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/lit/ - Literature

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18709327 No.18709327 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about the last book you read, or the book you're currently reading

>> No.18709348
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>> No.18709356

meant to add that I'm enjoying it but it's hard to find a good resource for mapping out all of the civilizations and cities as I go along reading it

>> No.18709371

Have only read the first section, dealing with the foundation of the Russian Empire, Qing, and Zungar Mongols. Interesting how both all states drew on the steppe culture, alongside the dominant settled (Russian, Chinese, Xinjiang Oasis) culture. For all the talk of multiculturalism in the west, we really are hesitant to adopt the systems of other cultures.

>> No.18709376

Just finished American Psycho. Am reading Foundation and Empire now; I'm worried the series is one long downward slide in quality

>> No.18709380
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pic related

>> No.18709516

>Bacchae - Euripedes
>Poetics - Aristotle
>Mental Disorders and Spiritual Healing - Jean-Claude Larchet
>New Media Epidemic - Jean-Claude Larchet
>The Apostolic Fathers - Lightfoot
>Maximus the Confessor: Selected Writings
>The Best American Travel Writing
>Illuminatus Trilogy - Robert Anton Wilson, Robert Shea
>Speed Tribes - Karl Taro
>The Grand Chessboard - Zbignew Brzazanski
>A whole bunch of conspiracy """theory""" books that I tap in to here and there, like Daniel Estulin, Anthony Sutton, Robert Engdahl

>> No.18709828

The Master and Margarita
>20th cent Russian lit class last semester
>First Russian lit class I've taken
>Can't get enough of it, already a Junior tho so I can't exactly change my focus now
>Consuming a shitload of Russian lit over the summer
>keep hearing about Bulgakov but put him off because he's like a weird conservative dude that Stalin kept around
That book was probably one of the most entertaining Russian literature pieces I've read. However, even though it was in every respect more aesthetically pleasing than the Brothers Karamazov (which I finished before it), I can't seem to remember a single important character for the novel; whereas Dostoevsky, who I dismissed immediately, keeps coming back to my mind. Reading Crime & Punishment now.

>> No.18709848
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It's actually really really great

>> No.18709862

I'd rather not

>> No.18710083

Just started Mythologies by Roland Barthes. I've enjoyed the little I've read so far.

>> No.18710165
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>havent finished a single book in 3 months

>> No.18710741

My dad has actually read that book to me before. It's basically a collection of autobiography of the popular Jews and some anecdotal stories.

>> No.18710779
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I have read American Psycho for the last few days and where it was kinda tough in the beginning (those brand descriptions really fucked with me, I thought I was reading some kinda elaborated ad, like a Hollywood movie; I'm not over this btw: it probably actually has an advertising effect, but it's an American author... what do you expect desu) it became way better in the middle, where I am right now. I kinda relate to Pat to be honest and I hope I learn sth from that book

>> No.18710823
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To better understand Marx. It is quite dry at times but not nearly so difficult as I expected it to be to understand. Granted I am only around page 100 of ~900. It is also interesting to note that, despite just about all mainstream and far-right economics claiming Smith as a predecessor and kindred-spirit, he's far from a capitalist apologist, and frequently appears ambivalent about some of its social consequences, although moral evaluation isn't his purpose in the book. His comments on landlords are scathing for example.
>"As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce."
>"[Landlords] are the only one of the three orders whose revenue costs them neither labour nor care, but comes to them, as it were, of its own accord, and independent of any plan or project of their own. That indolence, which is the natural effect of the ease and security of their situation, renders them too often, not only ignorant, but incapable of that application of mind"

>> No.18710865

If you’re reading Marx for class war do Hammond and Hammond labourers.

>> No.18712285

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

>> No.18712755

It was good?

>> No.18712840

the grapes of wrath and as much as I like it.. I am really near the end and it feels so fucking long at times.