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File: 34 KB, 500x500, Malice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18689720 No.18689720 [Reply] [Original]

He reads 80 pages a day on average. He's incredibly well read because of this.

Are you keeping up with him and the other notables in our time?

>> No.18689802

I'm about the same. Of course he doesn't read serious philosophical works like Kant, and it shows when he tries to discuss such things

>> No.18689820

I think he’s more into history and politics than philosophy, but as a “talking head” type personality he’s about as good as it gets. I hope his upcoming book The White Pill will be a classic.

>> No.18689840


>> No.18689845

You watched the stream didn't you :)

>> No.18689851

Agreed. I try to keep it at 15 minimum and usually don't go over 50.

>> No.18689867

Stalin read a purported 500 pages, get on his level.

>> No.18689882

I don’t think I’ve checked his YouTube channel in about a week or two. I saw he was on Lex again but haven’t watched that one yet either.

>> No.18689927

His book on the new right was surprisingly unbiased considering he is an anarchist and jewish. Jared Taylor in particular got a very fair shake. I havent read his NK thing because I do not care. Might buy his next one

>> No.18690177

Apparently having Moldbug on again soon.

>> No.18690485

>not breaking triple-digits out of principle

>> No.18690555

And tries to pass liberalism off as anarchism. I don’t care how much he reads.

>> No.18690749

Trips of retardation.
He’s an elitist.

>> No.18690858

Does he take notes though?

>> No.18690880

>He’s an elitist.
Like a lot of liberals. You fail.

>> No.18690902

80 pages is a lot? Thats like an hour and a half.

>> No.18690927

Progressivism is elitist. Liberalism isn’t. Also your general point that his anarchy is somehow fake is just wrong.

>> No.18690930

hes one of the most cringe people out there

>> No.18690944



>> No.18690982

200 size font tho

>> No.18691040
File: 47 KB, 854x480, MV5BNmFjZTA1OGItZDk5Mi00MzQ0LWI2YmEtM2NlYjYwNTkwNzQ2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMDY3OTcyOQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's clearly gay. proven by his cash cab appearance

>> No.18691045

>And tries to pass liberalism off as anarchism.
And how's that, butters?

>> No.18691052

I thought so too until his recent Alex Jones appearance. He is now confirmed to have supermodel gf, unless she's a beard.

>> No.18691058

It sounds like the White Pill will just be general 20th century history (with a focus on Cold War?) so Michael can wrap it up by saying "At least there's not a holocaust right now."

>> No.18691060

>defends liberalism
>still associates liberalism with anarchism.

How is he anarchistic?

>> No.18691079

>How is he anarchistic?
He doesn't want a state, and he has called himself an anarchist for years. So why do you call him a liberal?

>> No.18691093

>talking head type personality
So he's autistic? And a tumbler?

>> No.18691097

Sorry, your word got co-opted 50 years ago; Michael Malice is the most prominent living Anarchist today—deal with it.

>Inbefore the carrion linguist is mentioned.

>> No.18691100

I dunno what a tumbler is but he's not autistic at all.

>> No.18691105

A little autistic, but he usually just likes to rile people up on live TV because he knows they have to try and keep calm for the cameras.

>> No.18691119

Can you finish this argument with my tongue in your anus? please mommi i need da pucci so bad and i'm so lonely and my husband devorced me because he wanted the girl next door so i need a rebound but dont worry you can beat me up like you want to butters i deserve it i deserve to have you kick the shit out of me thats what my husband shouldve done just fucking kicked the shit out of me i'll never love again but please just take me out for a dinner and i'll kneel in front of you and you can beat me bruised and bloody and take a picture for your pleasure please butters

>> No.18691126

And yet he still has retarded takes

>> No.18691137
File: 511 KB, 540x405, malice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's also fucking Jessica Vaugn. We're all gonna make it

>> No.18691140

Can an anarchist actually address the river scenario? If you build your home on a river, and then someone upstream begins polluting it, under anarchy, would you just go and kill the other guy or what? What if under no circumstances will he stop polluting the river (I.E. He already build a mill there)? It just seems like when you live even near other people, there needs to be a structure of authority to arbitrate disputes, otherwise it's just who can kill who first.

>> No.18691144

I like him as entertainment but I don't expect much from him
And there's nothing wrong with that, it's just what he is, entertainment

>> No.18691148

Best one on r.i.l. ya?

>> No.18691186 [DELETED] 

I don’t know much about this guy but his interview with Peterson showed him to be a retard. Totally incapable of serious thought or distancing himself from his own polemical viewpoint. Lacks subtlety, ambiguity, taste. He can live in his adolescent fantasy world of ‘rebellion’ and resentment and may appeal to the Zeitgeist of angry chuds on here, but he will be forgotten soon enough.

>> No.18691190

Celebrities don't read, and their insights are always vapid and insipid. Period. As a rule, I don't listen to anyone who has ever had a career in show business. Not George Clooney, not Donald Trump, not Russell Brand, not Norm Macdonald, not Robin Williams, not Jim Carey, not George Carlin, not Stephen Fry, and so on, and following this rule to the letter gas been working out well for me so far. Only midwits listen to what celebs have to say.

>> No.18691221

He wants capitalism. Which requires a state of some sort, even of it is just a single contract and a single rifle to start.

Stolen word because it wasn’t for sale.

>> No.18691223

No, when pressed on any practical issues he gets evasive, makes vague reference to private security networks, then either chastises the interlocutor for daring to ask a question or insists it's a failure of their imagination.

>> No.18691229

But he calls himself a flat out anarchist. Not an ancap. He consistently opposes any idea of a state anywhere.

>> No.18691251

Ever say anything against the life's blood of the state?

>> No.18691256

Yeah I read more than him. Whoever he is; I haven’t the slightest idea.

>> No.18691331

>Which requires a state of some sort
An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, RATHER THAN BY THE STATE.
Capitalism a.k.a. the free market is the most voluntary economic system, both in theory and practice.

>> No.18691354

Pfft I would finish an entire book of Percy Jackson in a day back in middle school. Tell him to get on my level.

>> No.18691386 [DELETED] 

>Michael Malice
The guy was a ghost writer who gained notoriety for his political commentary twitter shitkicking. Comparing him to Jim Carrey I'm just gonna assume is bait.

>> No.18691391

>Michael Malice
The guy was a ghost writer who gained notoriety for his political commentary and twitter shitkicking. Comparing him to Jim Carrey I'm just gonna assume is bait.

>> No.18691409

Judging by his physiognomy, this man's avocation is certainly picking pockets. How would keeping a fixed schedule of reading ever help him in his profession?

>> No.18691424

Show business is show business. There is literally (and I mean the actual definition of the word, not just emphasis) zero difference between a comedian, a movie star, and a political pundit. Prove me wrong.

>> No.18691427

that's just a dumb opinion

>> No.18691438

We're living in clown world now. Every opinion is a dumb opinion.

>> No.18691447

>Every opinion is a dumb opinion
What a stupid opinion

>> No.18692667

80 pages of what?

>> No.18692788

I see your points but you still havent responded to >>18691119

>> No.18692871

>He collects first editions of the works of Ayn Rand.

>> No.18693456
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1483480589387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolbertarianism, objectivism, anarcho-capitalism, whatever you want to call it is so played out by this point no matter the narcissistic difference involved.

>> No.18693505

What's the deal with his grandfather? Why does he get weird when he's brought up or calls in?

>> No.18693586

His Goodreads says he's reading The Berlin Wall: A World Divided, 1961 - 1989 and Times Square Red, Times Square Blue. I recall him saying his 80 pages a day is 40 pages of two books a day.

>> No.18694249

What are you talking about? I know he has a bad relationship with his parents and his grandmother, but I never heard anything about his grandfather