the Bible is a metaphor for a deeper meaning... which happens to be "orgasm bad". I wish I was joking. When Jesus walked on water, what he actually did was master his sexual waters, aka jizz. He tamed his sexuality. Don't you see?

>> No.18711961

God promotes childbirth and enhances fertility in Genesis

>> No.18711970

orgasms can be reinvigoraating if you know what you are doing, just saying

>> No.18711979

Can you explain to me the difference between the tree of life and tree of knowledge then? Why did God put swords and cherubs around the latter but not the former?

>> No.18711982

Yes. But what you may not know, is that immaculate conception means insemination sans the coom. You can impregnate someone without cooming! This is why Jesus was born without sin.

>> No.18711992

Sorry, around the former, not the latter.

>> No.18712043

holy shit

>> No.18712142

Interesting thread.
I recall in Autobiography of a Yogi that Sri Yukteswar (who was a scholar in both Hindu and Christian literature) said the biblical serpent represented the coiled Kundalini in the spinal column. He said the misuse of sexuality is what led to the "fall of man."

>> No.18712175

That is completely true.

>> No.18712179

Your life ends the first time you orgasm

>> No.18712188

It's thinking

>> No.18712192

But it isn't

>> No.18712196

Does this mean we could have charged Uncle Joe with murder too?

>> No.18712219

I masturbated last night before bed even though I know that it disrupts my sleeping, which it did, but now thanks to my actions I now no longer list after booba and can fulfil my motivations to their fullest extent; baring any physical exertion thanks to lack of energy from a poor sleep.

>> No.18712230

It was the knowledge of the G-point.

>> No.18712234

Based and buttholepilled

>> No.18712273

no, homosexuality is propaganda ya dumb fuck

>> No.18712279

Based on your post, it is fair to assume you are in a constant state of spiritual sleep

>> No.18712294
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Based on your post, it is fair to assume you are in a constant state of presumption