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/lit/ - Literature

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18689537 No.18689537[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books like NGE? The only one I know of is Napszél which I can't read since it's not in my language.

>> No.18689572

It's in mine but I can't seem to find it. Care to give me a link?

>> No.18689606

If it's the book by Szepes Mária, I don't think you're missing much. It looks really pulpy and new age.

>> No.18689628

Is coffee good for you?

>> No.18689638


>> No.18689827

infinite jest

>> No.18689834

start with the greeks

>> No.18689835

Steppenwolf definitely.

>> No.18689864

The Der Ring des Nibelungen poem.

What other work has supernatural powers, family issues, bildungsroman, incest, and high philosophical themes of existentialism and psychoanalysis all which lead to battles between those supernatural forces?

Gotterdammerung is very much like EOE.

>> No.18689890
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the elementary particles desu

>> No.18689911


>> No.18689994
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Reifags will try to cope but pic related clearly shows Asuka is superior.

>> No.18690984


>> No.18690996

This bitch charges $100 a month to see her nipples.

>> No.18691001

when it comes to NGE as a psychological character drama with a large cast of god tier characters with intertwining relationships and some philosophy,the Russians are your best bet, either doestoesvky or tolstoy mainly.

>> No.18691004

That’s so fucking gay.

>> No.18691006

also pretty sure these two authors have been influential to anime. they seem to get referenced alot.
Also I will get hate for this but I think doestoesvky has a bit of an anime appeal. TBK is imo the closest thing youll get to another NGE tier anime (im not saying TBK is anime but the appeal isnt too far off from Eva)

>> No.18691016

Asuka is hotter but rei hot too but so is kaworu and Mari. the adults r hotter anyways (misato, ritsuko, Kaji)

>> No.18691034

Childhood’s End

>> No.18691322
File: 669 KB, 3149x2362, Sigmund-Freud-in-office-56a7922f5f9b58b7d0ebc7ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people do not fully grasp the extent to which NGE is influenced by German idealism and romanticism. Don't believe Anno when he says he puts everything into the show "just because it's cool." Some things are in the show because Anno thought they were cool, but not EVERYTHING is. In particular, Eva is heavily influenced by Hegel and Freud. It's influenced by Freudian psychoanalysis on the one hand and Hegelian occultism/dialecticism on the other. Why do you think there's so much German "presence" in the show? Why is Asuka German? Why is NERV's German branch mentioned over and over, and seems to be of great import in the overall organization? Fuck, why do NERV and SEELE both have German words as names? The influence of German romanticism and idealism is very strong in Eva.

>> No.18691363
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.18691464

Not a book, but the manga Fire Punch is basically a high test NGE.

>> No.18691571

You forgot the blatant Schopenhauerean influence in the form of Rei as a showcase of the will-to-live and more obvious Hedhog's dilemma. Schopenhauer of course drawing influence from Fichte who, in turn, was a necessary influence of Frued/Jung 's ego—an integral aspect of the show's teenage identity crisis.

>> No.18691576

The closest anime to Dosto I've ever seen is definitely Monster.

>> No.18692206

did you just read it or did you listen to the opera at the same time?

>> No.18692214

Is this a CGI render or are cosplay whores just this fake and soulless nowadays?

>> No.18692220

Kafka on the shore has depressed kids and weird sexual stuff

>> No.18692231

unlike NGE it's shit though

>> No.18692236

but NGE is also shit lol

>> No.18692254

Hm, if you want the slow descent into a Jungian-freudian, psychedelic experience of someone finding themselves, then try Hesse, maybe? Particularly Demian, but stuff like Steppenwolf works too.

>> No.18692274

Right. NGE is stuffed with this sort of thing. There's even the spectre of Nietzsche in SEELE's plans, to seize control of the very nature of the created order.

>> No.18692298

LMAO the author himself said that it runs exclusively on surface level aesthetics. Weebs are so fucking deranged man, you put some 14 year old whore in a dumb robot cartoon and they'll build these elaborate fantasies on top of it. Why do you do this? Just say that you jerk off to the girls, it's a dumb cartoon for horny adolescents, don't bend yourself backwards to invent that it's actually deep.

>> No.18692397
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Is there a particular reason why a 14yo girl wears a latex costume that emphasized tits and crotch?

>> No.18692407

Asuka is the only reason to watch that mess

>> No.18692488

>LMAO the author himself said that it runs exclusively on surface level aesthetics.

Anno says a lot of shit that you can't always take seriously. There's a point at which you have to analyze the art apart from the artist. I believe there's an entire movement in Western literary analysis devoted to that.

Not to mention Anno is not the only major influence on Eva. There's Sadamoto and Ikuhara, for another thing.

>> No.18692496

>There's a point at which you have to analyze the art apart from the artist.
Then why should I take fanservice laden cartoons seriously? You realize that anime falls apart after 2 seconds of actual analysis?

>> No.18692535

It's the law.

>> No.18692537

You will NEVER be a woman.

>> No.18692541

Why are you pushing this meme so hard on an anime imageboard?

>> No.18692548

this is /lit/ though
/pol/ is the largest board on this site by far, does that mean I should /pol/ spam nonstop?
anime isn't even the same since the 2000s, please neck yourself you fucking wankoff pseud

>> No.18692550






>> No.18692556
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This is true when it comes to the character aspect of the show, however if you want sci-fi with apocalyptic, transcendental, humanity-being-merged-into-instrumentality-goo shit, try pic related.

>> No.18693441
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it's a ripoff of Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.18693461
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like rocco said, it just has terrific direction

>> No.18693490
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sex suit

>> No.18693618

>getting filtered by japanese cartoons
Anon... I'm sorry but maybe you shouldn't be reading books if cartoons are already too diffcult.

>> No.18693681

Listened to the opera first, then continually returned to the text by itself.


>> No.18693705

I'm so glad someone else sees the connection.

>> No.18694355

ive seen a ten min interview where he talked about the whole show being inspired by his interest in Jung and freud, you're retarded.

>> No.18694378

still waiting for your analysis that isnt just quoting a meme quote that ive yet to ever see a reference for, meanwhile ive personally watched interviews with Anno where he explains the exact opposite

>> No.18694537

NGE reminds me of Hamlet more than anything else desu. Shinji is basically Hamlet himself: struggles to act on his desires, paralysed by the weight of his duty, riddled with the Oedipus complex.

>> No.18694609

Nobody is talking about that, /v/.

>> No.18694616

redpill me on this?

>> No.18695038
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>> No.18695076

>All this influence
>Only for it to become shit for shipfags

>> No.18695719
File: 789 KB, 969x545, hideaki-anno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think Anno hates his fans so much?

>> No.18695729

It doesn't take more than a look to realize.

>> No.18695743 [DELETED] 

SAdolf Hitler

I’m not worthy to speak for Adolf Hitler, and his life and deeds do not invite any sentimental reflection.

Hitler was a warrior, a warrior for humankind and a preacher of the gospel of justice for all nations. He was a reforming character of the highest order, and his historical fate was that he functioned in a time of unparalleled brutality, which in the end felled him.

Thus may the ordinary Western European look at Adolf Hitler.

And we, his close followers, bow our heads at his death.


>> No.18695805

Also read Permutation City, Quarantine, More than Human, Foundation's Edge and Foundation and Earth,

>> No.18695819
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>> No.18695832

Ikari was a huge perv

>> No.18695898

based gayfag

>> No.18695930


>> No.18695947

Umm, maybe because the plugsuit represents the simultaneous vulnerability and safety of the womb? Duh? Anno demonstrates this by portraying the characters frequently in the fetal position. Fetuses can't wear clothes.

>> No.18695951

Literally the NGE manga
Fuck Hideaki Anno: NGE could have been better without him

>> No.18696084

>NGE could have been better without him
NGE would have been a generic Gundam knockoff without him. Which I suppose you could make the case about being better than NGE, but there's plenty of Gundam knockoff content out there if that's your thing.

>> No.18696152

this sounds like a parody of movie symbolism but its actually the plot lmao

>> No.18696173

anno is fully the reason Eva is good. Not just for the psychoanalysis and religious references but hes also one of the most talented animation directors. Miyazaki, who is unarguably the goat of animation, considered Anno a prodigy or an "alien" because of his talent. Anno's first task was fully drawing and directing an entire sequence in Nausicaa.
Anno hand drew Shinji and many other Eva characters (if not all im not quite sure)

>> No.18696191

Why the fuck hasn't Anno made anything good other than NGE if he's so talented then?

>> No.18696231

his other stuff is good too.

>> No.18696234

Like what?

>> No.18696236

He is very depressed and probably spends 80% of his time going to idol concerts or something.

>> No.18696254

love and pop, shin Godzilla, and Evangelion 3.0 are all very high quality bits of filmmaking. They aren't masterpieces or anything but they're high quality.
Not rlly an excuse but anno also said he put everything he enjoys in film into Eva, every idea hes had, so he doesn't try to top it.

>> No.18696372


>> No.18696941

>Evangelion 3.0 are all very high qualit
3.0 was unwatchable trash. 1.0 was the only good installment of Rebuild, and only because it's a more concise replacement for the exposition episodes of NGE

>> No.18697155

honestly this

>> No.18697158

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.18697193


>> No.18697245
File: 1.51 MB, 1394x1042, 1614742254433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know how to use yandex

>> No.18697338

>>Evangelion 3.0 are all very high qualit
>3.0 was unwatchable trash. 1.0 was the only good installment of Rebuild, and only because it's a more concise replacement for the exposition episodes of NGE
Dimwit shit.

>> No.18697357

Dumb melodramatic shit with random, incoherent biblical references tossed in to appeal to 16 year olds who are like "yeah thats so fucking deep" and desperately want to fuck one of the 14 year old girls?
Don't think there's anything quite like it in literature.

>> No.18697378

I wanted to fuck misato

>> No.18697389
File: 59 KB, 975x720, 1615171830017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you want that? The main aesthetic strength of Evangelion is the direciton.

>> No.18697481

I agree, this is much like the fact that you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

>> No.18697511

is this a joke post?

>> No.18697588

That cheap?

>> No.18698060
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>> No.18698146

Coffee has been shown to have some marginal health benefits yes.

>> No.18698236

So are there any easily accessible lewder pics of this bitch or does one really have to jump through a ridiculous amount of hoops?

>> No.18698248

wtf is that

>> No.18698255
File: 114 KB, 720x1080, gjfhdy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

search "shirogane_sama leaks" for pics.
i don't think she ever does 18+ shit though.

>> No.18698269

>is it like my anime is it like my vidya XD
Fuck off

>> No.18698302

you have to pay thousands to get any good content and then its marked with steganography and youll get sued for releasing it

>> No.18698317

Mamoru Oshii could be done better
See Angel's Egg

>> No.18698517


How much lewder do you want them to be?