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/lit/ - Literature

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18711554 No.18711554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What podcasts do you listen to?

>> No.18711557


>> No.18711578


>> No.18711585

I don’t. Horse lover fat beams cat sounds directly into my brain.

>> No.18711639

In our time from the BBC. It's intellectual, and very listenable because they record face to face. Strongly recommend the episodes on Shakespeare.

>> No.18711804

plastic pills podcast, a case study in repressed homosexual urges.

>> No.18711849

>go to most popular
>summer of 1816
>rogan-tier conclusions about volcanic influence on byron
>rest is shitting on white man colonialism

>> No.18711861


>> No.18711865

A decent Swedish one, and Good Ol Boyz of course.

>> No.18713283


>> No.18713459

red ice, know more news, occasionally higherside chats and rune soup

>> No.18713472

the history of philosophy is a great podcast and will raise the quality of your shitposts

>> No.18713799
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i listen to old radio shows if that counts. favorites include :
blue jam by chris morris (pic related, it's one of the greatest radio programs of all time)
work in progress & in the dark by joe frank
theme time radio hour by bob dylan
i also greatly enjoy listening to any podcast appearance by zach (psychicpebbles) & chris (oneyplays). i find their sense of humor and general eccentricities to be quite fascinating. very reminiscent of the lost spirit of forums era internet.
oh and if anybody has any interesting podcasts about the development of the internet in the late 2000s/2010s from a social engineering perspective, that would be heavenly.

>> No.18713810

do you mean History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps or The History of Philosophy by Dr. Arthur Holmes?

>> No.18713815


Oh no... somebody with a microphone pointed out colonialism was racist.

>> No.18713824

without any gaps my man

>> No.18714374

red scare

>> No.18714399

What an original, fresh take.

>> No.18714402

Red scare and Caribbean rhythms

>> No.18714409

Cum town

>> No.18714483

Russians With Attitude, After the Orgy, Pseudcast

>> No.18714496

Ah, yes, a fellow Dick connoisseur. What's your favorite work of his?

>> No.18714532

Morning Kombat

>> No.18714604

A take doesn't need to be new to be correct you bilious nonce

>> No.18714607

no one actually listens to podcasts anon

>> No.18714614

>Russians With Attitude

another ironic globohomo soviet show like red scare?

>> No.18714634

Las Culturistas

>> No.18714646


>> No.18714751


>> No.18714780


I'm waiting for Critical Readings to finish their 19 episode Canterbury Tales thing before I jump back in.

>> No.18714781

Taste Buds
Democracy Now!
Anything Better

>> No.18714823

Marc Maron, Bill Burr, Norm Macdonald, Joe Rogan, Drunk Tank, Tigerbelly

>> No.18714829

very bad wizards. two proffesors.
Very Bad Wizards is a podcast featuring a philosopher (Tamler Sommers) and a psychologist (David Pizarro), who share a love for ethics, pop culture, and cognitive science, and who have a marked inability to distinguish sacred from profane. Each podcast includes discussions of moral philosophy, recent work on moral psychology and neuroscience, and the overlap between the two.

>> No.18714853

Myth of the 20th Century
Fash the Nation
The Daily Shoah
The Poz Button
National Institute for Gamer Review

I listen to a shitload of these things at work

>> No.18714854

Bankless - hosts are pretty reddit but their info and interviews are super informative. Learning from them has made me some nice dolla bills

Unfortunately I've never found a /lit/ podcast that was listenable.

Red Ice is good, I find their pagan stuff be tiresome but they red pilled me on big pharma years back which I'll always be grateful for

>> No.18714857



I also use to listen to this twitter egirl that had this podcast called girlschat and I think I was in love with her. Turns out the co host died a year ago and (the one I fancied) was actually lovers with the the other host. Listened to the last ep a couple months ago where she seemed to be stating she was done with podcasting forever and focusing fully on being Christian. It’s pretty pathetic how these parasocial relationships, the way stav laughs, the stupid egirls you simp over etc were some of the most important things in my life

>> No.18714947

>Hey did you know wypepo be rayciss? x1000000
>Fuck I get it already
>*pulls out thesaurus* A take doesn't need to be new to be correct you bilious nonce
Get fucked

>> No.18714950

Sam Harris, unironically

>> No.18714987

sure, it makes you more grateful for being yourself. if things were truly terrible, you would have been him. and it's a fascinating insight into the mental processes of the quintessential pseudointellectual, in the same manner that JRE is a dive into the mind of the average millennial reactionary.

>> No.18715024
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Why don't you listen and find out?

>> No.18715063

Stigmata. Third kind exploration (short stories). Null-a. The blonde unconscious superman trapped in a facility who can see 3 minutes into the future. The psychotic decomposition bits of Valis.

His triple suicide attempt is pinnacle dick. Co2 stops the bleeding, bleeding stops the pills, pills stop the noxious asphyxia.

>> No.18715079

I mostly listen to Red Scare, Our Struggle, and Blocked & Reported.

>> No.18715105

I read books because Im not a midwit with a short attention span.

>> No.18715628

Bill Simmons
Tim Dillon
Cum Town
No Agenda
Pardon my Take
Around the NFL
Biggest Problem in the Universe

>> No.18715654

Z-blog Power House
The Third Rail

>> No.18715662

Auto correct strikes again

>> No.18715932

Cum town
True Anon

None of these are Lit.

>> No.18716039

>True Anon
have you ever listened to War Mode? they talk about a lot of the same stuff but it's more comedic.

>> No.18716075

What about their pagan stuff did you find tiresome? They just celebrate and educate on European history and culture? Henrik is Swedish with a rich pagan history and culture. It isnt like they are trying to push some shit on anyone like Christards and muslims and convert people

>> No.18716105

There was nothing racist about colonialism rofl. Man you people really a retarded and one dimensional. Literally everyone was racist 400 years ago, most races didnt even know other races existed because they never traveled more than a few miles from their home their entire lives. News flash, not sure of you know this but there wasnt global travel and multicultural and multiracial societies back then. Different races inhabited different lands and when you explored or conquered you ran into them! What an amazing thing I have revealed to you here!

Literally no one said let's travel across to conquer black and brown people. You people are so historically illiterate and lacking in the most basic levels of intelligence it is astounding

>> No.18716117

The Tim Dillion show
The history of philosophy without any gaps
Hardcore History

>> No.18716130

quite a cultured individual

>> No.18716138

>Myth of the 20th Century
These two are pretty good.

>> No.18716164

The fall of civilizations
Almost forgot that one.

>> No.18716169

Drink Champs
I'm So Popular
Popular Front
Gutter Boys
Low Society

I drive a truck for a living

>> No.18716180

Mods can you please range ban anyone who replies with cumtown?

>> No.18716189

The Chip Chipperson Podacast and the Doug Bellcast

Fawk yea!

>> No.18716196


>> No.18716207

chapo trap house

>> No.18716225
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>Appeals to mods to ban Cum Boys
>Mod is a Cum Boy himself
>Mod calls you gay

>> No.18716230

What is Myth of the 20th century?
What topics do they cover?

I listen to
The portal
Sean Carol
Some Lex Friedman
Philosophize this
History on Fire
Dan Carlin
Mike Tyson

>> No.18716250

You should return to leddit with your ebin ironic cum guzzling fag shit.
We read literature here. We dont listen to failures of men discuss nonsense so they can squeeze money out of their pathetic followers.

>> No.18716302


>> No.18716313

has pseudcast been any good since guntbot started doing 48-hour shows on what the rockefellers’ shit smelled like

>> No.18716441

you are not an intelectual, you're a fake and a fraud.

>> No.18716446

Mike duncan's history of rome and revolution podcasts
Dan Carlin

>> No.18716476

I like the mammoth 'casts myself although there is less of them. Just depends on whether you want to be massively over-informed on one weird piece of 20thC history or not.


>> No.18716510

> you are not an intelectual, you're a fake and a fraud.
Says the dumb shit who listens to podcasts instead of reading a book because your brain has been fried by youtube. Cretin.

>> No.18716535
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The History of WW2
The Partially Examined Life
Coffee Break French
Cumtown is funny but I can't listen to comedy podcasts that long

>> No.18716579

Radio War Nerd
Hardcore History
Podcast About List
History of Philosophy etc
I used to listen to the SBFcast before they ended the channel :(

>> No.18716585
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Anyone else listen to Schizotopia?

>> No.18716664


>> No.18716670

Discovered his channel a few weeks back. Haven’t had the time to listen to more than one episode but it seems pretty decent.
Pod About List is good

>> No.18716672
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Hell Yeah dude

Ctown, JRE, occasionally Caribbean Rhythms when it's less political / more about music, culture, or men of power, occult of personality

>> No.18716683

Myth of the 20th century
The Symbolic World (Jonathan Pageau)
Lord of Spirits (Orthodox)
Art of Manliness

>> No.18716686
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matt christman's cushvlogs

>> No.18716706

History of Rome + Revolutions
History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps
Partially Examined Life (until they started paywalling the shit out of it)
In Our Time
The Field Guides

>> No.18716710

his history podcast is the only good chapo-related product

>> No.18716714

Lex Fridman and the odd fitness/health podcast.

>> No.18716748

Don’t really listen to much these days, but I listened to these off and on throughout the years. Some of these are dead and gone.

Cum Town
Pod About List
Not Funny
Twisted Mind
The Killstream
Mad at the Internet
Meth Squad
Break the Rules
Tek Wars
Sleepy Cabin
The F Plus

>> No.18716775

you're adorable

>> No.18716797

thanks =)

>> No.18716900


>Marc Maron

I cannot see the appeal of this dude. He's a terrible comedian, he's whiny as shit and doesn't seem to get what his guests are saying despite acting like he does, he's constantly on about how he's in therapy over his inferiority complex but seems to have no self-awareness when it comes to his massive ego, he frequently shits on himself but its clear he doesn't believe what he says and he's only doing it so no one else can call him on it, and he's a fucking asshole to everybody but he says he's sad so it's somehow okay. He also straight up bullies Eddie Pepitone with impunity because he knows Eddie is too self-critical to stand up for himself.

>> No.18716974

Morgoth's Review
Kanal Schnellroda
Weltwoche Daily
Kali Tribune
Konflikt Magazin
Outdoor Illner
Martin Sellner

>> No.18716985
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>open thread
>"Lex Fridman"
>2 results found

>> No.18717001

listening to cumtown is the ultimate indicator that someone is a moron

>> No.18717087


>> No.18717175


>> No.18717190

Gratuitously disregarding lowbrow entertainment is the ultimate indicator that someone is a pseud.

>> No.18717200

there is nothing "entertaining" about cumtown

>> No.18717213

Just Rogan and only if he has an interesting guest

>> No.18717215

pseud cope
go watch bo burnham or some other white people bullshit

>> No.18717234

>"white people bullshit"
cumtown audience in a nutshell

>> No.18717241

shut up dumbass. i want to kiss you on the lips

>> No.18717449

Marlon & Jake Read Dead People
In Our Time
History of Literature
Proustian Paths
Books of Some Substance

Acid Horizon


rarely 372 Pages and Our Opinions are Correct

>> No.18717853

Future Thinkers
MindSurf: Transformaciones de la mente
Long Now Seminars
Science & Futurism with Isaac Arthur
Hardcore History

>Art of Manliness
guy is a good interviewer but episodes are just long ads for the books

>> No.18717855

>Marlon & Jake Read Dead People
I like this one

>> No.18717857

Yea they're not bad, but they had that wolf guy posting videos that cluttered my feed. I just find pagan stuff fake and gay since even the "historically pagan" countries have a 1000 year gap. I struggle to see how anyone genuinely believes Odin/Thor are real.

>> No.18717902

It's four guys who read books and discuss politics. It's about 20th century history.

>> No.18717916
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Fash the Nation


>> No.18717956

>muh racism
Dude its current year. Anti-racism is outre.

>> No.18717973

Death is Just Around the Corner

The guy seems like he's on the verge of offing himself but I hope he doesn't as it's one of the few bearable podcasts and actually has some /lit/ content. His Pynchon eps are amazing.

>> No.18717976

Also cum town is for actual bugmen

>> No.18717989

I was looking for a possible PKD podcast and found that Weird Studies have two pretty good episodes on him.

>> No.18717998

True, but that is because every single podcast ever made is for bugmen.

>> No.18718010

>In Our Time episode on Ovid
>half the runtime is spent discussing Ovid's antiquated views of women

>> No.18718967

>A decent Swedish one
which one? i really like filip & fredrik's podcast

>> No.18718973

the perfume nationalist

>> No.18718988

are JRE episodes uploaded somewhere that's not spotify? my book tracker doesnt have them

>> No.18718989

>What podcasts do you listen to?
Listening to serious podcasts is one of the most pseud things you can do. Do people actually listen to these things and find themselves going "Holy shit! Wow! Wow!"?

>> No.18718995

Well like Christurdery is only meant to be symbolic my dude. The Bible isnt about zombie space jews it is astrotheology but the plebs neither have the intelligence or education to understand it.

Try this
Esoteric Asatru

>> No.18719023
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When it’s good it’s really good.

>> No.18719069
File: 41 KB, 640x480, Christran2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i came here hoping for recommendations. but all i see are list of names, with no indications what they're about.

>> No.18719075

serious question : what's so wrong with listening to podcasts ? it's kind of like eavesdropping on a conversation. i don't think that listening to conversations is such a terrible thing to do.

>> No.18719120

Philosophize This is an acceptable and accessible overview of philosophy and doesn't devolve into nonsensical bullshit conversation. The dude is a little reddit-y but he's listenable.

>> No.18720023


-Podcast Croissant
-Anime Pussy
-Joe Rogan
-Philip Harland´s Religions-of-the-Ancient Mediterannean podcast
-Talking Sopranos
-Pajama Pants
-Myth of the 20th Century
-The Mirror of Antiquity
-The History of English Podcast
-Peter Adamson's The History of Philosophy
-Literature and History Podcast
-Death Is Just Around the Corner Podcast
-The Decline of the West by John David Erbert and Darryl Cooper
-The Pagan World: Ancient Religions before Christianity by Hans-Friedrich Mueller
-Story of philosophy without any gaps
-History of Philosophy by Peter Adamson
-Secret History Of Western Esotericism
-The History of Rome
-Podcast Real Dictators
-The Fall of Rome podcast, by Patrick Wyman
-Revolutions podcast by Mike Duncan
-The Siècle Podcast

>> No.18720396

Nice spook you've got there.

>> No.18720436

chapo trap house
joe rogan
planet money
pod save america
uncommon knowledge

I like to get a diverse range of opinions from people whose knowledge I trust

>> No.18720437

Red Scare.

>> No.18721187

I literally done the same thing

>> No.18721246


>> No.18721251


>big autist energy

no thanks

>> No.18721277

based me too

>> No.18721491

Rather be a pseud than a literal retard who enjoys lowbrow entertainment.

>Do people actually listen to these things and find themselves going "Holy shit! Wow! Wow!"?
Yes they do. And then you ask them to explain what they had learned and they got nothing.

>> No.18721505

>chapo trap house
>joe rogan
How could you trust the opinions or 'knowledge' of either of these? One is a fat so that dresses like a primary school kid. The other is a cia asset who has taken too many punches to the head.

>> No.18721520

Based, DJAC is secretly the best podcast of the past few years

>> No.18721614

Dudes rock

>> No.18721641

Alright, thanks anon.

>> No.18721653

If they ever stop doing cumtown i'm going to be sad irl for literally a month like if someone died.

>> No.18721664

>getting filtered by fucking cum town
nice autism, laddie

>> No.18721728

None. Should I?

>> No.18721737

Not him but I don't listen to them because they have good opinions, you listen because they have influential opinions

>> No.18721756

What even is it? I've been seeing people mention it for years now

>> No.18721772

Yeah Im probably filtered by rick and morty too r-right? top fucking kek.

>> No.18721773

Surprised more /lit/tards don't like this one

>> No.18721886

Hardcore History
Philosophize This
P1: Konflikt

>> No.18721899

It's like if shitposting was a podcast

>> No.18721930

Carribean rhythms, early joe Rogan, certain art of manliness episodes, not related

>> No.18721948

conversations with real people

>> No.18722063

I'm looking for several types of podcasts:

I want a good anti-neolib podcast that isn't lefty and also isn't anything close to evolian nonsense

I'm looking for good genre fiction discussion

I'm looking for good podcast about movies - not capeshit or anything close to that

If you got any recs give it to me

>> No.18722118

>Just depends on whether you want to be massively over-informed on one weird piece of 20thC history or not.
I often get the feeling that they are consciously or unconsciously making stuff more confusing than it needs to be. I can't keep up with 50+ names in audio format. I enjoy what they are trying to do, I just dont think that podcast is the right medium.
I also often get the feeling that they are reinventing the wheel with too many extra steps and that I'm loosing my time.
In any case, I do not support paywalled content. Podcasters do not deserve my money. I live in the third world, I can lunch for a whole week with 10 US$, but I like to listen to something that isn't car noises when I walk my dog. I had access to a mega file with all updated tekwars, but couldnt (I actually haven't really tried) to find something analogous for the pseudocast, so I paid one single moth and immediately fucked the way out with the full backlog. I'm only gonna do it again next year.

>> No.18722136

Boohoo, nigga. The world has bigger problems, not able to be solved by disenfranchizing Europeans for the crimes of some of their ancestors.
International Capital (Jewry) is actively taking over the world and we're shooting ourselves in the foot at its behest.

>> No.18722241

Yeah, it's not financially sensible. But it's fun to get enthusiastic for Tanker companies for six hours or so...

>> No.18722257

all the opium and oil stuff on the iran contra episode was really nice. I got really confused and somewhat anoyed when they started throwing names from the 4th or 5th part onwards.

>> No.18722260

I don't really listen to particular podcasts, I just search for interviews with authors I like

>> No.18722356

best answer

>> No.18722395

>I want a good anti-neolib podcast that isn't lefty and also isn't anything close to evolian nonsense
>I'm looking for good podcast about movies - not capeshit or anything close to that
The Perfume Nationalist fits both if you're okay with the host being a homo with a queer lisp

>> No.18722396

i get enough of the fag on academic agents channel

>> No.18722403

I mean I really think it's worth it, your call anon

>> No.18722441

I've never listened to cum town ever and I know nothing about it but I'm absolutely positive that everybody who likes it is a nigger-brain.

>> No.18722480

i only watch the youtube clips at this point, they're pretty funny desu

>> No.18722507

not the one i wanted to post here

>> No.18722542

Your intuition is serbing you well.

>> No.18722591

No need to bother, It's too high-brow for you

>> No.18722628

what is a good episode?