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File: 70 KB, 1200x675, MonkaSSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18688507 No.18688507 [Reply] [Original]

The stoics were fucking psychopaths holy shit

>> No.18688512

>not /lit/
>"holy shit!!!!"
fuck off zoomzoom

>> No.18688519
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1604170415655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with frogs, ma'am?

>> No.18688532

you can delete your threads any time on /lit/

>> No.18688543
File: 7 KB, 275x183, 1623246287657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can't regrow a penis, that's a simple fact.

>> No.18688562

stoics are right about everything.

>> No.18688575

All mystics worth paying attention to say wild shit. If they try to make their extremism palatable then they aren't worth listening to.

>> No.18688600

Whats wrong with frogs?
people who post frogs are faggots just look at your OP image name.
You people are just newfags or eternal newfags and do nothing but make the space even worse.

You contribute NOTHING but reposting normalfag memes.
fuck off loser

>> No.18688640
File: 85 KB, 1508x892, knowyourmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's a newfag? I joined from Reddit last week, I don't know all the cool insider lingo yet.

>> No.18689072

based frogposter.

>> No.18689596

>epictetus saying you shouldn't get attached to your wife and kids because they're replaceable
>chrysippus defending incest and cannibalism
Anything I miss?

>> No.18689643

No they weren't. The whole philosophy can basically be condensed to "bitch, be cool." Just chill, man.

>> No.18689671

>reductio ab absurdum
The refuge of any brainlet

>> No.18689690

>epictetus saying you shouldn't get attached to your wife and kids because they're replaceable
you misrepresent him. and obviously haven't read him. there is a whole section where he consoles his fgriends ov er the loss of a child.

>> No.18689708

You must have read the wrong translation. The Stoics, at least in ethics, are about not taking shit for granted or assuming permanence, hence
>Has your wife died? She is restored [to the gods]. Has your child died? He is restored [to the gods].

and the bit about not actually owning anything, since life is temporary, but keeping things in trust for God or the gods or whomever.

>> No.18689724

yeah. ancient greece was pretty much a bunch of guys who programmatically enforced their worst character flaw and called it philosophy.

>> No.18689726

>Just chill, man.
Of which philosophy is this the condensate?

>> No.18689933
File: 207 KB, 1106x1012, 1612071953829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave him alone

>> No.18690166

You literally have no idea what reductio ad absurdum means lmao

>> No.18690256

section of epictetus discourses 3.1 Of personal adornment

>Are you a man or a woman? - A man. - Very well then, adorn a man, not a woman. Woman is born smooth and dainty by nature, and if she is very hairy she is a prodigy, and is exhibited at Rome among the prodigies. But for a man not to be hairy is the same thing, and if by nature he has no hair he is a prodigy, but if he cuts it out and plucks it out of himself, what shall we make of him? Where shall we exhibit him and what notice shall we post? "I will show you," we say to the audience, "a man who wishes to be a woman rather than a man." What a dreadful spectacle! No one but will be amazed at the notice; by Zeus, I fancy that even the men who pluck out their own hairs do what they do without realizing what it means. Man, what reason have you to complain against your nature? Because it brought you into the world as a man? What then? Ought it to have brought all persons into the world as women?

>Your paltry body doesn't please you, eh? Make a clean sweep of the whole matter; eradicate your - what shall I call it? - the cause of your hairiness; make yourself a woman all over, so as not to deceive us, not half-man and half-woman. Whom do you wish to please? Frail womankind? Please them as a man. "Yes, but they like smooth men." Oh, go hang! And if they liked sexual perverts, would you become such a pervert? Is this your business in life, is this what you were born for, that licentious women should take pleasure in you? Shall we make a man like you a citizen of Corinth, and perchance a warden of the city, or superintendent of ephebi, or general, or superintendent of the games? Well, and when you have married are you going to pluck out your hairs? For whom and to what end? And when you have begotten boys, are you going to introduce them into the body of citizens as plucked creatures too? A fine citizen and senator and orator! Is this the kind of young men we ought to pray to have born and brought up to us?

>> No.18690391

>there is a whole section where he consoles his fgriends ov er the loss of a child.
He also tells you that while you should express sympathy for uninstructed people, you should also take care that the appearance of sympathy does not bring with it any actual emotional distress on your part. You're supposed to be putting on a show to make your friend feel better, in the same way you'd console a child who lost a favorite toy, while recognizing yourself that the loss of the toy, or the friend's child, are not things that one should actually be upset over.

>> No.18690447

>You're supposed to be putting on a show to make your friend feel better, in the same way you'd console a child who lost a favorite toy, while recognizing yourself that the loss of the toy, or the friend's child, are not things that one should actually be upset over.
This is literally me. Should I read the stoics? Will it make me feel better about my sociopathic tendencies?

>> No.18691080

>Should I read the stoics?
Everyone should read the Stoics.
>Will it make me feel better about my sociopathic tendencies?
It will probably help give you a positive outlet for them. And if you decide to seriously practice Stoicism, you'll have a head start on people who have to do a lot of work to get over socially constructed ideas of sympathetic suffering. If you think about it, the really fucked up thing isn't being detached from the suffering of others, but demanding that others suffer along with you when you're suffering.

>> No.18691092

Stoicism is interesting, but the Skeptics are my homeboys.
Read the Stoics, then pick up Sextus Empiricus.

>> No.18691128


>> No.18691142

Diogenes Laertius' essay on Demonax is one of the funniest things I ever read.

>> No.18691151


>> No.18691169

yeah post it

>> No.18691184

why is this an accurate portrait of me

>> No.18691193


Laertius wrote about a lot of philosophers, a lot of them cynics so I'll recommend reading all of them. Demonax is very obscure even with the cynics and not a lot of people have written about him so there's not a lot of sources except Laertius either.


>> No.18691584

Take a look at what others say about them: >>18691553

>> No.18691926

thanks for delivering, anon

>> No.18692132

L_R_ M__R