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18707516 No.18707516 [Reply] [Original]

>get this
>you're in a labyrinth... and it's infinite!
>but it's all a dream!
>or is it? perhaps an infinity of dreams!
>in which I am you and you are me
>then homer appears
>and tells me (You) he wrote hamlet!
>but it's actually all a dream!!! psych!!!


remind me again why people love this hack

>> No.18707528

Because he's a good writer who caught people's imaginations

>> No.18707655

Begin by asking yourself why nobody loves you

>> No.18707850
File: 43 KB, 652x431, 1619142093727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody loves me? Or do I love nobody? Ah what a labyrinth of a question! I pondered this anon's post for a few minutes, but I began to doze off, and found myself in ancient maze, surrounded by troglodytes. The troglodytes came closer to me and green text seemed to suddenly appear above their heads...
>You must be fun at parties
>Who hurt you
>You are not welcome here
I began to shiver with terror! The alien-like creatures overwhelmed me with overused phrases! I managed to jerk myself awake. I went back to the anon and sent him this image.

>> No.18707887

didn't know Borges was a psued filter till now

>> No.18707888

I pray to Allah that you may one day have sex

>> No.18707894

Borges is pure reddit. He tops every reddit list and his Labyrinth story is the most mentioned on reddit history.

>> No.18707897

Mentally ill retard

>> No.18707907

Their posts contain nothing but short, tired insults! Incredible! This is the typical Borges reader!

>> No.18707909

okay? do you define yourself in resentment to Reddit? are you really a slave to them?

>> No.18707945

No, but don't call it a pseud filter if it is popular among the pseuds proper.

>> No.18707952

OP here. It's actually not that bad. But gets a little repetitive especially with the "so many interpretations!" gimmick.

>> No.18708023

None of these clichés happen in any one of his stories

>> No.18708101

Have you read his collected fictions?

>> No.18708119

lol i like jorgeborge but there's no denying that his fictions are corny as hell

>> No.18708127

I certainly like saying his name out loud.

>> No.18708235

Tell me one story where any of those clichés happen.

>> No.18708470


>> No.18709214

I like Borges but let's be honest, he pretty much wrote about the same two or three ideas in all his short stories, poems and essays.

>> No.18709264

this but unironically

>> No.18709265

example? name two stories that are the same

>> No.18709289

I was just thinking about how fucking weird that is as the catalog loaded. It's been years and noone on that site gives a shit

>> No.18709409

i don't need to name two, all of them are the same. His poetry is particularly repetitive.

>> No.18709416

So not even a single example? Opinion safely discarded.

>> No.18709419

I haven't read his poems, but while I can agree somewhat, I think the ideas are pretty well developed overall

>> No.18709445

Can't say I agree. Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius is not like Garden of the Forking Paths which is not like Pierre Menard, author of Don Quixote which is not like The Aleph which is not like Brodie's Report which is not like The Encounter which is not like A Weary Man's Utopia, and on and on.

>> No.18709454

damn i was gonna check him out soon but if this is what his shit is then i aint reading it lol. thanks for saving me time and money lad

>> No.18709456

>filters plebs before even reading
based Borges

>> No.18709791

His specific aesthetic shows up in all his stories but you must have been reading it very superficially if you think they were all the same. For example, Book of Sand is intensely in conversation with Plato's theory of forms, but each story is exploring a different aspect. His stories might recycle elements from previous ones but he builds upon them; See The Theologians and then The Congress.

>> No.18709800

Borges literally never uses the it's all a dream cope out. Even in Circular ruins the dreamstuff is transacted into reality.

>> No.18710691

all stories about imaginary texts, the idea that every author is one author, labyrinths, etc. You probably could have chosen better stories to help your case. I mean, all his works are just thought experiments that impress easily impressed plebs, once you take that away there's nothing left in any of his stories except the same tired elements he uses over and over again.

>> No.18710702

and of course the same plebs that are defending Borges in this thread haven't even bothered to read his work outside of his short stories, but it becomes even more apparent how he recycles over and over the same themes and concepts in his poetry and essays, and even in his interviews. His contribution to literature is great, but let's not pretend he was as creative as some people claim he was, he stories are very formulaic once you read a couple of them.

>> No.18710746

>all stories about imaginary texts
This idiosyncrasy allows him to use his essay writing abilities to his fullest while also being a rather efficient way to tell a story
>the idea that every author is one author
Sure, but this isn't a real critique. If you don't like labyrinths than why are you reading Borges?
>all his works are just thought experiments
just like every other work of fiction

A few themes recur frequently in his work. That doesn't make him a bad author. That just means that you probably shouldn't read him if you are not interested in those themes.

>> No.18710765

kek, Borges fans on suicide watch

>> No.18711339

Yet another non response from filtered trannies

>> No.18713049

>all stories about imaginary texts, the idea that every author is one author, labyrinths
wrong, just two examples Tlon is about the relationship between language and philosophy, Pierre Menard is about literary critique.

>> No.18713610

>all stories about imaginary texts
They are not about that

>> No.18713696

So you're just shitposting, samefagging and throwing a nigger fit without any arguments. This board keeps getting better by the day

>> No.18713787

So based. Fuck borjes and fuck browentina.

>> No.18714602

I can't understand how anyone could hate Borges. Dislike sure, but this kind of b8 threads are unwarranted to me

>> No.18715326
File: 85 KB, 800x450, 800x450thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Oomoomer
>Uses wojaks and exaggerated strawmen to portray the enemy