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File: 281 KB, 1230x1715, a39275279829652b0757c1d2e199f3ec_0-1230x1715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18686933 No.18686933 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any chad modern philosophers who just enjoy life or are they all angry incels?
Hard mode: straight only
Ultra hard mode: not anemic dyels

>> No.18686939

They were angry incels that enjoyed life very much.

>> No.18686940


>> No.18686944

Why would chads philosophise.

>> No.18687126


>> No.18687127

Albert Camus

>> No.18687145

>Albert Camus
Choose one

>> No.18687173

William James

>> No.18687183

It seems I will have to read him after all.

>> No.18687187

>William James
Looks pretty based

>> No.18687242

Fuentes, Tucker, Shapiro, Rush (RIP), Hannity

>> No.18687250

INB4 not philosophers. Fuentes and Tucker have more intellectual chops than Zizek and all the lefties put together.

>> No.18687251


>> No.18687255

Lmao, Zizek has more intellect in his pinky than those pseuds have in their entire bloodlines. You're supposed to read if you want to post on a literature board.

>> No.18687260

Which one is the physically strongest one?

>> No.18687261


>> No.18687268

go away illiterate chuds

>> No.18687276

> Sucking off the tired old cock of the guy who lost a debate to Jordan Peterson of all people.
Reading does not a genius make so it seems.

>> No.18687279

Emmanuel Mounier, Albert Camus (if you consider him a philosopher, which you should) and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
Also, I'm confused, are you somehow implying Witty wasn't a fag? His abusive relationships with his male students are on record, we have his letters in which he later asks a few of them to forgive him for having been such a cunt.

>> No.18687287

Trump won, fuck your feelings. Riggers and traitors will hang soon enough, the salt from delusional libs will flow as the landslide win in the Arizona audit is revealed. Trump will be reinstated and all libs will be triggered to death.

>> No.18687296

So Uncle Adi was right about him?

>> No.18687307

the absolute state of muttmerica

>> No.18687314

alright, alright my friend, gamergate called they need you on the frontlines

>> No.18687316

lol no

>> No.18687324


>> No.18687331
File: 401 KB, 1200x1600, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18687333

Yeah, it's become infested with dipshit little lefties who like Zikek because he is
>le based quirky communist man from the old USSR who does philosophy but is so le relatable xD
What absolute cancer it must be to live there lmao

>> No.18687347
File: 106 KB, 780x551, god-emperor-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trump is power. Trump is justice. Trump is strength. Trump is righteousness. Trump is of God and his Prophet.

Moloch worshiping Pedocrats know the end is nigh. Repent or join them.

>> No.18687349

I'm implying Witty wasn't hard mode.

Lol no he was an utter dyel

Lol no this is inceldom personified he's literally what my mom reads

>> No.18687355

I mean just look at this constipated facial expression how can you take someone like that seriously

>> No.18687360

>Lol no this is inceldom personified he's literally what my mom reads
He was such a chad that he still had sex with young women after he was paralyzed from the waist down. THat's the opposite of incel if there ever was one.
Also although I don't believe you your mother is based for reading Evola, yet retarded for raising you this way

>> No.18687365


Of course not. Your adoption of a meme term off the internet is also adoption of admiration for the precise people who for most of history have achieved nothing.

Forget philosophers, the manlier writers (e.g Hemingway) turn out to have been anguished depressives playing a role, much like your latest weightlifting internet pseudo-intellectuals. The militarily monumental Napoleon was a weird manlet. Even the ancient generals reveal in their behaviour either a compulsive, almost psychotic driving energy which has nothing to do with Chaddism (Alexander), or were trapped by circumstances - the need to satisfy tribal pride with fresh conquest (various Huns). The ones who just hung out and fucked left us nothing. There is no philosophy for people who only look to enjoy themselves, because those people are no use.

>> No.18687373

By reading him? If that's what you consider constipated you must be quite autistic

>> No.18687379

Why not? He always seems like a pretty jolly and sociable guy to me

>> No.18687380

Tell me more about psychotic driving energy.

>> No.18687393

I'm not the quoted anon, but it probably means being obsessed with something.

>> No.18687414

No shit getting laid is easy.

Imagine failing to understand that my op used some kind of dictionary definition of incel instead of the fluid intuitive one.
Imagine thinking that man's value is his notoriety. Alexander was merely foam on top of the wave of his ancestors and people that surrounded him, like the seals who killed bin laden where just the finishing touch of the work done by intelligence etc which in turn was also made possible by other people.
I'll make it easy for you, I'm asking about people who lived authentic lives instead of living a role like Hemingway.

>> No.18687422

take ur meds

>> No.18687424

>No shit getting laid is easy.
Not if you're paralyzed from the waist down, retard

>> No.18687430

oh yeah dude, me and the lads talk about zizek down at the bar all the time, totally, this is a thing that regularly happens

>> No.18687440

Fair enough the gay bar is an exception but it's not like Foucault is much better

>> No.18687451

No Shit!!!!!!!!

>> No.18687458

How does it prevent you from getting laid

>> No.18687461

He was 47 years old then.

>> No.18687463

>Lol no he was an utter dyel
What does that matter when he literally ran a sex cult? You gay or something?

>> No.18687467

Your penis stops working

>> No.18687488

That doesn't mean anything. He neglected his physical form, he was a very incomplete person.

>> No.18687511

>serious researching philosopher at university
>public clown who is know in popular culture and pretends to be a philosopher, probably known by someone on /lit/
chose one

My Philosophical Anthropology professor is literally chad, living his best live
>crushing stereotypes about philosophers by just being the stereotype
>was model in his student years, still looks like it
>usually (before corona) makes a monthly dinner party at his villa with all his students
>not even old but already at the frontier of his field of expertise
>inspires and pushes students to their best performances daily
But you wouldn't catch him on any social media except researchgate
Sometimes he goes on conferences or gives talks around europe (and usa mostly)
I never seen this men stressed out

>> No.18687516

How is any of that an achievement
>wow my penis doesn't work but i still fingered some italian thots
Evola is dumb fuck who tried to codify and describe the values of the uncivilized to pussy ass incels. It's like a nerd writing a book on how to be bully, and then bullied kids read it and go "wow so deep". It's not deep, bullies suck, it's easy to be one, it's only cool if you're essentially a slave who wants to be a master, not free.

>> No.18687521

>Evola is dumb fuck who tried to codify and describe the values of the uncivilized to pussy ass incels. It's like a nerd writing a book on how to be bully, and then bullied kids read it and go "wow so deep". It's not deep, bullies suck, it's easy to be one, it's only cool if you're essentially a slave who wants to be a master, not free.

what are you babbling about you fucking retard, I hate Americans so much

>> No.18687530

I never read evola or heard about him before so i improvised based on the pic your posted

>> No.18687584

You absolute retard, kys

>> No.18687588

Why are so upset bro lol

>> No.18687596

Because your mother gave birth to you

>> No.18687618

case in point regarding the incel qualifier
midwit board, no wonder no-one reads poetry here

>> No.18687632

Witty was an absolute tremendous flaming faggot, yes.
Imagine failing to understand that Chad is also vulnerable to depression when he doesn't have a good Virgin friend around.

>> No.18687644

Thanks for confirming you're a faggot

>> No.18687650

Basically the only reason for a man to attend to his physical form is to be able to attract other men.

>> No.18688002


>> No.18688020

Why are americans so fucking stupid?