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File: 129 KB, 1200x909, Maslow's_Hierarchy_of_Needs2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18691855 No.18691855 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a book that pushed you over the edge and made you realize you are awake to an unsettling reality?

If there is one for me, it is definitely Julian Jayne's "The origins of consciousness and the breakdown of the bicameral mind"

To this day, I still get fucking bitchslapped like a punk when I read it. Concepts waaaay over my head. What are we? What helped you understand shit on another level?

>> No.18691866

Slavoj zizek's critiques of capitalism

>> No.18691871

On the Origin of Species,the selfish gene and the next million years.

>> No.18691873

The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St John Climacus

>> No.18691887

Critique of Pure Reason, only book that has left me sitting up late for hours thinking uncomfortably about the implications as far as what "I" am and what "I" can possibly know

>> No.18691906

Based. Transcental idealsim is the correct earthly metaphysics, and mixed with Christianity it forms a complete doctrine

>> No.18691909

No one on 4chan has gotten to the third tier yet so the fifth tier is practically impossible

>> No.18691922


No such thing.

>> No.18691923
File: 499 KB, 1125x2436, View recent photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you I am literally self-expressing all over this bitch you spic cunt faggot kike chink chug troon queer wetback binder paki wop paddy cracker nigger

>> No.18691930

Dubs? Checked

>> No.18691933
File: 7 KB, 236x236, f68dfb703f286450d2ac262627d63f53--visors-sun-protection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW GF and esteem needs met but no friends

>> No.18691937

You are on the 1st tier, you need (to) rest.

>> No.18691947

Nietzsche "Thus Spoke Zarathustra"
Scott Bakker's blog
Stephen Park Turner "Explaining the Normative" and "Understanding the Tacit"
Carl Schmitt "Political Theology" and "The Concept of the Political"
Hannah Arendt "The Human Condition"

>> No.18691948
File: 877 KB, 3219x2109, schizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I...

>> No.18692586

>Hannah Arendt "The Human Condition"
Jewish. Is it worth a read still or is there an agenda?

>> No.18692594


>> No.18692604


>> No.18692629

>is there an agenda?
Is it agenda, if she says that proles are all-consuming animals; that people are by nature not equal; that our political sphere was brought to the lowest-common denominator by allowing proles to participate (without first training them to become human); and that people nowadays serve the machines instead of the other way around?

>> No.18692634


>> No.18692639

start with the greeks

>> No.18692644
File: 241 KB, 1280x838, 1280px-Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least post the original version.

>> No.18692646


>> No.18692677

>Hannah Arendt
Its a female

>> No.18692735
File: 722 KB, 1129x853, Arendt H. - The Human Condition (1998) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your point being?..

>> No.18693088

Who fucking holds a book like that? Seek help.

>> No.18693577
File: 42 KB, 667x386, 1607948611228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm not even at the bottom

>> No.18694289

>the meme pyramid of needs

kek, so many normies got filtered hard on this one. Positive disintegration is needed for spiritual trascendence and thus "self actualization". For most people, aquiring belonging and satisfying esteem needs is self-actualization. Constructing your own moral hierachy outside of what is established is true self-actualization, therein the word "self", and no normie goes there because they accept conformity as a premise for social inclusion and thus lose any ability to trascend its moral system by effectively rendering the self into "us"

>> No.18694348

>Is there a book that pushed you over the edge and made you realize you are awake to an unsettling reality?
start with the greeks

>> No.18694459

retarded post

>> No.18694530
File: 67 KB, 2092x1732, HIERARCHY OF DAMNATION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Translated from Yalbadalese.

>> No.18694662

my own manifesto

>> No.18694678

guess i'll always be on the 1st level huh? fuck.

>> No.18694697

There should be an even bigger bottom first row that has sex by itself

>> No.18695660


>> No.18696394

>Is there a book that pushed you over the edge and made you realize you are awake to an unsettling reality?
Book of five rings, final chapter.

>> No.18696452
File: 403 KB, 1500x1500, 81Y4vM8yjDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18696460

>Concepts waaaay over my head
If they go over your head then you must be retarded. They are easily understood, and even easier to dismiss.

>> No.18696468

Exhomologisthe tou Theou ton Theon, Alliluia

>> No.18697411

Just simulate all social needs with visual novels. Then it's easy to reach the top.

>> No.18697456

Freedom from the Known my Krishnamurti, its an extremely simple book that blew my 17 year old consumerist brain-fried. I think the most beautiful thing is taught me was how to identify pleasure (as opposed to joy). Im now 19 and still use the guidelines presented in that book in my daily life.

>> No.18697788

Bro, please stop endlessly shilling your book on 4channel.
Youre 50 something, dont you have a family? Kids, grandkids? Its never too late to get married and adopt maybe.

>> No.18697808

He publishes blank PDFs with nothing inside them. The book is just a cover, there is no actual "book" written. It is all pretend.

>> No.18697816

This one has always made me seethe. Fucking normalfags so used to sex they think it is impossible to function without it.

>> No.18697872

Seek help.

>> No.18698763
File: 166 KB, 853x368, 1613481851720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex on par with food and basic bodily functions

>> No.18698797

All you need is the red level unless you are a normal nigger

>> No.18698819

God this pyramid is peak modernism stupidity. This absurd belief that you can discretely separate spiritual aspects, that there is a hierarchy of needs that build on top of each other, that if only we fulfill the bottom segments the top segments will follow, that pain and paucity are just obstacles to overcome to reach spiritual fulfillment.

I'm sorry for midwits who grew up with this diseased framework and never got to escape the modern thinking framework. You should start with the Greeks.

>> No.18698823

Youtube debates

>> No.18698828

Good post.