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File: 252 KB, 1005x668, 7BA25FF0-7B6E-43FC-84BC-03EFE9934EF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18709131 No.18709131 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people fascinated by the occult, hermeticism, and Gnosticism?

>> No.18709140

Because it's real

>> No.18709142

Well being a hylic NPC I imagine it has never occurred to you there are people in this world who ask themselves (What am I and what is this reality?).

Being low IQ I also imagine it has never occurred to you there are people smart enough to answer these questions

>> No.18709187

no one beyond your irrelevant corner of the internet knows or cares what any of that shit is.

>> No.18709201

Gnosticism make sense.

>> No.18709225

"So many people" on /lit/ and memes that feed off /lit/.

>> No.18709232

It's cool

>> No.18709237

Lol I think the low IQ people are the ones who believe in astrology and magic spells lmao

? Gnosticism and the occult figure into so many writers works. I mean… Borges?

>> No.18709250

It makes sense despite being entirely unconvincing.

>> No.18709254

it's an escapist cope

>> No.18709260

what isn't at this point

>> No.18709266
File: 550 KB, 978x1019, 66462A8B-2FE8-42A2-B7A8-A4D09CC3C085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh working out, getting treatment for social anxiety, studying/working hard, having goals, and not being a weird fucked up antisocial outcast?

>> No.18709271

sounds like an escapist cope for mortality.

>> No.18709275

Tried that shit, didn't like it. Profoundly unsatisfying

>> No.18709282
File: 182 KB, 800x466, TeslaMotherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you being low IQ have what is known as duning-kruger. You are too dumb to know how dumb you are or be able to recognize intelligent people.

Dumb people always point and mock intelligent people when they tell them how retarded their ideas and beliefs are

>> No.18709303

Dunning Krueger effect is fake social sciences faggotry. Look at the methodology. The conclusion it reaches are insane given the actual retarded experiment they performed.

It was about some faggot failed comedians rated amateur stand up comedians. It’s bafflingly stupid and we’re supposed to draw a universally applicable cognitive bias from like 11 performances of open mic night judged by failures?

>> No.18709461

It appeals to people who consider themselves too smart for atheism but also too smart for orthodox Christianity. The idea of blaming everything wrong with the world on a big mean Demiurge who they can escape from by gaining super special knowledge and becoming one of the chosen elite who will return to the Pleroma is also very appealing.

>> No.18709475

literal retard describing yourself take. Try actually understanding something before mouthing off like a donkey about it.

>> No.18709493

Your entire ideology was refuted 1800 years ago.

>> No.18709499

Nope. Although they tried.

>> No.18709570

you have no idea what my "ideology" is you babbling bafoon. You are probably a christcuck, only christucks are this fucking retarded and lacking in self awareness. You r ideology is literally believing a zombie space jew is God because some book written known liars and con men all through history (jews) told you so. You are so fucking retarded anyone who takes your opinion on anything seriously can only have ape tier intelligence like yourself

>> No.18709590
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Yeah I could totally see that, no wonder narcissistic incels like picrel like it so much.

>> No.18709608

You are mad because anon hit the nail on the head.

>> No.18709611

>retards seething over something they are to dumb to understand
Yep /lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.18709615

you are stupid because you were born that way and have shitty genes from stupid parents

>> No.18709619

Look at this ape smashing his keyboard in anger, lmfao.
Bruv go study some more entirely incomplete gnostic texts that were buried for who knows how long because some bitch made goat fucker was afraid to become a martyr for his 'religion'.

>> No.18709621

Im not a gnostic you spastic nigger tier retard

>> No.18709622

Sorry, Im not American.

>> No.18709625

Four noble truths? Nah bro work out

>> No.18709628

Then why reply to someone talking about gnosticism if you have nothing to add to the discussion?

>> No.18709639

>complete lack of self awareness
This isnt a thread about Gnosticism you stupid nigger and you clearly have no clue wtf you are talking about in relation to anything the thread is actually about

>> No.18709646

All those things are escapism

>> No.18709651

Le gnosticism is religious narcissicism meme

Shit take. Fuck off glowie

>> No.18709659

btw the Gnostic idea of the demiurge is based on platonic forms. God is perfect no? Surley even a Christuck as stupid as you wont deny this? So if God is perfect how did he make an imperfect world?

The orbits of the planets and their magnetic fields is what shape the geometry of this dimension and planet and they are what creates the imperfect forms. Platonic forms are perfect ideal forms but they do not exist in this dimension, we are broken reflection of the higher perfect dimension in this dimension. This isnt just "Gnosticism" this is known in all higher IQ "religions" because the real religions, the Vedic ones are for smart people. Your Abrahamic gibberish is for nigger tier retards too stupid to understand anything higher than "zombie space jew god forgive me if I just believe in him and only me and the other people who believe in zombie space jews get to go to heaven hurr durr."

Literally projecting your retarded jewdified ideology thinking you are special or "chosen"

The demiurge is Saturn the highest planet with the most influence on our planet. You have no idea wtf you are talking about and I am certain you are too stupid to understand it even if someone spoon fed you. I imagine anything more complex than a comic book leaves you vexed.

>> No.18709660
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 1617756751294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Why are so many people fascinated by the occult, hermeticism, and Gnosticism?"
>This isnt a thread about Gnosticism

>> No.18709675

perfectly sums up how stupid you are, as if you hasnt already.


>ay yo hole up this thread about Gnosticism and while I paint all these things with my single brush and insult everyone and everything though I dont have the faintest fucking clue wtf I am talking about

fucking retard kys

>> No.18709678

Gnosticism is for pseuds. Hermeticism reveals the real truths.

>> No.18709688

>huur duur demiurge is Christian God
No and if you had actually read Plato you wouldn't arrive to this braindead conclusion unless you were already accepting of stupid gnostic shit and looking to confirm your bias.
Pythagoars makes the distinction between Monad and Dyad more apparent. Youd have to be legitimately retarded to confuse the One who speaks the Word with the Dyad.

>> No.18709692

Anon, read >>18709461 again. The poster is clearly talking about gnosticism.

>> No.18709693

We could ask you the same thing.

>> No.18709704

>reads Kybalion once

it's the other way around

>doesn't have the slightest fucking clue about the intellectual ferment gnosticism emerged in
>uhh ever heard of the dyad bro?


>> No.18709706

working hard at what? also why?

>> No.18709708

you are stupid and should kys, and the jews have always worshiped Saturn and since you jewdified yourself with their religion so your Chrsitcuck God is indeed Saturn with some solar worship thrown in. You are stupid, you are clueless and should stfu

>> No.18709712

>doesn't have the slightest fucking clue about the intellectual ferment gnosticism emerged in
The mystery schools were opened to the vulgar and profane, cue spread of gnosticism :^)

>> No.18709717

Lol so gnosticism is either:

elitist, narcissistic, luciferian


all-inclusive, profane, vulgar

Ite dude, pick a lane

>> No.18709727

>all those grammatical errors

>> No.18709730

he concedes defeat, thanks for playing fuckwit

>> No.18709736

>elitist, narcissistic, luciferian
>all-inclusive, profane, vulgar
Also yes.

>> No.18709740

>confuses one anon for another
>gets triggered over being called out

>> No.18709745

Authoritarians are cucks, and you can only save yourself. Seethe, cope and rope.

>> No.18709755

>literally said I am not a gnostic yet he assumed it from jump, as idiots do, assume things without evidence, and is now repeating it yet again

I only know the jist of their ideas because Gnosticism is just a bastardized nigger tier version of the one true religion Santana dharma. I could care less what retarded shit you are on about that you unquestionably have zero understanding of anyway. I didnt confuse anything moron youa re just an idiot that got pwned and is now trying to pick at grammar and minutia to try and salvage how bad I ass smashed you

>> No.18709771

They can't accept that they were created by God, and that their end is God, and so they come up with various schemes to elude the crushing weight of that conclusion.

This is particularly the case with the occult; with gnosticism, there is, or may be, an element of trying to get around the problem of evil that bedevils their faith in the one true God.

>> No.18709775
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>christian attempts to co opt all of greek philosophy

>> No.18709781

>gnosticism comes from the greek word gnosis meaning knowledge
>lucifer is latin for light bringer which is symbolic of shedding light in the darkness ir bringing knowledge
>retards think luciferian is synonymous with some kind of satan worship or something because of some stupid shit they saw in a movie or their hs dropout street preacher taught them
Why are they like this bros?

>> No.18709787

>keeps confusing one anon for another
>now thinks every anon has read his posts beyond the one initially replied to

>> No.18709792

stupid people all look the same to me my bad

>> No.18709793

High fructose corn syrup, flouride in the water supply. Unironically.

>> No.18709803


>> No.18709811
File: 31 KB, 409x223, Kali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surf the kali yuga

>> No.18709826

All if that is cope for your inevitable end.

>> No.18709841
File: 3 KB, 136x249, 1602491501448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Imagine spending your whole day trying to control the activities of countless random idiots who you will never meet.

>> No.18710183

Decalcify your Pineal gland with lemon juice.

>> No.18710327

Impossible to replicate as well. Midwits just love to make their lack of confidence a virtue.

>> No.18710342

Luciferianism is synonymous with Satan worship. Have you not heard of SRA? All those groups are self-titled Luciferians.

>> No.18710375

Catholicism is synonymous with Satanism because they are pedos

>> No.18710386

Luciferians infiltrating the Catholic Church are not Christians.

>> No.18710400

>I define what is and isnt Christian and what a latin word means
You, like all Christards, are really stupid

>> No.18710426

the only thing that isn't cope is pursuing immortality. this is the oldest question known to man and it is achievable in our lifetimes

>> No.18710496

Gnosis without mystical experience is sterility itself. It is just a religious ghost, without life or movement. It is the corpse of religion, animated intellectually by means of scraps fallen from the table of the past history of humanity.

>> No.18710546

the demiurge is the NHK
I hope at least one person gets what I mean by this

>> No.18710553


t. Takashi Tachibana

>> No.18710598

Don't care about Christian pilpul; Gnosticism is true. Fuck archons by the way.

>> No.18710629

>Well being a hylic NPC I imagine it has never occurred to you there are people in this world who ask themselves (What am I and what is this reality?).
The person with those questions and the person without them are of the same value.
>Being low IQ I also imagine it has never occurred to you there are people smart enough to answer these questions
Being able to answer those questions is meaningless, ultimately, even though it may comfort those who have the misfortune of asking them.

>> No.18710655

>The person with those questions and the person without them are of the same value.
t, doesnt understand caste and hierarchical reincarnation

They most certainly do not have the same "value" anymore than a seed has the same value as the fruit

>> No.18710680

This thread was moved to >>>/his/11603862