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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 59 KB, 500x448, 3dbccb228fd61325f8605e6d92d0389f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18700098 No.18700098 [Reply] [Original]

Is she, dare I say, /ourgirl/?

>> No.18700101

Shit forgot link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPIyay0A_lo&t=127s

>> No.18700110

How can we collectively make this determination without having not first seen her feet? Post her feet. Thank you.

>> No.18700115

>Feminist Avant-Garde in the background

...eh you don't want to see them; let's just say she's got some hobbit blood in her

>> No.18700120


>> No.18700138

>tfw no tomboy gf to read homer with in the way it was intended

>> No.18700144
File: 1.88 MB, 360x240, 178A182B-7FF5-4154-AF14-0D3D4DEF0AA3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>petrified of independent non-object women

>> No.18700169
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>> No.18700176
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Yes. And?

>> No.18700177

You're just self-conscious about your feet and the fact that no man wants to lick them clean because you undeniably resemble a man in your outward appearance. Baseless contempt for others is a symptom or self-hatred. Take better care of your feet, Butters, and maybe one day a sad and desperate black man will take you out for dinner.

>> No.18700218

truth, digits confirm

>> No.18700225

thats not a tranny rite?

>> No.18700230
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>> No.18700243

damn she mogs my jaw

>> No.18700247

I still want to see them. I like a bit of unkempt hair on the fore-toe: it conveys a sense of wild lassitude that is also often reflected in the taste of the soles. It is especially exquisite when one sees that the subject in question has some burgeoning capacity for thought which will be, even in the best of worlds, stifled by her natural inheritance. Post them, please. Thank you.

>> No.18700249


>> No.18700255

>truth, digits confirm
Not confirmed

>> No.18700259

>someone other than butterfly being /ourgirl/
You may not like to hear it, but it’s true

>> No.18700261

now this is digits, butterfly reigns supreme again

>> No.18700267

>Liking boy-like females

Why not just be a full blown faggot?

>> No.18700272

Post your feet Butters. Only you have the power to end this spat.

>> No.18700295

Why do you keep coming back to hangout with incels and nerds? These are your people butters. You are a petrified footfag.

>> No.18700307
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>> No.18700331

she enjoys BTFO'ing us, she did it to me and I've been in love ever since

>> No.18700346
File: 12 KB, 642x132, 5D10A6B3-4FFD-4DD1-9742-3CE596D8F505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not into feet. I have mild fetishes for light body hairs, arms, nape of neck, temples, small of back, happy trails.
I hang out for entertainment purposes. Cheap fun, addictive. I should stop

>> No.18700349

>gay new york people
no thanks. I still plan to get married to a french art hoe, thank you. we will both die of thirst--but not in a funny way--after I convince her to travel with me through the Sahara.

>> No.18700355

I want to make you orgasm.

>> No.18700360

post a pic of your worn socks PLEASE.

>> No.18700363

This place is fun. Even though it's a meme, reddit is horrible compared to /lit/.

>> No.18700370

I haven't used the phrase attention whore in a decade, but jesus christ butterfly, all you do is go into threads and post about yourself.

>> No.18700373

Go do something other than derailing my thread, wench.

>> No.18700378

another incel seething about the butterfly

>> No.18700379

That's how women naturally are. Without attention they being to die, like Tinkerbell or plants. Sometimes it's annoying, sometimes it can be used to your advantage.

>> No.18700384
File: 3.13 MB, 608x256, trippy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18700393

You can clearly see that anonymous did this.

>> No.18700401

Not going to lie, I'm into butters. Only because she reads a look and I've heard shes passable. Why won't more women read good books?

>> No.18700414

She constantly admits to not reading the books she recommends or insults. The fuck are you talking about.

>> No.18700421

It wasn't anon butters. It's me. The guy who called you a footfag. All the various women I've been with were all like that. They would get angry if I didn't show them enough attention or if my attention was divided. Like I said, it's nice women are like that but it's also annoying sometimes. Mostly, it's nice, kind of reminds me of puppies.

>> No.18700425 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 512x512, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no tomboy gf to read the with in the original Greek and wrestle afterwards

>> No.18700427

Really? Welp. Nevermind then. Tits or gtfo.

>> No.18700436
File: 55 KB, 512x512, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>tfw no tomboy gf to read the Iliad with in the original Greek and wrestle afterwards

>> No.18700442

I read other books. And post about them.

Those are straight girls looking for guys.

>> No.18700459

I have friends who are female studs, they complain about the same shit, Butters. Down to having to decide where they go eat because of their indecisiveness.

>> No.18700467

maybe the only girls you hang out with are like that, and the type of girls that aren't like that just hang out with other girls and not with incels

>> No.18700481
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Newfags feeding the tripfag as it derails the thread.

>> No.18700484

What kind of incels hangs out with lesbians? Lmao you sound like a woman. You can always tell because women's insults are shitty because you guys aren't overt shit talkers. You just seethe below the surface, put on a smile, and do backhanded things.

>> No.18700491


>> No.18700498
File: 90 KB, 534x599, E9EC0F41-BA8A-48D4-9514-C7185BCA4846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well frogfag, is this actress /ourgirl/ pr what?
Such an important literature thread rn

>> No.18700511

>implying it's not samefag galore by a butthurt woman

>> No.18700536
File: 34 KB, 468x457, whenbutterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18700544

She has come to harvests (you)'s

>> No.18700550

but you just went to files to rename the picture to "whenbutterfly" then solved the captcha and posted this, I don't understand.

>> No.18700731

Quit your blabbering. Feet, now.

>> No.18700743

if you ctrl+f " « Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ » ", it's really easy

>> No.18701432
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>> No.18701625
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Daily reminder.

>> No.18701646

You’re doing the good Lord’s work. God bless.

>> No.18701824
File: 23 KB, 623x335, 1580246465350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. I think Sevenleaf is actually dead now. No posts from him in a week.

Here's hoping.