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18709990 No.18709990 [Reply] [Original]

>"heterodox thinker"
>avi is a roman bust, a 19th century oil painting, or some gay typography bullshit
>photoshopped with the latest /r/thedonald meme
>ameritard orthodox convert
>that obnoxious gen x writing style (you know the one)
>"bylines in [anything ending in -mag]"
What are some other signs that you're about to read some insufferable pseud drivel?

>> No.18710009

i dont know what any of that means why do you poison yourself fool?

>> No.18710015

i'm already so sick of substack

>> No.18710018

You're complaining about the average /lit/ user to the average /lit/ user, don't expect to get anything out of this experience

>> No.18710019

>log onto >>>/lit/

>> No.18710677

i hope to make at least one person feel bad

>> No.18710699

The average users here are people like you and op

>> No.18710704

Literally what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.18710717

Sounds like you need to get off Twitter

>> No.18710724

Agreed, the last social media I had was Myspace, and I have no fucking idea what OP is talking about.

>> No.18710727
File: 96 KB, 640x628, (You)rDumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Never said I was
> Wordpress actually
> My avi is actually a XVIIIth century painting.
> Don't really know what this means tbqh
> Raised and practicing Anglican Englishman
> Actually no, I don't know "the one", but if I had to pin-down my writing style I would say that I write in a style which is greatly influenced by books from the XVIIth–XIXth centuries but more "modern" (which might make both it and me pretentious but I would argue not in an obnoxious way).
> Wrong!
> Uh...well you got me there
1/8, not very good odds I would say

>> No.18710757

>Roman numerals
It's over.

>> No.18710762

>twitter profile pic of random roman statue
>only posts comparative memes of 1950s advertisements and pictures from mardigras

>> No.18710773

Very original post

>> No.18710915
File: 573 KB, 1706x1336, twitter niggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18710927

pic is missing the animefags and furries

>> No.18710928

>(you know the one)
No retard I don't know any of the shit you mention because I'm not a twitter tranny

>> No.18710943

people who use the word 'accelerationist' look like chudjak

>> No.18710952


>> No.18710958

it basically means homosexual i think

>> No.18710966

Heterodox means the opposite of orthodox. So it means Catholic.

>> No.18711007

Completely lost on all those bulletpoints

>> No.18711011

Missing Expert twitter

- former military/public body/government organisation
- critical of government policy without being partisan
- feed is full of articles, retweets of journalists reporting governmental official statements and other expert hot takes
- retweets his two minutes on NBC/CBS/BBC
- has a book to sell published by Stanford Press or Oxford University Press
- has a benign secondary obsession (cats, people taking their shoes off on airplanes, nonstandard McDonalds restaurants)

>> No.18711038
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>> No.18711077

You are bringing it all on yourself.

>> No.18711080

>"heterodox thinker"
I assume OP refers to alt-right "thought leaders" that say this to mean they're some free thinkers or some shit
This is some alternative journalism platform where people who got cancelled go to. It's still pozzed of course, no one names the Jew.
>avi is a roman bust, a 19th century oil painting, or some gay typography bullshit
Avi = Avatar = Profile picture on Twitter. Many right wingers use this kind of aesthetics to identify themselves with
>photoshopped with the latest /r/thedonald meme
No idea what this means. r/thedonald doesn't exist anymore so how can it be the "latest" meme of something deceased? Maybe latest 4chan meme.
>ameritard orthodox convert
There's a meme that Americans convert to Orthodox Christianity because it's less pozzed. It is true that the Orthodox Church is the least Westernized.
>that obnoxious gen x writing style (you know the one)
No idea what he means. It could be anything.
>"bylines in [anything ending in -mag]"
No clue
Anglo bad (it's the leftist version of the Jews)

>> No.18711969

>no one names the Jew
because naming things that are irrelevant to the discussion is low IQ-tier.

>> No.18711996
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>> No.18713079

>alt right

>> No.18713300
