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18708050 No.18708050 [Reply] [Original]

So basically... we’re doomed?

>> No.18708058

Why are u reading that shit? Get some Aristotle bro. He solved politics 2000 years ago.

>> No.18708066

people love to retread the same ground. cattle being driven up and down the same trail for millennia.

>> No.18708075
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Far from it.
The Siberian bear is waking up from its hibernation, the Middle Kingdom dragon is ascending to the skies, the first rays of the Black Sun can be seen peeking out from the highest mountaintops, beating back the dark knight of Western man’s soul.
In the distance you can hear the sound of cigs and wheels turning, the march of history is starting up again.
The elites have noticed the signs, this is why they have doubled down on the propaganda, installing clown world in a vain attempt to avert the inevitable.
Kali Yuga is coming to an end. Prepare for the times ahead, oh son of the West.

>> No.18708201
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I've tried my best. When will the ride be over?

>> No.18708212
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>> No.18708225

No, if he was right we would be saved. Doom is liberalism continuing on its course. Unfortunately, that is what is happening.

>installing clown world in a vain attempt to avert the inevitable.
>Kali Yuga is coming to an end.
I wish

>> No.18708264

liberalism succeeded, the abolition of everything was always it's endgame

>> No.18708336

now who wants to tongue my anus?

>> No.18708343

No. What he really meant was, "Read Leo Strauss."

>> No.18708364

Everything and nothing.

>> No.18708368

yes, you're doomed. communism will win

>> No.18708382

my anus will be tongued

>> No.18708447



>> No.18708452

not it

>> No.18709765


>> No.18710142

>Kali Yuga is coming to an end
It's clearly just barely beginning bro

We probably have like 2000 more years of this shit

>> No.18710151

You are, I'm proletarian

>> No.18710335

And? 2000 years is nothing.

>> No.18710401

No, I will become emperor and stop all of this

>> No.18710411

In Christ Jesus there can be no failure. Our crime was moving away from his love and making our sinful nature into an idol. God did create us with natural liberty, both towards him and towards each other, and that liberty was cruelly violated by the aristocrats and monarchs. However, by rejecting God we threw the baby out with the bathwater.

>> No.18710662

Compare how conscious people are now, compared to the last 2000 years and the reign of Christianity over the European soul.

>> No.18711400

Communism won’t happen

>> No.18713234

Kali Yuga ends in 2025

>> No.18713245

Kali Yuga persists for millions of years

>> No.18714652
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Truly inspiring

>> No.18714852

Your understanding of "liberalism" and "conservatism" will "fail"/"die" within the next 20 years. A new understanding of either side will already be inherited/interpreted and held aloft as absolute timeless canon by the generation underneath you. People will write more books with these titles for people like you to mourn your own, personal aesthetic death while the world, essentially, continues on mostly the same path. A path that your perfect understanding of political perception failed to totalize or subvert.

>> No.18714875

>Your understanding of "liberalism" and "conservatism" will "fail"/"die" within the next 20 years.
It already has.
The last ten years have proved it beyond all doubt. The Overton Window is very real.
You seem to type a lot without saying much anon.

>> No.18714887

You typed half as much and said only what I just said - something no one else in the thread has said yet.

Give me something then you can comment on 4 sentences being "too much"

>> No.18714902
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>You typed half as much and said only what I just said
What you type hold little weight. That is what I meant when I said you type a lot without saying much.

>> No.18714911

But you haven't contributed anything but having repeated what I said and agreed with it. And what I said hadn't been said in the thread.

You're a child. Learn how to contribute positively..

>> No.18714944
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What you said wasn't even groundbreaking. Anyone who as a shred of knowledge about the fundamentals on modern politics would know about the Overton Window and it's presentation of the false dichotomy between left and right wing.
All you did was fluff up your words to sound existential and "deep", while presenting a concept a fifth grader could understand. All while chastising everyone ITT for no other reason then what I assume is to stroke your own ego.

>> No.18715254

Yup exactly. Read Aristotle's collection on politics. Talks about everything you can think of and uses many real life examples from city states he traveled to.

>> No.18715267

threads should expire after 24 hours regardless. this one and the nietzche/stoicism thread have been up for days with no productive discussion

>> No.18715291

What a shit hot take.

>> No.18715298
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Based distributor of white pills.

>> No.18715300

and then productive threads like a recent hermeticism thread in which actual discussion and reccomendations were taking place gets moved to /his/ two days after its creation

>> No.18715320

where are they going

>> No.18716133

They’re migrating south... before settling in northwestern Europe and later become known as the Nordic and Germanic races.

>> No.18716235

stfu hippy

>> No.18716251

>not /x/
Fuck me

>> No.18717019

The book claims that liberalism got what it wanted and that this society is actually a shitshow in practice.

And he's not wrong, just look at birth rates alone. If a country like North-Korea manages to have steady population growth but liberal democracies are literally dying en masse, something is wrong with liberal democracies that liberals are too uncomfortable confronting.

>> No.18717363

Between the upcoming global decline in fertility rates, the dissolution of all social norms, the worldwide dependency on social media, the commodification of all aspects of life, the narcissistic simulation of human activity via the internet, environmental destruction through climate change, and the obscene levels of wealth inequality that no one cares about since they’re too preoccupied with consumerism and identity politics in the name of freedom....

yeah I don’t really see how people can say that Liberalism still works in the 21st century

>> No.18717519

They're in Hyperborea but are traveling to Atlantis and also all over the globe to instruct the primitives.

>> No.18717771

Capitalism won't happen either. Capital accumulation doesn't work anymore. All that's left if fake value, which is not value.

>> No.18717789

>that no one cares about since they’re too preoccupied with consumerism and identity politics in the name of freedom....
You still don't understand. You are close. It's not that they are too preoccupied. It's that they use this as a tactical diversion to hide the real structural problems of an economy based on Capital accumulation.

>> No.18717825

It’s essentially the same thing. People are obsessed with self-identity and consumption as a means of diverting attention away from the problems of the world I.E. not caring. That’s basically how Liberalism has always functioned. Keep people herd-like and placated into empty ideals of liberty and the masters can terrorize the world however they want.

>> No.18717880

I don't think declining fertility rates are caused by liberalism. Death of God seems more responsible for that, no real motivation to bring more humans into an absurd world. Then again liberalism and atheism are both spawn of the enlightenment, which is the real bad guy here.

>> No.18717889

Russia are blatantly antitraditional. The fall of the West will not be enough.

>> No.18717898

*and China

>> No.18717936

Liberalism capitalism and technological progress led to female empowerment which destroys birth rates

>> No.18718015

It is like a serpent eating itself alive.
I believe most of the people responsible for this have gotten lost in their own bullshit, and are in the process of destroying themselves thinking they are in fact in control.

>> No.18718253

Fertility rates are the worst in Japan and South Korea despite never having a feminist movement as pervasive as we have in the West. Feminism is pointless for that reason. Developed technocratic societies naturally see a collapse in birth rates and marriage without the need of feminist ideology. Feminism is just typical Western narcissism used to integrate women in the worst modern structures that men have already suffered under.

>> No.18718302
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>he didn't know liberalism was doomed
anon, its a system that caters to mans worst vices and the lowest common denominator. capital has no morals. corporations, as you just have seen last month, will push quite literally any message if they think it will sell their product.

stfu pagan retard.

>> No.18718587

Well i won't negate. However, it's capital accumulation that dictates liberalism, and not the other way round.
They are liberals because this is what makes them make the most money, i.e have the more power.
If being a racialist nationalist was what makes them make the most money, they would be racialist nationalists.
That is what trads do not understand.
As for the people, as long as they have tittytainment, they go along. And those who don't go along are easily replaced with mass immigration.

>> No.18718593

You post is too good for this board. Every 1/100 post, we have something that makes sense.

>> No.18718636

Liberalism preceded capitalism. Capital is an essential part of the modern world, it’s Liberalism which has led it to devour the world since it allows for infinite expansion and disintegration of traditional communities in the name of freedom. Wherever Liberalism is combatted then capital is more controlled and oriented to represent the values of particular societies, China for example.

>> No.18718653
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>at least we are a liberal democracy!

>> No.18718660

The fate of empires. Duh.
Daft money grubbers.

>> No.18718959

>If only you knew how bad this are

>> No.18719969

Good post. Made me think.

>> No.18719993

The English entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to colonize everyone else, and nobody was going to colonize them. At Mysore, Bengal, Amritsar, and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

I can get feeling bad for the Swedes or Germans, who are being replaced even through they did nothing (Germany's African adventures notwithstanding). But the British? The French? It's karma at work. If they did not want to be colonized by Indians/Pakis/Arabs, they should have not started it.

>> No.18720013

i will pay you 1000 dollars if you never come here again

>> No.18720027
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1000 in bitcoin. Not the dollar equivalent. One thousand bitcoin

>> No.18720045

>despite never having a feminist movement
You don't know what you're talking about
It's combination of feminism forces by America and strong traditionalist culture of self sacrifice which don't mix together

>> No.18720079


>> No.18720209

I can see the Euros revolting against the wave of immigrants.
Once the gibs stop coming then the floodgates of violence will spill over, in both camps

>> No.18720223

>I can see the Euros revolting against the wave of immigrants.
lol no, they are too tamed to do anything. Muslims might carry out violence on them, but Euros won't fight back.

>> No.18720239

And share it with me :3

>> No.18720246

Notice how I said once the gibs stop coming.
Domestication can broken quickly if the situation allows for it, and a loss of something that important in the social cohesion would be catastrophic, and would be the wake up call needed to get the Europoor off their asses

>> No.18720293

French generals are not tolerating this
The country is close to a civil war

>> No.18720320

Well, I doubt it. I could be wrong, but I will be utterly shocked if anything like you describe happens.

A pair of letters by a bunch of boomers is hardly a prelude to anything. Still, I expect to see a bunch of firings and resignations over it.

>> No.18720837
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Muslims are being liberalized too. They aren’t going to do shit.

>> No.18720852

It's not the native-born Muslims who are the problem, it's the massive influxes of refugees from MENA who will lead to problems. Look at it this way, 500,000 Syrian refugees caused massive chaos in Europe and led to political tensions, mass assaults of women, etc. What happens when 20-30 million people come as refugees? It's very possible. Lebanon is going to send ~3 million to Europe soon, and if climate change leads to drought in Egypt, it's over.

>> No.18720867

Something inside of me is saying that won't be the case, that it is soon to reach a breaking point.
Call it a gut feeling, blind ignorance or whatever, but I don't believe that they will lay down and die that easily.
Expect mass genocide on both sides

>> No.18720989

What? Capitalism exist since the 13th century, in an archaic form, and fully developed in the 16th century. It's wikipedia knowledge.
>Wherever Liberalism is combatted then capital is more controlled and oriented to represent the values of particular societies, China for example.
Now you start to become less interesting. Do you know what is life in a Chinese factory? After a month, you would beg to work in an american factory owned by Shekelberg.

>> No.18720998
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>Implying the Chinese factory isn't also owned by Shekelberg

>> No.18721025

Yes i imply this. If you had done your homework, you would know that there are powerful families in asia.
Everything is not western centered. However, same causes, sames effects. Jews or not. If the game is the same, people will play the same.

>> No.18722275

South Korea literally had a feminist cult in government and Japan is only superficially unfeminized.

>> No.18723092

South Korea is admittedly getting bad with feminism but the point still stands. Feminism is a byproduct of material development. The West has mainstream liberal forms of feminist ideology which are ingrained in society, and elsewhere around the world there are more militant views like in the Middle East and Latin America. Ultimately though it serves the same purpose: dilute women to the same mediocrity and atomization as men.

>> No.18723303


>> No.18723320
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>They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.

>> No.18723431

Feminism is a byproduct of technological advancement. Without penicillin and the birth control pill it would be completely untenable for women to run around and fuck deadbeats without massive costs in terms of disease spread and unwanted children. So the social mores preventing such things would necessarily stay in place. They would also likely be married off earlier and thus, have more kids due to higher sex drive/window of time, have less influence in politics etc. More sustainable society in all facets

>> No.18723524

Also this. Modern feminism, is a combination of wage labor for women, thus making them independant, in fact enriching the owners of the modes of production (but that is not talked about, of course).
And efficient contraceptive methods: condoms, pills, clinical and reimbursed abortion.
The fact is, the Capitalists are pushing feminism, because it constantly guarantee them more labor offer on the labor market, thus cheaper labor, thus more profit.