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18699208 No.18699208 [Reply] [Original]

Your test result and your favorite book
Mine is journey to the end of the night or the elementary particles

>> No.18699210


>> No.18699295


>> No.18699323
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Faust I

>> No.18699345
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I'm feeling it bros
what a life

>> No.18699347
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malone dies

anon I...

>> No.18699351
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I recently found out about the phenomenon of people (privileged 1st world women mostly) pretending to be mentally ill and then being attacked by the very same type of person for "invalidating" their clinically diagnosed mental illness.

All in all I find it very odd. Some sort of downward spiral of degeneracy in the purest sense. People crying out, "I'm mentally diseased" or, "No, I'm mentally diseased!" like its some virtue. Is this due to lack of any real hardships in life and so they seek to define their personality by some imaginary struggle?

Regardless my favourite book is probably either the Catcher in the rye or Hamlet. Or maybe something by Dostoevsk.

>> No.18699377
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No Longer Human.

>> No.18699396

You sound like a mentally ill person pretending to not be.

>> No.18699441
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The Metamorphosis

>> No.18699537
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Pagan imperialism

>> No.18699577

I don't need that test. I am diagnosed Schizoid, and Schizoaffective Bipolar.

My favorite book is Homeland by John Jakes

>> No.18699635
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The Iliad

>> No.18699651

Commit suicide you teenage girl

>> No.18699757
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you guys are fucked
favorite book is Hamlet

>> No.18699796
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The Sickness Unto Death

>> No.18699806
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1984(forgive me I am a newfag)

>> No.18699846

Take the test to see how accurate it is

>> No.18699848

Based data-miner.

>> No.18699859
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Schizoids are evil.

>> No.18699878
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The Bible

>> No.18699946
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>> No.18699969
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Harry potter when I was 10, Asoiaf when I was 17 and Crime and Punishment now that I'm 25

>> No.18699978

>Favorite book: the schizo handbook
>Falsified results

Why would you lie on the internet?

>> No.18700266
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The Iliad

>> No.18700296
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>> No.18700332
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Based and Biblepilled.

>> No.18700336
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Brothers Karamazov

>> No.18700341

>TFW 7 actual diagnosed mental illnesses
Favourite book may be Heights of despair or death of Ivan but I just read the latter yesterday and loved it.

>> No.18700348

it is mostly a meme anyway and those suffering the most try to shy away from their clinical diagnosis

>> No.18700844
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>> No.18700956
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tristram shandy

obsessive compulsive seems very incorrect to me, but i can certainly be quite paranoid.

>> No.18701038

Politics by Aristotle
There are a myriad of factors, leading to the mental health crisis we see today in the world as a whole.As you said a large component is White, Western, 1st world, Women using mental struggles they genuinely experience mildly or totally fabricate to garner sympathy through exaggeration this is a symptom
of the larger social standing arms race that while inherent in humans is also exacerbated by the hyper connectivity of social media and mass media in general. Also there is the two fold problem of the more recent recognition of actual mental illnesses and the massive over-diagnosis and diagnosis of “disorders” that exist on flimsy evidence but are sustained through big Pharma profits. Thirdly is the issue that while we live in the single best material SOL globally, this is in a utilitarian, hyper rational system that values GDP growth per annum over the wellbeing of the people in the state and an institutional disregard for beuty, morals and belief that can't be quantified or are in direct opposition to the state’s objectives/ideology, compound that with urbanisation in an environment humans were never designed for, economic stagflation in real terms for most people who blindly expect growth as a given and social isolation brought on beginning with TV and you have a recipe for societal insanity.

>> No.18701047
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Shit forgot image

>> No.18701098
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The Decline of the West
This shit is equivalent to astrology btw

>> No.18701173
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Les Fleurs du Mal

>> No.18701271
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I don't really have a favorite book. I enjoy reading a lot of different things.

>> No.18701277

Recently I've been enjoying reading Kierkegaard and things related.